
用简单的英语解释下列句子.没空一词.I hear from my brother once a week.i ________ ________ _______ ______my brother once a week.my favourite hobby is playing chess,i ____ playing chess ______in my spare time.tracy is very interested in reading stories.tracy is ______百度作业帮
用简单的英语解释下列句子.没空一词.I hear from my brother once a week.i ________ ________ _______ ______my brother once a week.my favourite hobby is playing chess,i ____ playing chess ______in my spare time.tracy is very interested in reading stories.tracy is _____
I hear from my brother once a week.i ________ ________ _______ ______my brother once a week.my favourite hobby is playing chess,i ____ playing chess ______in my spare time.tracy is very interested in reading stories.tracy is _______ _______ _________ __________storieswe usually discuss business in the afternoon.we usually____ ______business in the afternoon.i ride a bike to school every day.i go to school.______ _______every day.
1.receive a letter from2.like /most3.interst herself in reading4.talk about5.by bike
hear from my brother once a week. i ____receive ____ __a______ ___letter____ ____from__my brother once a week. my favourite hobby is playing chess, i ___like_ playing chess _best_____in...
I hear from my brother once a week. I receive a letter from my brother once a week. My favourite hobby is playing chess, I like playing chess best in my spare time. Tracy is very i...
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【英文天天写】131030 书中自有黄金屋
发布于: 20:00:15
Background discussion: 古语云,书中自有黄金屋。阅读的确为我们带来不少乐趣。但随着网上游戏和智能用品的普及,你现在会花多少时间看书?
Today's Topic:
1. What kinds of book have you been reading? 2.&Do you like reading? Share some thoughts about your reading habit.
&& 阿雪 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
Back in the school days, reading was the major entertainment to me. Not only is it free of charge, but all it leads me into different world and enlarges my horizon. I used to enjoy reading romantic novels. I could finish two to three novels a day after school and as result my Chinese writing skill enhanced rapidly which granted me a satisfying grade in public exam. Now,there are plenty of enjoyments available and reading is no longer the only pleasure. The smart phone and Internet mostly occupy our leisure time. Most of us like to pursue instant excitement and have been out of patience with reading books. I think that is sad as reading has its unique place in individual growth. Recently, I have tried to pick up some books instead of playing with my portable devices.&
A boy, whoknelt in front of the shrine, pledged his allegiance towards his country andtook his oath against his enemy – a rising power in the Mediterranean.When he grew up, he fulfilled his obligations and duty as a Carthaginian. Heprovoked the Romans into a long and brutal war which brought the rising Roman near the brink of collapse for several times. He, a great soldier, a greatleader, a great strategist and a great man, stood up alone against theinvincible Roman legions and destroyed them. Unfortunately, with plenty ofvictories, he cannot break the wall of Rome and conquer Italy due to the lack of support from its own country. When the war was doomed to bea failure, he changed his role from a commander to a politician for saving hiscountry. However, things went from bad to worse. He, the most loyal citizen, facingthe opposition of conservatives and the pressure of Rome, had to accept the fate of exile. Andeventually he died outside in the foreign land. His motherland, a country thatdid not cherish his own hero, was razed to the ground by the Roman army. Thisis the epic story of Hannibal which comes from my favorite book – 《汉尼拔战记》
Personally speaking, I prefer weekly magazines to those thick books. As I can hardly keep focusing solely on one thing, the rich contents in magazines will be more easily digested by me. As for me, the most important point is not how many books you have read, but how much knowledge you have got from them.In my daily life, I gradually get used to browsing the business magazine CBN weekly, which is published each week by CBN.&It provided not only incisive business information but also a comfortable reading experience. It’s mainly about some latest events in the business circle and deep analysis of economic situation at present. But you have no need to worry about whether you can understand the contents. Unlike those too boring and specialized business&magazines, CBN weekly adopts an iconic and humorous method to make its information accessible to readers. Besides, some of its special columns are also very attractive and instructive to blue collars or white collars. There’s one column sharing the working &experience&some famous person with readers, and this kind of interaction will benefit us a lot if we want any promotion in the workplace. &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & && & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 根据话题写下你的文章吧...(100&words)
I love reading,novels and economic-related books are my favorite.Among English novels,I love Pride and Prejudice most.Recently I spent my spare time with some economic books about macroeconomics which provide me a brand new perspective for the operation of the world.When I was a sutdent,I read a lot.Back then,I like to read Chinese poems and classic novels.After work,I barely took reading as a way to relax.I have so many tasks every day that I hardly have the mood for reading pleasure.Occasionally,I read some books,but most of them are related to my work.I hope one day,after my retirement,I can sit in my porch,be showered with sunshine,read all the books that I planed to read when I was young but cound't spare any time.
