
主演:泰瑞·海切尔 伊娃·朗格利亚 玛西娅·克罗斯
主妇是Bree,因为寻求完善的个性,不幸发展到新的高度,具体场景有:在Rex的葬礼发飙;得知Rex猜忌自己后悲哀欲绝而决绝的丢掉戒指;与害怕自己不符合母亲的标准而得不到母亲的爱有意作对的儿子的战争;当面对儿子与女儿的背叛精力濒临崩溃的她,因为对家人的爱挺身而出的时候,偶们更加爱她了 Lynette回到了职场,在频繁应对工作的事情之外也要不断收拾家里的烂摊子 ,并且终于知道了Tom害怕泄漏的那个机密&...【导语】今天1000影视给大家共享一部很好看的电视剧《绝望主妇第二季》泰瑞·海切尔 伊娃·朗格利亚 玛西娅·克罗斯主演的电视剧绝望主妇第二季电视剧、绝望主妇第二季全集在线观看1000影视——是目前最新最全的影视网站,给访问者提供高清电影、最新电视剧。以下豆列推荐
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& 2005-, all rights reserved绝望主妇第三季 23集_绝望主妇_VOA英语网
绝望主妇第三季 23集
[by: - 英语网]
[00:01.00](Mary Alice) Previously on Desperate Housewives: &欲乱绝情妻&前情提要&
[00:03.53]Victor made himself perfectly clear. Victor把话说明白了
[00:06.60]Whenever I've wanted something, I've always gotten it. 我想要什么 就总能得到
[00:09.74]- Bree needed to get away. - Finally taking our honeymoon. Bree要暂时离开
[00:12.94]Susan couldn't wait to pop the question. Susan等不及要问
[00:15.84]- Will you marry me? - (laughs) 你愿意娶我么?
[00:17.55]Lynette received shocking news. Lynette收到了令她倍受打击的消息
[00:19.88]You can see this. It could be lymphoma. 你看见的这个&可能是淋巴瘤
[00:22.88]Why are you reluctant to commit? 你为什么不愿意搬来跟我住呢?
[00:24.95]- I'm not in love with you. - Edie... 因为我不爱你
[00:26.82]- What if we tried to have a baby? - ... engaged in a dangerous deception. - 而Edie& - 我们要个孩子怎么样?
[00:36.26]When Gabrielle Solis agreed to marry Victor Lang, 当Gabrielle Solis 同意嫁给Victor Lang后
[00:39.83]she was determined to have a very traditional wedding. 她决定要举行一个传统的婚礼
[00:44.41]She was even more determined to be a very traditional bride. 她也下定决心做个传统的新娘
[00:48.98]To that end, the handkerchief in her cleavage was borrowed, 既然这样 她借来了乳沟里的手帕
[00:53.08]the garter on her leg was blue 她腿上的吊袜带用了蓝色
[00:56.08]and the diamonds on her ears were old. 耳环上的珠宝也是旧的
[00:59.12]But sadly for Gabrielle, something was missing. 但Gabrielle 还是少了什么东西 (美国婚礼讲究&新、旧、借、蓝&)
[01:03.59]And she was about to throw a traditional fit. 她又要传统的发火了
[01:09.13]It is after three! Where the hell is Bree with my something new? 3点都过了! Bree给我带的&新&在哪?
[01:12.60]Her plane landed on time. She'll probably be here any second. 她的飞机准时到达了 她也许马上就到
[01:16.00]I should have my head examined for agreeing to this. 也许是我脑子坏掉了 才同意这个
[01:18.81]Who the hell cares about Swiss jewelry anyway? 其实有谁会关心瑞士珠宝呢?
[01:21.81]Gabby, Bree went out of her way to buy you that bracelet. Gaby Bree去给你买手镯
[01:25.48]Of course it's the hottest day of the year. 这是一年中最热的日子
[01:28.05]All the guests are out there sweating like pigs. 外面的宾客都大汗淋漓
[01:30.95]My reception's going to look like the finish line of the Boston Marathon. 这样下去 我的招待酒会像 马拉松比赛的终点一样了
[01:35.09]If you're freaked out, get married without the bracelet. 如果你这么恐慌 就先别要手镯了
[01:38.13]Are you out of your mind? 你疯了吗?!
[01:39.76]Can't get married without my &something new.& 没有&新& 我不能结婚
[01:42.26]Oh, I have an idea. I just got a lipstick yesterday. 哦 我有个主意
[01:46.00]You could wear that. 你可以带上这个
[01:49.37]I just paid a makeup artist 500 bucks to do my face. 我花了500块雇的化妆师
[01:52.37]Think I want to march down the aisle looking like I ate a popsicle? 你觉得我会弄得像刚吃完冰棍一样 花着脸出去么?
[01:55.88]OK, it's your big day, so I'm gonna let that slide. 好吧 这是你大喜的日子 随你便吧
[01:59.65]God, it is ten after, and Bree is never late! 已经过了10分钟了 Bree从来不迟到的!
[02:02.62]Where can she be? 她去哪了?
[02:06.49]All right, that's it. 好吧 就这样了
[02:07.72]After I finish zhuzhing my hair, tell the preacher it's showtime. 我盘好头发之后 告诉牧师婚礼开始
[02:11.23]I can't believe my wedding's already ruined and it hasn't even started. 真不敢相信我的婚礼 还没开始 就已经被毁了
[02:14.90](Susan screams)
[02:19.70]I am starting to get worried about Bree. Maybe we should call. 嘿 我开始为Bree担心了
[02:21.94]- 也许该给她打个电话 - 是啊
[02:23.64]Yeah, I'm calling her cell. 我打她手机
[02:29.08]- It's ringing. - Oh, good. - 通了 - 太好了
[02:35.32]- Bree! - Oh, wow. Bree!
[02:36.78]哦 哇!
[02:38.72]- Hello, ladies. - (Gabby) Is that Bree? 女士们好
[02:41.36]She better not have come empty-handed. 是不是Bree回来了? 她最好不是两手空空而归!
[02:43.49]Oh, I didn't. 哦 当然不是
[02:45.39](Mary Alice) As promised, Bree had arrived with something new. 依照承诺 Bree带着新的东西而来
[02:49.30]Holy crap. 我的天啊!
[02:51.03]And she also... brought the bracelet. 而且她&
[02:58.55]Desperate Housewives Season 3 Episode 23
[03:06.21]Family. There is nothing more important. 家庭 没有什么比它更重要了
[03:10.15]They are the ones we want to laugh with during the good times. 家人是我们高兴时一起欢笑&
[03:15.06]And the ones we need to console us during the bad. 失落时寻求慰藉的人
[03:20.76]And even though the time comes when they have to leave us... 即使是要分开的时候到了
[03:26.47]... their voices still linger in our minds. 他们的音容笑貌也会在我们脑海中回荡
[03:30.77]And, sometimes, we can't help but listen. 而且有时候我们想不听都不行
[03:35.74]Tangled web. That's what you're weaving. 你正在编制混乱的关系网
[03:39.08]Oh, beat it, Mother. 妈妈 你快走吧
[03:40.75]Really think this scheme of yours is gonna work? 你真觉得你的小阴谋能得逞?
