
最近我看到一篇资料,说有研究表明,儿童的语言形成是左右脑互相配合的结果。当儿童接触一种语言的时候,首先听到的是它的语音信号,然后就要寻找对应的图形信号。...我以为这样做仅仅是为了增添乐趣的相关内容日期:怎么增添辅食后宝宝变瘦了? 孩子四个足月后就可以添加辅食,但是添加辅食的时候,奶量不要减少得太多太快。开始添加的时候还要继续保持奶量800-900cc,这时添加辅食的量是较少的,应该以奶为主因为奶蛋白质营养的吸收相对较高,对孩子生长发育有利。如果你给孩子以吃辅食,日期:游戏带给幼儿的不仅仅是快乐 一、利用游戏发展幼儿的社会交往能力 三岁的小班幼儿在游戏的初期表现的一大特征,即以自我为中心,对于如何进行社会交往还是十分陌生。 我们从角色游戏入手,先让孩子扮演自己这个角色,让孩子彼此熟悉,相互介绍自己的姓名、爱好,做一些有趣日期:我还以为您早就过世了呢! 一位自称诗人的年轻人,拿来一首诗给阿凡提看。阿凡提看过之后问他:“这首诗 是您写的吗?” “没错,每一行、每一个字都是我亲手写的。”年轻人洋洋自得地回答说。 “噢,太好了,见到您我真是太幸运了。纳瓦依先生。我还以为您早已过世了呢??日期:我还以为是自己呢! 一天,阿凡提在街上行走,对面走过来了一个人。阿凡提伸出手去想和他握手问安。 可那个陌生人因不认识阿凡提,只是淡淡地应付了一下,阿凡提从上到下把那个人打量 了一番,说:“请问您是……?” “既然不认识我,您为什么伸手与我问安呢?”那个人奇怪日期:还以为是给巴依宰羊 古尔邦节那天,阿凡提在家里宰了一只羊。羊还没宰完,他就非常麻利地从羊腿上 切下一块肉藏进了怀里。妻子见到后奇怪地问道:“喂,阿凡提,你这是干什么?” 阿凡提恍然醒悟道:“噢,我忘了,我还以为是在给巴依家宰羊呢??日期:怎样让宝贝把玩具玩出乐趣 大多数有孩子的家庭,随便一搜罗就能找到几箱玩具。令人困惑的是,我们常常看到这样的情景:每个玩具到手,不管它多昂贵,也不管它看起来多新奇,宝贝常常玩不了...日期:“脏兮兮”的游戏有乐趣 沙、水、泥是每个小朋友都很喜欢的游戏材料,相对于过去提及的秋千和滑梯,沙、水、泥属于另一种游戏方式。它们既没有一定的玩法,玩耍过程亦不分对错。此外,以笔者童年经验为例,我们会在这些“垃圾”中找一些“有用”的物品...
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 - - - - - - - -Dos and don’ts of beautyWhile the spring fashion shows were full of gorgeous hairstyles and high-drama makeup looks, only a handful are actually DOable at home. (The rest would require going to beauty school for 10-plus years, and even then, some get into scary Amy Winehouse territory.) Avoid OD’ing on beauty trends and learn how to test-drive DIY-friendly ideas with these simple tips.    DO try peachy-pink blush  Spring’s rosy blushes are one of the most universally flattering prettifiers. Wear simply and pair with berry lips like the models wore at Anna Sui, or glam it up with black Bardot-esque eyeliner.  
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  Just DON’T go blush-crazyKeep the color on your apples—not on your temples    DON’T overdo the hairspray  Saucy attention-getting clothes? We’re all for that. But wacky amped-up runway hairstyles like these electrified Mohawks? Perfect for the Fashion Week stage but a true beauty DON’T in real life. Keep the teasing, back-combing and hairspray use in check to avoid this Frankenstein look.    DO rethink the ballerina bun  Last time you wore a ballerina bun, you were probably a snowflake in your second-grade dance recital (awww). But it’s time to break it out again. Not only did the hairstyle look super sweet on the trendsetting Lanvin runway, it takes about two minutes to do. Just slick back hair into a simple pony, twist hair into a tight bun and secure ends with bobby pins. To tame flyaways, spritz hairspray on a brush and comb through crown, and for the real prima-ballerina vibe, gently loosen a few strands in the bun to give it that graceful “I’ve just spent three hours doing plies and grand jetés” look.  
  Beware of the forehead bunWhile twisting and turning your hair into a ballerina bun, DON’T get all turned around: Unless you’re going for the Wilma Flintstone look, the bun belongs on the back of your head.    DO try bright green eyeshadow  Nothing says spring like bright trees-are-budding green! At Gucci, models wore emerald-color eyeshadow, a touch of gray under-eye liner and nude lips to draw attention to their stunning look-at-me peepers.    Just DON’T mix it with other bright colors  Let’s skip the yellow clown-wig discussion for now and just focus on this: Green eyeshadow winds up looking costumey when worn with other vivid hues. Keep it simple, and just wear one bright color at a time.  
  DO try a side part for dramaSexy side parts like those seen on the Blumarine runway work like a dream for bang grower-outers and those of us who’ve gone a few weeks—or gulp, months—too long without getting a haircut. Whether your hair is short or long, simply part your hair to one side to get a fresh new look with no major maintenance required. And FYI: If your part has too many flyaways, try squirting a little gel on your comb and brushing them down.    DON’T get punk’d  Be careful not to veer too far off to one side when trying the trendy new side-part look, unless you’re into the ’80s punk-rock scene. A good rule of thumb is to never let the side part sit more than three inches away from the center of your crown.    DO invest in a flattening iron  For a hairstyle that’ll work from the office on through to happy hour, try flatironing a simple ponytail. Once the clock strikes six, wrap with a big ribbon—like the models wore at BluGirl—and you’re ready to roll.  
  Glam up growing-out bangsSweeten up edgy bangs—or make ragged, growing-out layers look more stylish—by sweeping them back and away from your face. After dividing bangs or layers into two sections at the center part, use a large-barrel curling iron to give the ends a sexy, breezy lift. (It looked great on the Bottega Veneta models!)    DON’T try anything too complicated  There’s a reason why some of those runway models look unnaturally beautiful: They have an army of experts on hand to create every hairstyle, eye makeup look, nail polish style and more! Unless you’ve got eight hands on deck too, skip the intricate beauty looks and spend that time with friends instead.    DO add some texture to your updo  While the Cleopatra-worthy sculptural buns worked on the Dior runway, the textured updos models wore in Jason Wu’s show would actually work in this millennium (and off the catwalk). Just pull hair back into a low pony and secure with an elastic. Spritz hair with a heat-styling product like TRESemmé Thermal Heat Control and then break out the 8th-grade crimper. Crimp a few two-inch sections here and there—don’t worry about it being perfect—and then wrap it all up in a fun, loose bun.    DO try groovy ’70s curls  Play the role of a Charlie’s Angel this season and try a few long curls in your hair. After blow-drying, spritz with styling spray, curl three-inch sections of hair around a wide-barrel curling iron and pin on head to set. (Hint: Stop curling hair at ear level to keep the crown super sleek.) Unpin, but don’t brush curls: The real Jaclyn Smith look is to have hair in a few perfect ringlets.  
