用be deemed dividendto造句:不能认为所有没有出去的人都是懒惰的人

WhbtomT(半路出家) 的每日英语 收集 (一) - CSDN博客
语法中的语,不外乎就以下几种:主、谓(表)、宾、补、定、状。由这几中语的组合,构成英语的句型。关键是在动力上。动词学好了,英语成功90%。剩的就是单词和词组的积累。但要用得娴熟,还真得下一些功夫。句型的演变,主要有以下种类。一、主语+谓语(表)。The dog is barking.狗在叫。(主+谓)
学习英语是一个从量变到质变的过程。记得学英语时,在单词和表达方法的量上面,进行过突破。做法是:为自己规定一个单词量,如5000,找准自己喜欢的一本教材,在学习和阅读的过程中把不认识的单词都标出来,抄录到特殊的单词本上,写明ID号,并注明出处,如“以下单词从1到XXXX出自于XXX教材(或小说、资料)”,然后再在字典查出这个单词时同样把ID号也写进去。下次再碰到这个单词时,就会对这个单词有映象了。我曾经埋头把这事做了一年。硬性地完成后,兴喜地发现,读起英语来,竟是简单多了。而且就算两、三年后,对这些单词的记忆也没有消失多少。由于单词本的记录法有特殊的格式,并利用了记忆曲线原理,样本在贴上做出来有点困难,所以做在了Word文档中,需要的leave me an E_Mail address.
学习英语,有这样三个阶段:一、 初学阶段。以单词量来作为衡量的标准,应在1500以下。这段的主要内容是死记硬背。有可能连单词都是靠字母来记的。如countryside乡下一词,就记成了c、o、u、n、t、r、y、s、I、d、e,数学一词mathematics记成m、a、t、h、e、m、a、t、I、c、s。当然,这个阶段要完成的任务还有,1、学会读音规则,理解单词拼写与读音之间的关系;2、动词时态的16种形式;3、简单句、并列句与复合句的基本概念。对英语的掌握有一个初貌。时间要8个月左右,每天两小时半的学习,雷打不动!二、 规则阶段。单词量应当在3000左右。这阶段的主要任务是,1、阅读约12000单词量的读物;2、进一步深学英语语法,重点掌握词法,非谓语动词和复合句;3、完全掌握读音规则并见到生词时能写出音标,正确率在90%以上。4、养成精读和泛读的习惯;时间为6个月左右。三、 归真阶段,该阶段的单词量在5000以上。具体做法是,在进一步掌握非谓语动词用法的基础上去乱讲、乱说、乱写。就象张三丰教张无忌打太极拳没有一招是重复的,全由心发。而且,是全力实践的时候了,也能完全运用学习语言的规则。你说出来、写出来的英语是标准的,完全达到四级水平 以上。本阶段的时间稍长,要一年左右。
学习语言的规则:一、 能用单词表达则不用短语;能用短语表达则不用句子;能用简单句表达则不用复合句。二、 不要说没有听到过的声音;不要用没有见到过的句型和单词。因为有的单词有特殊的意义,用于不同的场合,没有掌握时,用起来全觉得怪怪的。
怎样练习听力?初学英语时,没有什么听力材料。只有唱片录制的“灵格凤”英语。在配套教材的学习建议中,提出了很好的建议。今天看来,都很有借鉴的价值。1、 找一套自己喜欢的听力教材。(目前首推美国之音的慢速英语)。2、 一句一句地模仿听到的声音,象学唱歌一样,把听到的音调高低都学出来,一定要学得“洋味”十足。就算是骂人的话,也要学得像模像样的。3、 学习的量定在一万单词左右,即50篇200左右的短文。完成这个量后再回头来检查自己的成绩。具体步骤:1、 了解要练习的内容的意思。2、 对照材料看着听。3、 跟着录音大专声说。4、 仔细辨别录音的细小之处,如连读、失去爆破等,并加强这方面的练习。喜欢音乐的可以利用音乐来做辅助练习。如专听二声部非主声部,或是乐曲中的某种乐器,等等。5、 还是听,这次要把材料放在一边,要将听到的声音和实际意义的内容联系起来。6、 将材料很流利地背诵出来。7、 经常要将已学过的的内容拿出来再听,做到温故而知新。好了,在你的大脑里已经储存了许多不再陌生的声音,这些声音都是熟悉而有意义的。一旦遇到合适的场合,它们就会很自然地从你的嘴里出来了。
&&& 静坐常思己过,&&& 闲谈莫论人非!&&& 因为总是做不到,&&& 所以想记在心上!Often think of the foolish mistakes I made when alone.Will never make comment on the others while keep chating on.But the faults burst out before I know,That’s why I often impose myself on the decition and so. 1、&鸟宿池边树,僧敲月下门。Birds dwell in a tree by a pond. A monk knocks at the door under the moon.