[03:43.48]Of course it will. Look at him. 当然会
[03:46.45]He's practically in love with me already. 看看他
[03:49.16]That's because he thinks you're gonna give him a baby. 那是因为他觉得你会给她生个孩子
[03:52.43]Wait till he finds out you're still on the pill. 等他知道你还在用避孕药
[03:54.96]Shut up, would you? 你能闭嘴么?!
[03:57.37]I just thank the good Lord your father didn't live to see this. 感谢上帝 你爸爸没活到现在 看见这些
[04:01.80]Well, neither did you! 你也是
[04:03.07]You died alone in a trailer park watching game shows. 你看比赛的时候死在了停车场
[04:05.87]And why should I listen to you? 我为什么要听你的?
[04:08.58]'Cause I know what's waiting for you, missy. 因为我知道等待你的是什么 小姐
[04:11.35]This one's gonna leave you like all the others. 他也会像其他人一样离开你
[04:16.58]You're going to end up old and alone, just like I did. 你将孤独终老 像我一样
[04:30.13]Carlos? Carlos! Carlos?
[04:34.30]- (Carlos) Down here, babe! - (Edie sighs) 我在楼下 宝贝!
[04:37.11]- I'm making you a fruit smoothie. - (doorbell rings) 给你切水果呢
[04:43.98]- Chicken or fish? - What? 鸡肉还是鱼肉?
[04:47.68]Haven't gotten your reply card. Chicken or fish? 我没有接到你的回执 鸡肉还是鱼肉?
[04:50.29]- Oh, right, your wedding. I can't go. - Why not? 哦! 对 你的婚礼
[04:52.32]- 我不能去 - 为什么?
[04:54.82]I'm a jinx. Look how your last marriage turned out. 我是扫把星
[04:55.54]我参加了你上次的婚礼 你看看成了什么样
[04:57.56]Come on, Gabby, we both know it'd be weird if I went. 拜托 Gaby 我们都明白我去了很尴尬
[05:00.66]OK, maybe a little. But it'll be weirder if you don't. 也许有点 但你不去就更尴尬了
[05:03.67]- Excuse me? - Everyone knows you living with Edie. 什么?
[05:06.37]If she shows up alone, people'll think I asked her not to bring you, 如果她只身前往 大家会认为是我不让你参加的
[05:09.80]like it bugs me you guys are together. 以为我对你们在一起很困扰
[05:11.81]It does. You hit the roof when you found out. 但这确实让你很困扰啊 你知道以后大发雷霆
[05:14.31]Which is why I have to show people that I'm OK with it! 那就是为什么我得让大家知道 我不在乎
[05:17.15]Please. Just consider it my wedding gift. 拜托 就当我的结婚礼物吧
[05:21.05]OK. But I'm skipping the ceremony. 好吧 但我不去仪式
[05:23.72]What? And just go to the reception? You can't do that! 什么?!
[05:24.73]只去招待酒会? 你不能那样
[05:26.89]Well, I don't want to make a scene. 我不想吵架
[05:28.99]You'll vow &till death do us part,& I'll bust out laughing, 你会宣誓 &直到死亡把我们分开&
[05:30.52]我会笑出来 人们会瞪着我&
[05:32.29]people will stare...
[05:35.83]The reception starts at four. 招待酒会4点开始
[05:41.44]I'm thinking a chocolate fountain'd be a cool centerpiece to a dessert buffet. 我觉得用巧克力喷泉 作甜点桌中央的装饰会很酷
[05:45.94]Dessert buffet? We're having a wedding cake, right? 甜点桌?
[05:47.04]我们有结婚蛋糕 对吗?
[05:48.78]- Isn't that dessert? - You have to give people a choice. 那不是甜点吗?
[05:49.81]是的 但是你得给大家其他选择
[05:51.68]Don't you think a chocolate fountain'd be elegant? 你不认为巧克力喷泉会很雅致吗?
[05:54.35]I don't know. You, a big white dress, melted chocolate. 我不知道& 你 一条巨大的白裙子 融化的巧克力
[05:58.49]Am I the only one hearing alarm bells? 只有我看到危险了吗?
[06:01.22]Fine, we'll skip the chocolate. How about a champagne fountain? 好吧 不要巧克力
[06:03.51]香槟喷泉怎么样? 哦 我知道了!
[06:05.23]I know. 也许我们能让香槟顺着冰雕流下来
[06:06.59]We can make the champagne flow through the ice sculpture.
[06:09.73]Don't you think we might be going over the top? 你不觉得我们有点儿过了吗?
[06:12.07]Mike, these are all fairly standard wedding features. Mike 这些都是相当一般的婚礼内容
[06:15.70]Now you name one thing that you think is going over the top. 说说你认为哪件过头了
[06:20.71]How about the dove wrangler? 放飞鸽子那项如何?
[06:22.44]The doves are not going to release themselves. 鸽子是不会自己放飞自己的
[06:25.15]Do we really need 40 of them? 我们真的需要40只吗?
[06:27.08]OK, I know that you think that I'm being silly, 好吧 我知道你认为我很傻
[06:29.52]but all of our friends went to Bree's wedding, 但我们所有的朋友都出席过Bree的婚礼 现在他们又都要去参加Gaby的
[06:31.95]and now Gabby's. Two months from now, 两个月以后 我们真的不希望 他们觉得我们的婚礼也一样好吗?
[06:34.19]do we want them thinking ours wasn't as nice?
[06:37.53]Seems to me our friends wouldn't be there to make petty comparisons, 对我来说 我们的朋友 不是来做排场比较的
[06:41.23]- they'd be there to celebrate our love. - You would think that, but no. 他们是来祝福我们的
[06:42.79]你会这么认为 但不是
[06:47.24]Come on, this is something that we have both looked forward to for so long. 别这样
[06:52.14]Don't you want it to be perfect? 你不希望它很完美吗?
[06:54.24]Oh, I guess. About the doves, though. 哦 我想是的
[06:55.88]尽管 鸽子&
[06:57.55]What? 什么?
[07:00.01]You in a wedding gown, 40 birds circling overhead? 你穿着结婚礼服 40只鸟在上空盘旋?
[07:03.55]Again, not liking those odds. 再说一次 不喜欢那些风险
[07:09.26]Oh, it's not as bad as it sounds. 哦 没听上去的那么糟
[07:11.89]It's Hodgkin's Lymphoma and, apparently, if you're going to get lymphoma, 是 霍奇金淋巴瘤 显然
[07:15.56]如果必须得淋巴瘤的话 你会希望是那种
[07:17.27]that's the kind you want.
[07:19.17]Hey, you want to hold it down up there, kids? 能小点儿声吗 孩子们?
[07:21.47]I'm trying to talk to your Aunt Lucy! Thank you. 我正跟Lucy阿姨讲电话!
[07:24.84]Anyway, I know I said that we would come and visit you this June, 总之 我知道我说过六月会去看你们
[07:28.38]but I'll be a little woozy and bald from the chemo, so... 但到时我会有点儿虚弱 并且&
[07:30.02]因为化疗 会变成秃子 所以&
[07:32.45]Oh, thanks for understanding. Oh, one more thing. 谢谢你能理解
[07:35.25]哦 还有件事&
[07:36.88]Our insurance policy has a really high deductible, 我们的保险 自付费部分很高
[07:40.69]so we are strapped financially, and I was wondering if maybe you and Dave 所以我们现在经济上很拮据
[07:44.79]might be able to...
