谁能帮我看看我的鱼是怎么了它身上有白色的点白色家电是什么意思是有什么病了吗 都死好几条了 怎么办呀 谢谢

& & &鹦鹉鱼头洞病。【书籍资料,供参考】& & &头洞病是由水质变化或细菌因素所引发的,发病的时候,我们会发现鱼头或鱼脸上有几粒芝麻大的小脓疮,花罗汉鱼头洞病的蔓延速度很快,如果不及时治疗,很快鱼头及鱼脸的周围就会全部溃烂,导致鱼儿死亡。当发现花罗汉鱼得了头洞,应尽快及时治疗。  花罗汉鱼头洞症如未及时治疗,会迅速大面积溃烂,导致鱼儿死亡  景裕2号药是花罗汉鱼专用药,对花罗汉鱼肿嘴、头洞病、烂身、白点病的治疗有特效。在这里我们介绍一下用景裕2号药快速治好花罗汉鱼头洞的实例。  1.先来看看鱼儿,发现该鱼得了头洞的第二天,花罗汉鱼的头部穿了一个大洞。  该花罗汉鱼的头部已经穿了大洞  2.将头洞的花罗汉鱼移到小的治疗缸里,这样可以有效减少用药量,治疗缸内要用原缸的水,这一点是非常重要的,得了头洞的花罗汉鱼已经是抵抗力很差了,如果再用新水,水质会有变化,花罗汉鱼就更受不了。同时,治疗缸还需加温和增氧,将水温稳定在32度~33度,治疗缸不需要启动过滤。  缸内需加热和增氧  放入温度计,可以随时观察温度,将水温稳定在32度~33度。  3.景裕2号药一瓶中包含3个胶囊,6个药片,其中以一个胶囊加两个药片为一套药,一瓶总共三套药。以20公升水加一套药为标准,选择适当的用药量。 这里的治疗缸约60~70公升水,一次需要加三套药。  按计算好的用药量备好药  4.将鱼捞出来,小心地把伤口内的脓包完全挤压干净  小心地把伤口内的脓包完全挤压干净  5.将胶囊打开,取适量的药粉将药粉搽在伤口上,同时尽量把药粉向那个大洞里挤一挤。  取适量的药粉将药粉搽在伤口上,尽量把药粉从那个大洞里挤进去  6.把鱼放回缸中,加入药片和剩余的药粉  把鱼放回缸中  放入药片  胶囊拔开将药粉倒入水里  7.放药后,鱼需要泡药48小时。  第三天,再挤一挤鱼头,已经挤不出脓了,但头上的洞还没完全愈合。于是把治疗缸换水1/3,再重复上面1~7的过程,继续泡药48小时,这里需特别注意的是新加入的水一定要曝气两天的水,新加的水必须和治疗缸内温度保持一致。  第五天,可以明显看到伤口在已经结疤收缩,已经不用继续泡药了。于是换水1/3,留在治疗缸内观察俩天。  第七天,鱼儿头上留了个小疤,已经完全康复,可以放回到原来缸中。  鱼儿康复了
提问者 的感言:你就是当代的活雷锋,太感谢了!
估计是得了白点病了。。。白点病是一种最常见的鱼类寄生虫病,多发于秋末春初水温较低的季节鲤科和慈鲷科的热带鱼较易感染。白点病也叫小瓜虫病,小瓜虫虫体(lchthyophthirius multifiliis)呈球形,全身披有纤毛,直径约0.8mm,为肉眼可见的小白点症状:带鱼患此病时,表现在鱼鳍上先出现白点,鱼儿显得精神呆滞、漂浮于水面,很少活动。或者常在水草、砂石旁侧身迅速游动蹭痒。严重时,导致鱼体周身密布白点、停止摄食、肌体消瘦、呼吸困难直至死亡,病程一般约为5~10天。治疗方法:因小瓜虫不耐高温,一般25℃以上就会停止发育,当水温升至28~30℃时,就会自然死亡。因此对患白点病的热带鱼来说,治疗并不太麻烦。只须将水温维持在28~30℃左右,一星期以后,鱼体表的胞囊就会全部脱落。如果此时在辅以药物治疗,效果会更好。用药物治疗时,可在鱼缸中用0.1ppm的硝酸亚汞作药浴处理。对病重的鱼,可用2ppm的硝酸亚汞或0.5ppm孔雀石绿溶液侵洗病鱼2-3小时。当病鱼症状消失后,要及时更换新水,以免时间太长引致鱼的汞中毒。预防此病只须注意保持25℃以上的水温,引进新鱼时先将新鱼用高锰酸钾溶液或盐水浸泡消毒后才放入鱼缸,一般就能杜绝白点病的发生。
北回归线 Tropic Of Cancer
It was a Sunday afternoon, much like this, when I first met Germaine. I was strolling along the Boulevard Beaumarchais, rich by a hundred francs or so which my wife had frantically cabled from America. There was a touch of spring in the sir, a poisonous, malefic spring that seemed to burst from the manholes. Night after night I had been coming back to this quarter, attracted by certain leprous streets which only revealed their sinister splendor when the light of day had oozed away and the whores commenced to take up their posts. The Rue du Pasteur Wagner is one I recall in particular, corner of the Rue Amelot which hides behind the boulevard like a slumbering lizard. Here, at the neck of the bottle, so to speak, there was always a cluster of vultures who croaked and flapped their dirty wings, who reached out with sharp talons and plucked you into a doorway. Jolly, rapacious devils who didn't even give you time to button your pants when it was over. Led you into a little room off the street, a room without a window usually, and, sitting on the edge of the bed with skirts tucked up gave you a quick inspection, spat on your cock, and placed it for you. While you washed yourself another one stood at the door and, holding her victim by the hand, watched nonchalantly as you gave the finishing touches to your toilet.