2、&皓月当空The moon shines brightly.
3、&凉风起天末A cool breeze sprang up in the sky.
4、她渐入老境。She is growing old.
5、&霜叶红于二月花The frosted maple leaves have turned red, much redder than the flowers in spring.
6、&树大招风Tall trees catch much wind.
7、&他们对我们并无恶意They meant us no harm.
8、&思君令人老To think of you makes me old.
9、&勿做得不偿失的事。Do not pay too dear for your whistle.
10、&你来此有何贵干?What have you come here for?
11、&我想要考取所以拼命用功。I studied with might and main not to fail in the examination.
12、&& 对人客气是不会吃亏的It pays to be polite.
13、&&& 王君不久即将出洋研读数学Mr. Wang will shortly go abroad to study mathematics.
14、&&&& 健全的思想属于健全的人格A sound thought dwells in a sound personality.
15、&&& 我们不为食而生,乃为生而食We do not live in order to eat, but eat in order to live.
16、&合则留,不合则去。Stay if the work fits well, or you go away.
17、&说话不要支吾其词。Don’t falter when you speak.
18、&那工作做了不合算The work does not pay.
19、&勤则不匮。When industry comes at the window, poverty goes out of the window.
20、&下乔入幽.He descends from the lofty tree and goes into the dark vally.
21、&东风解冻The snow melts away in spring.
22、&臣无祖母,无以至今日;祖母无臣,无以终余年;祖孙二人,相依为命。I could not have lived till today without my grandmother, and she would not survive in her late days. Both my grandmother and I rely on each other so as to exists in the world.
23、这朵玫瑰花很香。The rose smells sweet.
24、&他那时看上去好象耽于回想似的。He looked reflective for a few moment.
25、&他好象不是寻常的乞丐He seemed no ordinary mendicant.
26、&也象一切羞怯的人一样,他有时显得傲慢。Like all shy men he sometimes appeared arrogant.
27、&他直到四十岁都没有结婚。He remained unmarried till forty years old.
28、&他生为圣徒,死为烈士He lived a saint, and died a martyr.
29、&我非常敬重他。He stands in my estimation.
30、&一听那话她登时脸色苍白,直白到嘴唇。On hearing that, her face went white to the lips.
31、&鸟鸣山更幽It seems to be more lonesome in the mountains when birds are singing.
32、&他显得年轻He appears to be young.
33、&那终会成功的。It will prove to be successful
34、&如果你继续懒惰下去,你总有一天会后悔的If you continue to be idle, you will be sorry for it some day.
35、&我们选择朋友时非谨慎不可。We must be very careful when picking up our companies.
36、&美国人好活动而富于独立精神。The Americans are found of activity and rich in the spirit of independence.
37、&她觉得有点窘,不知道如何是好。She felt a little awkward and was quit at a loss to know what to do.
38、&良药苦口利于病Good medicine tastes bitter, but is good for a disease.
39、&这个办法并不一定永远有效。This rule does not always hold good.
40、&真价常不被人认识。True worth often goes unrecognized.
41、&世事尚待证明It remains to be prove.
42、&他依然怏怏不乐,一声不响。He continued sullen, without speaking a word.
43、&她坐着沉思了好几分钟。She sat thoughtful for a few minutes.
44、&中国人的态度对西方的行为是一种反感。The Chinese attitude is a reaction to the behavior of the West.
45、&在世界上相距最远的东西两端的地方,经过多少世纪,实际上完全不知道彼此的存The regions lying at the furthest extremes of the world remained entirely unknown to each other for centuries.
46、&他的游记是一种非常有趣味的记录。The account of his journey is an extraordinary interesting document.
