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WordPress SEO by Yoast
Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using Yoast's WordPress SEO plugin.
WordPress out of the box is already technically quite a good platform for SEO, this was true when Joost wrote his original
article in 2008 (and updated every few months) and it's still true today, but that doesn't mean you can't improve it further! This plugin is written from the ground up by Joost de Valk and his team at
to improve your site's SEO on all needed aspects. While this
goes the extra mile to take care of all the technical optimization, more on that below, it first and foremost helps you write better content.
WordPress SEO forces you to choose a focus keyword when you're writing your articles, and then makes sure you use that focus keyword everywhere.
Premium Support
The Yoast team does not provide support for the WordPress SEO plugin on the forums. One on one email support is available to people who bought the
Note that the Premium SEO plugin has several extra features too so it might be well worth your investment!
You should also check out the ,
extensions to WordPress SEO, these of course come with support too.
Take a look at the explanation of the General tab in WordPress SEO, this is one of the 13 tutorial videos included in the :
Bug Reports
Bug reports for WordPress SEO are . Please note GitHub is not a support forum and issues that aren't properly qualified as bugs will be closed.
Write better content with WordPress SEO
Using the snippet preview you can see a rendering of what your post or page will look like in the search results, whether your title is too long or too short and your meta description makes sense in the context of a search result. This way the plugin will help you not only increase rankings but also increase the click through for organic search results.
Page Analysis
The WordPress SEO plugins
functionality checks simple things you're bound to forget. It checks, for instance, if you have images in your post and whether they have an alt tag containing the focus keyword for that post. It also checks whether your posts are long enough, if you've written a meta description and if that meta description contains your focus keyword, if you've used any subheadings within your post, etc. etc.
The plugin also allows you to write meta titles and descriptions for all your category, tag and custom taxonomy archives, giving you the option to further optimize those pages.
Combined, this plugin makes sure that your content is the type of content search engines will love!
Technical WordPress Search Engine Optimization
While out of the box WordPress is pretty good for SEO, it needs some tweaks here and there. This WordPress SEO plugin guides you through some of the settings needed, for instance by reminding you to enable pretty permalinks. But it also goes beyond that, by automatically optimizing and inserting the meta tags and link elements that Google and other search engines like so much:
Meta & Link Elements
With the WordPress SEO plugin you can control which pages Google shows in its search results and which pages it doesn't show. By default, it will tell search engines to index all of your pages, including category and tag archives, but only show the first pages in the search results. It's not very useful for a user to end up on the third page of your "personal" category, right?
WordPress itself only shows canonical link elements on single pages, WordPress SEO makes it output canonical link elements everywhere. Google has recently announced they would also use rel="next" and rel="prev" link elements in the head section of your paginated archives, this plugin adds those automatically, see [this post](/rel-next-prev-paginated-archives/ title="rel=next & rel=prev for paginated archives") for more info.
XML Sitemaps
Yoast's WordPress SEO plugin has the most advanced XML Sitemaps functionality in any WordPress plugin. Once you check the box, it automatically creates XML sitemaps and notifies Google & Bing of the sitemaps existence. These XML sitemaps include the images in your posts & pages too, so that your images may be found better in the search engines too.
These XML Sitemaps will even work on large sites, because of how they're created, using one index sitemap that links to sub-sitemaps for each 1,000 posts. They will also work with custom post types and custom taxonomies automatically, while giving you the option to remove those from the XML sitemap should you wish to.
Because of using , the XML sitemaps are easily readable for the human eye too, so you can spot things that shouldn't be in there.
RSS Optimization
Are you being outranked by scrapers? Instead of cursing at them, use them to your advantage! By automatically adding a link to your RSS feed pointing back to the original article, you're telling the search engine where they should be looking for the original. This way, the WordPress SEO plugin increases your own chance of ranking for your chosen keywords and gets rid of scrapers in one go!
If your theme is compatible, and themes based on Genesis or by WooThemes for instance often are, you can use the built-in Breadcrumbs functionality. This allows you to create an easy navigation that is great for both users and search engines and will support the search engines in understanding the structure of your site.
Making your theme compatible isn't hard either, check .
Edit your .htaccess and robots.txt file
Using the built-in file editor you can edit your WordPress blogs .htaccess and robots.txt file, giving you direct access to the two most powerful files, from an SEO perspective, in your WordPress install.
Social Integration
SEO and Social Media are heavily intertwined, that's why this plugin also comes with a Facebook OpenGraph implementation and will soon also support Google+ sharing tags.
Multi-Site Compatible
The Yoast SEO plugin, unlike some others, is fully Multi-Site compatible. The XML Sitemaps work fine in all setups and you even have the option, in the Network settings, to copy the settings from one blog to another, or make blogs default to the settings for a specific blog.
Import & Export functionality
If you have multiple blogs, setting up plugins like this one on all of them might seem like a daunting task. Except that it's not, because what you can do is simple: you set up the plugin once. You then export your settings and simply import them on all your other sites. It's that simple!
Import functionality for other WordPress SEO plugins
If you've used All In One SEO Pack or HeadSpace2 before using this plugin, you might want to import all your old titles and descriptions. You can do that easily using the built-in import functionality. There's also import functionality for some of the older Yoast plugins like Robots Meta and RSS footer.
Should you have a need to import from another SEO plugin to Yoast SEO or from a theme like Genesis or Thesis, you can use the
plugin, that'll easily convert your SEO meta data from and to a whole set of plugins like Platinum SEO, SEO Ultimate, Greg's High Performance SEO and themes like Headway, Hybrid, WooFramework, Catalyst etc.
if you still have questions about migrating from another SEO plugin to WordPress SEO.
WordPress SEO Plugin in your Language!
Currently a huge translation project is underway, translating WordPress SEO in as much as 24 languages. So far, the translations for French and Dutch are complete, but we still need help on a lot of other languages, so if you're good at translating, please join us at .
Be sure to also check out the premium
if you need Google News Sitemaps. It tightly integrates with WordPress SEO to give you the combined power of News Sitemaps and full Search Engine Optimization.
Further Reading
For more info, check out the following articles:
Once you have great SEO, you'll need the .
official homepage.
by the same author.
