if a disater happened的120字英语作文120词

if a disater happened的120字英语作文_百度作业帮
if a disater happened的120字英语作文
if a disater happened的120字英语作文
If you face to a disaster(不好意思,题目有问题,所以我改了它了)如果你面临了一场灾难英语作文救助小动物120字_百度知道
At night, I was ready to play. Suddenly dad said let me and him a piece ofhis class bio corner small fish, small crabs, small tortoise moved to the office. I don't know what happened first, (ask dad to know) originally, heavy snow this evening, and bio corner small animal were placed on a piece ofbroken window. If you don't put the small animal who moved to the office in time, the water in the tank may be icy! Such a small animal will die! (I do not hesitate to follow father out the door)
Just out of the floor door, I sneezed, really cold! The steps were covered with water, slippery, really dangerous! We opened the teaching floor door,walked up the da...
出门在外也不愁英语作文 60字以上A thing happened in my class_百度作业帮
英语作文 60字以上A thing happened in my class
英语作文 60字以上A thing happened in my class
Last Friday afternoon,our class held a special class meeting——Contest of Singing English Songs.We sang a lot of English songs ,such as "Far Away From Home","Big Big World","My Heart Will Go On","Seasons in the Sun" and so on.The whole class were excited and full of laughter.Through this activity,I began to love English songs.Also This contest is instructive and it made me interested in learning English from then on.(78)精锐教育老师回答,您好,欢迎来到新东方
  A Funny Thing Happened to Me A funny thing happened to me last Friday. I'd gone to London to do some shopping. I wanted to get some Christmas presents, and I needed to find some books for my course at school (you see, I'm a student). I caught an early train to London so by early afternoon I'd bought everything that I wanted. Anyway, I'm not very fond of London, all the noise and traffic, and I'd made some arrangements for that evening. So, I took a taxi to Waterloo station. I can't really afford taxis, but I wanted to get the 3:30 train. Unfortunately the taxi got stuck in a traffic jam, and by the time I got to Waterloo, the train had just gone. I had to wait an hour for the next one. I bought an evening newspaper the 'Standard', and wandered over to the station buffet. At that time of day it's nearly empty, so I bought a coffee and a packet of biscuits--chocolate biscuits. I'm yew fond of chocolate biscuits. There were plenty of empty tables and I found one near the window. I sat down and began doing the crossword. enjoy doing crossword puzzles. After a couple of minutes a man sat down opposite me. There was nothing special about him, except that he was very tall. In fact he looked like a typical city businessman--you know, dark suit and briefcase. I didn't say anything and I carried on with my crossword. Suddenly he reached across the table, opened my packet of biscuits, took one, dipped it into his coffee and popped it into his mouth, I couldn't believe my eyes! I was too shocked to say any thing. Anyway, I didn't want to make a fuss, so I decided to ignore it. I always avoid trouble if I can. I just took a biscuit myself and went back to my crossword. When the man took a second biscuit, I didn't look up and I didn't make a sound. I pretended to be very interested in the puzzle. After a couple of minutes, I casually put out my hand, took the last biscuit and glanced at the man. He was staring at me furiously. I nervously put the biscuit in my mouth, and decided to leave. I was ready to get up and go when the man suddenly pushed back his chair, stood up and hurried out of the buffet. I felt very re. lieved and decided to wait two or three minutes before going myself. I finished my coffee, folded my newspaper and stood up. And there, on the table, where my newspaper had been, was my packet of biscuits.我碰到的一桩趣事…… 上周五我碰到了一桩有趣的事。我去伦敦购物,想买些圣诞礼物,还想找些学校教程(你知道,我是名学生)。我赶了早班车去伦敦,这样刚到下午我就已经买好了想买的一切。不管怎样,我不喜欢伦敦,喧闹且交通拥挤,而且那天晚上,我已经有了安排。于是我搭出租车去了滑铁卢车站。其实我是搭不起出租车的,可我想赶上3:30的火车。不幸的是,出租车遇到了交通阻塞,等我到滑铁卢的时候,火车刚好离开。无奈,我只好等一 个小时乘下一趟。我买了一份晚报《标准报》,然后逛到了车站的餐厅。那时候餐厅几乎空无一人,于是我买了一杯咖啡、一包饼干——巧克力饼干。我非常喜欢巧克力饼干。那里有好多空桌子,我挑了一张靠窗的。坐下后我开始做字谜游戏。我一直很喜欢玩字谜游戏。 几分钟后一个男人坐在我的对面。他除了个子高没什么特别的。事实上,他看上去像个典型的城市商人——你知道,黑色套装和公文包,我没说什么,继续做我的字谜游戏。突然他把手伸到桌上,打开了我那包饼干,拿出一块,蘸了蘸他的咖啡,很快塞进嘴里。我简直不能相信自己的眼睛!我震惊得一句话也说不出来。不管怎么说,我不想小题大做,所以我决定只当没看见算了。能不惹麻烦,我尽量不惹麻烦,我只是拿了一块饼干,又回到我的字谜游上。 那个男人拿第二块饼干时,我没抬头,也没出声,装出一副对字谜很感兴趣的样子。几分钟后,我不经意地伸出手,拿出了最后一块饼干,然后看了看那个男人。他正怒气冲冲地盯着我。我不安地把饼干放进嘴里,并决定离开。我正要起身离开时,那个男人突然推开椅子,急匆匆地走出了餐厅。我感到很轻松,决定等两三分钟再走。我喝完咖啡,叠好报纸,站了起来。只见桌上,放报纸的地方,放着我的那包饼干。


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