47、&很少旅行空的记录有马可(波罗)那样生动,那样有内容的。Few of the accounts of other travelers are as lively and informative as Marco Polo’s.
48、&似乎有稍加说明的必要。A few words of explanation appear necessary.
49、&&&& 不做落伍的学习,对当前的出版物是不能忽视的。No students who keeps abreast of the times can afford to ignore the publications of the day.
50、&从这条路去,就可以到火车站。This road will take you to the railway station.
51、&你肯帮助我的话,我就一定会成功的Your assistance will make my success certain.
52、看到这个使我想起以前的日子。This reminds me of the good old days.
53、你们靠希望而生存。Hopes keeps us alive.
54、衣食足而知礼义。Wealth enables men to be courteous.
55、因为天气坏,我们未能动身。Bad weather prevented us from starting.
56、强盗抢了他的钱。A highwayman robbed him of his money.
57、忧烦的坏习惯夺去了我们的和平和安乐。The habit of worrying robs us of peace and comfort.
58、我学了许多,足以治好我从前好幻想的毛病。I have learned enough to cure me of my old fancies.
59、我将永远无法完全放弃这种感觉I shall never be able entirely to divest myself of this feeling.
60、他忘不了过去那种痛苦。He could not rid himself of the painful memories.
61、你来了省得我去麻烦写一封长信。Your coming relives me of the bother of writing a long letter.
62、他只求自己获得享乐,不管是从谁夺取得来。He does not care whom he deprives enjoyment, so that he can obtain it.
63、他轻拍我的背He patted me on the back.
64、他抓住我的衣领。He seized me by the collar.
65、他命在旦夕。Death stared him in the face.
66、她打了他一耳光。She strikes him across the face.
67、不幸降临到他身上。A misfortune befall him.
68、这种式样的衣服对你很合适。This style of dress becomes you well.
69、二者大小相似。They resemble each other in size.
70、据说那房子里有鬼.They say ghosts haunt that house.
71、我做了一个奇怪的梦。I dreamed a strange dream.
72、他一睡不醒He slept the sleep that knows no waking.
73、他吐了一口气,才来念祈祷文。He sighted a sigh and prayed a prayer.
74、我决心奋战到底。I am determined to fight it out.
75、白人对土人如君临一般。The whites lord it over the native.
76、我们生来是为人民服务的。We are born to serve it for the people.
77、我们不得不冒雨而行。We had to walk it in the rain.
78、他眼中现出语言无法表达的感谢。He looked the thanks he could not express.
79、她以短剑相刺般的目光望着我,而后走出房间去了。She left the room, looking daggers at me.
80、我问他是否满意,他点头表示肯首。I asked if he was satisfied, he nodded assent.
“使”动词。有使动意义的动词,常用“make,get, have”等词来表达。实际上这类词很多,此用法可使句子显得简练。
81、她把蜡烛放在地板上(stand)。She stood the candle on the floor.
82、我慢慢带马走上小山(walk)。I slowly walked my horse up the hill.
83、他们把船开到滩上去了(ran)。They ran the ship aground.
84、他们使马泅水渡河(swim)。They swam their horses across the river.
85、那船上挂出降旗(fly)。The ship was flying the flag of truce.
86、下次涨潮时船就可以浮起来了(float)。The next tide will float the ship.
87、巡洋舰打沉了运输船(sink)。The cruiser sank the transport.
88、他们过分使用那些驴(work)。They work the donkeys too hard.
89、我躺下来让疲惫的四肢休息一下(rest)。I laid myself down to rest my wearied limbs.
90、他们把敌人打到投降(fight)。They fight the enemy surrender.
有些动词在语法上是不及物动词,但意义上是及物的;在英语中是不及物动词,在汉语中是及物动词。如bring。取“得到”的意义时,就得加上介词,成为bring about。介词后面的成份,语法中称之为介词的宾语。可以这样理解:不及物动词+介词=及物动词。只是有时表达的并不一定全是那个不及物动词的原意。如knock,敲打。在汉语中“敲打”一定有对象的,是及物动词。但英语里是不及物动词。在knock与对象之间,得加一介词at。敲门就成了knock at the door。相同的用法如look at等等。
91、怎样得到那个结果的?(bring about 得到)How was the result brought about?
92、她年轻时,追她的人很多。(ran after追求)She was much ran after in her youth.