Follow Yoast on
seo, SEO, Yoast SEO, google, meta, meta description, search engine optimization, xml sitemap, xml sitemaps, google sitemap, sitemap, sitemaps, robots meta, rss, rss footer, yahoo, bing, news sitemaps, XML News Sitemaps, WordPress SEO, WordPress SEO by Yoast, yoast, multisite, canonical, nofollow, noindex, keywords, meta keywords, description, webmaster tools, google webmaster tools, seo pack
Requires: 3.9 or higher
Compatible up to: 4.2.2
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User Manual for Gliffy Online
Gliffy is designed to make it easy and intuitive for you to create professional quality flowcharts, diagrams, floor plans, technical drawings and more. While it’s easy to figure out Gliffy on your own, this guide addresses the basics of using Gliffy and will also help you use some of our more advanced features.
Getting Started
Access the Gliffy Start Screen
You can access the Start Screen by logging into . This screen will appear when you initially login. From here you can:
Open a Recent Diagram
Create a new Diagram
Import a Diagram (.vdx, .gliffy, .gon, or .gxml files only)
Create From a Template
You can dismiss the start screen by clicking the white "x" in the upper right corner or clicking off the screen.
Opening Diagrams
Once a diagram has been created, it will appear in the Document Manager. You can access your Document Manager by clicking the "My Documents"&button in the upper right of the Toolbar.&
A new tab will open in your browser which will contain your diagrams. Double-click to open a diagram.&
An alternative method of opening a diagram is to go to&File-&Open&to access your diagram listings. Select a diagram and click Open&or just double-click.&
Creating Diagrams
From the Start Screen, you can&Create a New Diagram&and choose which type of diagram you'd like to start. Depending on what type of diagram you are going to create, it will load those appropriate shape libraries for you on the left side.&
For instance, if you were going to start a blank Flow Chart diagram, you would click on "Flow Chart" and it will load a blank canvas with Flow Chart shapes already loaded for you on the left side.&
You can also Create From a Template and&choose from a variety of templates already loaded for you by Gliffy.&
You can also create a new diagram based off a diagram you previously created. Click into your diagrams at the top and select the one you'd like to build off of.&&
If you are within your&Document Manager, you can create a new diagram from here by clicking&Create-&New Diagram.
Importing Diagrams
From the Start Screen, you can&Import a Diagram. The available file formats you can import are:
.vdx (Visio)
Click on the "Import a Diagram" box to locate the file on your computer and upload.&
If you are within your&Document Manager, you can also import a diagram by clicking Import.&
Document Manager
You can access your Document Manager by clicking the "My Documents" button in the upper right of the Toolbar.&
A new tab will open in your browser where all of your diagrams will be listed.&
On the left side you will see:
Recent Diagrams&
Starred Diagrams
Shared Diagrams
Your Account Diagrams
Recent Diagrams&are the last 10 diagrams opened by the user in Gliffy.
Starred Diagrams&are diagrams you have marked with the "star" symbol. When the star is marked it will turn yellow and be listed in this folder.&
Shared Diagrams&are diagrams that have been shared with you via the
feature. This will list the creator of the diagram and who last edited it.&You can open and edit these documents, but you cannot move, delete, or change the status of them. If you want to remove yourself as a collaborator on a shared document, you can do so by clicking on the diagram, then clicking the "x" to delete it.&
Your Account Diagrams&will be listed last. This is the full list of all diagrams you have access to in the account. If you see a small arrow to the left of a folder, that means there are sub-folders contained within it. Click the arrow to expand the folders out.&
You can also sort your diagrams using the drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the Document Manager. You can sort your diagrams by:
Last Edited
Alphabetical A-Z
Alphabetical Z-A
Date Created
Renaming Diagrams
You can&Rename a diagram from the&Document Manager by hovering over the diagram name, then clicking to edit.&
Once you click it will allow you to start typing a new name. If you do not want to change the name, click off the name and it will revert back to the original. Click off the name once done changeing and it will save the new name.&
You can also&Rename&a diagram by opening the diagram up in the Editor (double-click), then go to&File-&Rename.
A new dialog box will open where you can enter the new diagram name, then click "Rename" to save your changes.
Using Folders
Creating new folders for organizing your Gliffy diagrams can be done via the My Documents&button and accessing your&Document Manager. Once in the Document Manager, you can create a new folder by clicking&Create-&New Folder.&A new dialog box will appear. Name your folder, then click&Create.&
You can Delete&a folder by clicking on the folder name and you'll see a small folder settings gear wheel appear.&
Click into&folder settings, then click on&Delete Folder. A dialog box will appear asking you to confirm the deletion. Click&Delete&again and the folder will be permanently deleted (Please note:&you cannot delete a folder with nested diagrams in it. You would first need to , then you can delete the folder)
You can&Rename&a folder by clicking into&Rename Folder in the folder settings.&
&A modal will appear and you can enter in the new name of the folder. Click "Update" to save your changes.&
You can create&sub-folders by clicking into an existing folder then Create-&New Folder. If you see a folder has a small black arrow next to it, that means it has sub-folders within it. You would need to click the black arrow to expand all of the folders.&
You can move a diagram into another folder by dragging it from the Document Manager into the folder you want it in on the left side.&
Lastly, users with Admin rights can set folder Permissions from within the&folder settings. Click on&Permissions&and a dialog box will appear. On the left side it will list all users that have access to that folder. If you want to remove access from a user for that folder, click on their email in the Users WITH Access column and then click the&button to move their email to the Users WITHOUT Access column. Click Done to save your changes.&
You cannot drag and drop diagrams between Gliffy Online and Google Drive. You may receive an error if you attempt to do so.&
*Folder permissions will only appear for sub-folders. You cannot delete, rename, or set permissions on the main root diagram folder on the account.&
Deleting Diagrams
You can&Delete&a diagram by opening up your&Document Manager&via the "My Documents" button.&
Once your&Document Manager&is open, click once on the diagram you want to delete. The lane with your diagram will highlight and a small "x" will appear in the upper right corner.&
Click on the "x" and a window dialog box will open asking you to confirm you want to delete the diagram. Click "Delete" to permanently delete the diagram.&
The Gliffy Editor
The Gliffy Document Editor is the heart of the application and, with minor exceptions, works the same across all versions of Gliffy. The main areas of the Document Editor are: , , , and .
The Menu Bar
The Menu Bar provides access to the basic commands needed to share, save and print your documents.