[07:46.69]Oh, really? 哦 是吗?
[07:52.20]No, I am not asking Mom. 不 我不会去找妈妈借的
[07:54.47]She doesn't know about any of this, so don't you tell her, OK? 她不知道这些事 你别告诉她 好吗?
[07:57.87]We'll be fine. I love you. Bye. 我们会没事的 我爱你
[08:00.27]I take it that's a no on the loan. 再见
[08:00.13]我猜 借钱的事 他们说 &不行&?
[08:03.01]Yep, Dave lost his job at the plant, and he is now handing out fliers 是啊
[08:06.04]他现在在一家炸鸡店发传单 而且&
[08:08.65]at a chicken restaurant and, prepare to wince,
[08:11.35]there is a chicken suit involved. 坐稳了& 上班时还得扮成一只鸡
[08:13.92]Ouch. 天啊
[08:17.63]Where are we gonna find this $10,000? 我们到哪去弄这1万美元?
[08:20.19]You leave that to me. I want you to focus on getting better. 让我来处理吧
[08:24.43]- But honey... - I will find it. - 但是 亲爱的& - 我会有办法的
[08:26.57]Meanwhile, we'll make some sacrifices around here. 同时 我们得做点儿牺牲
[08:29.57]My tennis club membership is up this month. I'm not renewing. 我网球俱乐部的会员资格这个月到期
[08:34.64]Should you be playing tennis after your back surgery? 你背部手术后应该打网球吗?
[08:38.55]Probably not. 大概不能
[08:41.22]Well, in that spirit, as soon as I start chemo, I will be giving up shampoo. 好吧 那样的话
[08:43.47]我开始化疗后 就不再用洗发水了
[08:50.36]OK, thanks. Taxi's here. 好的 谢谢
[08:54.73]Are you sure you're ready to go back? We could wait another week. 你确定准备好回去了?
[08:58.20]And miss Gabby's wedding? No, I'll be fine. 错过Gaby的婚礼? 不 我会没事的
[09:03.54]Is this the dress you were thinking for the ceremony? 你打算穿这条裙子出席吗?
[09:06.27]Yes. - 是的 - 哦 很好
[09:07.61]Oh, good. I'll fold it in tissue so it doesn't wrinkle. 我用纸把它包好 就不会皱了
[09:11.78]Oh, darling. I don't deserve you. 哦 亲爱的 我不值得你这样
[09:14.02]Oh, come on, we agreed, no more tears. 哦 别这样
[09:15.93]我们说好了& 不再哭了
[09:19.49]I'm so sorry to be putting you through this. 我很抱歉让你经历这些
[09:21.99]I wouldn't blame you if you ran like hell and never looked back. 如果你头也不回的跑开 我也不会怪你的
[09:25.33]Stop. I'm going to raise this child and love it as if it were my own. 别说了
[09:26.51]我会养大这个孩子 并且视如己出
[09:33.63]Now, let's see a smile. 现在 笑一下
[09:44.31]Glad you could join us, Milton. Good to get to know you before the wedding. 很荣幸你能来 Milton
[09:48.12]Thank you. You know, I must say, 谢谢 我得说
[09:49.78]all these months I thought Victor was exaggerating, 数月以来 我一直认为 Victor在夸大关于你的一切
[09:52.82]but he hasn't done you justice. You, my dear, are a flawless beauty. 但是关于你 他说的根本就不够
[09:54.31]你 亲爱的 是一位无暇的美人
[09:56.59](chuckles) I'm hardly flawless. 我没那么完美
[09:58.69]I'm sure I have a blemish hidden away somewhere. 肯定哪里有点小瑕疵嘛
[10:01.66]That's a search I'd relish. 这我倒有兴趣好好探究探究
[10:03.30]- She is way out of your league, Dad. - Honey, he's a multimillionaire. 她和你远不在一个档次 爸爸
[10:06.48]亲爱的 他可是亿万富翁
[10:08.47]He runs my league. 和我一个档次的人都归他管
[10:10.30](laughs) By the way, I ran into Keith Perkinson last week. 对了 Victor 我&
[10:13.84]- How is the venerable state chairman? - Impressed with you. 上周碰见Keith Perkinson了
[10:14.04]- 叫人尊敬的州议长 他怎么样? - 对你印象不错
[10:17.04]Liked the way you ran your campaign. 对你竞选市长的方式颇为欣赏
[10:19.01]If you keep your numbers up, he might consider supporting you 还说 如果你支持率一路攀升
[10:22.15]- in the next governor's race. - Really? 真的?
[10:30.12]- What's so funny? - You've got to be kidding, right? 什么那么好笑?
[10:33.59]Just finished a campaign. You're not about to put me through another one. 你开玩笑的 对吧?
[10:37.47]- But I thought you loved campaigning. - God, no. It's a complete snore. 我以为你喜欢竞选呢
[10:38.99]天哪 才不 简直无聊死了
[10:41.47]Pasting a smile on my face while you say the same speech for the 50th time. 你一篇演讲说50次 我次次都要强装笑脸
[10:45.34]But you were a natural. People loved you. 可你那么自然真实 大家都喜欢你
[10:47.88]Well, the feeling wasn't mutual. 我可不喜欢他们
[10:49.81]You think I enjoyed sipping tea with these frumpy matrons who wore 你以为我喜欢跟那些穿着花套装
[10:53.71]loud poly-blend pantsuits? Know how many times I wanted to scream,
[10:56.15]知道吗 我好几次都想大喊
[10:57.95]&Vote for my husband, you colorblind cow!& &投我丈夫一票 色盲蠢婆娘!&
[11:00.35]I think you've discovered something very important about democracy. 亲爱的 我想你已经发现了 民主的重要含义
[11:04.26]The nation is full of fools, and everyone gets a vote. 这个国家满是傻子 可人人都有权投票
[11:07.43]They're not gonna get us again. 我们可不会再上当了
[11:09.33]I made nice with Fairview, I'm not about to suck up to the whole damn state. 我在美景镇左右逢源
[11:10.42]才不想吃力不讨好 巴结一整个州
[11:22.34]What are you doing? 你在做什么?
[11:25.75]Some guy out in Mount Pleasant's got a cracked water heater. Pleasant山上 有人热水器裂了
[11:32.49]It's three in the morning. 现在是凌晨三点啊
[11:34.16]Well, I started advertising as a 24-hour plumber. 我的广告上说 可以24小时服务
[11:38.39]After midnight, I get triple time. 12点后 能拿三倍工钱
[11:40.23]OK, that's crazy. You can't work around the clock. It's not healthy. 好吧 真是疯了
[11:41.96]你不能连轴转啊 会累垮的
[11:44.47]This is the third night I've worked this week. I'm fine so far. 这礼拜 已经是第三次了
[11:47.94]You've been sneaking out while I've been asleep? 原来你趁我睡着 偷偷溜出去?
[11:50.60]What are you, ninja plumber? 这算什么 忍者水管神工?
[11:52.17]It's just for a little while, to earn some extra money. 做一阵子就好 再赚点钱
[11:59.71]Is this about the wedding? 是为了婚礼吗?