(漫谈/PCard 复宠的赤队です)
盟主 早上好~~1. economic-related&&economy-related2.was a sutdent&&was a student3.Back then, I like to read&&Back then, I liked reading4.hardly have the mood for reading pleasure&&am in no mood to read for pleasure5.be showered with sunshine,read all the books that I planed to read when I was young but cound't spare any time.&&bathing in the sunshine, and read all the books that I could spare no time reading when I was young. 经济类的书籍专业性强不~~偶只喜欢看经济类小报 ^_^
hedan990723说:盟主 早上好~~1. economic-related&&economy-related2.was a sutdent&&was a student3.Back then, I like to read&...多谢指点了!经济学的书我也只看点简单通俗的,专业性太强的看不下去
Frankly, I like reading books, especially when I was a young girl. During that time, tons of boring time need to be killed and anything could extremely induce my curiosity. Reading, to some degree, fully satisfies all my needs.
Books with pictures were my favorite, I just cannot stop imaging those adorable stories constantly and I always dreamed that I was living in that story. However, with the development of technology, television was invented, which showed vivid picture and various fantastic stories. Therefore, I was much busier than the period without television. Watching TV was the most important task during my rested childhood.
Books, just met them in school. TV time was my certain enjoyment. This fabulous situation sustained until i attended to senior high school. With the chronic pressure of study, I was also not allowed to take any leisure. Without other choice, books,
fortunately, was my only partner. Magazine was easy to accept, and it could not only take a lot of study time but brought some fresh air around the world in my life. It truly is a wonderful study partner.
As for now, I am on the information high way everyday, acquiring much information about the world then forgetting them in a minute. Everything is rolling in an accelerated pace, I am just on this unstopped vehicle without direction.
As for book, what is it?
(漫谈/PCard 复宠的赤队です)
Hi,sweetie~~1.need to be killed&&needs to be killed2.vivid picture&&vivid pictures3.my rested childhood&&the rest of my childhood 那个我不是很了解rested childhood 是什么意思4.just met&&I just met5.attended to senior high school&&attended senior high school6.was my only partner&&were my only partner7.but brought&&but also bring 8.unstopped vehicle&&non-stop vehiclejust read books with a peaceful mind~~ though we are all in the high-speed information times, some thoughts expressed in books are also meaningful to us. ^_^
(漫谈/PCard 复宠的赤队です)
亲~~记得不要点击楼主可见哟~~or other participants and I would have no access to your composition. ^_^
I really like this topic and I do have some feelings to share. I use to be a victim of reading, but now, I understand the old saying:Reading makes a full man.When I was in high school, I read classic novels and Chinese classic poems a lot, especially those sentimental ones, for example, A Dream in Red Mansions, The Count of Monte Cristo, Song Poems. I dropped tears for those miserable characters at night. I found I became more lonely and moonstruck in a reason of addicting to those books while forgot the real life.Since then, I changed my reading habit, I start to read a widely kinds of books and learn to communicate with others who also read them. For some books I write book views trying to tidy my chaotic thoughts. In other words, outputting is a good way to see how much you absorbed form a specific book.Recently, I am reading the principles of economics wrote by Mankiw, who can explain profound theories in simple language. All in all ,Reading can rich one’s mind and brings more wisdom as long as one uses this skill in a right way.
写得很好哦.moonstruck用得好.I use to be -&I used to be ...I start to read a widely kinds of books ... -& I started to read wide kinds of books...I write book views -& I wrote book reviewshow much you absorbed from -& how much you've absorbed ...互相学习!
