tannenbaum and schmidtand then是什么意思思

埃里奥特·杰奎斯(Elliott Jaques)埃里奥特·杰奎斯(Elliott Jaques,3.3)——加拿大裔工业心理学家,著名的管理学者、精神病学者和顾问,伦敦Tavistovk人力资源学院创始人之一。最著名的理论为“杰奎斯法则”和“判断时距法”,他的不少理论被应用于实际的企业人力资源管理和日常生活中,著有《企业文化之改变》、《时间的自由度》。
  埃里奥特·杰奎斯(Elliott Jaques)又译为埃利奥特·贾克斯、艾略特·贾克斯等,(1917年-2003年),加拿大裔工业心理学家,著名的管理学者、精神病学者和顾问。著有《企业文化之改变》、《时间的自由度》。
  是加拿大裔英国工业心理学家,著名的管理学者、精神病学者和顾问。他提出的管理水平应基于之前所花费的可测时间长度和根据时间长度所应获得的报酬。著有《The Life and Behavior of Living Organisms(HRD)》、《为层级制辩护》等,是伦敦Tavistovk人力资源学院创始人之一。
1.(Adam Smith,):
2.(Robert Owen,)
3.(Charles Babbage,)
4.(Frederick W. Taylor,)
5.(Carl G. Barth,)
6.(Henry L. Gantt,)
7.(Frank B. Gilbreth,)
8.(Lillian Moller Gilbreth,)
9.(Harrington Emerson,)
10.(Morris Cooke,)
11.(Henry Fayol,)
12.(Max Weber,)
13.(Lyndall F. Urwick,)
14.(Luther H. Gulick,)
15.(Mary Parker Follett,1868-l933)
16.(Hugo Munsterberg,1863-l9l6)
17.(George Elton Mayo,)
18.(Fritz J. Roethlisberger,)
19.(Herbert A. Simon)
20.(Abraham Maslow,1908-l970)
21.(Clayton Alderfer)
22.(David McClelland)
23.(Douglas McGregor,年)
24.(John Morse)
25.(William G. Ouchi)
26.(Chris Argyris)
27.(Kurt Lewin,1890 - 1947)
28.(Leland Bradfurd)
29.(B. F. Skinner)
30.(Albert Bandura)
31.(Lyman Porter)
32.(Victor H. Vroom)
33.(Frederick Herzberg)
34.(J. Stacy. Adams)
35.(Harold H. Kelley)
36.(Harold koontz,)
37.(Chester Barnard,)
38.(Stanley E. Seashore)
39.(Robert Tannenbaum)
41.(Rensis Likert)(密执安研究)
42.(Robert R. Blake)
43.(Fred E. Fiedler)
44.(Robert J House)
45.(Paul Hersey)
46.(Richard A. Johnson)
47.(Fremont E. Kast)
48.(James E. Rosenzweig)
49.(James Grier Miller)
50.(M. Mesarovie)
51.(Peter Drucker)
52.(Ernest Dale)
53.(William Newman)
54.(Alfred P.Sloan)
55.(Paul R. Lawrence)
56.(Fred Luthars)
57.(英国,Joan Woodward)
58.(Henry Mintzberg)
59.(Elwood Spencer Buffa)
60.(W. Edwards Deming)
61.(Joseph Juran)
62.(Dale Carnegie)
63.(James Champy)
64.(Marvin Bower)
65.(Kenichi Ohmae)
66.(Tom Peters)
67.(Bruce Henderson)
68.(Henry Ford)
69.(Thomas Watson Jr.)