The File&Menu lets you Open, Save, Save As, Rename, Import, Export your diagram in SVG, Gliffy, JPG, or PNG format, view Revision History, setup Document Properties, Page Setup and Print.&
The Edit Menu contains standard copy and paste commands, all of which have keyboard shortcuts. Copy and paste are also accessible using the context menu by right-clicking or control+click. You should also take note of the Group and UnGroup commands found here. These commands allow you to combine text boxes, shapes and lines into clusters that can be manipulated as a single object.
The&Share Menu&allows you to
your diagram, or to change the &settings on it.&
The&Help Menu gives you access to various help features for Gliffy, including the User Manual, Tips, Signup for Newsletter, About the Gliffy Team, Shape/Document Shortcuts, and our EULA.&
The&My Documents&button takes you to your&.&
The&Profile/silhouette figure tells you information about your account. If you click on this from the main Drawing Editor, it will indicate the Account Name and Username/Email you are logged in under. This is also how you&Logout.&
If you click on the&Profile/silhouette&figure&from within your , this will allow you to access your&, Switch Accounts&(if you have multiple accounts), and Logout.&
The Toolbar
The Toolbar lets you select tools to create lines, shapes, text and more.&
Bring to Front/Send to Back
Hyperlink Tool
Pop-up Notes Tool
Copy Style Tool
Free Text Tool
Ellipse/Rectangle Tool
Connector/Straight Line Tool
Zoom Level
Zoom in/Zoom out
Drawing Guides
Snap to Grid
Diagram Themes&
The Shape Library
Depending on the type of diagram you started, there will be different shape libraries loaded on the left hand side automatically. For example, if you start a Flow Chart diagram, it will load the Flow Chart shape library and other relevant libraries for you. You can always access all libraries at anytime in Gliffy by clicking on the More Shapes&button at the bottom of the shape libraries.
&You can Expand/Collapse Libraries in the sidebar by clicking the Expand button.&
You can hide the shapes sidebar by clicking the&Hide Sidebar&button.&
If you hide the shape libraries, you can bring them back by clicking the&"Show Sidebar"&button.&
Customizing and Managing the Shape Library
Clicking on&More Shapes&will open up the More Shapes dialog which will allow you to customize your shape library.&
Clicking on the individual shape library names&expands that chosen section to allow browsing the shapes it contains. You can click and select or de-select libraries you want to add or remove.
You can also add your own shape libraries by clicking on the +Add Custom Library&button at the top of the More Shapes area.&
*Please note:&Only users on&Trial, Standard, or Pro&accounts can create Custom Shape Libraries
Once the Custom Library dialog appears you can add your own JPG, PNG, GIF, and SVG files to it. Please keep in mind there is currently a limit of 30 images per library and a limit of&1MB per image.&
You'll also need to name your custom library before you click Save Library.&
*Please note your library will not save without a name!
You can also choose to make your custom library available to edit by everyone in your account or you can set it to only allow you to edit it.&
To&manage your custom shape library, click on the title of it in the sidebar then click on the gear wheel to show the&Custom Library Options.&Here you can:
Edit this Library
Remove from Favorites
Remove from Sidebar
Delete Permanently
Search Shape Libraries
You can search the shape library for keywords to help locate shapes. The "Search Shapes" field is located in the upper left corner of the drawing canvas above the Shape Libraries.&
You can search for any shape in any of the Gliffy shape libraries in this field. The shape library does not have to be showing on the left side for results to pull up.&
To search, type in your search parameters and hit "Enter" on your keyboard.&
Any results that match your entry will appear below the search box. You can then drag and drop any of these shapes on to your canvas.&
The Drawing Stage
The Drawing Stage allows for a blank slate where you build your diagrams. Use shapes pulled from the Library and elements you've drawn using the Toolbar to create flowcharts, diagrams, schematics, wireframes, floor plans or whatever else you desire.
The Toolbar lets you select tools to create lines, shapes, text and more. Take note of the Revision History in the File drop-down menu in the upper left corner. This is a quick way to revert to previous drafts. The more often you save, the more useful this feature will be! Also notice the bottom and side scroll bars, which help you move around in larger documents. If your mouse has a scroll wheel it will also work on the drawing stage.
Document Properties
For Gliffy Online, you can find the properties to change the page or document under File-&Document Properties, located in the Menu Bar at the top left of Gliffy.
From here you can control the basic setup of your diagram. Define your page size in pixels and you&ll see thin lines that define your document boundaries ( is the default and the max). You can also select your diagram's background color from here. &&
Transparent Background
You can change the background on your diagram to be&transparent. You can set this under&File-&Document Properties and select the no fill option.&By selecting the "no fill" option, this will give make the background transparent upon export.&
If you want to disable the Autosave on a diagram, you can also do that from the Document Properties by checking the&Disable Autosave&box. This setting is per diagram and is not a general setting for the whole account.&
Autosave starts once you save and name your diagram the first time, so we always recommend saving/naming as soon as possible. Autosave occurs ~30 seconds.&
Revision History
Every time you save a diagram, Gliffy keeps a record of that version. At any time, you can revert to an earlier saved version of your diagram:
Go to&File-&Revision History.
Select the version you would like to recover and click&Okay.
If you have not saved the currently active version of the diagram, you will be asked to confirm. You can choose to&Continue Working&on the current unsaved diagram, or you can&Open Revision&to discard the active diagram and restore the earlier version.
Occasionally you may see a Draft message appear in the upper-right corner of your diagram. Draft messages appear when the system detects that it may have work that was left unsaved, or if there were any network or connectivity issues while working on a diagram. These ensure that no work is lost inadvertently.