  DO work the full brow lookNot since Brooke Shields broke onto the scene has there been a better time to have—and flaunt—big brows. So put down your tweezers and get ready to show off full ’80s-style eyebrows this spring.    DON’T be afraid to fake it  Not born with big, beautiful brows? Fake the full-brow look by filling in slightly with a brow pencil and using an angled brow brush to comb hairs into place. The Brow Envy Kit from Too Faced comes with everything you need—including styling wax, filler pencils and stencil shapes—to get the brows of your dreams.    DO go naturale  Ask any eligible young bachelor, and chances are he’ll say he likes it when a date is fresh-faced and makeup-free. But if braving the world sans makeup seems like going to work without pants on—i.e., a first-class nightmare—take heart: As seen on the Chloé runway, there are plenty of products that can help create the au naturel beauty look. The trick: Start by dabbing on concealer only where needed, slick on a liquid foundation like Dior Diorskin Forever Extreme Wear Flawless Makeup and then go light on the eyeshadow, blush and lipstick. And try a brown mascara: Black lashes seem to say “It took me 20 minutes-plus to look this beautiful.”  
   翻得不错哇……  well-spoken essay  ------------------------------------------------------  我觉得应该是well-written essay吧?毕竟这是written,不是spoken.
  希望你求职顺利啦----------------------------------------------------  问题是如果公司考楼主口语怎么办?
   哈哈 那是因为我写的太搞笑了------------------------------------------------------  不知道啊,不然你可以发去英语杂谈看看!
   回家努力背范文~看样子lz长相应该中等偏上~面试的时候只要大方得体,基本用于熟练掌握应该不会有太大问题~刚才lz不也是对自己面试很有信心么  再说我总不好跟lz说希望你求职失败~嘿嘿 P:)  --------------------------------------------------  别怪我泼冷水啊,我是怕人家用英文提问!  当然了,有信心最好,不过有实力也很重要!
  这个你放心 我长的绝对是中等偏上 恩 恩 我会努力背书的-----------------------------------------------------  楼主,尽力就好,别怪我泼你冷水,我怕人家不见得用书上的问题考你。
  呵呵 其实我也只是试试 在学校里呆的太久了 给自己找点可以做的事情 就跑来招这个了  还有一个月  我会好好努力的  ---------------------------------------------------------  我觉得听力很重要,就算背的再熟,你听不懂人家问你什么也是白搭!
  尽量瞎掰吧~不是它忽悠你就是你忽悠HR,而且HR问这些问题说不定也没指望你回答出正确答案----------------------------------------------------  我觉得好像美国偶像的海选啊,最近一直在追。  我在想如果我们搞个中国空姐的海选也不错啊!
   在英国呆的华丽丽的飘过。。。-----------------------------------------------------  在英国呆的也要看呆了多长时间了,刚去的和呆了一年的肯定不一样啊!
  最讨厌这种看热闹的人了...  --------------------------------------------------  也不见得,他要刚去英国,他的英语也不怎么样。
   因为这个世界上有很多和我一样的人啊...有兴趣找个地方来搞笑...而且人家的社会包容度更大,至少不会像我们这样去BS那些选秀出来的-------------------------------------------------------  Through programs like this, the idea of getting rich quick is sold to the general public.
  我给改了很多,更简洁,突出重点.英文信函一定要重点突出,层次分明,切忌同样的意思重复不已.LZ的中文就犯了重复罗嗦的毛病,所以相应的英文也太繁琐.我建议你的职业规划写的更有逻辑更专业一些。-----------------------------------------------------------  其实那个看热闹的英国人有一点说对了,我也不知道自己对不对,不过我觉得太中国式英文了。
   LZ不要先写好中文滴措辞再来用英语翻译,老外会读滴很不爽,虽然能懂-------------------------------------------------------  不是这个问题,主要是怕翻译的太中国式英文了。
   哈哈 真是的 明知道我英语不好 还写这么难的看不懂  小女子华丽的飘走了  ---------------------------------------------------  大姐,你不好才要学嘛!
  Meanwhile I shall continue my study in English and Korean language---------------------------------------------  楼主,最好写一份韩文的简历!
   无奈的马甲0909 翻译得很地道,不过已经脱离了原来文章的本意了。  建议还是用他的好。  -----------------------------------------------------  我还是觉得太中国式英语了。个人意见,觉得不对请无视!
  因为要考空乘,所以要写就职规划,写完了不过不清楚是否有语法错误,大家帮着看看吧!!随便讲,不要留情.... 这个是原文:: 虽然现在我还是一个对于空乘专业有些懵懂的小女孩,但是如果能有幸成为贵公司的一员,我一定会尽我所有的能来让自己成长。首先,一名空中乘务员必须具备较好的外在条件,所以我会认真学习化妆技巧与形象塑造,多多阅读书籍,提高自身的气质。然后在培训期间,我会努力向老师们学习空乘的服务技巧,紧急情况处理,飞机设备,播音技巧等一系列专业知识。与此同时在英文,韩文等其他的语言上我也要继续学习,以便更准确的了解到乘客的要求。之后我还会多多的去了解各个国家的风土人情,从而更加的了解我们所服务的乘客,让他们在我们的服务下有一种回家的感觉。课余时间我会加强身体的锻炼,积极与其他同事交流,加强彼此的友谊。  
我相信在我的努力与公司的调教下我一定会成为一名能够展现自己,代表公司的优秀空服务人员。所以请公司给我这个机会,让我加入你们这个大集体,成为其中的一员。    这个是自己翻译的,英语不好!!呵呵       Although i the girl that
know little about the
flight Professional,but i will certainly feel honored if I could be admitted to Korea aviation , I will really cherish this opportunity and to try my best to make myself to stronger. First, an air crew must have a good external conditions,so i will to take seriously of learning make-up techniques and image-building,read more and more books to improve myself disposition. And during the training, i will do well on all knowledge taught by the teachers,and improve my professional knowledge,such as the airplane the equipment, emergency case handling, service working routine as well as service skill and so on . in the future work I will be able to understand the each country’s local customs and practices,it can make the passengers feels good as they are at home.
And I also will pay some time on learning English, Korean and other languages, in order to communicate with the passengers and understand their needs. In the spare time, I’d like to take exercises. Does well the cooperation with the colleague, helps the cooperation mutually.I’m sure that a good healthy body and a friendly flavour are important for the effective work. In brief,I believe in my efforts and the company’s cultivate , I will be able to become a excellent air service personnel that can show myself and represent the company. So, i hope you can give me this opportunity to paticipate this large group and become one of them.   .
  自己翻的   翻译软件翻的更惨不忍睹
  虽然我英文也不好,  但是你这个翻译得也太烂了。
  妈呀。。。这些里面好多都不是句子。。。  你用的啥翻译软件?