93、玩皮的小孩人人皱眉。(frown at 对...皱眉)Everybody frowns at a naught boy.
94、越有越是想要。(wish for 想要)Possession makes one wish for more.
95、愚人才不会认错。(persist in one's error 坚持错误)Fools persist in their error.
96、我不知道真有这样的人。(know of 知道)I don’t know of any such man.
97、我不会肥这个问题一直问下去的。(dwell on 细想, 详述)I shall not dwell on the subject an any length.
98、你有空的时候最好把那件事情仔细想一下。(think over 仔细想)You had better think over the matter at your leisure.
99、我的父母反对这门亲事。(object at 反对)My parents objects to the match.
100、娱乐不能妨碍正事。(interfere with 妨碍)Pleasure must not interfere with duty.
101、做人不可醉生梦死(sleep or dream one’s life away)One must not sleep or dream one's life away.
102、睡眠能恢复疲劳(sleep off)You can sleep off your fatigue.
103、别的客人都走光了,他还不走。(sit out)He sits out the other guests.
104、他能说服别人听从他的意见。(talk sb over to)He can talk people over to his own views.
105、你自己去查字典吧。(look up)Look up the word for yourself in the dictionary.
106、他们大叫着把演讲者轰下台来。(shout down)They shouted down the orator.
107、他使我厌烦死了。(bore sb to death)He bored me to death.
108、他向我说出种种道理,使我非答应不可。(reasoned sb into)He has reasoned me into compliance.
109、我说得他把原来的决定推翻了(talk sb out of…)I have talked him out of his resolution.
110、我想你一定要来(insist 想)I insist that you shall come.
111、我当面指责他是撒谎。(give sb the lie, in one's throat)I gave him the lie in his throat.
112、公平地说,敌人是很勇敢的。(give the devil his gue)To give the devil his due, the enemy are quite brave.
113、接到来信我大为高兴。(afford sb pleasure)Your letter has afforded me much pleasure.
114、他每月给他儿子500元。(allow)He allows his son five hundred dollars a month.
115、我在他头上给予重重的一击。(strike sb ...)I struck him a hard blow on the head.
116、我将尽量给你帮助。(lend)I’ll lend you all the assistance in my power.
117、他捎信说他要来。(send sb word)He has send us word that he is coming.
118、他答应给我职务。(promise)He has promised me an appointment.
119、我去泡点茶来给你喝。(make sb tea)I will make you some tea.
120、她为自己制作了一件新衣。(make oneself...)She made herself a new dress.
121、王先生教我们英语。Mr. Wang teaches us English.
122、请你告诉我去车站的路好吗?Will you please show me the way to the station?
123、孩子们要我讲故事给他们听。The children want me to tell them a story.
124、你唱支歌吧,在我离去之前。Sing me a song before I leave.
125、让我把他刚来的信念给你听。Let me read you his letter just received.
126、运动是对你有益的。Exercise will do you good.
127、喝少量的酒是无害的。A little wine will do you no harm
128、公平地说一句,他并不是个坏人。To do him justice, he is not a bad man.
129、请你帮我一个忙好吗?Will you do me a favour?
130、在我贫困时,他给了我不少的帮助。He has rendered me great help in time of need.
131、只有人类有天赋的说话才能。(give 赋)Heaven has given man only the gift of speech.
132、我很羡慕你运气好。(envy 羡慕)I envy you your good fortune.
133、我很恭维了他。(pay)I paid him a high compliment.
134、敬祝成功愉快。(wish)I wish you joy of your success.
135、我很抱歉给你许多麻烦。(give)I am sorry to give you so much trouble.
136、中国古书上说,女子无才便是德。(become)An old Chinese proverb says that too much learning does not becomes a woman.
137、他们对自己的国家没有一点责任感。(owe)They have no sense of the duty which they owe their country.
138、她要不是为着对她孩子的爱,她就愿意死去。(bear)She would be glad to die, but for the love she bears her child.
139、我并不羡慕富人的财富,那使他们非常忧烦。(cause)I do not envy the rich their wealth which cause them so much anxiety.
140、那个恶棍长久逃避追捕,终于落网。(give)The rascal has at last been caught, after long giving the police the slip.
141、我向来认为他是诚实的。I have always thought him honest.