You can Preview Draft to see if it is a version you want to keep, Load Draft (this will override current draft in the editor), or Discard the Draft.&
Layers can be added by clicking the&Layers button in the Toolbar. This will pop-up the Layers modal on the right side of the drawing canvas.&
Adding Layers:
Hiding Layers:&
Changing Layer Order:&
Locking Layer:
Duplicate Layer:&
Moving and Deleting Layer:&
Pop-up Notes
Please note this is an initial release for Pop-up Notes. Additional features and capabilities will be coming in the future. If you have feedback or additional requests for the notes feature, please add your comments here:&
The Pop-Up Note command button can be found in the Toolbar. The pop-up note can only be selected if an applicable shape is selected/clicked (Please note this feature is currently limited to Basic and Flowchart shapes only. More shapes will be added in the future).&The pop-up button&will show as inactive if you do&not&have a shape selected first.&
Once you have selected the shape you want to add a note to and click on the pop-up button, the&Add Note&modal will appear.&
You can type your note/comment in and when finished, click&Done to add your note. Click&Cancel to back out and cancel the note. (there is a 250 character limit)
Once you have clicked Done, you will see a note icon in the corner of the shape. If you hover over the shape, the note will pop-up.&
If you publish your diagram as a public diagram, your notes will also show on the public view of it. Hovering over the shape will reveal the note if you have the "Show Notes" button selected. You can hide the notes by clicking "Hide Notes". The notes will still be viewable if you hover with your mouse if the "Hide Notes" is selected.&
To&Delete&a note, click on the shape with the pop-up note, click the pop-up note icon in the Toolbar, then delete the text and click "Done". &
Gliffy Basics
Adding Elements to the Drawing Stage
To begin, click the &Flow Chart& tab in the Library and click a &start/end& shape and drag it onto the Drawing Stage, now drop the shape on the drawing stage (Note how if you let your mouse hover over a Library shape you&ll see the shape&s title appear).
While that shape is still selected, type &Start&&the text should appear directly inside the shape. Now, click the&&icon in the Toolbar. Use your mouse to draw a rectangle directly onto the drawing stage: click, drag and release. While the rectangle is still selected, type &End&. Finally, click the&&icon in the Toolbar. To draw a connector between your &Start& and your &End&, click on the start shape and drag the end of the line to the end shape.
While we&re having fun, go ahead and click on the&&icon then click on your new flowchart to zoom in. You can zoom back out using the&&icon or by choosing your magnification level from the drop-down menu in the Toolbar. You can also right click on the drawing stage and select one of the zoom settings from the context menu.
Moving and Manipulating Elements
Whether elements on the Drawing Stage come from the Shape Library or whether they're drawn using the Toolbar, you can move and manipulate them the same way. If you click on an element, you can drag and drop it where you choose on the Drawing Stage. Each shape (like the &start& and the &rectangle& in this example) will display its boundary box when selected. You can use the connection points (little squares in the boundary box&s corners and midpoints) to extend the dimensions of the shape. Just click and drag them. To rotate a shape, click and drag over the curled arrow that you&ll see above the shape.
Lines and connectors are slightly different. Instead of boundary boxes, lines and connectors have small circles defining each endpoint and, in the case of connectors with more than two segments, one to control each middle segment. If you click on the line or connector anywhere but on these circles, you&ll move the entire line without changing its shape. Clicking and dragging the circles will move only that portion of the line or connector.
Setting Properties
The Properties Panel for Gliffy gives you the power to change properties on a shape, line or group, quickly and with little hassle. No more hunting around the application interface to change a simple property, now it&s right there with one easy click. When you add or select and object or group of objects on the stage, a small blue button will appear nearby. Click the &button on a shape to display different property options for that object or group.
From here you can change the color of your shape, border color, border thickness, line pattern, gradient, drop shadow, shape opacity, change the X,Y coordinates of your shape, change the width/height, rotate the shape a certain degree, Lock Aspect Ratio, and Lock Shape.
You can easily hit the TAB or ENTER key to quickly commit the values of X, Y, Width, Height or Rotation.&
If you click on a line or connector, your Properties Panel will look like this&.&
You can do the following quick manipulations within the&Properties Panel:
you can change the arrows at the beginning and the end of the line independently, and we give you all arrow options based on the type of line you are drawing. For instance, if you are connecting UML shapes, we offer you the UML arrows in the selection options.
if you have a selection that contains line, shapes and text, you can now change properties of each object type independently via the&Properties Panel,&without having to select each object type separately.
Saving Documents
The only thing left to do now is to save your document. You can save using the button at the top right of the Drawing Stage or through the &File& menu in the Menu Bar. Each time you save a document, it gets logged as a new revision. At any time you can use the &Revision History& in the File drop-down menu in the upper left corner of the Drawing Stage to revert back to any previously saved version.&
Through the File Menu, you&ll also have the option to &Save As&. Many customers use this to create template diagrams or another diagram very similar.
Evenly Distributed Shapes and Alignment
You can align and evenly distribute a group of shapes on your diagram. To do so, select the shapes you&re working with, click the blue properties menu that appears next to your shapes, and then use the various Align and Distribute buttons to make them distributed the way you want.&
Aligning&takes all the selected shapes and aligns them with the shape that is furthest to the left, center, right, etc. depending on what you select.&
Distribute&vertical center
Distribute&horizontal center
Distributing&takes all the selected shapes and distrubtes them evenly either vertically or horizontally depending on what you select.&
Language Preference
Gliffy Online currently supports the following languages:&
You can set your language preference in the Language Settings area of the browser you are using.&
Chrome (recommended):&
Firefox (recommended):&
Internet Explorer:&
Working with Shapes and Lines
You can add shapes to the Drawing Stage in two ways:
Draw them with the Ellipse or Rectangle Tool or
Drag them in from the Shape Library.
You can draw connectors and lines using the Connector Tool and the Line Tool.
Using the Ellipse and Rectangle Tools
The most basic way to draw shapes is using the Ellipse and Rectangle Tools in the Toolbar . These to one draws a shape with rounded corners and the other draws a shape with right angle corners.
There&s no trick to using either tool. Just select the tool you want from the Toolbar and draw by clicking, dragging and releasing. The first place on the Drawing Stage that you click defines the first corner of the shape&s boundary box. As you drag your mouse with the button depressed, the box grows. When you release the mouse button, the ellipse or rectangle is created to fill the boundary box you&ve drawn.
Using the Shape Library
If you&re using shapes from the Shape Library, it&s even easier. First find the shape you want. Next click it then drag it onto the Drawing Stage and drop it at the destination.
Moving and Manipulating Shapes
As explained in&, any shape can be resized, rotated or moved once it&s been placed upon the Drawing Stage. You can use the little squares that appear in any selected shape&s boundary box&s corners or midpoints to extend the dimensions of the shape. Just click and drag them. To rotate a shape, click and drag the curled arrow that you&ll see above the selected shape.