[12:02.65]We agreed we want it to be nice. 我们说好了 希望婚礼隆重美满
[12:06.55]But we didn't agree on this. 可没说好 让你出去赚外块
[12:08.89]Maybe I can scale things back a bit. 也许我能缩小点规模
[12:11.46]How? Have a ginger ale fountain? 怎么做?
[12:15.03]Make paper doves and hope it's windy? 用纸做鸽子 祈祷那天&东风大作&
[12:17.73]OK, seriously, you don't have to kill yourself. 好了 说正经的 你不用那么拼命
[12:21.64]I could max out my credit card. 我可以把信用卡刷暴的
[12:24.74]Is that really how you want to start our life together, in debt? 你真想我们的生活 就这么负债累累地开始吗?
[12:28.28]No, I want to start out happy. 不 当然想幸福地开始
[12:31.98]Clearly, you're upset, and I don't know why. 可你明显心烦意乱 我不明白为什么
[12:37.69]I'm not Ian. 我不是Ian
[12:39.12]I can't afford to move you into a mansion or fly you off to Paris. 买不起大厦庄园
[12:43.99]I'll be damned if I don't give you the same dream wedding he'd have given you. 可要是连他能给的梦幻婚礼我都办不到 我就该死了
[12:50.50]I'll see you in the morning. 早上见
[12:56.20]- (doorbell rings) - (kids chatter) 我画的是树
[13:00.98]Where the hell do you get off having cancer and not telling me about it? 你搞什么 得了癌症都不告诉我?!
[13:05.05]Mom. 妈妈&
[13:06.15]How do you think you could handle this without me? 没了我 你怎么能渡过这难关?
[13:08.95]- Stella? - Oh, there's my Tommy-boy. Come here. Stella?
[13:10.24]喔 我的Tommy!
[13:14.59]Oh, God. 喔 天哪!
[13:16.46]Oh, listen, be a love, will you, honey, and get my bags from the cab. 喔 你看 搭把手 亲爱的 帮我把包拿进来好吗?
[13:19.93]Bags? She's staying? 包?
[13:21.86]Yep. And do not tip the driver. SOB wouldn't let me smoke. 她要住这儿?
[13:24.97]混蛋 一路都不让我抽烟
[13:31.24]Jeez, Lynette, I didn't know you opened a daycare center. 哎哟 Lynette 你怎么办起日托中心了?
[13:34.88]Hey, kids, Grandma's here. 孩子们 外婆来了
[13:40.61]OK, what did you tell them about me? 你说我什么坏话了?
[13:42.82]It's been five years, Mom. They don't remember you. 都五年了 妈妈
[13:45.62]They'll remember me this time, I brought presents. 这次肯定牢牢记住
[13:48.46]- Cool! - Hey. 我买礼物咯
[13:49.52]For you, and you and you. 酷!
[13:55.03]These are baby toys. We're too old to play with these. 这是给小孩儿玩的
[13:57.90]I'm too old to remember what the hell six-year-olds like. 我们都那么大了 怎么能玩
[13:58.11]我都那么老了 怎么记得住 六岁孩子喜欢玩什么
[14:01.27]- We're eight! - What do I care? 我们八岁了
[14:04.71]- Just say &thank you.& - Thank you. 管它呢?
[14:08.44]Oh, who's the pretty thing? Your girlfriend? 谢谢
[14:08.33]喔 这&这个小美女是谁?
[14:12.21]- No! She's my sister! - Oh... 你的女朋友?
[14:17.85]Is that Tom's little b-a-s-t-a...? 她就是Tom的私-生-
[14:20.69]OK, kids! Time to get your toys and play upstairs. 好了 孩子们 拿好礼物 我们上楼玩去
[14:23.39]Come on, Penny. Come on, sweetie. 走吧 Penny
[14:25.46]Let's go, everybody. 来吧 亲爱的
[14:31.87]Listen, I really appreciate you coming to help, but 听着 妈妈 我真的很感谢你能来帮忙
[14:34.64]- as you can see, I'm perfectly fine. - (scoffs) For now. 但你也看到了 我好得很
[14:37.94]How are you gonna handle that mob when you're flat on your ass from chemo? 现在是还好
[14:38.66]那当你化疗以后起不来的时候 要怎么搞定那帮小家伙呢?
[14:42.24]I'll manage. 我能搞定的
[14:44.38]You got through breast cancer while raising the three of us alone. 你独自抚养我们3个长大的时候 不也熬过了乳癌
[14:48.45]I was not alone. I had you. 我不是独自一人
[14:51.52]Lynette was all of 13, and she still looked after her sisters, 我有你在啊
[14:51.95]Lynette那时至少13岁 她还在照顾妹妹们
[14:55.89]cleaned the house, cooked the meals, and I was curled up in a ball, 打扫房间 做饭 我则蜷缩成一团 吐得昏天黑地
[14:59.53]puking my guts out. 是啊 那是因为你在化疗的时候 还在喝伏特加杜松子鸡尾酒
[15:00.66]Well, that's what you get when you mix chemo and vodka gimlets.
[15:05.70]You can goad me all you like, Lynette. I did not come here to fight. 随你怎么数落我 Lynette
[15:10.94]Now trust me, cookie, I have memorized the whole catalogue of subjects 相信我吧 亲爱的
[15:12.31]我已经记住有哪些话题 是咱们不能讨论的
[15:15.14]you and I can no longer discuss.
[15:17.41]If that means that we have to talk about the weather for three months, 要是那意味着这3个月咱们之间 只能谈论天气 那也没关系
[15:21.15]then fine. But I am staying.
[15:22.85]但是 我不走了
[15:25.55]Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go kick a child out of its room. 那么&
[15:27.12]要是你不介意的话 我要上楼去跟小孩子们抢房间了
[15:38.07](Edie moans, giggles)
[15:40.97]OK, legs up. 好吧
[15:44.67]Oh, you want to do it again? 哦 你还想再来一次?
[15:46.21]No. I've been doing a lot of research, 不是
[15:50.24]and gravity helps facilitate the sperm reaching the eggs. 地球引力可以帮助精子找到卵子
[15:54.62]So heave-ho! 所以&
[15:57.22]Could we try a little light spooning before you hang me like a side of beef? 哦! 在你把我象举半扇牛肉似的 举起来之前 咱们能试点轻柔的动作么?
[16:01.82]Edie, we're trying to have a baby. Edie 咱们是想要个孩子
[16:03.62]Well, could we be a little less clinical? 好吧 那别搞得这么严肃好吗?
[16:06.53]Maybe let nature take its course. 顺其自然不是也很好吗?
[16:09.60]Nature is not on our side anymore. 自然规律已经不再眷顾我们了
[16:13.93]You're no spring chicken and those eggs aren't exactly farm fresh. 听着 你也不是童子鸡了 卵子的活性也没那么高了
[16:17.60]OK, stop referring to me as poultry! 好吧 别再拿鸡比喻我了
[16:20.31]Sorry. Can we just try this? It's only for 30 minutes. 对不起
[16:21.96]咱们就试试好吗? 只要30分钟就好
[16:24.38]Thirty minutes! I am not staying in this position for half an hour! 30分钟?!