142、军队觉得在酷热下进军极不可能。The troops found it almost impossible to march in the great heat.
143、那孩子走出学校进入社会时,并为以为统治是荒诞的,权威是可笑的。When he leaves school and enters the world, the boy is not disposed to consider rule absurd and authority ridiculous.
144、他确实不是邪恶的,不过人们易于想象他的性格是柔弱的。Vicious he could assuredly not be, but one easily imagined him weak in character.
145、从那种娱乐的形式看来,好象可以证明他的不忠实。Such form of pastime seems to prove him sincere.
146、现今我觉得生活有说不出来的空虚。Now I feel my life unspeakably empty.
147、他们都指望我死,只不过是想得到我的钱而已.They all want me dead, and are hankering for my money.
148、她回答说她完全满足于现状,不再想望别的什么。She replied that she was quite contented and wished nothing defferent.
149、她披头散发。She wore her hair loose.
150、那消息使得我漠然地感到不安The news left me vaguely uneasy.
151、他们认为已经绝望,就把他放弃了(give up)They gave him up as hopeless.
152、我要解除他的一切困难。(set…right)I will set all his troubles right.
153、工在那种地方看到她,真使我惊得哑口无言。(be struck dumb)I was struck dumb with astonishment at the sight of her in such a place.
154、休士那家伙是可以做出卑鄙的行为的。(make oneself nasty)That fellow Hughs could make himself quit nasty.
155、他决心对公众开放他那美丽的花园。(throw open)He decided to throw open his own beautiful garden to the people.
156、你那感恩戴德之心,使你不可能对你的恩人做出这种事来。(render oneself incapable of ..)Your gratitude should have rendered you incapable of such conduct towards your denefactor.
157、他说话把声音都说哑了。(talk oneself horse)He talked himself hoarse.
158、大多数人在那种情形中是欲罢不能的——他们都喝得烂醉如泥。(drink oneself dead drunk)Most people in that state can’t stop – they drank themselves dead drunk.
159、我们必须摆脱这样古老的伤感的想法。(shake oneself free of)We have got to shake ourselves free of the old sentimental notions.
160、阿,我只是要求一点——请你清醒过来听我说话。(shake oneself sober)“Why, this is what I want – and just shake yourself sober and listen, will you?”
161、我还会再见到他活着吗?(see sb alive)Shall I see him again alive?
162、我记得她年轻的时候。(remember)I remembered her young.
163、她看到他的时候,他年轻、骄傲、而又强壮,现在他已年老,疲惫不堪、样子可怕,而且已经死了。(see sb young)She saw him young, and proud, and strong, and now he was old, and worn, and horrible, and dead.
164、战争使我们生意萧条。(suffer)Our business has suffered not a little through the war.
165、美国人绝不会选举一个黑人来做总统的。(elect sb+n)The people of the U.S.A would never elect a colored man president.
166、户外运动使我们心身健康。(make sb +adj)Outdoor exercise make us strong in mind and body.
167、世人都以为他正直,实际上他是一个骗子。(think sb +adj)People think him honest, but he really an impostor.
168、我吃过晚饭照例去散一会儿步。(make it a rule to do 照例做)I make it a rule to take an hour’s walk after supper.
169、在别人没有注意的时候,他走出那房间去了。(do sth +adj)He leaved the room unobserved.
170、我们发现他躺在马路上。(find sb doing)We found him lying on the pavement
171、他们正我园里偷水果,我把他们抓住了。(catch sb stealing)I caught them stealing fruit from my garden.
172、我们的身体和衣服都要保持清洁,以免生病。(keep sth + adj)We should keep our bodies and clothes clean not to be attack by illness.
173、那叫答非所问的问题。(call sth + adj)I call that answer impertinent.
174、我认为他说的不适切。( think or consider sth + adj)I consider what he said irrelevant.
175、我感觉到那问题很难解决。(find it to do sth adj)I found it difficult to solve that problem.
176、我认为对那件事情保守秘密是明智的。(deem it to do sth adj)I deemed it prudent to keep the thing a secrest.
177、我把他看着是我的恩人。(look upon sb as…)I look upon him as my benefactor.
178、他们把她描写成天仙一般的。(describer sb as …)They describe her as a fairylike beautiful woman.