Also worth noting is the ability to lock a shape to its current dimensions. To do this mark the &Lock Shape& box in the shape&s Properties Panel that appears to the right of the shape. (Using Gliffy Online, you can also right click on a shape and select &Lock Shape& from the context menu.)
When you lock a shape, the little squares around the boundary box turn red to indicate the shape is fixed. You will not be able to change the dimensions, or other properties, of the shape until you unlock the shape.
Setting Shape Properties
When you select a shape, you can edit its properties using the Properties Panel . At the top of the shape properties section, you will see several icons that control the shape&s appearance.
Shape Color
Border Color
Border Thickness
Line Pattern
Drop Shadow
Shape Opacity
The &&icon lets you choose what color fill you want the selected shape to have.
The&&icon controls the color of the shape&s border.
The &icon determines how thick the shape&s border is, or whether it has a border at all.
The&&icon determines what type of pattern the border of the shape will have.&
The&&icon allows you to turn the gradient on or off and the fill color will transition from lighter to darker from top to bottom. &
The&&icon allows you to add shadows to your shapes that suggest depth.&
The&&icon allows you to add opacity to Basic and Flowchart shapes
If you find your mouse isn&t giving you the level of control you want, you can also use the Size, Position and Rotation properties to specify the exact dimensions, location and angle of rotation of the selected shape. The position coordinates correspond to the position of the upper left corner of the shape&s boundary box.
On the right side of the Properties Panel, you&ll also see check boxes for &Aspect Ratio" and &Lock Shape&. Marking the &Aspect Ratio& box forces the selected shape to retain its current shape, but not its size. You can still make an ellipse or rectangle larger or smaller, but it will hold its aspect ratio. &Lock Shape& not only secures the aspect ratio, but also secures the size, color and other properties of the selected shape.&
Shape Opacity
You can control the opacity&of Basic and Flowchart shapes. Click into the blue shape properties box that appears next to the shape and you will see a&Shape Opacity&icon.&
You can manually type in a value or use the scroll bar to adjust the opacity on your shape.&
Line Pattern
In&Gliffy Online, you can set the shape properties of some shapes to be dashed or dotted. You can access this from the blue shape propeties box and then click into&Line Patterns.&
Linking Shapes
You can hyperlink entire shapes instead of just text.&*please note, this feature is not available on multi-part shapes, such as swimlanes, certain UML shapes, tables, etc. More linkable shapes will be coming in the future&
To link a shape, click once on it so it is highlighted, then click the "Create Link" button in the Toolbar.&
After clicking the "Create Link" button, a modal will open to allow you to enter a URL.
After entering the link to the URL you want, click "Insert" to add it.&&
After inserting the link, your shape will show an icon in the lower right corner. This indicates that the shape is linked.&
Clicking on the shape will show the URL it is linked to. You can Go to the link, Edit the link, or Unlink from this menu.&
If you want to remove the shape link icon, check the&"Hide Link Icon"&box when setting up your link.&
Drawing Guides
Gliffy provides guides to help you line up your shapes with other shapes. To turn on the Drawing Guides, click on the &button in the Toolbar. Now, when you drag a shape from somewhere on the stage or from the shape library, it will detect if another shape in it&s vicinity has a matching edge or center point. If there is a matching edge, the shape you are dragging will &snap& to the other shapes edge, and a green line will appear to show the alignment. The same goes with a center point, except the line will be red. See the image below as an example of a left edge and center point alignment on the X axis.
If you have carefully positioned several elements in relation to each other, and you want to be able to move and manipulate them as if they were a single object, you can add them to a&Group:
Select the shapes.
Click the&Group&button in the toolbar.
To break up the group and treat each element as an individual object again, select the group and click the&Ungroup&button.
Using the Connector and Line Tools
The Connector and Line Tools work identically to each other.
The Connector Tool lets you draw a line forced to turn at right angles where necessary and the Line Tool draws a straight line between whichever endpoints you select, with no turns. To draw either a connector or a line, select the appropriate tool from the Toolbar, place your cursor where you want your connector or line to start and click and drag to your desired endpoint.
Moving and Locking Lines and Connectors
Once you&ve drawn a line or connector you&ll notice a characteristic about each endpoint: if it&s a connector with more than two segments, each middle segment has a little circle. These circles work like the squares around the boundary boxes of shapes. If you click and drag on one of the circles, you&ll only adjust that segment of the line/connector. If you click anywhere else, you&ll move the whole line.
Frequently, you&ll want to connect the end of a line to a shape so that if the shape moves, the line will stick to the shape. When you select a line, you&ll see that all the shapes in your diagram become flanked with little & + & symbols. There should be one in the middle of each shape as well. These & + & symbols are standard connection points. If you drag the endpoint of a line or connector to one, you&ll see the little circle turn green. That indicates the line is locked to the connection point. From then on, if you move the shape, the line will remain connected.
When initially drawing a line or connector, you can start off on a connection point&if the connection point shows a green circle, your line will be locked to it.
Infinite Connection Points
You can attach your connectors to any outside border of certain shapes within Gliffy. When you use the Connector Tool and scroll around the outside of certain square shapes, you'll see a green circle appear. The green circle indicated where you can attach it. If you scroll all the way around you will see you can place your connector anywhere and lock it to the shape.
*Please note: If you don't see this option on the shape you are selecting, is is not available yet but will be coming soon.&
Setting Line and Connector Properties
When you select a line or connector, you can change its properties using the Properties Panel (just click the blue button next to the line end, see image below). You can change:
Line endings (arrow types)
Line Color
Line Weight
Line Style
If you select any number of lines or connectors at one time, you can set properties for all of them at once.
Use the&&or&&icon to add directionality to your line (for most lines). For specific shapes, like UML, ERD, BPMN, etc., you will get a selection of line end types specific to that shape type. The direction the arrows in this menu point translates as &left = line start point& and &right = line end point&. So if you drew your line from right to left, and select the arrow that points to the right, you&ll see your line will get an arrow pointing to the left! If you consistently draw your lines/connectors from start to end, this will make adding arrows much easier.
The&&icon allow you to select a color for your connector or line.&
The&&icon allow you to change how thick your lines are in pixels.&
The&&icon lets you choose from a selection of different patterns for the selected line,&from finely dotted to solid.