Germaine was different. There was nothing to tell me so from her appearance. Nothing to distinguish her from the other trollops who met each afternoon and evening at the Caf& de l'El&phant. As I say, it was a spring day and the few francs my wife had scraped up to cable me were jingling in my pocket. I had a sort of vague premonition that I would not reach the Bastille without being taken in tow by one of these buzzards. Sauntering along the boulevard I had noticed her verging toward me with that curious trot-about air of a whore and the run down heels and cheap jewelry and the pasty look of their kind which the rouge only accentuates. It was not difficult to come to terms with her. We sat in the back of the little tabac called L'El&phant and talked it over quickly. In a few minutes we were in a five franc room on the Rue Amelot, the curtains drawn and the covers thrown back. She didn't rush things, Germaine. She sat on the bidet soaping herself and talked to me pleasantly she liked the knickerbockers I was wearing. Tr&s chic! she thought. They were once, but I had worn
fortunately the jacket covered my ass. As she stood up to dry herself, still talking to me pleasantly, suddenly she dropped the towel and, advancing toward me leisurely, she commenced rubbing her pussy affectionately, stroking it with her two hands, caressing it, patting it, patting it. There was something about her eloquence at that moment and the way she thrust that rosebush under my nose which r she spoke of it as if it were some extraneous object which she had acquired at great cost, an object whose value had increased with time and which now she prized above everything in the world. Her words imbued it with
it was no longer just her private organ, but a treasure, a magic, potent treasure, a God given thing & and none the less so because she traded it day in and day out for a few pieces of silver.
As she flung herself on the bed, with legs spread wide apart, she cupped it with her hands and stroked it some more, murmuring all the while in that hoarse, cracked voice of hers that it was good, beautiful, a treasure, a little treasure. And it was good, that little pussy of hers! That Sunday afternoon, with its poisonous breath of spring in the air, everything clicked again. As we stepped out of the hotel I looked her over again in the harsh light of day and I saw clearly what a whore she was & the gold teeth, the geranium in her hat, the run-down heels, etc., etc. Even the fact that she had wormed a dinner out of me and cigarettes and taxi hadn't the least disturbing effect upon me. I encouraged it, in fact. I liked her so well that after dinner we went back to the hotel again and took another shot at it. &For love,& this time. And again that big, bushy thing of hers worked its bloom and magic. It began to have an independent existence & for me too. There was Germaine and there was that rose bush of hers. I liked them separately and I liked them together.
As I say, she was different, Germaine. Later, when she discovered my true circumstances, she treated me nobly & blew me to drinks, gave me credit, pawned my things, introduced me to her friends, and so on. She even apologized for not lending me money, which I understood quite well after her maquereau had been pointed out to me. Night after night I walked down the Boulevard Beaumarchais to the little tabac where they all congregated and I waited for her to stroll in and give me a few minutes of her precious time.