[16:27.78]Listen, I know that this requires some work, 听着 我知道这个需要花点功夫
[16:30.72]but it will all be worth it when we have our beautiful, beautiful baby, right? 但只要我们能得到一个漂亮可爱的宝贝 这一切都是值得的
[16:41.06]Right. I guess I could make some sacrifices. 没错
[16:42.75]我想我应该可以& 做点牺牲
[16:47.03]That's my girl. 这才象样嘛
[16:50.30]- Can I get you anything? - Yeah, I'd kill for a beer. 你想来点什么吗?
[16:51.10]好啊 我超想喝啤酒
[16:53.87]- Sorry. No alcohol. - What? For how long? 抱歉 不能喝带酒精的
[16:54.67]什么?! 要多长时间?
[16:56.94]Just until the baby's born. Oh, and you stop nursing. 直到孩子出生
[16:58.68]哦 还有在孩子断奶之前
[17:01.35]Don't worry, I'll get you a nice herbal tea. 别担心 我会给你弄杯上好的花草茶
[17:07.76]Just for a few months, while you're in treatment. 不过是在你接受治疗的几个月期间嘛
[17:10.39]We're gonna have to find someone to watch the kids. 咱们-- 咱们也要找个人来帮忙看孩子
[17:13.16]No! I am not leaving that woman in charge of our children. 不! 我是不会让那个女人 来照看我们的孩子的
[17:16.56]In three months, the twins will be chain-smoking 只要3个月 双胞胎会变成大烟鬼 Penny也会变成一个大酒鬼
[17:19.20]and Penny will be an alcoholic. 我们能搞定的
[17:21.10]We can manage. We've got McCluskey. 我们有McCluskey啊
[17:24.10]She costs money. Money we won't have if we pay someone to replace you at work. 她要花钱的-- 要是咱们要花钱找人 来替代你的工作 就没钱了
[17:27.98]You said not to worry about money, you'd find it somewhere. 是你说不必担心钱的问题的 你会找到的
[17:31.01]I did. 是没错
[17:32.08]What? Someone loaned us $10,000? 怎么 有人借给我们1万美金啦?
[17:35.72]No, gave us. And we can't thank her by kicking her out. 不 是送给我们的 咱们也不能 以将她赶出家门作为回礼啊
[17:40.59]No! Tom, you didn't ask my mother! 不! Tom 你不是向我母亲开口了吧?!
[17:44.66]Didn't have to. She knew that you hit up Lucy, so she offered. 我不用开口啊
[17:44.86]她知道你问Lucy借 所以她就主动提出来了
[17:47.76]- Well, we're giving it back. - No, we can't afford to. 好吧 我们要退回去
[17:49.03]不 我们不能这么做
[17:51.10]Tom, you don't know half the stuff she did to us. Tom 你不知道她对我们都做了些什么
[17:55.37]She would get drunk and smack us around. 她喝醉了酒 就会追着我们打
[17:58.17]She'd meet some new guy, and then drop us off at her sister's 她碰上了新的男人 就把我们扔在她妹妹家 一个礼拜 因为她对孩子一点都不上心
[18:01.34]for a week because he wasn't into kids. 好吧 那她的确是个糟糕的母亲
[18:03.41]OK, so she was a crappy mom.
[18:04.98]You said yourself that she has mellowed. 但你自己也说过 她已经收敛了很多
[18:07.61]- Now she wants to make amends. - If you would just try to understand. 现在她想做点补偿
[18:11.62]I think that I've been pretty understanding lately. 我想我近来已经够理解的了
[18:14.59]- What's that supposed to mean? - I think you know. 这是什么意思?
[18:18.43]In the middle of everything I'm dealing with, 好极了 现在要对付那么多状况 你还来跟我提Rick的事
[18:20.76]you're gonna throw Rick in my face? 当我们爱的人伤害了我们 要是我们 还爱他们 我们就面对 然后继续过日子
[18:22.60]When someone we love hurts us, if we still love them,
[18:25.27]we deal with it and we move on.
[18:29.40]If I can do it, so can you. 如果我能做到 那你也能
[18:33.27]So forgiving my mother, that's my penance? 那么 原谅我母亲&
[18:38.65]Yeah. I think it is. 没错 我认为是的
[18:54.39]You said we weren't supposed to spend 我想你说过 婚礼的前夜 咱们不会在一起过夜
[18:56.96]- the night before the wedding together. - I was trying to respect tradition, 是 我是想遵从传统&
[19:01.10]but I got horny. 但我很饥渴
[19:04.54]Wow. 哦 我猜咱们的蜜月生活 得提前开始了 不是吗?
[19:05.84]I guess we'll just have to start the honeymoon early, won't we?
[19:09.18]- Let me get rid of this stuff. - What are you working on so late? 让我先把这些弄完
[19:13.18]Nothing. 没什么
[19:16.28]Polling data? Why are you polling? The election's over. 票选数据?
[19:17.36]你还在弄什么投票啊? 选举已经结束了
[19:19.62]Just a little research. God, you look hot. 只是研究一下而已
[19:20.28]天啊 你真性感
[19:22.22]Is this about running for governor? I told you how I feel about that. 是为了参选州长吗?
[19:25.76]My dad just set up a little exploratory committee.
[19:27.57]我父亲创建了一个小小的& 研讨委员会
[19:29.23]- It's no big deal. - OK, let's explore it now. 没什么大不了的
[19:29.38]哦 好啊 那咱们现在就研讨一下
[19:32.97]- Nope. Not gonna happen. - Gabby. 不 这不可能的
[19:35.07]Victor, ever since we met, it's been photo ops and fundraisers, Victor我们相遇到现在 生活中充斥着 照相师和筹款者 我很厌倦这个
[19:38.81]- and I'm sick of it! - I'm a politician. 我是一个政客
[19:40.87]Think I want my career 你认为我会让事业 在这穷乡僻壤无为而终吗?
[19:42.08]- to begin and end in the suburbs? - Fairview's home. Don't want to leave!
[19:43.59]美景镇是我的家乡 我不想离开
[19:45.78]Can't make this decision without me! Gonna be your wife. 而且你不能不听取我的意见就决定
[19:48.68]- Exactly! Not my career advisor. - I don't get a vote? 我将成为你的妻子
[19:48.10]对 不是职业顾问
[19:51.49]- Not if it's a veto! - OK, look, no! - 所以我都不能投票了? - 否决票就别投了
[19:53.29]I already married a man who put his career before me, 好的 看 不! 我已经嫁过一个 把事业放在我之前的人
[19:56.29]and I swore I wasn't going to again. 我发誓我不会再这样做了
[19:58.26]Well, I swore I would not let a stupid woman hold me back! 恩 我发誓不会让一个愚蠢的 女人拖我的后腿
[20:06.70]That did not come out the way I wanted it to. 我不是有心这么说的
[20:11.34]I'm sorry. I'm sor... I'm really sorry. 对不起
[20:14.07]I've been under a lot of pressure lately. 我真抱歉
[20:16.24]Well, here's one less thing you have to worry about: our wedding. 至少有件事情不用伤脑筋了 我们的婚礼
[20:21.15]You can't cancel the wedding. It's too late. 你不能悔婚
[20:23.48]As far as I'm concerned, it's just in the nick of time. 太迟了
[20:33.96](doorbell rings)
[20:39.37]Good morning, Gabby. 早上好 Gaby
[20:40.90]God, Milton, the newspaper's not even here yet. 天哪 Milton 报纸都还没送来呢
[20:43.94]I'm sorry it's so early. I just came to apologize. 抱歉这么早来打搅 我只想&
[20:47.67]Why? What happened wasn't your fault. 来致歉
[20:48.15]为什么? 那些事并不是你的错
[20:51.35]That's not exactly the case. 那可不一定
[20:53.85]- Is that coffee I smell? - (sighs) 我闻到的是咖啡香吗?