The&&&icon allows you to select a type of line or connector. The first choice is a straight line. The next three are connectors: right angle, rounded corner,and Bezier Curve.&
UML Cardinality
In Gliffy Online and Gliffy for Confluence v6.0 and above, you can add cardinality to your UML lines. If you drag a UML connector line onto the canvas, you will notice some cardinality boxes appear on each side. You can then use these to add cardinality to your UML diagram.&
Entity-Relationship arrows
In Gliffy Online and Gliffy for Confluence v6.0 and above, you can adjust your&Entity-Relationship arrow ends to make the appropriate shape for your needs.&
If you don't see a pre-made ER arrow you would like to use, pull any of them onto the canvas then click into the blue, shape properties box.&
Click into the line properties and you will see a drop-down for both arrow ends. You can choose from here what type of shape you want to create.&
Bring to Front / Send to Back
As your document becomes more complex, you may find you need to control which elements are in the foreground and which are in the background. You can do this by selecting the desired element *be it a shape, a line, or a text box) and using the&&icon to bring the selected element to the front or the&&icon to send it to the back. In Gliffy Online, you can also send elements to the front or back by selecting them and right clicking to select these options in the context menu.&
Copy Styles
You can copy a style from one shape or connector to other shapes and connectors. Start by setting a style for a shape or connector, then click on the shape to activate the Copy Style&paintbrush icon in the Toolbar.&
Clicking on the paintbrush will copy the style of the shape or connector you selected and your pointer will show as a paintbrush.&
Click on the shape or connector you want to paste the style to and this will then make them have the same styles.&
If you want to paste styles to multiple shapes:, click the shape you want to copy and click the Copy Style icon.&
Circle the shapes/connectors you want to apply the style to with your mouse.&
Once you release your mouse it will change all the shapes in the selected area.&
You can choose to apply color&themes&to your diagram for quick and easy styling. Clicking the&Diagram Themes&button from the Toolbar will open up the Themes box on the right side of your diagram.&
&This moveable box can be moved anywhere on your canvas.&
Hovering over each theme creates a preview of it applied to the diagram on your drawing canvas. Clicking on the theme applies it to your diagram. To undo an applied theme, select Edit-&Undo, or Ctrl+Z.
Completed diagram with no theme:&
Diagram Theme applied:&
Please note that themes only work on flowchart and basic shape types.&
The&Swimlane&shapes can have up to 12 lanes added to them. You can add additional swimlanes by dragging a swimlane shape out to the editor, then click the blue custom properties box:&
Once you click into the shape properties, you can select the "Number of swimlanes" drop-down menu and select how many lanes you want it to have up to 12.&
In&Gliffy Online, you can add tables to your diagram by going into More Shapes-&Website and UI-&Tables. This will open the tables section in your shape library.&
Once you have pulled a table on to the diagram, you can click&on a cell&to select it. Shift + Click&to select multiple cells. A cell is highlighted orange if currently selected.&
Selected cell:&
Multiple Selected cells:&
If you want to Add/Remove columns or rows, click into the&edit custom properties&widget
If you have the entire table selected, you will see these options:&
Add Column
Remove Column
Delete Row
This will insert or delete the column or row at the end.
If you have an individual cell selected, you will see these options:&
Add Column
Remove Column
Delete Row
Insert Column
Remove Selected Column
Insert Row
Remove Selected Row
This will add/remove/insert/remove columns or rows from the cell selected.&
If you have a single cell or multiple cells selected, you can change the properties of these by clicking into the blue properties bar.
If you have the entire table selected and click into the shape properties, you can select the border color and thickness of your lines.&
Border Color:&
Border Thickness:&
If you click into the shape properties area, you can adjust the color of your selected cells.&
&*Please note: the X,Y coordinates and the Width/Height control the entire table, not an individual cell
You can adjust the width and height of individual colums or rows by scrolling your mouse on the border lines between them. The cursor will change and you can then move the colums or rows to make them smaller or larger.&
Using these features you should be able to create extensive, colorful tables in your diagrams.&
Working with Text
There are two ways to add text to your document. Using the Text Tool lets you create text boxes, which can be moved and resized independently from other document elements. You can also enter text directly into elements which is easier, but offers less control.
The Text Tool
Selecting the&&icon from the Toolbar allows you to draw a text box so you can immediately start typing in text. Text will automatically wrap at the end of a line to remain within the box you&ve drawn. If you enter more lines than will fit in the box, the text will extend above and below the borders of the text box.
When you&re done entering text, you can move, resize or rotate a text box just as you would any other shape. If you want to edit the text inside the text box, just double-click on it, you&ll notice a flashing cursor indicating you can edit the text.
Entering Text in Elements
Sometimes you&ll want to enter text directly into a shape or over a line.&
To enter text this way, just select the element you want, by double-clicking (or click once and hit F2 on our keyboard), and start typing. You can edit this text at any time by double clicking on the element. To completely remove text from an element, double click the element, highlight the text and click delete.
Setting Text Properties
Regardless of how you&ve entered text, you can edit the properties of selected text in the Properties Panel .&If you select a text box, an element with text typed over it, or any combination of the two, the text properties section will show up in the Properties Panel.
Here, you can choose between the 15 current available fonts (additional fonts available in Gliffy for Confluence v6.4 or above):
Open Sans Condensed
Roboto Slab
Droid Serif
Roboto Condensed
Permanent Marker
Droid Sans Mono
You also can&change the font size and color, make text bold, italic and/or underlined, and change the alignment of the text. You can also add hyperlinks to text (not available in the Gliffy Plugin for JIRA).
You can set different sections of text to have different properties within the same text box or element. For example, one word in a sentence can be bold and in a larger font size. All that's needed is to select the words you want to change the properties for and make your changes.