70.(David Packard)
71.(Akito Morita)
72.(Konosuke Matsushita)
73.(Robert Townsend)
74.(Harold Geneen)
75.(Igor Ansoff)
76.(Michael Porter)
77.(Gary Hamel)
78.(RiChard Pascale)
79.(Rosabeth Moss kanter)
80.(Charles Handy)
81.(Alfred Chandler)
82.(Sumantra Ghoshal)
83.(Peter Senge)
84.(Geert Hofstede)
85.(Fons Trompenaars)
86.(Edgar Schein)
87.埃里奥特·杰奎斯(Elliott Jaques)
88.(Alvin Toffler)
89.(John Naisitt)
90.(Mary Parker Follett)
91.(Warren Bennis)
92.(Laurence Peter)
93.(Theodore Levitt)
94.(Philip Kotler)
95.(Jay W. Lorsch)
96.(Edward Lawler)
97.(Warren H. Schmidt)
98.(Jane S. Mouton)
99.(Terence R. Mitchell)
100.(Kenneth Blanchard)
  伦敦Tavistovk人力资源学院创始人之一埃利奥特·贾克斯曾经说:“有些管理者从开始时就下定决心要解决存在的一切问题,这种观念本身就是一个错误。 ”在企业工作、日常生活中,我们经常能够看到很多聪明的朋友,能够面对和决几乎所有问题,令人刮目相看,但是这种聪明的朋友,却不是最明智的。如果一碰到问题马上下手解决,那么解来解去,最终却发现是一个解不开的死节,不仅浪费了时间,还可能错过寻找替代和补救措施的机会。面对这样的问题,实际上除了苦恼于找不到解开的办法之外还有更好的选择,而且不止一个:
  判断时距法是英国、埃利奥特·贾克斯(Elliott Jaques)提出的。任何一项决策,其决策效果需要经过一段时间才能体现出来。判断时距就是衡量某项决策的最终效果所必须耗费的最长时间。根据判断时距法,可以用衡量决策的最终效果所需的最长时间来判断一个职位的价值。因此,判断时距越长,职位的相对重要性就越大。
  在1965年发表于《国际心理学杂志》上的“死亡与中年危机”一文中,家埃利奥特·贾克斯创造了“中年危机” 这个词,它是指成年人从这个时候开始,真正对死亡有了清醒的认识,意识到死神正在一步步靠近,这是不以人们的意志为转移的。告诉我们,中年转折期是一个自然阶段,通常发生在40岁左右,前后时差可为20年。典型症状表现为不满或者厌倦生活,对早年的决定和生命的意义表示质疑。
Elliott Jaques
  Elliott Jaques (January 18, 1917 – March 8, 2003) was a Canadian psychoanalyst and organizational psychologist. He developed the notion of requisite organization, running counter to many others in the field of . Although he is most widely known for developing the concept of "social systems as defense against unconscious anxiety" (Jaques, 1951) which shed light on the close relationship between organizational task (i.e. the main aim of an organization, such as to produce, cure, etc.) and unconscious group dynamics and how each can aid or distort the other. Jaques" ideas are still very influential in the psychoanalytic study of organizations.
  Born in Toronto, Ontario, Jaques was educated at
and studied medicine at
before receiving his Ph.D in social relations from . During World War II, he moved to England where he remained after the war, studying under German psychoanalyst Melanie Klein. He was a founding member, in 1946, of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.
  The concept of the mid-life crisis was introduced by Jaques in 1965. His development approach to organizational development makes him one of the early contributors to Positive Adult Development.
  He died in Gloucester, Massachusetts in 2003.
The Changing Culture of a Factory: A Study of Authority and Participation in an Industrial Setting (London: Tavistock, 1951)
Measurement Of Responsibility: A study of work, payment, and individual capacity (Tavistock, 1956) [Reprinted as ]
Equitable Payment: A General Theory of Work, Differential Payment, and Individual Progress (London: Heinemann, 1961)
Equitable Payment (London: Heinemann, 1963)
Time-Span Handbook: the Use of Time-Span of Discretion to Measure the Level of Work in Employment Roles and to Arrange an Equitable Payment Structure (London, Heinemann, 1964)
Product Analysis Pricing: A method for setting policies for the delegation of pricing decisions and the control of expense and
(Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press, 1964) [with Wilfred Brown]
Glacier Project Papers (London: Heinemann Educational, 1965) [with Wilfred Brown]
"Death and the Midlife Crisis", International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1965.