[20:59.59]You only bolted because Victor wants to be governor. 你逃婚只是因为Vicor想当州长
[21:02.52]He only wants to be governor because of me. 但他想当州长都是因为我
[21:05.19]You suggested it. You can't make him go after something he doesn't want. 你只是暗示他罢了
[21:06.52]又不能强迫他去追求 他不想要的东西
[21:08.96]The hell I can't. 我当然不能
[21:11.33]Ever since he was a kid, Victor's been killing himself Victor从小就立志 要努力超过他那个大人物父亲
[21:14.33]trying to live up to his big-shot father.
[21:16.90]- He's desperate for my approval. - Why? 他很想得到我的认可
[21:20.34]I suppose because he's never gotten it. 为什么?
[21:21.22]我想 可能因为他从未得到过我的认可
[21:23.51]Everything he does, even becoming mayor, 他做的所有事情 包括当市长 我都有意无意让他知道这还不够
[21:26.25]I somehow let him know that it's not quite enough.
[21:29.88]Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm right to push. 别理解错了
[21:33.82]- That's why he's so successful. - So, what are you saying, 我激励他是对的
[21:37.09]I should marry Victor because you're a withholding father? 那么您的意思是 我应该嫁给Victor 因为他有个善于掩饰的父亲?
[21:40.33]No, I just want you to understand why he does what he does. 不 我只想让你明白 他做这一切都是为了什么
[21:45.13]Fine. I get it. But why would I want a husband who values 好的 我明白
[21:47.17]但我为什么要嫁给一个 更重视自己父亲观点的人?
[21:48.90]his father's opinion more than mine?
[21:51.84]Well, he doesn't really care much what I think anymore. 我怎么想 对他来说不再重要了
[21:54.91]After you left last night he called me and, what's the phrase, 昨晚你走后 他给我打了电话 这个词怎么说来着?
[21:58.61]&tore me a new one.& &训得我满地找牙&?
[22:01.18]- He did? - He said, because of me, 他真教训了你?
[22:04.08]he'd lost the best thing that had ever happened to him. 他说都怪我 让他失去了这辈子有过最美好的东西
[22:06.99]And if he couldn't win you back, I could take my money and buy a new son 如果不能赢回你的芳心 我还是拿自己的臭钱买个新儿子吧
[22:11.36]because I was never going to be hearing from him again. 因为他不会再理睬我了
[22:16.56]He blew off 80 million? 他放弃了8千万美元(的遗产)?
[22:20.97]Well, if he cares about me so damn much, why am I not hearing this from him? 如果他那么在意我 为什么不亲自来对我说?
[22:26.01]I think you're about to. 我想你就要听到了
[22:34.01]Is there a back way out of here? 有后门吗?
[22:53.47]Aren't you going to be late for Gabby's wedding? Gaby的婚礼你要迟到吗?
[22:56.07]Oh, weddings are boring. I like to sneak in at the end, 婚礼没劲透了
[22:59.17]look teary-eyed and pretend I was there the whole time. 我想最后偷偷进去 看着一双双泪眼 假装我一直在
[23:02.98]I am going to see you at the reception. 宴会时见
[23:07.95]Oh! Uh, hi, Danny. 你好 Danny
[23:10.75]Carlos, the paper boy's here! Could you pay him? Come on in. Carlos 送报的来了
[23:17.56]Hey. Here you go, Danny. 来了 Danny
[23:23.30]Oh, looks like I'm a little short. 哦 好像我钱不够了
[23:26.07]Can I catch you later? 以后给行吗?
[23:28.67]No. 不行
[23:31.14]All right, hold on. 好的 等等
[23:46.39]- Oh, my God. - What's that? 噢 天哪
[23:51.43]It's birth control pills. 避孕药
[23:54.49]I'm gonna need cash. 我要现金
[23:59.17]- (Andrew) Welcome home. - I have missed you, sweetheart. 欢迎回家!
[24:00.36]想死你了 甜心!
[24:04.17]Here, allow me. 让我来拿吧
[24:07.14]Well, hello there, Julie. 嘿 Julie
[24:10.28]- You guys are back! - Wow, somebody's blonder. 你们回来了!
[24:11.63]噢 你的头发更金亮亮了
[24:14.01]Oh, yeah, my mom hates it too. 是的 妈妈也不喜欢
[24:16.25]So where's Danielle? Danielle呢?
[24:18.35]Well, while we were in Switzerland she ran across this boarding school. 我们在瑞士的时候 她邂逅了一家寄宿学校
[24:23.39]She fell in love with it and just insisted that we 一见倾心 于是要我们 让她在国外多待一年
[24:26.09]- let her spend a year abroad. - Wow.
[24:29.40]She must be having a good time. She hasn't returned any of my phone calls. 那她一定玩的很开心
[24:33.20]Oh, well, you know, her school's up in the mountains 你知道 她的校舍在山上
[24:36.67]and her cell phone reception is kind of funky. 手机信号烂透了
[24:39.81]She hasn't answered my e-mails either. 她也不回我的电邮
[24:42.14]I am going to call her tonight and have a little talk with her 今晚我要给她打电话 谈谈礼节问题
[24:45.65]about common courtesy and I'm sure that you'll get 我肯定明天一早你就能收到她的邮件
[24:48.35]an e-mail tomorrow morning.
[24:51.32]We should go. Got to get that bracelet to Gabby before the wedding. 我们该走了 我要在婚礼开始前 把手镯送到Gaby手上
[24:54.72]Well, I'll see you guys there. Bye. 会场见
[24:59.89]- Well, that was uncomfortable. - You have no idea. 谈话令人真不快
[25:03.20]Everyone's been asking questions. 您不知道
[25:05.37]This might not be as easy as we'd hoped. 这并不如我们想的那样简单
[25:14.27](guests chatter)
[25:18.95]There. Now you have something new. 好了 现在你有了&新&了 (美国婚礼讲究&新 旧 借 蓝&)
[25:23.08]So how do I look? 我看起来如何?
[25:24.72]You are now, officially, the most beautiful bride that ever lived. 你现在是&前无古人&的美丽新娘了
[25:28.52]- Until your wedding, of course. - Nice save. 当然是说在你婚礼之前
[25:32.93]It means so much to me that we're all here together right now. 真高兴现在我们能相聚在一起
[25:41.20]And break! 好&停!
[25:44.94]Love you. 爱你
[25:58.05](minister) We are gathered here today to join together... 今天我们相聚一堂 庆祝Victor Lang和Gabrielle Marquez喜结连理
[26:00.85]... Victor Lang and Gabrielle Marquez in matrimony.