Text Position in a Shape
In Gliffy Online, you can move text in a shape to various areas in/around the shape. Clicking into the text properties area will show a Text Position button.&
Clicking on&Text Position will give you 5 options:
Text Inside
Text Above
Text Below
Text Right
Text Inside:&
Text Above:&
Text Below:&
Text Left:&
Text Right:&
Vertical Alignment
When setting the text position in a shape, you can also use the&Vertical Align tool to align the text. You can access this also from the text properties menu.&
Vertical Align Top:&
Vertical Align Middle:&
Vertical Align Bottom:&
&*currently available on Basic/Flowchart shapes
&*only works on un-grouped shapes
Move Text On a Line
In Gliffy Online and Gliffy for Confluence v6.0 and above, you can move text on a line.&
If you add text to the middle of a connector and then click on it, you should see it highlighted green. This means it can be moved all around the line.&
Multiple Text on a Line
In Gliffy Online and Gliffy for Confluence v6.0 and above, you can enter multiple text on a line. You can click anywhere on a connector line to add text and enter as many different boxes as you like.&
If you add text to a connector and then click on it, you should see it highlighted green. This means it can be moved all around the line.&
Linking text
To add a hyperlink, double click on the text and highlight the words you want to turn into an active link. Click the&&icon in the text properties box and enter the desired URL, then click "Insert Link".&
You can also highlight the text you want to hyperlink and click the "Create Link" button in the Toolbar:&
Clicking on the hyperlinked text will show a hyperlink editing box while in Edit mode. You can&Go to the link,&Edit the link, or&Unlink&from this menu.&
Hyperlinks will remain active if viewed as a full-size image on a Gliffy Plugin for Confluence wiki page, exported as SVG or a published URL Gliffy Diagram.
Working with Images
Depending on which version of Gliffy you&re using, there are alternate ways to insert full color images directly into your document via the Library. PLEASE NOTE: Adobe Flash allows a maximum size of an image to be 2880px x 2880px (applies to Gliffy for JIRA v3.9 and before).
Uploading Images
In Gliffy Online, the My Images tab is where you can upload images directly into your Gliffy account, or search the internet for an image. Any image in this tab can be clicked, dragged and dropped to the Document Editor and manipulated like any other shape. Images must be in GIF, JPG or PNG format and cannot be larger than 1 MB.
SVG and all other file types can also be directly dragged on to the canvas.&
Image Search
You can also search the internet for images through the Bing search engine. Enter a search term into the search field in the "My Images" tab and click the down arrow to select "Bing Images". This will then pull up any images of your search results in Bing.&Gliffy will display images returned from your search, broken into pages of twenty.
You can scroll down through pages using the "Next" arrows at the bottom of the page. Click on an image to add it to your Gliffy Image Library. They are editable just like any other shape in Gliffy.
When you upload or add an image to your library, you have the option to "tag" the image with a certain keyword by right-clicking on the image and selecting "Tag".
Tags are descriptive words that will help you find your image when performing a search.&i.e. if your image is a kitten, you can tag it "kitten, cute, animals".
If you tag a group of photos all as &kitten& for example, you can enter &kitten& into the search field in the My Images tab and click the down arrow to select "Search My Gliffy Account". This will then pull up any images you have tagged with that word.&
If you want to know the specs about the image, right-click on it and select "Get Image Info".&
Delete Images
You can remove an image from your Image Library by right-clicking*&on the image, then selecting "Delete".&
*For Mac users, use a two-finger tap while selecting the image&
Document & Shape Shortcuts
As you get more proficient using Gliffy, you&ll find that the built in Document & Shape Shortcuts&speed up your work. You can see a full list of keyboard shortcuts at any time by clicking the &Help& button in the Menu Bar.&
Context Menu
Another way to work faster with Gliffy is to use the Context Menu. The Context Menu provides access to the most commonly used commands with the click of your mouse. To access the Context Menu, right-click your mouse (for Mac users, control+click will perform the same function). The Context Menu varies based on what shapes/lines you have selected:
No shapes selected or not mousing over a shape: Option to Paste Here, Select All Objects, and Zoom
One Shape selected and mouse is over a shape: Option to Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Lock Selection, Bring to Front, and Send to Back
If more than one shape is selected and mouse is over a shape: You will have the options above and the option to Group or Ungroup
Sharing and Exporting Diagrams
Whether you plan to print your diagram, post it online as a live document, or invite other users to collaborate on it with you, sharing and exporting Gliffy documents is likely crucial to your work process. Because of the inherent differences between Gliffy Online, the Gliffy Plugin for Confluence and the Gliffy Plugin for JIRA, your options will be different depending on which application you&re using.
Exporting Diagrams
In Gliffy, you have access to export and print options through the File menu in the Menu Bar.&In this menu, you can&Export&Gliffy documents in SVG, Gliffy, JPG and PNG format and save them for off-line access. To export your diagram, go to&File-&Export.&
If you select PNG or JPG you will have the option to set the resolution up to 400%.&
The&SVG&and&Gliffy&file options have one standard.&
Printing Diagrams
To&Print your diagram from Gliffy, go to File-&Print.&
Some browsers have different behaviors when printing.&
Chrome Browser:&In Chrome, you will need to set your margins to "None" in the print system dialog that comes up after you click "Next".&
For&all browsers&you will need to also make sure you have your Paper Size and Page Orientation set correctly in the print dialog screen that comes up after you click "Next".&
Page Setup
Under&File-&Page Setup, you can select the Paper Size for your diagram, set the paper orientation to Portrait or Landscape, and Display Page Breaks to show within the drawing canvas to show how your diagram will print.&
Paper Size options:
Display Page Breaks:&
&Once you have this setup the way you want, click "Close" to exit the Page Setup modal.&
Collaborating on Gliffy Diagrams
If you&re on a Gliffy Online free trial, Standard, or Pro account&you can control who has the ability to edit your document using the Collaborate feature.&
Collaboration is not available through Google Drive.&
Add & Remove Collaborators
To allow edit access to a Gliffy Online document, use the &Collaborate& command found in the Document Manager.
This will open the Add Collaborators window. Simply add the emails of those you wish to collaborate with to the &Add Collaborators& field, each email address separated by a comma, and click the "Invite" button. Gliffy will send each new collaborator an email including a link to your document and a temporary password (if the user already has a Gliffy account, they will enter in their normal password). When new users follow the link and enter the password, they will be automatically prompted to select a new password. Collaborators have full editing privileges on the diagram that has been shared with them.&
To remove a user from a diagram, click the "Remove" link to the right of their email. This will remove editing and viewing privileges for that particular diagram.&
You can also send the URL to your diagram to collaborators to remind them,&
A&&allows for even simpler collaboration.
