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TippingPoint IPS 全面的网络安全防御解决方案
关键字:TippingPoint 新闻
  各种、、应用层攻击技术和EMAIL、移动代码结合,形成复合攻击手段,使威胁更加危险和难以抵御。这些复合威胁直接攻击企业核心和应用,给企业带来了重大损失;对网络基础设施进行攻击,造成基础设施的瘫痪;更有甚者,像电驴、BT等P2P应用和MSN、等即时软件的普及,企业宝贵带宽资源被业务无关流量浪费,形成巨大的性能威胁。这些威胁大部分都能够穿透防火墙,防火墙基于 3层和4层的访问控制对这些问题无能为力。
  目前,越来越多的病毒和蠕虫是基于网络来传播的,有了网络这个介质,可以威胁传播速度很快,以SQL Slammer为例,10分钟内,SQL Slammer感染了全球90%的有漏洞的计算机。如果网络对于这些威胁不能识别,不能在其传播扩散的通路上进行阻截,纯粹依靠人工手动的打补丁、升级防病毒软件和在网络上设置ACL,根本无法抑制这些的大规模泛滥。
  在这种充满挑战的环境下,IT部门急需能够保护应用系统、网络基础设施和性能的设备,使之能够帮助IT部门实现这些关键任务的解决方案:主动式防御系统,即Intrusion Prevention System C。
  二、TippingPoint IPS产品简介
  TippingPoint 隶属于3Com公司,自2002年发布第一个入侵防御系统以来已迅速成为提供基于网络的入侵防御系统的领先厂商。TippingPoint的入侵防御系统能够阻止蠕虫、病毒、、拒绝服务攻击、间谍软件、攻击以及点到点应用滥用。通过深达第七层的流量侦测,TippingPoint的入侵防御系统能够在发生损失之前阻断恶意流量。利用TippingPoint提供的数字疫苗&服务,入侵防御系统能得到及时的特征、漏洞过滤器、协议异常过滤器和统计异常过滤器更新从而主动地防御最新的攻击。此外,TippingPoint的入侵防御系统是目前能够提供微秒级时延、高达5G的吞吐能力和带宽管理能力的最强大的入侵防御系统。
  TippingPoint产品型号包括从50Mbps处理性能的UnityOne 50到5Gbps处理性能的UnityOne 5000E,可以满足从SOHO办公、、到大企业和电信运营商的各种组网需求。
  作为业界领先的IPS产品,TippingPoint具有高性能、高可靠性和易部署的特点。它是唯一获得“NSS Gold Award”、“Common Criteria Certification”的产品,同时还获得了其他众多奖项,TippingPoint已经成为基于网络的入侵抵御系统的标志。TippingPoint目前已经拥有许多著名的客户和案例,这些客户遍布各个行业,他们之所以选择TippingPoint,是因为TippingPoint能够以最优的性价比给他们提供全方位的网络安全保护。
  三、为什么选择 TippingPoint?
  综合威胁抵御:包括/应用漏洞、基于应用流量整形 (P2P, IM)、病毒、VoIP、高级DDoS、间谍/广告软件、、等各种最新的安全威胁
  易用的安全管理系统(Security Management System)
[ 责任编辑:姚文文 ]
比特CIO俱乐部周刊以大量高端CIO沙龙或专题研讨会以及对明星CIO的深入采访为依托,汇聚中国500强CIO的集体智慧。旨为中国杰出的CIO提供一个良好的互融互通 、促进交流的平台,并持续提供丰富的资讯和服务,探讨信息化建设,推动中国信息化发展引领CIO未来职业发展。
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For other uses, see .
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference is the debut book by , first published by
in . Gladwell defines a
as "the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point". The book seeks to explain and describe the "mysterious" sociological changes that mark everyday life. As Gladwell states, "Ideas and products and messages and behaviors spread like
do". The examples of such changes in his book include the rise in popularity and sales of
shoes in the mid-1990s and the steep drop in 's
after 1990.
Malcolm Gladwell describes the "three rules of epidemics" (or the three "agents of change") in the tipping points of epidemics.
"The Law of the Few", or, as Malcolm Gladwell states, "The success of any kind of social epidemic is heavily dependent on the involvement of people with a particular and rare set of social gifts". According to Malcolm Gladwell, economists call this the "80/20 Principle, which is the idea that in any situation roughly 80 percent of the 'work' will be done by 20 percent of the participants" (see ). These people are described in the following ways:
Connectors are the people in a community who know large numbers of people and who are in the habit of making introductions. A connector is essentially the social equivalent of a computer . They usually know people across an array of social, cultural, professional, and economic circles, and make a habit of introducing people who work or live in different circles. They are people who "link us up with the world...people with a special gift for bringing the world together". They are "a handful of people with a truly extraordinary knack [... for] making friends and acquaintances". Malcolm Gladwell characterizes these individuals as having
of over one hundred people. To illustrate, he cites the following examples: the ,
experiments in the , the "" trivia game,
businessman , and
, a person who understands the concept of the . Gladwell attributes the social success of Connectors to the fact that "their ability to span many different worlds is a function of something intrinsic to their personality, some combination of curiosity, self-confidence, sociability, and energy".