[26:04.16]An honorable estate not to be entered into lightly, 愉悦虔诚地步入神圣的婚姻殿堂
[26:07.36]but reverently and soberly.
[26:09.30]This is a lifetime union, based on love, honor, and trust. 在爱情 荣誉和信任的基础之上 你们将相拥走过一生
[26:14.80]Be my new best friend. Premium scotch. Keep it coming. 想成为我最好的朋友吗?
[26:18.44]You are promising to accept each other. 你们宣誓 将一心一意爱对方 也将接受对方的爱
[26:23.71]Promising not only to love for today, but to extend that love... 不仅今朝相爱 也要把爱&
[26:27.78]Carlos! I thought you weren't coming until... Carlos!
[26:29.10]- 我以为你要等下来& - 得了吧
[26:30.65]Save it.
[26:31.82]If these two should not be together, speak now...
[26:34.82]- OK, look, I can explain. - Don't bother! - 好 听着 我可以解释 - 不用解释了!
[26:38.59]Your lies were more convincing when I cared. 再也不会相信你的谎话了
[26:42.20]Victor, do you take Gabrielle to be your lawful wedded wife, Victor 你愿意娶Gabrielle为妻吗&
[26:46.00]- through good times and bad... - Carlos! You've got to understand! Carlos!
[26:49.40]I do want to have a baby with you, just not yet! 我的确想跟你有个孩子 只不过 不是现在
[26:52.71]I just... I wanted to give you a chance to fall in love with me first. 我&我只是&
[26:57.04]I don't believe you. And I will never trust you again. 我不相信你 再也不会!
[27:00.15]Well, what was I supposed to do? You backed me into a corner! 那我该怎么做?
[27:01.76]是你逼得我无从选择 你说过要拯救我们俩
[27:03.65]And you were gonna bail on us and I was just trying to save what we had!
[27:08.96]Carlos, don't leave me. Carlos 别离开我&
[27:12.63]- Please just talk to me. - I am done with you. 别不说话好吗
[27:17.40]Carlos! Carlos!
[27:19.50](minister) Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, 女士们 先生们 让我们祝福Victor夫妇
[27:22.07]- Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lang! - (crowd applauds)
[27:24.84]I'm sorry! (cries) 对不起!
[27:38.52]Mrs. McCluskey. Enjoy the wedding? McCluskey太太! 婚礼怎样?
[27:40.59]Nice. Very classy. 真不错 好极了
[27:42.36]What the hell was that brouhaha between Carlos and Edie? Carlos和Edie在叽叽喳喳吵什么?
[27:45.59]I don't know and I don't care. 我不知道 不关我事
[27:47.83]Today I am so filled with love, I can forgive anyone anything. 今天我沐浴在爱河中 别人做什么我都能原谅
[27:52.13]Oh, but if you do see them again, call security. 哦 如何你再见到他们 就叫保安来
[27:56.67]So we're in Z黵ich and I am sick after breakfast 我们在苏黎世 上船的第三天早晨 吃完早饭 我觉得有点恶心
[27:59.34]for the third morning in a row. I thought to myself, 我想 天哪 我不会对巧克力蛋卷过敏吧
[28:02.04]&Dear God, I hope I have not developed an allergy to chocolate brioche.
[28:05.91]Life wouldn't be worth living.& 那样的生活还有什么意思
[28:07.83]我说 得了 看医生去吧
[28:09.38]I said, &That's it, we're seeing a doctor.& 他说 她已经有两个月了 真是大吃一惊
[28:11.69]You could've knocked us over with a feather when he said
[28:14.65]she was two months pregnant. 太棒了 我们真为你们高兴
[28:16.39]I think it's so great and we could not be happier for you.
[28:19.96]- When's your due date? - Not until the fall, 孩子什么时候出生?
[28:19.53]要到初秋呢 不说我的事了
[28:22.33]but enough about me. This is your day. You and Victor. 今天你和Victor才是主角 我还没见到他呢
[28:25.13]- Who, by the way, I have not met yet. - My gosh, that's right. 哦 天哪 你不说我都忘了
[28:28.27]OK, you stay here, I'm going to go grab him. 你们呆在这 我把他叫过来
[28:32.97](sighs) It's so good to be back. 回来真好 真难以相信发生了那么多事
[28:35.64]I can't believe how much is happening. 你和Gaby都结婚了 我也怀了孩子
[28:38.01]I mean, you and Gabby getting married, and I'm having a baby.
[28:41.61]What's going on with you, Lynette? Lynette你怎么样?
[28:44.98]Nothing. Same old, same old. 没什么 老样子
[28:47.15]Really? Everything OK, sweetie? 真的吗? 一切都好吧?
[28:49.06]You haven't seemed yourself the last couple weeks. 这几个礼拜你好像有点不大一样
[28:53.36]I'm fine. Everything's just fine. 我很好 一切都好
[28:58.20](Victor) I'll tell you this much, I'm exhausted. 我太累了 以后再告诉你们
[29:00.57]I'll be glad when this day's over. 真高兴这一天结束了
[29:02.94](Milton) Well, it was all worth it. 完全值得
[29:05.17]Marrying Gabby is the smartest thing you've ever done. 娶Gaby是你最明智的选择
[29:08.91]Her bringing the Latino vote, the governor's mansion's yours. 她会带来拉美人的选票 州长官邸非你莫属了
[29:12.25]Well, that's assuming I can change her mind. 那就得改变她的想法
[29:14.95]Had to make concessions to get her down the aisle. 为了和她结婚 我作出了让步
[29:17.48]Well, you're the husband now. The rules have changed. 现在你是一家之主了 应该你说了算
[29:20.42]Be nice, buy her a few pretty things. 对她好点 多买点好礼物
[29:22.92]Trust me, you'll be able to tame that little spitfire. 相信我 你一定能驯服那个脾气暴躁的娘们
[29:26.79]Not worried. I've always been able to manage my assets. 我不怎么担心 自己的财产我总能打理的井井有条
[29:42.21]Did you find him? 找到他了吗?
[29:45.28]No. I'm still looking, but I'll let you know. 不 还在找 找到了我告诉你
[29:53.19]- (music on TV) - Movie's over, amen. 电影完了
[29:58.46]Go out and play. Go on. Out. 出去玩吧 出去!
[30:06.30]They're just gonna go play guns. Can I watch another movie? 他们要去玩枪了
[30:10.04]Lynette said one was the limit and she'll be home soon. Lynette说了 只能看一部 她马上回来了
[30:13.04]No, she won't. 不 她不会的
[30:14.57]Whenever they go out they always come home at least an hour later 每次去参加派对 总会比说的至少要晚一个小时回来
[30:18.14]than they say they will.
[30:20.95]Aren't you an observant little monkey. 真是只会观察的小猴子!
[30:25.69]Tell me, sweetie, 亲爱的 告诉我
[30:28.05]would you know anything about a man named Rick? 你认识有个叫Rick的人吗?
[30:32.73]Yeah, I know Rick. 是的 我知道他
[30:34.79]My daddy and Lynette had a big fight about him. 因为他 爸爸和Lynette大吵了一顿
[30:37.40]Really? 真的?
[30:39.67]Sounds like there's, maybe, a little story there. 听起来好像有什么故事啊
[30:43.77]If I tell you, could I watch a really good grown-up movie? 要是我告诉你 你能让我看一部好看的成人电影么?