(漫谈/PCard 复宠的赤队です)
花花同学~~hello and 谢谢同学们的认真点评 chen的好详细 1.in a reason of addicting to those books while forgot the real life.&&for the reason that I was addicted to those books and forget the real life2.a widely kinds of&&a wide variety kinds of(various kinds of)3.book views&&book reviews 4.rich&&enrich brings&&bring
Recently, I was reading the novel “the Great Gatsby” written by American author F. Scott Fitzgerald that has been described as a tale regarding the American Dream. Someone says this novel’s setting is quite similar to today’s China because both are in the times of huge social change. The story deals with human aspiration to rich and its brutality and betrayal of one’s own ideals and of people. It’s also a story about the breakdown of class differences in the face of modern economy based not on status and inherited position but on the ability to meet the ever-changing social environment. Americans from 1920s to modern day have plenty of experience with changing economic and social circumstances. And also since 1990s, China has also been experiencing this kind of social and economical upheavals. We can feel many cast characters of the novel are also existed in the current China such as Jay Gatsby, a young, mysterious millionaire with shady
Daisy Fay Buchanan, an attractive, shallow and self-absorbed young flipper woman whose choice between Gatsby and Tom is one of the central conflicts in the novel. From this novel, we can well understand why our president Xi once said the Chinese Dream and American Dream is the same.
(漫谈/PCard 复宠的赤队です)
Dear chen~~1.aspiration to rich&&aspiration to wealth(用名词比较合适吧)2.are also existed&&also exist well well well done, 我没法找问题了~~T_T 你敢写的再好点么~~
have you seen the movie based on the novel? I found I did not understand it after watch that movie.From your passage,I learned
how to analyse a movie or a novel, that is to see its clue which run though the whole work.thanks a lot.
Recently, I was reading a life preservation book about how to heal your body by Zhonglibaren. I am interesting in making delicious and healthy food and how to prevent disease by them. And this book teaches me how to deal with the common fever of a child or how to release stress after work. All in all, the suggestions in the books are quite helpful. 答题用时:[23:34]
(漫谈/PCard 复宠的赤队です)
Good morning~~1.am interesting in&&am interested in 2. in the books&&in the book相对于其他种类的书籍,养身类书籍应该更实用些~~啥时候有空我也要去搜罗一本学习学习 ^_^
As we know,reading not only contribute to broaden our horizon,but also benefit our body.As for me,I am very interested in reading sorts of books.The number of books
having been read was about four every month on average.Maybe some people would complain it is difficult to take time reading such a book more over 300 pages,for time is limited.Actually,just as the saying goes:&time is like sponge,you can get whenever you squeeze it&.What's more,if you already had cultivated a good reading habit just like we need to eat every day,reading will become natural in our routine life.I do believe reading will become a serious part in my whole life.
if you already had cultivated a good reading habit just like we need to eat every day这句话好像有点问题。写的围绕主题。很好。
(漫谈/PCard 复宠的赤队です)
袭人酱~~早安~~1. not only contribute...but aslo benefit &&not only contributes..but also benefits2. The number of books having been read was about four every month on average.&&The number of books I have read was about four every month on average.3.take time reading&&spend time reading a book with more than 300 pages.4.time is like sponge,you can get whenever you squeeze it&&Time is like the water in sponge,if you squeeze it,you can always get some. (哈哈 网上查的参考下下)5.you already had&&you have already 我也很讨厌页数多的书o(╯□╰)o 好吧 我多挤挤时间 充实自己
Reading is an important part in my life.I always go to library to select some books that I was interested in or just skim aimless.Books about philosophy and love is my favorite so that I can get power and feel warm love.As we all know,book markets is affected by computer games and smart devices so many people choose to read in their phones,pad.In my personally experience,reading in phone and pad for a long time hurts our eyes and lacks of the interests of reading.Just thinking about a scene when you read a book with a tea in your table in a beautiful afternoon.
(漫谈/PCard 复宠的赤队です)
hello~~1.skim aimless&&skim through books aimlessly 2.is my favorite so that&&are my favourite from which3.book markets is affected&&book market is affected4.personally experience&&personal experience5.lacks of the interests of reading&&deprives us of the pleasure of reading6.Just thinking about &&Just think about or Just imagine the scene that/in which you read a book with a cup of tea on the table 不错哟~~继续加油 fighting~~
Recently I have been reading a book called the color of character which written by lejia.This book is very interesting and its main introduce four color of the character ,red,blue,yellow and green.With the developing of technology,more and more people begin reading on the Internet .The habit of reading books has been got rid of. As a proverb that In books you can find not only gold but also glowing beauty.Therefore,book-reading is an important way to learn knowledge and it can't be completely replaced forever,
很多可数名词没加复数,character,habit, beautyits main introduce four color of the character &it mainly introduce the clolors of four charactors
(漫谈/PCard 复宠的赤队です)
琉璃酱~~1.the color of character which written by &&Personality Colours which is written by2.its main introduce four color of the character&&it mainly introduces fours colours of personality3.With the developing of&&With the development of4.has been got rid of&&has been given up5.As a proverb that&&Just as the proverb says 6.book-reading&&reading books
it can't be completely replaced forever&&it can never be completely replaced木有什么大的问题~~话说乐嘉那本书准么~~我也想看看了 ^_^
What I want to share is a new appliance up-to-date, e-book. With the prevailing of the Internet and smartphone, 'scan' gradually substitute the 'reading', thus the traditional manners of reading seems to be extinguished. Yet the series of 'kindle' products manufactured by Amazon could be a revolution of the reading habits of people, as it should be, all the selling and buying process is under the manoeuvring of the copyright, which can protect the core benefits of the publishers.