  重写也还是这样啊  有没有 人来教教我啊
  作者:柳家小瑶 回复日期: 20:24:46 
    自己翻的   翻译软件翻的更惨不忍睹  -------------------------------------------    已经没有比这个更惨的了
  出门左转 英语杂谈……
  不要这样啦   至少要告诉哪里要重翻啊
  谁帮我翻译一下   我下辈子就嫁给他  
  作者:柳家小瑶 回复日期: 20:28:45 
    不要这样啦   至少要告诉哪里要重翻啊  --------------------------  全部!~
  建议重新用英语的思维写一遍,不要直接翻译  这样硬翻译很难的    你这翻译比翻译软件稍微强点  但是错误太多了
  。。。。。。  前四个单词已经~~~还是重写吧!!!
  作者:cash2hawk 回复日期: 20:29:07 
    完全不通,千万不要发出去。真的!  ----------------------      所以我就好郁闷啊 一个晚上搞出来的 到现在自己都看不太懂
  Although ...,but ...在同时使用的,我一直以为是小学生才会做的事情
  额的神啊~  看了第一句,就看到   although .......,but.......  就没继续看了。看来楼主还要下功夫
  第一个单词就出问题了  although不能跟but连用的哇。。。MM
  作者:我是来围观的 回复日期: 20:31:28 
    。。。。。。    前四个单词已经~~~还是重写吧!!!        haha
  你还不如用韩文写一篇呢  这英语水平...汗...
  就职规划的第一点是学化妆    囧囧有神    第一句  Although i the girl 应该是 I am a girl 啊 还有Professional是形容词后面应该加名词呀     后面太专业我也不会了
  作者:马尔小蒂尼 回复日期: 20:32:29 
    第一个单词就出问题了    although不能跟but连用的哇。。。MM      这样可以不   Although i am only a girl that
know little about the
flight Professional,      
  I the ....加个 am 那么难啊。。我觉得基本全文要重写。。。
  大集体。。。large group。。。怎么说呢,有些词是咱们汉文才能体现得很漂亮,英文的自我介绍简单就好,没必要中文是怎样就照翻,比方说大集体用TEAM来表达就很可以了,外在条件就说appearance
  天哪,LZ这样的翻译要不得,大学里你怎么拿4级证的,按说4级水平都不会犯这些错误。  因为鄙人的外语不是英语。如果我帮你翻不敢保证没有帮你倒忙,因此帮顶才是正经事。  还有那个原文建议写得有特色点,有条理些。    
  有没有人可以帮我翻译一下    有没有人可以帮我翻译一下    有没有人可以帮我翻译一下    有没有人可以帮我翻译一下    有没有人可以帮我翻译一下    有没有人可以帮我翻译一下    有没有人可以帮我翻译一下    有没有人可以帮我翻译一下    有没有人可以帮我翻译一下    有没有人可以帮我翻译一下  
  作者:柳家小瑶 回复日期: 20:34:27 
    作者:马尔小蒂尼 回复日期: 20:32:29        第一个单词就出问题了      although不能跟but连用的哇。。。MM            这样可以不     Although i am only a girl that know little about the flight Professional,  ----------------------------  that改成who更好些 know+s  flight professional是虾米啊?改成my career to be   后面的but改成 yet
  作者:duckgaga 回复日期: 20:35:17 
    大集体。。。large group。。。怎么说呢,有些词是咱们汉文才能体现得很漂亮,英文的自我介绍简单就好,没必要中文是怎样就照翻,比方说大集体用TEAM来表达就很可以了,外在条件就说appearance        哈哈 最后一句和第一句不是我翻的...不过翻的那个人还过了6级呢!!!!!!!!!!!        
  这个中文就很别扭啊。。完全找不到感觉。。    另外。。空乘服务应该是 flight attendant
  作者:火星是我发明的 回复日期: 20:35:50 
    天哪,LZ这样的翻译要不得,大学里你怎么拿4级证的,按说4级水平都不会犯这些错误。    因为鄙人的外语不是英语。如果我帮你翻不敢保证没有帮你倒忙,因此帮顶才是正经事。    还有那个原文建议写得有特色点,有条理些。              你帮我翻译吧
这个过了 面试我绝对没有问题的
  作者:番茄王八汤 回复日期: 20:33:33 
    你还不如用韩文写一篇呢    这英语水平...汗...      要是用韩文我就不愁了呢 !!!!
  这英文 翻译的太恶心了 千万别发
  另外,建议你重新写一下你的中文简历,从HR的角度来看,所谓“对空乘专业有些懵懂”这样的话过于直白,很容易被hr manager第一轮PK掉
  lz你这个英文 第一句就不通啊~~  你这个咋办哦  高口的人飘过~
  作者:ningxiaohan 回复日期: 20:33:29 
    你考人家航空公司的空乘,可是连这个公司的英文名称都写不对,你可真行。            学姐告诉我的啊
  lz你这个时态也不对啊 建议用一般现在是
  作者:我来自土卫二 回复日期: 20:41:28 
    楼主,你出钱我就帮你翻译哦~        你要多少
  第一句都错误百出了  lz……建议一句句的整句话理解了再翻 不然很生硬的
  作者:夹屁股的板凳 回复日期: 20:45:50 
    没文化,连在天上端盘子的资格都没有。        滚!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!滚远点!!!!!!!!!!! 好歹姐姐不会我还敢写
  lz我帮你翻翻看吧 太惨了这个
  你有网上银行吗?  嗨,块八毛的还不够折腾的了
  从你的简历来看你基本对空乘没有任何的基本知识,完全是个新手,也就是说你和其他的应聘者相比较没有任何的优势,在应征者众多的情况下,你如何给HR manager 留下印象进入面试呢?更何况你的Resumer如此的惨不忍睹!
  第一句我就喷了    LZ乃学好了英文再当空乘吧= =+    另第一句就算是中文也太随意了。。。像是跟朋友聊天的话,不是该放在求职这类文章里的。。
  LZ,我帮你翻译了第一句,已经发给你了  虽然丢了好久,相信用还是可以的    
  作者:超级菲迷 回复日期: 20:49:06 
    lz我帮你翻翻看吧 太惨了这个        好啊 好啊 我太爱你了
  although as a
girl,i know little about the flight attendants,w will try my best to enhance myself   if
you can give me an Opportunity to serve for your company.  fist,an flight attendant must have an exellent external conditions,so i will learn makeup techniques and  image-building and read books carefully to improve my own Temperament,  second,
  作者:北纬偏北 回复日期: 20:52:30 
    第一句我就喷了        LZ乃学好了英文再当空乘吧= =+        另第一句就算是中文也太随意了。。。像是跟朋友聊天的话,不是该放在求职这类文章里的。。      我是学韩文的 所以英文特别
  第一句同喷  中英文都要修改
  大家先看看吧 我先写好 然后再改吧  感觉好不到哪里去
  作者:路边的猴子不要踩 回复日期: 20:48:16 
    看完第一句我突然觉得自己丢弃了两年多的英语还不是很糟糕    +++++++  π    而且我排韩  
  作者:超级菲迷 回复日期: 20:54:59 
    although as a girl,i know little about the flight attendants,w will try my best to enhance myself     if you can give me an Opportunity to serve for your company.    fist,an flight attendant must have an exellent external conditions,so i will learn makeup techniques and    image-building and read books carefully to improve my own Temperament,    second,        你太好了 如果可以过 我一定拉你出来拜把子
  别太高兴了,上面这个人翻译的也很多错误的地方呢  单词都打错了
  作者:柳家小瑶 回复日期: 20:34:27    
    作者:马尔小蒂尼 回复日期: 20:32:29       第一个单词就出问题了      although不能跟but连用的哇。。。MM            这样可以不     Although i am only a girl that know little about the flight Professional,  ---------------------  Chinish.  