Work, creativity, and social justice (London: Heinemann Educational, 1970)
A General Theory of Bureaucracy (London: Heinemann Educational, 1976)
Health Services (London: Heinemann Educational, 1978)
Levels of Abstraction in Logic and Human Action: A theory of discontinuity in the structure of mathematical logic, psychological behaviour, and social organisation. (London: Heinemann Educational, 1978) with R.O. Gibson and D.J. Isaac [Editors]
Executive Leadership: A Practical Guide to Managing Complexity (: Blackwell Publishing, 1994)
[with Stephen D. Clement and Ronnie Lessem]
Human Capability: Study of Individual Potential and Its Application (London: Gower, 1994)
[with Kathryn Cason]
Requisite Organization:
System for Effective Managerial Organization and Managerial Leadership for the 21st Century (London: Gower, 1997)
La Organizacion Requerida: Un Sistema Integrado Para Crear Organizaciones Eficaces y Aplicar el Liderazgo Gerencial en el Siglo XXI (Ediciones Granica, S.A., 2000)
Social Power and the : Leadership and Trust in a Sustainable
(Greenwood, 2002)
The Life and Behavior of Living Organisms: A General Theory (Greenwood, 2002)
Paper 1.3 讲义(motivation and leadership)
Motivation&& Motivation is what drive an individual to perform better.&& Intrinsic&& Extrinsic
Main approach&Industrial engineering&Human relations&Work itselfMotivational theories&Maslow’s hierarchy of needs&Hertzberg& (hygiene factors and motivators)&Schein &McGregor Theory X and Y&Vroom’s Expectancy theory&Content and process theories
Examples of motivators&Financial &Non-financial&Job design
Q14 Scenario: Theories of motivation
& PQR Ltd is a firm providing computer maintenance services. It employs a number of engineers on flexible contract agreement: a basic number of guaranteed hours per week, supplemented by freelance work. It also employs full-time office staff.& Ben is one of the engineers: in his late twenties, married with two young children, and studying computer programming part-time. Anne is a book-keeper: 50 years old, widowed and living alone, she had several years’ book-keeping experience with a larger company before leaving work to raise children.& You are mentor to one of the staff managers, Brigitte Bosch. She has recently attended a seminar on motivational theory and has come to ask your help. ‘I wanted to know how to motivate people like Anne and Ben, and I’ve been asked to revaluate our reward system,’ she says, ‘but what with ‘content’ and ‘process’ and ‘X’ and ‘Y’, I was just confused. The only theory I found easy to grasp was the hierarchy of needs: perhaps I can use that?&& Require:(a) Distinguish between content and process theories of motivation.&& 6marks(b) Explain Theory X and Theory Y.&&&&&&&&&&&& 6marks(c) Critically evaluate Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory.&&&&&& 6marks(d) Identify the likely motivational issues for Anne and Ben.& 10marks(e) Outline the management objectives of an effective reward system& 12marks&& Total Marks=40
“Leadership is an interpersonal influence directed towards the achievement of a goal or goals.”
Three important parts of this definition are:&& &Interpersonal&Influence&Goal
Leadership theories&Classical theories&Trait theories&Activity-based theories (Adair’s model)&contingency-based theories&(Fiedler’s contingency model)
&Modern theories &contingency-based theories& (Hersey-Blanchard theories && Handy’s best fit approach)&style (behavioral) theories&& (White and Lippitt& && Blake and Mouton&& McGregor )&continuum of leadership behavior theories& (Tannenbaum and Schmidt’s leadership continuum)&& Ashridge Management college&The skills of a leader&Intelligence&Confidence&Decisiveness&Strategic thinking&Entrepreneurial ability&Communication ability
Q15 Managers and leaders“Ma leaders are essential.” (Viscount Slim)Required (a) Describe what is meant by the term “leadership”&&& (4 Marks)(b) Distinguish between “management” and “leadership” activities.&& (6 Marks)(c) Explain why “leadership”is important in business organization.&&& (5 Marks).&&&& Total Marks = 15 marks
Interpersonal skills&Inspiring&Motivating&Leading &Controlling
Ways of gaining commitment from staffAggressive and assertive behavior&Aggressive&Assertive &Passive
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