When some time later I came to write about Claude, it was not Claude that I was thinking of but Germaine& &All the men she's been with and now you, just you, and barges going by, masts and hulls, the whole damned current of life flowing through you, through her, through all the guys behind you and after you, the flowers and the birds and the sun streaming in and the fragrance of it choking you, annihilating you.& That was for Germaine! Claude was not the same, though I admired her tremendously & I even thought for a while that I loved her. Claude had a s she had refinement, too, which is bad & in a whore. Claude always imparted
she left the impression, unwittingly, of course, that you were just one more added to the stream which fate had ordained to destroy her. Unwittingly, I say, because Claude was the last person in the world who would consciously create such an image in one's mind. She was too delicate, too sensitive for that. At bottom, Claude was just a good French girl of average breed and intelligence whom life something in her there was which was not tough enough to withstand the shock of daily experience. For her were meant those terrible words of Louis Philippe, &and a night comes when all is over, when so many jaws have closed upon us that we no longer have the strength to stand, and our meat hangs upon our bodies, as though it had been masticated by every mouth.& Germaine, on the other hand, was a w she was thoroughly satisfied with her role, enjoyed it in fact, except when her stomach pinched or her shoes gave out, little surface things of no account, nothing that ate into her soul, nothing that created torment. Ennui! That was the worst she ever felt. Days there were, no doubt, when she had a bellyful, as we say & but no more than that! Most of the time she enjoyed it & or gave the illusion of enjoying it. It made a difference, of course, whom she went with & or came with. But the principal thing was a man. A man! That was what she craved. A man with something between his legs that could tickle her, that could make her writhe in ecstasy, make her grab that bushy twat of hers with both hands and rub it joyfully, boastfully, proudly, with a sense of connection, a sense of life. That was the only place where she experienced any life & down there where she clutched herself with both hands.
Germaine was a whore all the way through, even down to her good heart, her whore's heart which is not really a good heart but a lazy one, an indifferent, flaccid heart that can be touched for a moment, a heart without reference to any fixed point within, a big flaccid whore's heart that can detach itself for a moment from its true center. However vile and circumscribed was that world which she had created for herself, nevertheless she functioned in it superbly. And that in itself is a tonic thing. When, after we had become well acquainted, her companions would twit me, saying that I was in love with Germaine (a situation almost inconceivable to them), I would say: &Sure! Sure, I'm in love with her! And what's more, I'm going to be faithful to her!& A lie, of course, because I could no more think of loving Germaine than I could thin and if I was faithful, it was not to Germaine but to that bushy thing she carried between her legs. Whenever I looked at another woman I thought immediately of Germaine, of that flaming bush which she had left in my mind and which seemed imperishable. It gave me pleasure to sit on the terrasse of the little tabac and observe her as she plied her trade, observe her as she resorted to the same grimaces, the same tricks, with others as she had with me. &She's doing her job!& & that's how I felt about it, and it was with approbation that I regarded her transactions. Later, when I had taken up with Claude, and I saw her night after night sitting in her accustomed place, her round little buttocks chubbily ensconced in the plush settee, I felt a sort of inexpressible
a whore, it seemed to me, had no right to be sitting there like a lady, waiting timidly for someone to approach and all the while abstemiously sipping her chocolat. Germaine was a hustler. She didn't wait for you to come to her & she went out and grabbed you. I remember so well the holes in her stockings, and t I remember too how she stood at the bar and with blind, courageous defiance threw a strong drink down her stomach and marched out again. A hustler! Perhaps it wasn't so pleasant to smell that boozy breath of hers, that breath compounded of weak coffee, cognac, ap&ritifs, Pernods and all the other stuff she guzzled between times, what to warm herself and what to summon up strength and courage, but the fire of it penetrated her, it glowed down there between her legs where women ought to glow, and there was established that circuit which makes one feel the earth under his legs again. When she lay there with her legs apart and moaning, even if she did moan that way for any and everybody, it was good, it was a proper show of feeling. She didn't stare up at the ceiling with a vacant look or count the bedb she kept her mind on her business, she talked about the things a man wants to hear when he's climbing over a woman. Whereas Claude & well, with Claude there was always a certain delicacy, even when she got under the sheets with you. And her delicacy offended. Who wants a delicate whore! Claude would even ask you to turn your face away when she squatted over the bidet.
  全错了!男人欲火中烧时想看一些东西,想看一切,甚至想看女人怎样撒尿。明白一个女人有脑子是桩很好的事情,不过一个冷冰冰的尸体般的婊子口中的文绘绘的语言是最不适宜在床上说的。杰曼的思路对& 她无知、淫荡,她全心全意地投身于她的工作。她是一个地地道道的婊子,这正是她的优点。
All wrong! A man, when he's burning up with passion, he wants to see everything, even how they make water. And while it's all very nice to know that a woman has a mind, literature coming from the cold corpse of a whore is the last thing to be served in bed. Germaine had the right idea: she was ignorant and lusty, she put her heart and soul into her work. She was a whore all the way through & and that was her virtue!}


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