  作者:穆晚秋 回复日期: 20:57:27 
    作者:路边的猴子不要踩 回复日期: 20:48:16        看完第一句我突然觉得自己丢弃了两年多的英语还不是很糟糕        +++++++    π        而且我排韩        呃~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  作者:马尔小蒂尼 回复日期: 20:59:00 
    别太高兴了,上面这个人翻译的也很多错误的地方呢    单词都打错了      也可以用来参考一下啦
  second, i will do my best to learn
a series of professional knowledge such about fight attendant`s serve skills,dealing with emergency situations,aircraft equipment,radio techniques,from teachers,
  我的不是标准答案 你看看吧  很久没做翻译了。。。
  建议LZ去找一本英语应用文的书看看,不是仅仅语法的问题,整个的写法都不是这样的!I know litte.....blahblah~~~~~~~~~~还要加什么girl啊。。又不是写小说
  作者:ukato 回复日期: 20:59:30 
    作者:柳家小瑶 回复日期: 20:34:27             作者:马尔小蒂尼 回复日期: 20:32:29         第一个单词就出问题了        although不能跟but连用的哇。。。MM                  这样可以不       Although i am only a girl that know little about the flight Professional,    ---------------------    Chinish.    是chinglish好不好。
  上面的series错了 应该是sery
  作者:超级菲迷 回复日期: 21:03:21 
    我的不是标准答案 你看看吧    很久没做翻译了。。。        恩 恩 谢谢了
  作者:超级菲迷 回复日期: 21:04:15 
    上面的series错了 应该是sery    ------------------  你真可爱  是series
a series of,series不是复数
  不要中翻英,直接用英语思维写,宁可用最简单但是正确通顺的词语和句子。    另,实在自己没这个英语能力又真的很看重这个机会的话,舍得下点本钱花钱请人翻译。不要把希望寄托在别人免费帮你翻上。当然好心人也许是有的。    
  广告杀 回复中请勿附带外网链接 不要复制广告内容以免误杀 谢谢-如花-- jhakde-- 操作时间: 23:09:04 --
  建议重写~第一句就错的离谱    还有不要这么太谦虚~你写就职规划不要暴露出自己这也不懂那也不懂,什么都需要从头学,职场不是学校,它要的不是一个勤学好问的好学生,而是一个能带来利益的员工,你的这些可以换一种方式表述~做一个计划,你的目标,实现方式,时间之类的    话说我也不是很懂~都是听讲座听到的
  不要说 调教啊 之类词语 你进入公司 是给自己和公司带来双赢!!!
  国内航班的全程中英文广播词      一、欢迎词:      女士们,先生们:       欢迎您乘坐中国XX航空公司航班XX  前往  (中途降落  )。由  至____的飞行距离是  ,预计空中飞行时间是  小时  分。飞行高度  米,飞行速度平均每小时  公里。      为了保障飞机导航及通讯系统的正常工作,在飞机起飞和下降过程中请不要使用手提式电脑,在整个航程中请不要使用手提电话,遥控玩具,电子游戏机,激光唱机和电音频接收机等电子设备。      飞机很快就要起飞了,现在有客舱乘务员进行安全检查。请您坐好,系好安全带,收起座椅靠背和小桌板。请您确认您的手提物品是否妥善安放在头顶上方的行李价内或座椅下发。(本次航班全程禁烟,在飞行途中请不要吸烟。)      本次航班的乘务长将协同机上  名乘务员竭诚为为您提供及时周到的服务。      谢谢!      Welcome       Good morning (afternon, evening),Ladies and Gentlemen:      Welcome aboard XX Airlines flight XX  to  (via  )。The distance between  and  is  kilometers。Our flight will take   hours and  minutes。We will be flying at an altitude of_  meters and the average speed is  kilometers per hour。      In order to ensure the normal operation of aircraft navigation and communication systems,passengers are toys,and other electronic devices throughout the flight and the laptio computers are not allowed to use during take-off and landing。      We will take off immediately,Please be seated,fasten your seat belt,and make sure your seat back is straight up,your tray table is closed and your carry-on items are securely stowed in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you。(This is a non-smoking flight,do not smoke on board)。      The (chief)purser  with all your crewmembers will be sincerely at your service。We hope you enjoy the flight!Thank you!          先凑合饿补一些
  at the same time, i will continue to learn english korean so as to understand passenger’s demand precisly,  then i will acquaint myself with every countries customs so as to make our passengers feel at home.  i will take exercise and communicate with colleagues actively in my spare time
  上面有人指出你的错误,你就说别人说风凉话,这种心态很不好。别人没有义务帮你翻,指出你的问题所在已经是在帮你了。  对待工作的态度也是,自己没有这个水平又不肯下本钱,怎么找得好工作呢?就算真进去了,平时工作中要用到英语怎么办?也到处找人帮吗?职场里的人可没那么善良
  作者:马尔小蒂尼 回复日期: 21:05:20 
    作者:超级菲迷 回复日期: 21:04:15        上面的series错了 应该是sery        ------------------    你真可爱    是series a series of,series不是复数  ------------------------  你说的对。。  我脑子错乱了  
  我觉得你的简历如果第一句话就这么说的话,好像有些不太对劲。  在之前看过一些比较正式的求职的自我介绍(英文),貌似你还要加一些开头的话,那么可能会想的顺畅一些.  你的中文简历好像都显得很不通畅。不过,我觉得你的这段介绍最好要请一个懂得人帮忙下。  我不是专业人士,只是发表一下建议,呵呵。      
    最后一句真是过了6级的人帮你翻的?  现在6级这么好过?  求职信可以这样用i hope的?