are "information specialists", or "people we rely upon to connect us with new information". They accumulate knowledge, especially about the , and know how to share it with others. Gladwell cites
as a prototypical Maven who is "almost pathologically helpful", further adding, "he can't help himself". In this vein, Alpert himself concedes, "A Maven is someone who wants to solve other people's problems, generally by solving his own". According to Gladwell, Mavens start " epidemics" due to their knowledge, , and ability to communicate. As Malcolm Gladwell states, "Mavens are really information brokers, sharing and trading what they know".
are "persuaders",
people with powerful negotiation skills. They tend to have an indefinable trait that goes beyond what they say, which makes others want to agree with them. Malcolm Gladwell's examples include
businessman Tom Gau and
, and he cites several studies about the persuasive implications of , including a headphone nod study (conducted by Gary Wells of the
and Richard Petty of the ) and
cultural microrhythms study.
The specific content of a message that renders its impact memorable. Popular children's television programs such as
pioneered the properties of the stickiness factor, thus enhancing effective retention of educational content as well as entertainment value.
is sensitive to and strongly influenced by its environment. As Malcolm Gladwell says, "Epidemics are sensitive to the conditions and circumstances of the times and places in which they occur". For example, "" efforts to combat minor crimes such as fare-beating and
and the New York
led to a decline in more violent crimes city-wide. Gladwell describes the , and explains how
plays into the tipping point, using ' novel ,
, and the high-tech firm . Malcolm Gladwell also discusses what he dubs the rule of 150, which states that the maximum number of individuals in a society or group that someone can have real
with is 150.
Gladwell also includes two chapters of case studies, situations in which tipping point concepts were used in specific situations. These situations include the athletic shoe company , the
model, how
are spread, decreasing the spread of
in , and teen
in the United States.
Malcolm Gladwell and his co-partner, John Decker, both received an estimated US$1–1.5 million advance for The Tipping Point, which sold 1.7 million copies by 2006. In the wake of the book's success, Gladwell was able to earn as much as $40,000 per lecture. Sales increased again in 2006 after the release of Gladwell's next book, .
Some of Malcolm Gladwell's analysis as to why the phenomenon of the "tipping point" occurs (particularly in relation to his idea of the "law of the few") and its unpredictable elements is based on the 1967
by social psychologist . Milgram distributed letters to 160 students in Nebraska, with instructions that they be sent to a stockbroker in Boston (not personally known to them) by passing the letters to anyone else that they believed to be socially closer to the target. The study found that it took an average of six links to deliver each letter. Of particular interest to Gladwell was the finding that just three friends of the stockbroker provided the final link for half of the letters that arrived successfully. This gave rise to Gladwell's theory that certain types of people are key to the dissemination of information.
In 2003, , a
physicist at , repeated the Milgram study by using a web site to recruit 61,000 people to send messages to 18 targets worldwide. He successfully reproduced Milgram's results (the average length of the chain was approximately six links). However, when he examined the pathways taken, he found that "hubs" (highly connected people) were not crucial. Only 5% of the
messages had passed through one of the hubs. This casts doubt on Gladwell's assertion that specific types of people are responsible for bringing about large levels of change.
Watts pointed out that if it were as simple as finding the individuals that can disseminate information prior to a marketing campaign, advertising agencies would presumably have a far higher success rate than they do. He also stated that Gladwell's theory does not square with much of his research into human
performed in the last ten years.
and Malcolm Gladwell have a running dispute about whether the fall in New York City's crime rate can be attributed to the actions of the police department and "" (as claimed in The Tipping Point). In , Levitt attributes the decrease in crime to two primary factors: 1) a drastic increase in the number of police officers trained and deployed on the streets and hiring
as police commissioner (thanks to the efforts of former mayor ) and 2) a decrease in the number of unwanted children made possible by , causing crime to drop nationally in all major cities—"[e]ven in , a city notorious for bad policing".
Gladwell, p. 12
Gladwell, p. 7
Gladwell, p. 33
Gladwell, p. 19
Gladwell, p. 38
Gladwell, p. 41
Gladwell, p. 49
Gladwell, p. 66
Gladwell, p. 67
Gladwell, p. 69
Gladwell, p. 139.
Gladwell, p. 179
McNett, Gavin (). . .
Andrew Potter, , MacLeans, June 12, 2009
Donadio, Rachel (5 February 2006). . New York Times.
Travers, J Stanley Milgram (December 1969). "An Experimental Study of the Small World Problem". Sociometry 32 (4): 425–443. :.  .
Chang, Kenneth (). . New York Times.
Thompson, Clive (February 2008). . Fast Company.
Gladwell, Malcolm (). . Time Magazine.tipping point_百度作业帮
tipping point
tipping point
tipping point 有“引爆流行”、“引爆点”的意思。具体看你语境了。差不多就是这个意思。


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