179、他的英语极好。(极好leaves nothing to be desired)His knowledge of English leaves nothing to be desired.
180、我国向来尊重学问。(held in high esteem)Learning has always been held in high esteem in our country.
&&& 在这里对大家说一句,以动词来分的汉译英到第180句止,就告一段落了。前面的180句中,是以动词的类型为中心翻译的,几乎包含了英语动词中所有的类型。这里要注意的是,同一个意思,不只是一种动词类型才能翻译的,有好多种说法,喜欢看哪一种,就要看自己的语感了。
&&& 接下去是另一种形式的翻译,叫以“构造”来分类造句,主要的是用英语的几种句型来翻译。
一、用单句来翻译&&& 所谓单句,指在一个句子中,只有一个主语和一个谓语。例:&&& Birds sing.鸟鸣。&&& What have you been doing.你在做什么?&&& What beautiful hair that little girl has!那小女孩有多么漂亮的头发呀!&&& 单句不一定是很短的。一个句子中,如果定语和状语多了,也会变得很长。  Boys go.&&& Boys go somewhere.&&& All the boys go somewhere.&&& Nearly all the boys in this class go somewhere for the summer.&&& 如果需要,还可以再长些。有许多种方式可以把单句扩大。就格式而言,有十种形式之多。&&& 1、用补语(表语);2、用宾语;3、用形容词或副词;4、用动词短语;5、用独立结构;6、用副词短语;7、用介词短语;8、用名词短语;9、用代词短语;10、用分词短语。&&& 下面的句子分别用上述的成分来翻译,先试试。& &&& &&& 一、用补语(表语)&&& 181、他看上去很年轻。He looks young.
182、华盛顿小时候是一个好孩子。Washington was a good boy.
183、中国是要养儿防老的。 I China a son should be the staff of his parents’ old age.
184、人民选他当主席。The people elected him chairman.
185、我们要使国家富强起来。We shall make our country wealthy and powerful.
186、除你以外我没有一个朋友。I have no friend but you.
187、天生丽质。 Nature has molded her form and features with masterly touch.
188、那老人讲一些有趣的故事给我们听。That old man tells us amusing stories.
189、一磅烟丝只够他吸两个星期。&& A pound of tobacco only lasts him a fortnight.
190、“然后你念一个魔咒,鱼,鱼,送我一条鱼”。Then you say the magic words: “Fish, fish send me fish”.
191、她点燃了一把火。She light a fire.
192、他在木板上钻了一个洞。He bores a hole in the plank.
193、我在那上面画了一朵花。I painted a flower on it
194、他发出一声短促的苦笑。He laughed a little sort ugly laugh.
195、他过着一种凄凉寂寞的生活。He is living a sad and lonely life
196、他在晚会上感到很快乐。He enjoyed himself at the party.
197、你应利用图书馆的书。You should avail yourself of the books in the library.
三、形容词的用法。(也可理解为形容词的作用、功能等等)。形容词在句中可以是&& 1、描述的用法。即、表明事物的形状、性质等。通常在句中作为表语用。
198、他对那结果感到满意。He was content with the result.
199、这值不得那样麻烦。It is not worth the trouble.
200、这朵玫瑰花是红的。This is a red rose.
201、知足常乐。A contented person is happy with his status quo.
202、他找到一个敢于和他相抗的敌人。He found a worthy enemy.
203、儿童的教育必须由所能聘互的最好的教师来施行。The education of children must be conducted by the best attainable instructors.
204、没有一件伟大的事不是由热忱来做成的。Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
205、他有审美的眼光。He has an eye for the beautiful.
206、阔人也有他们的苦恼。The rich have their troubles too.
207、班长阻止强者欺侮弱者。The monitors hinder the strong from bullying the weak.
208、她是一个俗气的富婆。She is one of the vulgar rich.
209、他们平安到达。They arrived safe.(=They were safe when they arrived.)
210、红颜薄命。She died young.(=She was young when she died.)
211、我很想对你做得诚实一点。I want to act honest with you.
212、看得轻一些吧。Take it easy.
213、我被吓惨了。I am awful frightened.
214、那会很合适我的。That will suit me fine.
215、一个饥饿疲惫的猎户睡在床上。A hunter, hungry and exhausted, slept on the bed.