  When I was a child, I had dreamed to be a air stewatd. I hoped that one day I could fly like the bird in the sky.I really admire the pilot and I am also attracted by the plane that can take people to the high place.I know I can not be the good pilot because of some lackness, however I could also make my dream come true for being a air stewatd.   I have the hobby to collect the mode of plane and I also pay more attention to the books that are related to the aviation.I can tell you which company has the most planes in the world and you also can know what is the exactly conflict between BOEING and AIRBUS from me.   What is more, I really care about the development of our country’s aviation.Although our air company is just developing it will take the most part of the globe market.   with the developing of the technology ,more and more Aircraft passenger will select Chinese air company because we have the most popluation in the world as well as the long histroy.   Finally, I would say, I want to fly in the sky and I also know the responsiblity of the air stewatd.I just say that as long as I am standing on a plane ,no our customer would be unsatisfied .   --------------------------------------------    上例文    楼主妹妹可以参考这个
  作者:mellissa1984 回复日期: 21:10:34 
    那个,请问LZ英语的口语如何?考空乘口语应该更重要吧?      口语我都会 可是你让我写我就完全蒙了
  作者:mellissa1984 回复日期: 21:10:34        那个,请问LZ英语的口语如何?考空乘口语应该更重要吧?            口语我都会 可是你让我写我就完全蒙了         ==================    我以为对英语不是母语的人来说,说比写难点。  看来我错了。  
  作者:Kame_mama 回复日期: 21:16:10 
    When I was a child, I had dreamed to be a air stewatd. I hoped that one day I could fly like the bird in the sky.I really admire the pilot and I am also attracted by the plane that can take people to the high place.I know I can not be the good pilot because of some lackness, however I could also make my dream come true for being a air stewatd.     I have the hobby to collect the mode of plane and I also pay more attention to the books that are related to the aviation.I can tell you which company has the most planes in the world and you also can know what is the exactly conflict between BOEING and AIRBUS from me.     What is more, I really care about the development of our country’s aviation.Although our air company is just developing it will take the most part of the globe market.     with the developing of the technology ,more and more Aircraft passenger will select Chinese air company because we have the most popluation in the world as well as the long histroy.     Finally, I would say, I want to fly in the sky and I also know the responsiblity of the air stewatd.I just say that as long as I am standing on a plane ,no our customer would be unsatisfied .     --------------------------------------------        上例文        楼主妹妹可以参考这个      哇
  作者:超级菲迷 回复日期: 21:02:06        second, i will do my best to learn a series of professional knowledge such about fight attendant`s serve skills,dealing with emergency situations,aircraft equipment,radio techniques,from teachers,    -------------------  这位帅哥也是五十步笑百步呢。。。a series of professional knowledge。。够中文化。such about... radio techniques。。。from teachers。。。喷饭ing      
  作者:TwistKing 回复日期: 21:19:58 
    作者:mellissa1984 回复日期: 21:10:34          那个,请问LZ英语的口语如何?考空乘口语应该更重要吧?                  口语我都会 可是你让我写我就完全蒙了                 ==================        我以为对英语不是母语的人来说,说比写难点。    看来我错了。      我妈妈会英语 所以在家她会说 可是日常的我会,但是写这种东西就不行了
  上面加强我们的友谊 忘记了。。  to strengthen our friendship    i believe we will get a win-win situation if you can
opportuinity to be a member in the large group
  汗 走人了。。  好像丢人丢大发了。。。  声明啊 俺的高口证从来没用过啊
  作者:beem 回复日期: 21:21:14 
    作者:超级菲迷 回复日期: 21:02:06            second, i will do my best to learn a series of professional knowledge such about fight attendant`s serve skills,dealing with emergency situations,aircraft equipment,radio techniques,from teachers,        -------------------    这位帅哥也是五十步笑百步呢。。。a series of professional knowledge。。够中文化。such about... radio techniques。。。from teachers。。。喷饭ing      那你帮我写吧
  作者:超级菲迷 回复日期: 21:23:03 
    汗 走人了。。    好像丢人丢大发了。。。    声明啊 俺的高口证从来没用过啊      不要走好不好
  作者:9898_55 回复日期: 21:23:17 
    这个英文简历更像是飞行员准备的吧......还搜集飞机模型......      哪里有飞机模型
  作者:9898_55 回复日期: 21:23:17 
    这个英文简历更像是飞行员准备的吧......还搜集飞机模型......  =========================================  就是一个飞行员的求职信~    不过可以仿照仿照~改一下~刚开始一看lz就职规划还以为已经录取了呢~  
  作者:柳家小瑶 回复日期: 21:20:22 
    作者:Kame_mama 回复日期: 21:16:10        When I was a child, I had dreamed to be a air stewatd. I hoped that one day I could fly like the bird in the sky.I really admire the pilot and I am also attracted by the plane that can take people to the high place.I know I can not be the good pilot because of some lackness, however I could also make my dream come true for being a air stewatd.       I have the hobby to collect the mode of plane and I also pay more attention to the books that are related to the aviation.I can tell you which company has the most planes in the world and you also can know what is the exactly conflict between BOEING and AIRBUS from me.       What is more, I really care about the development of our country’s aviation.Although our air company is just developing it will take the most part of the globe market.       with the developing of the technology ,more and more Aircraft passenger will select Chinese air company because we have the most popluation in the world as well as the long histroy.       Finally, I would say, I want to fly in the sky and I also know the responsiblity of the air stewatd.I just say that as long as I am standing on a plane ,no our customer would be unsatisfied .       --------------------------------------------            上例文            楼主妹妹可以参考这个      呃
不过这个是就应聘动机 不是就职规划
  满讨厌在公共论坛里撒娇要别人帮忙做事的。有这功夫还不如自己赶紧花钱找正规翻译。  职场里最不受欢迎最容易被淘汰的就是这种没能力只会依赖靠别人的人。
  主要喜欢 冲上云霄的感觉 喜欢高空封闭空间内的挑战的工作
喜欢吃苦 ......
  作者:毕打自己人 回复日期: 21:26:38 
    作者:9898_55 回复日期: 21:23:17        这个英文简历更像是飞行员准备的吧......还搜集飞机模型......    =========================================    就是一个飞行员的求职信~        不过可以仿照仿照~改一下~刚开始一看lz就职规划还以为已经录取了呢~      这个是要求写的啦!!!!!
  LZ我帮你翻了一下,但是注意我改了一些部分(比如说第一句话,我觉得中文外文都不应该说成那样的,现在你是要求职,不是要提醒对方你是一个什么都不懂的小孩子,应该用成熟一点的语气)。     还有,我估计你要说的是KOREAN AIR, 但是因为我不肯定你说的是哪家公司,就没有写确切的名字。但是还是建议你查一下公司名字,不然面试会很尴尬。    Although I do not have comprehensive knowledge regarding the flight attendants profession, if I have the honor of being selected to join your company, I will make every effort to develop myself into the kind of flight attendant you require.
First of all, I understand that a flight attendant must be always well-dres in that direction, I plan to learn to apply make-up and the art of dress, in addition to increasing my leisure reading so that I can project an air of pleasantness and professionalism.
Secondly, during the training period, I will make every conceivable effort to learn from my teachers the necessary series of professional knowledge, including in-flight service techniques, emergency situation handling, airplane features and public announcement skills.
In addition, I will make every effort to understand the cultures of the countries we serve, so that I can better understand the passengers and make them feel at home during flights. In my spare time, I will exercise regularly and proactively get to know my colleagues so that we can work better as a team to serve the customers.     I am confident that through my own hard work and through your company’s expert training, I will definitely become an excellent professional flight attendant and be a credit to your company.
Therefore, I hereby respectfully request that I be given this opportunity.   