[30:50.08]If it's a really good grown-up story. 好 如果你说的是好听的成人故事
[30:56.45]OK, I got you some appetizers to tide you over. 我给你拿了点开胃点心
[30:58.95]We have mini-quiches and beef satay 有小乳酪饼 烤牛肉 还有水晶海虾玉米片
[31:01.02]and something called Crystal Coast shrimp with grits, 不过差不多只剩下玉米片了 我一路过来把虾都吃了
[31:04.26]but it's mostly grits because I ate all the shrimp on my way over.
[31:07.99]Mike? Mike?
[31:22.94]Reverend, that was such a beautiful ceremony. 神父 刚才的仪式真是太美了
[31:26.11]Really just heartfelt and moving. The whole package. 真的 所有的一切太感人了
[31:29.25]- Why, thank you. - It was really impressive. - 谢谢你 - 真的很不错
[31:31.75]So, what are you doing tonight? 今晚你有空吗?
[31:43.50]Carlos. I didn't know you were in here. 哦 Carlos
[31:46.80]I got a little thirsty. 我有点渴
[31:48.74]Yes, I can see that. 看得出来
[31:53.47]Gabby, I am sorry if I ruined your wedding. 刚才若打搅了你的婚礼 我很抱歉
[31:57.34]可是我的生活完蛋了 你听了也许会好受些
[31:58.91]But if it's any consolation, I also ruined my life. (chuckles)
[32:03.12]What are you talking about? 你在说什么?
[32:05.92]A couple years ago I was totally happy. 几年前 我真的很幸福
[32:09.16]I had a home, you, a great career. 我有家 有你 有工作
[32:13.86]And I don't understand how I let it all go to hell. 不知怎么的 就弄成了今天这个局面
[32:18.80]And now, here I am, back at square one. 现在我又一无所有 原地踏步了
[32:23.04](chuckles) I really blew it. 什么都毁了
[32:30.48]What am I doing? 啊 我在干什么?
[32:32.15]I shouldn't be dumping this on you. 不该跟你唠叨这些的
[32:34.41]It's your wedding day. Go to Victor. 今天是你的喜日 去Victor身边吧
[32:38.99]I'm going to stay right here... 我就待在这儿了
[32:50.23]Well, I don't know how you did it. 我不知道你怎么办到的
[32:52.43]The kids are asleep and the cough syrup hasn't been touched. 孩子们睡了 咳嗽糖浆动都没动
[32:55.64]Boy, you're just waiting for an excuse to give me the boot. 孩子 你就是等着找借口把我赶走
[33:00.14]Well, if history's any indicator, I won't have to wait long. 是啊 有史可鉴 我可不想等的太久
[33:05.01]So you don't think people can change? 你觉得人是不会变的?
[33:07.65](chuckles) I think, at a certain point, people just are who they are.
[33:09.47]某种程度上是的 有些人就是不会改变
[33:14.62]Well, I think people can change. 我认为人是会变的
[33:17.86]Now take you. You were the perfect wife and mom. 比如说你
[33:19.37]你曾经是完美娇妻 完美妈妈
[33:22.10]Then along came Rick. 直到有个Rick出现
[33:27.87]- How did you...? - Come on, Lynette. - 你怎么& - 少来了 Lynette
[33:30.77]You were young when I was sneaking around, but you knew something was up. 我背着Glen偷偷摸摸的时候 你们还小 却已经察觉到不对劲
[33:36.01]- You heard about this from my kids? - Just the girl. 你从我孩子那里知道这事的?
[33:37.68]就是那个女孩 她所知道的是 爸爸因为Rick&喜欢&你而大发雷霆
[33:39.45]And all she knows is that, &Daddy got mad because Rick liked you.&
[33:47.19]Nothing happened between me and Rick. 我和Rick之间什么事也没有
[33:50.32]Yes, he came on to me, but unlike you, I controlled myself. 是啊 他向我求爱 但我不像你 我克制住了
[33:54.96]Well, you had Tom to come home to. 是啊 你还有Tom可以让你回家
[33:58.83]I had your stepfather. 我也有你的继父
[34:00.47]Hey, Glen may have bored you, 也许Glen让你觉得无聊了 但有爸爸在家的日子 却是此生我最快乐的时光
[34:02.04]but the years we had a father in that house were the happiest of my life.
[34:05.74]You didn't care about that though, did you? You just drove him away. 你却毫不在乎 不是吗? 你甩手而去
[34:09.41]And you couldn't wait to pay me back! 所以你等不及来报复我了
[34:14.01]Do you remember what you said the next year? When I got sick? 你记得第二年我病了时 你说什么了吗?
[34:18.22]- No, I don't. - Liar. - 我不记得 - 骗人!
[34:22.36]You said I earned it. 你说我罪有应得
[34:24.92]It was God's punishment. 是现世报
[34:28.69]How are you feeling now, Lynette? 你现在又是什么感觉 Lynette?
[34:31.90]You think you're being punished? 你不觉得你也是现世报吗?
[34:36.00]How can you say that? 你怎么这么说?
[34:38.54]You were so sanctimonious. 你真是伪君子
[34:41.27]You could not imagine what sort of woman could do that kind of thing. 以前你甚至不能想象 什么样的女人会做那样的丑事
[34:45.68]Not so hard to imagine now, is it? 现在能想象了吧 不是吗?
[34:48.18]Stop comparing us. I never did what you did. 我们俩没有可比性! 我从没有像你那么做过
[34:52.09]No, you just wanted to. 不是的 你想做
[34:56.82]You're leaving tomorrow. I don't want your money. 明天你就走
[34:58.41]我不要你的钱 我不要你在我家
[35:00.09]- I don't want you in my house. - Hey! You are sick, Lynette. 嘿 你有病 Lynette
[35:05.63]You think you know what you're in for 'cause you watched me go through it? 就因为你看着我经历了那些 你就知道自己在经历什么吗?
[35:09.54]Watching it is nothing. 没什么可看的
[35:12.64]You are going to feel worse than you thought a person could feel, 你很快就会撑不住 比你想象的糟多了
[35:16.14]and I'll be holding your hand through every damn minute. 但我会一直握着你的手 每一分 每一秒
[35:22.45]You can't stay if I don't want you here. 如果我不想留你 你就不能呆在这儿
[35:25.72]You can fight me or you can fight the cancer. 你要么和我斗 要么就和癌症斗
[35:29.09]Trust me, you won't have the strength to do both. 相信我 你没力气两头作战
[35:47.11]Andrew, do young people still say &awesome&? Andrew?
[35:49.08]- 年轻人还用&炫&这个词吗? - 不太用
[35:51.54]Not so much. Try &off the hook.& 恩 试试&酷到家&这个词
[35:54.88]&Off the hook&? That doesn't make sense. &酷到家&? 根本不合上下文啊
[35:57.05]Fine. Type in &groovy.& See if I care. 好吧 你就打&帅呆了&吧 反正无所谓的
[36:05.76]Hello. Hodge residence. 喂? Hodge家
[36:07.73]Oh, hi, Danielle. 哦 Hi Danielle 听着 我在替你给Julie Mayer发电邮
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