Access Collaborated Diagrams
To find diagrams you've been invited to Collaborate on, click on the Shared Documents folder from the Document Manager.&
You do not have to have a paid account to access diagrams sent to you to Collaborate on. You do need to have a paid account to send Collaboration requests to other people.&
Publishing Documents
While all documents created by Gliffy Online Basic users are public, meaning anyone on the Internet can access a read-only version of them, Gliffy Online Standard and Pro&users will by default create private documents they can choose to make public. During your free trial, your account will operate as a "Pro" account, and all diagrams will default to private. After your trial expires and you revert to a Basic account, all&new diagrams are by default&Public.&
To change the public/private status of a document, use the &Publish& command found in the Document Manager. This will open the Publish window (as a reminder, Basic, free users will not have access to make a diagram private).&
At the top of this window, radio buttons allow you to switch between &Public& and &Private.& If a document is made public, the embed code and links that populate the window will work. These links let you embed the latest saved version of the document in a webpage, as a JavaScript, or as a PNG image.
You can also change the status when the diagram is open from&Share-&Publish.&
If you use the public url, this will show the diagram in our public viewer. There are options to use the&diagram as a template, show comments/notes, and&also share via Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. These buttons are built into the public viewer and cannot be removed.
All links will always call the latest saved draft, so you won't need to update links if you edit the document in the future.
Please note, if you switch a previously public document to private, any links to this document (ex. on a&blog) will fail.
Account Settings
Gliffy offers you the ability to self-mange your account through the&Account Settings menu. To access this menu, click into the profile silhouette in the upper right corner of any Gliffy page, then&Account Settings.&
You can also access this menu through&"My Documents".&
In the new tab that opens, click on the profile silhoutette, then&Account Settings.&
At the Account Summary page, you can view your current account plan, expiration date, if you are linked to a Google Apps domain, and API information.
You can also Edit Email,&Edit Password&and change your&Account Name.
Edit Email:&
Edit Password:&
Change Account Name:&
If you have a paid account with Gliffy, and you are an administrator, you also have menu options: Upgrade, Payment Info, Cancel Plan, Account History, Users.&
The&Upgrade&menu allows you to upgrade your plan to a higher, or lower, user count or plan.
The Payment Info&menu allows you to update your credit card information for future billings from Gliffy.
The&Cancel Plan&menu allows you to end your Gliffy Online subscription. If you cancel your plan with Gliffy, your account will revert to basic, or close, at the end of the current subscription period.
The&Account History menu allows you to view all previous transactions and print invoices directly from Gliffy.&
Add/Remove Users
Gliffy also offers you the ability to Add or Remove users from the Account Settings menu if you are an administrator of the account and you have a multi-person plan.&
Users with Admin rights can add new users to the account by entering the email address of the personin the add box and clicking 'Add' button located on the right. &
Once a user is added they will be sent a welcome email to the email address entered. This welcome email will contain the account name, email address, and a temporary password (if the user is not already listed under another account).
Users with&Admin&rights&can remove a user from the "Users" menu by clicking the "Remove" link and they will no longer have access to the account.&
Admin Rights
Users with&Admin&rights&can&manage Admin rights for other users. From the Account Settings&Menu,&click on the Users area.&&A box labeled 'Admin' will appear to the right of their name. By selecting the box, a checkmark will appear which indicates the user now has Admin rights. This can also be un-checked to remove Admin rights from a user.&
Switch Accounts
Users who have multiple accounts under the same email&can switch between accounts by clicking on My Documents then select the profile silhouette in the new tab to access the&Switch Accounts&menu. You can also change the default account you log into from this menu.&
Google Drive
Gliffy is introducing the ability to save your diagram in a snap and take advantage of our new G-Drive integration by storing to your Google Drive account. Click on the&Drive&logo from your Document Manager.&
Once you click the Google Drive logo, another tab will open. If you are not logged in/don't have a Gmail account, it will ask you to either login or create an account.&
If you are logged in already to a Gmail account, it will ask you to allow Google and Gliffy Diagrams to access your information. Click on "Allow Access".
(Note: If you are logged into more than one Gmail account, it will ask you to choose which one you want to link it to)&
Once you click on "Allow access", you'll be taken to this screen:&
*Please note:&Only users on Trial, Standard, or Pro accounts can link Gliffy up to Google Drive. If you are on a free, Basic plan, you will see the screen below. You would need to first upgrade your plan to link up Gliffy to Google Drive&
Clicking on&"How to set up Gliffy with Google Drive" takes you to these instructions:&
After installing Google Drive, go to
On your Google Drive page, click the Settings icon (the one that looks like a gear) in the top right and then click "Manage Apps".&
Scroll to Gliffy Diagrams in the popup that appears and make sure "Use by Default" is checked. That's it. You're all set to use Gliffy with Google Drive!
You can also link up Drive to your Gliffy Online account under&Account Settings-&Google Drive.&
If you are having trouble with your Drive integration, we would recommend coming here to verify you are linked up. You can also unlink then relink to reset the integration.&
Using Google Drive with Gliffy
*Please note, if you are using the Google Drive integration you will need to use the Google Chrome Browser:
To create a new Gliffy diagram from Google Drive, click on the "Create" button in the sidebar of Google Drive and then click "Gliffy Diagram".
To open an existing diagram, just click on your Gliffy file listed in Google Drive.&
Transferring diagrams between Gliffy Online and Drive
You cannot drag and drop diagrams between Gliffy Online and Google Drive. You may receive an error if you attempt to do so.&
Any diagrams created in Gliffy Online will not automatically show up in Drive. Only diagrams created from Drive will appear in the Drive folder. You can start a diagram from
by clicking Create-&Gliffy Diagram:
From within Gliffy Online, you can start a Drive diagram by&first clicking on the Drive folder, then Create-&New Diagram:
If you do not click on the Drive folder first, it will not show in Drive.&
If you inadvertently created a diagram in Gliffy Online and want it to show in Drive, then you will need to transfer them by following these steps:&
1. Login to
(not Drive)
2. Go to the diagram you want to move, then select File-&Export as gliffy
3. File will download to your desktop. Make sure it has a .gliffy file extenstion and save it.&
4. Go to &and click on&Upload-&Files
5. Select the .gliffy file from your desktop
6. Diagram should import and load. Be sure to name and save your diagram. Once saved, it will now show in Drive.&
Useful Links
Gliffy Products
Use Gliffy As
& 2015 Gliffy, Inc. All Rights Reserved}


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