  作者:博爱的粉丝 回复日期: 21:29:45 
    满讨厌在公共论坛里撒娇要别人帮忙做事的。有这功夫还不如自己赶紧花钱找正规翻译。    职场里最不受欢迎最容易被淘汰的就是这种没能力只会依赖靠别人的人。            这个去哪里找
  者:veil337 回复日期: 21:31:53 
    LZ我帮你翻了一下,但是注意我改了一些部分(比如说第一句话,我觉得中文外文都不应该说成那样的,现在你是要求职,不是要提醒对方你是一个什么都不懂的小孩子,应该用成熟一点的语气)。         还有,我估计你要说的是KOREAN AIR, 但是因为我不肯定你说的是哪家公司,就没有写确切的名字。但是还是建议你查一下公司名字,不然面试会很尴尬。        Although I do not have comprehensive knowledge regarding the flight attendants profession, if I have the honor of being selected to join your company, I will make every effort to develop myself into the kind of flight attendant you require. First of all, I understand that a flight attendant must be always well-dres in that direction, I plan to learn to apply make-up and the art of dress, in addition to increasing my leisure reading so that I can project an air of pleasantness and professionalism. Secondly, during the training period, I will make every conceivable effort to learn from my teachers the necessary series of professional knowledge, including in-flight service techniques, emergency situation handling, airplane features and public announcement skills. In addition, I will make every effort to understand the cultures of the countries we serve, so that I can better understand the passengers and make them feel at home during flights. In my spare time, I will exercise regularly and proactively get to know my colleagues so that we can work better as a team to serve the customers.         I am confident that through my own hard work and through your company’s expert training, I will definitely become an excellent professional flight attendant and be a credit to your company. Therefore, I hereby respectfully request that I be given this opportunity.         谢谢你呀!!!我会仔细看的 !!谢谢帮忙了
  其实给楼主一个提醒 空乘不是穿好看衣服
空乘是吃苦的 为别人提供服务 同时 高空封闭空间 提供服务 对体能等有更高要求 更重要是你需要有充分心理准备 去迎接挑战肯吃苦 俗话说 天上一年 地上十年 就是说 在高空 封闭空间 干燥空气 紧张工作会使你更容易疲劳 对身体也是加速衰老 所以你应该适当强调你的1服务精神 2 肯吃苦 3 热爱这个职业 比如从小就有“空中小姐”的美好理想 等等......现在很多航空公司已经不是挑谁漂亮了 而是谁能吃苦!!!!!!
  作者:柳家小瑶 回复日期: 21:36:41 
          这个去哪里找    ————————————————————  网上翻译公司或个人搜搜一大把的。    不过你不用花钱了,veil337帮了你大忙了,好好谢谢她吧。    如果你能进那家公司,这种撒娇要人帮忙的态度最好还是收起来
  作者:柳家小瑶 回复日期: 21:38:58 
    者:veil337 回复日期: 21:31:53        LZ我帮你翻了一下,但是注意我改了一些部分(比如说第一句话,我觉得中文外文都不应该说成那样的,现在你是要求职,不是要提醒对方你是一个什么都不懂的小孩子,应该用成熟一点的语气)。             还有,我估计你要说的是KOREAN AIR, 但是因为我不肯定你说的是哪家公司,就没有写确切的名字。但是还是建议你查一下公司名字,不然面试会很尴尬。            Although I do not have comprehensive knowledge regarding the flight attendants profession, if I have the honor of being selected to join your company, I will make every effort to develop myself into the kind of flight attendant you require. First of all, I understand that a flight attendant must be always well-dres in that direction, I plan to learn to apply make-up and the art of dress, in addition to increasing my leisure reading so that I can project an air of pleasantness and professionalism. Secondly, during the training period, I will make every conceivable effort to learn from my teachers the necessary series of professional knowledge, including in-flight service techniques, emergency situation handling, airplane features and public announcement skills. In addition, I will make every effort to understand the cultures of the countries we serve, so that I can better understand the passengers and make them feel at home during flights. In my spare time, I will exercise regularly and proactively get to know my colleagues so that we can work better as a team to serve the customers.             I am confident that through my own hard work and through your company’s expert training, I will definitely become an excellent professional flight attendant and be a credit to your company. Therefore, I hereby respectfully request that I be given this opportunity.               谢谢你呀!!!我会仔细看的 !!谢谢帮忙了    
  作者:博爱的粉丝 回复日期: 21:41:15 
    作者:柳家小瑶 回复日期: 21:36:41                这个去哪里找        ————————————————————    网上翻译公司或个人搜搜一大把的。        不过你不用花钱了,veil337帮了你大忙了,好好谢谢她吧。        如果你能进那家公司,这种撒娇要人帮忙的态度最好还是收起来     恩 恩
我知道了 谢谢
  Although i the girl that know little about the flight Professional  -----------------------------  看完第一句……我就不想看下去了……  太惨了……
  作者:柳家小瑶 回复日期: 21:41:49 
      怎么你翻译的和我姐姐翻译的是一样的 哇 神了  ——————————————————-  你姐都翻译了你怎么还来找人翻译,还是你根本就看不懂你姐翻译的。veil337的翻译的确很好,你要是能看懂你姐的翻译就不用来这儿问了。    楼主你可能比较高估你的口语水平了,一般书面语和口语程度不会差那么多的。想要这份工作,还是好好提高自己的水平吧
  那你首先要写称谓啊~然后第一段写你从哪里知道这家公司招聘的消息和你求职的意向(就是你想应聘哪个职务——第一段要简洁明了,让HR一看就知道你的目的)  第二段就开始自我介绍,你的基本资料(这个接受下叫什么什么学校毕业之类的就行了吧,你应该还会再写一份resume吧)啊,为什么应聘还有你能力胜任这份工作,这两方面要好好写  第三段你可以写你的职场规划(不知道你应聘的公司是要求写在一起还是分开写),写你的三年计划,五年计划之内的  最后就写一些套话啦,什么希望收到你的来信啊,最重要是留下你的联系方式,然后署名  求职信不用写太长的~人家HR没这么多时间看一些与求职无关的信息,还有扬长避短,人家又不是培训公司~lz的那份就职规划不好这样写啦~中文版的都不好  英文内容你真的可以请教你妈妈,面对面教你比较好
  作者:veil337 回复日期: 21:31:53   ===========================================  抱住~下次帮我写吧~
  者:毕打自己人 回复日期: 21:47:46 
    那你首先要写称谓啊~然后第一段写你从哪里知道这家公司招聘的消息和你求职的意向(就是你想应聘哪个职务——第一段要简洁明了,让HR一看就知道你的目的)    第二段就开始自我介绍,你的基本资料(这个接受下叫什么什么学校毕业之类的就行了吧,你应该还会再写一份resume吧)啊,为什么应聘还有你能力胜任这份工作,这两方面要好好写    第三段你可以写你的职场规划(不知道你应聘的公司是要求写在一起还是分开写),写你的三年计划,五年计划之内的    最后就写一些套话啦,什么希望收到你的来信啊,最重要是留下你的联系方式,然后署名    求职信不用写太长的~人家HR没这么多时间看一些与求职无关的信息,还有扬长避短,人家又不是培训公司~lz的那份就职规划不好这样写啦~中文版的都不好    英文内容你真的可以请教你妈妈,面对面教你比较好      她出差了
  I will make every effort to develop myself into the kind of a flight cabin you required.