Although this seems like advertising, the e-book device I bought recently really changed my life. I can read the book when I want to, ignoring the shackle of the time and space. I can learn English even on the shuttle bus during the boring rush hour. That's the advantages the information era gives us.
(漫谈/PCard 复宠的赤队です)
welcome~~1.seems to be &&seem to be2. could be a revolution of&&could bring a revolution to3.read the book when I want to&&read books whenever I want to写的很好哟~~观点很鲜明 我们应该利用信息时代的成果 good~~look forward to your next article
(漫谈/PCard 复宠的赤队です)
基本的用法这个帖子 但是一般固定词组的介词都是搭配好的
我有时候介词也用的不是很顺 大多凭语感 ~~重点在于平时要多读外刊 多多积累 相信一定就能正确使用了 ^_^
Reading is one of my favourite hobbies.Among all kinds of books,I am a big fan of stories,so often buy Stories magazines.Some stories are really wonderful, from which I can learn so much.Sometimes,I read English stories,too.Interesting,beautiful and instructive, are these like Chinese stories.I also love reading articles on foreign website,for instance Reader’s Digest
On Line.Though My English is not good enough to understand all the articles which foreigners wrote,it will still give me a hand to know the culture of another side of the Pacific.
The last sentence, suddenly, reminds me of the Children's song The Smurfs.
And I also like some books which just talk a story too. Nice to meet U.
I also like some epic stories. And in the past years, I spent around 30% time reading a variety of books. When I feel sad or puzzled, I read some network novels to free my heart. When I feel empty, I read some specialized books to enhance my professional knowledge. I like reading, and my dream life is traveling all over, following with several packing boxes of books. Maybe, you will say, some electronic devices can be instead. I just like the feeling of reading and walking. Mr. TaoYuanming said, a notable poem, “Love reading and don’t content the thorough comprehension”. I have the same view as Tao. Recently, WangQiang, from Peking University, one of realistic character of the popular movie “American dream in China”, held a lecture talking around the topic “Reading destroyed me”. He demonstrated the cause of the difference between his life and some his schoolmates’ life. Wang’s major opinion is that “smart reading should be advocated”. Writing language does have a power negative or positive. In the overflowed-information period, instinct to distinguish makes much sense.
1-- instead 用错了,是个介词。写的时候感觉就不对。用 alternate。2-- American dreams in China 复数,记错了哈,飘飞的名词所有格,最近所有格错的太多了,可是越错我反而越喜欢用。
Reading is a good method for absorbing new knowledge and update ourslef. With the popularity of modern portable devices such as tablet and smart phone, we can access to the reading matirials instantly and easily. Thus, many people tend to read online roughly instead of reading books seriously. There was even a dabate about whether the primary school should replace the textbooks with computers. This attitude to reading is not suitable for self-improvements and the protection of culture
As for me, reading a book completely is a luxury now. the popularity of phone and tablet has brought me to the virtual world for a long time. The habits of only reading books for exams has caused me lost easily as I deal with emotional problems. So I think it is a good way for me to read such books as about time management, friendship mentaining and emotion control in order to improve the comprehension for myself.
ourself-ourselvessuch as tableS and smart phoneS, well-done!!
I do enjoy reading. However, it is very tempting to do something more sensory engaging, like watching a video than read a simple book. I am reminiscent of time when I was only with my book, reading for an entire afternoon, full-immersing in the world created by the author.Nevertheless, the sensory-loaded electric devices have taken over the whole entertainment, and reading is obsolete. What good about the simplicity of reading vs. movies is that a good book really fulfills a soul more than a block-buster does. And it also helps us appreciate the simple pleasure that we used to have


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