216、他又忧伤又疲倦,慢慢地走回家里了。Sad and worry, he slowly walked home.
217、他老是神经过敏。这时尤其如此。Always sensitive, he was especially so at this moment.
218、她的面貌虽说不难看,却很平凡。Her features, thought not plain, were insignificant.
219、仍然是绿色的叶子吹得从灌木篱笆上飘落下来。The leaves, still green, tossed off the hedgerow trees by the wind
220、她又老又驮,和老伴单独住在一起。Aged and bent, she lived with her old fellow.
221、她听了那玩笑话开心大笑。She laughed heartily at the joke.
222、她英语说得蛮好。She speaks English remarkably well.
223、这事小孩子也能做。Even a child can do it.
224、圣人也不免有错。Even Homer sometimes nods.
225、只有你能猜。Only you can guess.
226、已有大批人聚集在那里了。Quite a crowd had already gathered there.
227、你还要什么?What else do you want?
228、我也有心烦的事。I, too, have troubles.
229、我们及时到达。We arrived just in time.
230、我在战争结束前来到新加坡。I came to Singapore soon after the war.
231、正十点关大门。The gate is shut exactly at 10 o’clock.
232、他差不多快渡过河去了。He is almost across the river.
233、他旅行了世界一周。He has traveled entirely around the world.
234、简单地说,事实就是这样。Briefly the facts are those.
235、很幸运地我去了他正在家。Fortunately I found him at home.
236、确实是你错了。Certainly you are in the wrong.
237、他愚笨地把鹅杀了。He foolishly killed the goose.
238、那真是一个好计划。That is an excellent plan indeed.
239、这是下行车吗?Is this a down train?
240、在那边的那位绅士是他的父亲。That gentleman there is his father.
241、我在归途中遇到了他。I met him on my way back.
242、他一切都完了。All is over with him.
243、他把袜子穿反了。He put his socks wrong side out.
244、从这儿去有多远?How far is it from here.
245、今天是我的生日。Today is my birthday.
246、那个描写了人生的沉浮。It described the ups and downs of life.
247、火熄灭了。The fire is out.
248、战争结束了。The war is over.
249、玫瑰花开了。The roses are out.
The curtain was up.关于动词词组与动词固定搭配——成语动词词组是动词和一定的其它词组合在一起,其特点是词组的意义=组成的词的相加。如:Look out,向外看。而动词固定搭配则不同,它动词和别的词固定在一起,意义也为等于组成的词义简单的相加,有时根本就看不出真正的含义。如:look out,当心以下的句子都是用动词固定搭配来翻译的。
251、你不应该拿你小弟弟们来开玩笑(make fun of)You should not make fun of your little brothers.
252、明天在市政大厅要举行音乐会。(take place)A concert is to take place at the town hall tomorrow.
253、我们没有钱就生活不下去。(get along)We cannot get alone without money.
254、他赶不上班。(keep up with)He couldn’t keep up with the class.
255、我期待着你的回信。(look forward)I look forward to receiving your replay.
256、你必须得把所以的决定都重新加以考虑。(think better of )You must think better of your resolution.
257、我规定在晚饭前出外散步一会。(make a point of)I make a point of taking a walk before supper.
258、我不作弄天真老实的人。(play a trick on)I don’t play a trick on innocent people.
259、他的脚有点什么毛病。(have something the matter with)He has something the matter with his foot.
260、我和那件事没有关系。(have nothing to do with)I have nothing to do with the matter.
261、老实说,我不喜欢他。To tell the truth, I don’t like him.
262、他可谓是一部活字典。He is, so to speak, a walking dictionary.
263、使事情更糟的是,天又下起雨来了。To make the matter worse, it began to rain.
264、太阳落山,孩子们回家去了。The sun having set, the children went home.
265、有他在此,便无危险。He being here, there is no danger.
266、工作做完,他们回家了。The work done, they left for home.
267、春天来了,我们到公园散步。Spring coming on, we go to gardens to take a walk.
268、他是我们的长辈,我们应该尊敬他。He being our elder, we should respect him.
269、严格地说,他并不算是一个爱国者。Strictly speaking, he is not a patriot.
270、以他的年龄而论,他是够聪明的了。Considering his age, he is very clever.