  veil337 回复日期: 21:31:53          LZ我帮你翻了一下,但是注意我改了一些部分(比如说第一句话,我觉得中文外文都不应该说成那样的,现在你是要求职,不是要提醒对方你是一个什么都不懂的小孩子,应该用成熟一点的语气)。                 还有,我估计你要说的是KOREAN AIR, 但是因为我不肯定你说的是哪家公司,就没有写确切的名字。但是还是建议你查一下公司名字,不然面试会很尴尬。                Although I do not have comprehensive knowledge regarding the flight attendants profession, if I have the honor of being selected to join your company, I will make every effort to develop myself into the kind of flight attendant you require. First of all, I understand that a flight attendant must be always well-dres in that direction, I plan to learn to apply make-up and the art of dress, in addition to increasing my leisure reading so that I can project an air of pleasantness and professionalism. Secondly, during the training period, I will make every conceivable effort to learn from my teachers the necessary series of professional knowledge, including in-flight service techniques, emergency situation handling, airplane features and public announcement skills. In addition, I will make every effort to understand the cultures of the countries we serve, so that I can better understand the passengers and make them feel at home during flights. In my spare time, I will exercise regularly and proactively get to know my colleagues so that we can work better as a team to serve the customers.                 I am confident that through my own hard work and through your company’s expert training, I will definitely become an excellent professional flight attendant and be a credit to your company. Therefore, I hereby respectfully request that I be given this opportunity.   -------------------------------------  翻得不错哇……  well-spoken essay
  作者:博爱的粉丝 回复日期: 21:47:23 
    作者:柳家小瑶 回复日期: 21:41:49          怎么你翻译的和我姐姐翻译的是一样的 哇 神了    ——————————————————-    你姐都翻译了你怎么还来找人翻译,还是你根本就看不懂你姐翻译的。veil337的翻译的确很好,你要是能看懂你姐的翻译就不用来这儿问了。            你们看见你那份就是她翻译完又被我改的面目全非的那份
  看到第一句就看不下去了 ~~~!!!
  你不用愁了~veil337写的就不错~其他的几个步骤网上都可以找到套话的~别在这上面耗着了~赶紧去吧~随便写完了叫你姐姐琢磨琢磨~  希望你求职顺利啦
  作者:beatdownguo 回复日期: 21:56:11 
    很奇怪英语的帖子在八卦还有这么多回复的,在英语杂谈里发都没有这么高的人气!        哈哈 那是因为我写的太搞笑了
  楼主你要写的到底是求职信还是已经录取了然后入职要求写职业规划?怎么觉得这种表决心式的文章只有机关单位写工作计划才会用到啊...    感觉你的中文版本就很多问题...
  柳家小瑶 回复日期: 21:53:50 
    作者:博爱的粉丝 回复日期: 21:47:23        作者:柳家小瑶 回复日期: 21:41:49            怎么你翻译的和我姐姐翻译的是一样的 哇 神了      ——————————————————-      你姐都翻译了你怎么还来找人翻译,还是你根本就看不懂你姐翻译的。veil337的翻译的确很好,你要是能看懂你姐的翻译就不用来这儿问了。                      你们看见你那份就是她翻译完又被我改的面目全非的那份     ____  摸摸安慰一下,以后记得不要随便乱改别人的翻译哈,还有小MM真的要好好复习一下英文语法。加油! :)
  作者:beatdownguo 回复日期: 21:57:53 
    希望你求职顺利啦    ----------------------------------------------------    问题是如果公司考楼主口语怎么办?  =================  回家努力背范文~看样子lz长相应该中等偏上~面试的时候只要大方得体,基本用于熟练掌握应该不会有太大问题~刚才lz不也是对自己面试很有信心么  再说我总不好跟lz说希望你求职失败~嘿嘿 P:)
  者:mellissa1984 回复日期: 21:59:56 
    LZ要面试的是大韩不?        是的 是的 你也要吗
  作者:毕打自己人 回复日期: 22:04:01 
    作者:beatdownguo 回复日期: 21:57:53        希望你求职顺利啦      ----------------------------------------------------      问题是如果公司考楼主口语怎么办?    =================    回家努力背范文~看样子lz长相应该中等偏上~面试的时候只要大方得体,基本用于熟练掌握应该不会有太大问题~刚才lz不也是对自己面试很有信心么    再说我总不好跟lz说希望你求职失败~嘿嘿 P:)        这个你放心 我长的绝对是中等偏上
恩 恩 我会努力背书的
看来还要常看才行啊 。。。。
  作者:veil337 回复日期: 22:03:20 
    柳家小瑶 回复日期: 21:53:50        作者:博爱的粉丝 回复日期: 21:47:23          作者:柳家小瑶 回复日期: 21:41:49              怎么你翻译的和我姐姐翻译的是一样的 哇 神了        ——————————————————-        你姐都翻译了你怎么还来找人翻译,还是你根本就看不懂你姐翻译的。veil337的翻译的确很好,你要是能看懂你姐的翻译就不用来这儿问了。                                你们看见你那份就是她翻译完又被我改的面目全非的那份         ____    摸摸安慰一下,以后记得不要随便乱改别人的翻译哈,还有小MM真的要好好复习一下英文语法。加油! :)      恩 恩
  作者:beatdownguo 回复日期: 22:08:38 
     回家努力背范文~看样子lz长相应该中等偏上~面试的时候只要大方得体,基本用于熟练掌握应该不会有太大问题~刚才lz不也是对自己面试很有信心么      再说我总不好跟lz说希望你求职失败~嘿嘿 P:)    --------------------------------------------------    别怪我泼冷水啊,我是怕人家用英文提问!    当然了,有信心最好,不过有实力也很重要!    
  呵呵 其实我也只是试试 在学校里呆的太久了 给自己找点可以做的事情 就跑来招这个了  还有一个月  我会好好努力的
  作者:beatdownguo 回复日期: 22:10:11 
    这个你放心 我长的绝对是中等偏上 恩 恩 我会努力背书的    -----------------------------------------------------    楼主,尽力就好,别怪我泼你冷水,我怕人家不见得用书上的问题考你  ======================================================  遇到这个就看应变能力,别一声都不出~尽量瞎掰吧~不是它忽悠你就是你忽悠HR,而且HR问这些问题说不定也没指望你回答出正确答案
  veil翻的还是中国式英语,细细。。。不过她很热心,这样的估计在国内可以用了    BS自己没有这种助人为乐的精神。。。      在英国呆的华丽丽的飘过。。。
    写的不错 继续
  作者:xmkittyoyo 回复日期: 22:15:05 
    veil翻的还是中国式英语,细细。。。不过她很热心,这样的估计在国内可以用了        BS自己没有这种助人为乐的精神。。。            在英国呆的华丽丽的飘过。。。      最讨厌这种看热闹的人了...