271、那小妇人慢慢前进,眼睛恶意地盯在那张粉红钯的纸上。The little woman advanced slowly with her eyes fixed malevolently on the pink paper.
272、这个小村庄是位于平坦雄伟的牧场为麦田中央,前有一列白杨树在风中摇晃。This little village was set midst flat breadths of pasture and corn-lands, with long lines of poplars on the foreground bending in the wind.
273、使我喜慰的是,我发现他还活着。To my joy, I found him alive.
274、使我失望的是,他竟不同意我的计划。To my disappointment, he did not consent to my plan.
275、使我满意的是,他终于解决了那个问题。To my satisfaction, he has solved the problem at last.
276、使他悲伤的是,他知道他父亲去世了。To his sorrow, he learned that his father was dead.
用副词短语的。这是另一种表示状语的方法。就是用介词加上名词=副词。通常在词性中可以找到这个词的副词形式。&& 如:真正地感谢你!&& Thank you really.&& Thank you in reality.&& in reality=really.在汉语中,一个词是不是副词、形容词由“的、地、得”来判断,一般情况下,有“地”多半这个词就是副词了。如“高兴”-&每人都呈现着高兴的笑脸。形容词。她高兴地笑了。副词。
277、当心地写。Write with care.
278、天黑了,我们才回家。We came home after dark.
279、他现在住在本村。He lives in this village at present.
280、亲切地对待他。Treat him with kindness.
281、他们匆匆回家了。They went home in a hurry.
282、我们努力用功以求考取。We work hard to pass the examination.
283、这本书太难懂。This book is too difficult to understand.
&&& 介词短语。介词短语人两种形式。一种是以一个名词或形容词为中心,前后都有介词。如:by means of, on account of, at the mercy of, for the purpose of, in return for, in respect to , in love with等。另一种则是介词加上名词, 名词实际就是那个介词的宾语。第一种已经形成较固定的用法,而后一种则是语法结构上的意义,也就是说,只要是介词加上名词就行。如:in my hand. 两种短语都可以修饰名词。
&&& 第一种的例句:
284、他因为生病,所以没有来。He didn’t come on account of illness.
285、他们远赴台湾。They went as far as Taiwan.
286、杰克由于不屈不挠的精神而获得成功。Jack succeeded by dint of perseverance.
287、思想由语言来表达。Thoughts are expressed by means of words.
288、旅行的人们以驴代马。The traveler is an ass as a substitute for a horse.
289、他和她结婚是看上了他的财产。He married her with an eye to her fortune.
290、我喜欢这条狗,因为它的头脑好使。I like the dog for the sake of his sense.
291、忙中有错。In haste, there is error.
292、我两年前才认识他的。I got acquainted with him two years ago.
293、请代我谢谢他的礼物。Return him my best thanks for the present.
294、言归正传,他们当天就结婚了。To return to the subject, they got married the very day.
295、以貌取人,失之子羽。Judging from appearance you will lose the man of Tsu Yu.
296、贪爱钱财是万恶之源。The love of money is the root of all evil.
297、他来看我的目的在借钱。He came to see me for the purpose of borrowing some money from me.
298、同盟国家之间互相猜忌。The allied countries are suspicious of another.
299、名誉与金钱无关。Frame has nothing to do with money.
300、他赚了一大笔钱,他母亲高兴极了。To the joy of his mother, he won a lot of money.
下面蓝色文字这部分的作者: Said I Loved You But I Lied -- Michael Bolton
  You are the candle
  Love’s the flame
  A fire that burns through wind and rain
  Shine your light on this heart of mine
  Till the end of time
  You came to me like the dawn through the night
  Just shining like the sun
  Out of my dreams and into my life
  You are the one you are the one
  Said I loved you but I lied
  说我爱你 但是词不达意
  'cause this is more than love I feel inside
  Said I loved you but I was wrong
  说我爱你 但是我错了
  'cause love could never ever feel so strong
  Said I loved you but I lied
  说我爱你 但是词不达意
  With all my soul I've tried in vain
  How can mere words my heart explain
  This taste of heaven so deep so true
  I've found in you
  So many reasons in so many ways
  My life has just begun
  Need you forever
  I need you to stay
  You are the one, you are the one
  Said I loved you
  But this is more than love I feel inside
  Said I loved you....but I lied
  说我爱你 但是词不达意}


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