  作者:beatdownguo 回复日期: 22:18:12 
    我一直在想为什么美国偶像都第八季还那么火,到底优点在哪里呢?        因为这个世界上有很多和我一样的人啊...有兴趣找个地方来搞笑...而且人家的社会包容度更大,至少不会像我们这样去BS那些选秀出来的
  作者:beatdownguo 回复日期: 22:12:46 
    楼主,我能把这帖子发到英语杂谈上去吗?      你要发 就自己发吧
  作者:纳兰素 回复日期: 22:03:20 
    楼主你要写的到底是求职信还是已经录取了然后入职要求写职业规划?怎么觉得这种表决心式的文章只有机关单位写工作计划才会用到啊...        感觉你的中文版本就很多问题...            他们给的求职简历里有职业规划这一栏  
  我给改了很多,更简洁,突出重点.英文信函一定要重点突出,层次分明,切忌同样的意思重复不已.LZ的中文就犯了重复罗嗦的毛病,所以相应的英文也太繁琐.我建议你的职业规划写的更有逻辑更专业一些。    不要说自己对空乘专业只懂一点---我给你改成对空乘专业有所了解且有意向在此领域有更好的发展.    As a young lady with certain knowledge on the Speciality of Air Stewardess
& passions to develop further in this area,I’m hornored to be a member of Korean Air.    Firstly,a qualified flight attendant is considered to have an excellent outward appearance.I will keep improving makeup skills for image building and reading for self elevation.Secondly,I will learn professional knowledge taught as much as possibleat the training stage ,such as in flight service,emergency case handling,airplane and the euqipment,etc.Simultaneously,I am trying to be familiar with the customs in different countries to enhance communication skills so as to serve passengers with different culture background well.    After work I ’d like to carry a regular excercing plan to attain good health.Besides,more commincations with my colleagues is expected as a member of a cohesive team.    I firmly believe that with the mutual efforts done by your esteemed company and myself,I will be a qualified air attendant with confidence,dignity and pride.I hereby submit my application and your prompt attention is highly appreciated.  
  作者:无奈的马甲0909 回复日期: 22:32:24 
    我给改了很多,更简洁,突出重点.英文信函一定要重点突出,层次分明,切忌同样的意思重复不已.LZ的中文就犯了重复罗嗦的毛病,所以相应的英文也太繁琐.我建议你的职业规划写的更有逻辑更专业一些。        不要说自己对空乘专业只懂一点---我给你改成对空乘专业有所了解且有意向在此领域有更好的发展.        As a young lady with certain knowledge on the Speciality of Air Stewardess & passions to develop further in this area,I’m hornored to be a member of Korean Air.        Firstly,a qualified flight attendant is considered to have an excellent outward appearance.I will keep improving makeup skills for image building and reading for self elevation.Secondly,I will learn professional knowledge taught as much as possibleat the training stage ,such as in flight service,emergency case handling,airplane and the euqipment,etc.Simultaneously,I am trying to be familiar with the customs in different countries to enhance communication skills so as to serve passengers with different culture background well.        After work I ’d like to carry a regular excercing plan to attain good health.Besides,more commincations with my colleagues is expected as a member of a cohesive team.        I firmly believe that with the mutual efforts done by your esteemed company and myself,I will be a qualified air attendant with confidence,dignity and pride.I hereby submit my application and your prompt attention is highly appreciated.  谢谢你   我会认真看的
  作者:beatdownguo 回复日期: 22:34:20 
     因为这个世界上有很多和我一样的人啊...有兴趣找个地方来搞笑...而且人家的社会包容度更大,至少不会像我们这样去BS那些选秀出来的    -------------------------------------------------------    Through programs like this, the idea of getting rich quick is sold to the general public.      哈哈 真是的 明知道我英语不好 还写这么难的  看不懂  小女子华丽的飘走了
  拿去吧, 我帮得了你一时, 帮不了一世。自己还得有真功夫啊!    If I have the great honor to become a member of your esteemed company, I’ll spare no effort to learn more about flight assistant and thus improve my abilities.  Without doubt a decent appearance is necessary to flight assistant. So firstly I would like to rebuild my temperament by studying make-up skills and doing more reading. Secondly, during the training I will try my best to learn systematic flight assistant knowledges such as service art, emergency handling, flight appliance, broadcasting tips, etc. Meanwhile I shall continue my study in English and Korean language, so as to give better answers of passengers’ requirements. Thirdly I will try to know the customs and traditions of different countries, so that we could make the flight home to all passengers. In addition in my spare time, I’d like to take part in a lot of positive activities, such as doing fitness, making more communication with other colleagues to strengthen our friendship.  With my own effort and the training by the company, I carry full confidence to be an excellent flight assistant in excessive self-expression as well as a representative of the company.
I will be much grateful, if you could offer me this opportunity of being a member of your great team. Thank you!  
翻译得很地道,不过已经脱离了原来文章的本意了。  建议还是用他的好。
     无奈的马甲0909 翻译得很地道,不过已经脱离了原来文章的本意了。      建议还是用他的好。    -----------------------------------------------------    我还是觉得太中国式英语了。个人意见,觉得不对请无视!  ------------------------------------------------------------    那是因为这篇文章的中文就非常中国式,不符合老外的审美情趣。和呵呵!
  看了楼主的翻译,惊为天人!水平直逼good good study,day day up.      
  i the girl that ...  -------------------  我看了第一句觉得,,,初中生不要写这么 难的么,,,,囧    动词??
    作者:xmkittyoyo 回复日期: 22:15:05        veil翻的还是中国式英语,细细。。。不过她很热心,这样的估计在国内  可以用了            BS自己没有这种助人为乐的精神。。。                  在英国呆的华丽丽的飘过。。。      ____  啊,被发现了! LS的各位不要鄙视我啊,我也是比较山寨的翻译人员:我国语非常  之差(小学没毕业), 所以翻译出来就比较生硬比较CHINGLISH一点,因为真的只能  根据中文硬翻…我也不是助人为乐,主要是周末在上班所以比较闲。    Sorry...::潜逃::
  作者:beatdownguo 回复日期: 21:56:11 
    很奇怪英语的帖子在八卦还有这么多回复的,在英语杂谈里发都没有这么高的人气!  __  Okay, the real reason: only people who need to study English go to 英语杂谈; I’m pretty sure there are tons of people
who are native English speakers. Personally, I think Tianya’s really good for people who want to improve their written Chinese, especially due to the awesome abundance of slangs and pop-culture references here. :) In fact I’ve recommended this website to many, many coworkers who need to improve their Chinese (myself included, tada!).
  作者:柳家小瑶 回复日期: 22:27:11 
    作者:beatdownguo 回复日期: 22:18:12        我一直在想为什么美国偶像都第八季还那么火,到底优点在哪里呢?                因为这个世界上有很多和我一样的人啊...有兴趣找个地方来搞笑...而且人家的社会包容度更大,至少不会像我们这样去BS那些选秀出来的    -------------  那你去找个中介啊 也不贵 按字算    我们的offer好多也要中介写,BUT 我的是给MIT 的同学改的,你可以找个你在Oxford,Cambridge的同学改。。。因为有钱的话别人也不会立刻给你,估计给你时已过期了。  PS 我们找同学改比较冒险,不过还好是发到意大利OR 法国,估计他们的要求不高,不过不知道米兰理工和你的航空公司哪个要求高~


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