For sometime, all that could be heard in ...这句话中的“no breathing完整版"怎么理解?

Is meditation about making your mind go blank?
One of the most common misconceptions about meditation is that it’s about making your mind go blank. I don’t know where this “meme” originated (a “meme” is a virus-like idea which inhabits or even “infects” our minds) but it’s pervasive and long-lasting. I think it may take at least another generation or two of spiritual practice before that notion goes to the scrapheap of ideas that it deserves to rest in.
This mistaken idea is even found in some meditation sites that rank highly in Google, which is a little worrying.
Certainly, we want in meditation to reduce the amount of thinking that goes on. Most of us are plagued with thoughts that arise seemingly without cause. It’s rare to experience more than a few moments without some thought arising. And although this is “normal” (i.e. very common) it’s not healthy. Many of the thoughts that arise in the mind are supportive of emotions of anxiety, ill will, neurotic craving, and self-doubt. So that’s why we want to reduce the amount of thinking we do — to have a rest from this near-relentless onslaught of thoughts.
We can even experience times in meditation when no thoughts arise at all.
Hey, you may be thinking, hasn’t he just contradicted himself? Well, no. Let me explain.
If you think that not thinking is the same as having a blank mind, then you’re making the error of equating “the mind” with “thinking” and specifically with verbal thinking, or inner self-talk. There’s much more to the mind than inner self-talk! There are perceptions of physical sensations, and there are perceptions of feelings and emotions, and of internally-generated images.
When meditation brings us to the point where self-talk ceases, the mind is anything but blank. Instead it’s full — full of an awareness of those sensations, feelings, emotions, and images. I like to think of this as one of the meanings of mindfulness – “mind-full-ness,” or the mind being so full that there’s no need for, and no room for, inner self-talk.
Our inner self-talk, as well as generating or reinforcing unhelpful emotions, also has the effect of keeping us at a relatively superficial level of our experience. We get so wrapped up in what we’re saying to ourselves inside our heads that we often don’t really notice what’s going on in the heart, the body, or even in the outside world.
As we start to pay more attention to the breath, and therefore the body, we find that our thinking naturally starts to quiet down. And this creates an even greater opportunity to notice the body, feelings and emotions, etc.
What happens as the mind starts to quiet down?
And we find that interesting things start to happen. Because we’re no longer reinforcing unhelpful emotions, we feel happier. And we’re free to notice that happiness more because we’re less obsessed with our thinking. So we really notice how happy we are becoming.
Interesting things start to happen in the body as well. Because we’re no longer reinforcing unhelpful emotions, the body starts to relax. As it relaxes it feels more enjoyable to have a body and energy starts to be released. And that energy is very pleasurable, and because we’re less obsessed with thinking we’re free to really notice those sensations as well.
And sometimes vivid and symbolic imagery wells up into the mind, and of course we’re free to really pay attention to that. We don’t necessarily think about the imagery, but we allow it to sit within us like a wise presence.
So all this is going on in the mind, and the mind is therefore anything but “blank.” Normal experience seems “blank” in comparison to the fullness of experience that we can develop in meditation. I’m reminded of times I’ve been reading outdoors and have emerged from the lines of text on the page to realize that there’s a world full or life and beauty around me that seems incomparably richer and more beautiful than the book. And I say this as someone who has always loved reading!
Sometimes we decide it is appropriate to think in meditation. And we call this reflection. This kind of thinking is more focused and powerful than normal thought. We don’t have a constant stream of thoughts running through the mind, but instead we take a thought and allow it to be there, not going anywhere but simply sitting in the mind, surrounded by awareness, and we notice what responses it calls forth. It’s like the difference between watching MTV, with its constant jumping from one image to another, and standing in an art museum, spending time in front of one picture and drinking it in. (Although I’ve noticed that people generally spend most of their time reading the labels of the pictures than they spend actually looking at the pictures themselves — a sign, I assume, that they are addicted to inner self-talk and uncomfortable with actual experience.
So, no, it’s not contradictory to say that meditation isn’t about making your mind go blank, but that it can help us to reduce, or even eliminate, inner self-talk for periods of time. Meditation is about developing mindfulness, or “mind-full-ness.”
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Other languagesJames Franco, key supporting player in the “Spider-Man” saga and star of such Judd Apatow projects as “Freaks and Geeks” and “Pineapple Express,” is negotiating with 20th Century Fox for the (presumably) human male lead in “Rise of the Apes.”
The sci-fi thriller, about geneticists who create intelligent simians, is said to be a sort-of remake of the excellent and haunting “Conquest of the Planet of the Apes” (the one with the most Montalban).
My completely uneducated guess is Franco will play an ape-loving scientist whose unpleasant death sets the apes on their course to wrest control of the planet from the puny humans.
I believe Franco would be suited to such a role.
Rupert Wyatt (the well-reviewed British prison caper “The Escapist”) directs from a screenplay by Amanda Silver & Rick Jaffa ("Eye For An Eye," "The Relic"). The project will utilize motion-capture CGI simians from WETA Digital.
Fox plans to release it June 24 of next year.
Find all of Deadline Hollywood’s exclusive on the matter .
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Glenn’s Daily Weather NarrativeBrought to you by Maui Weather Today
I will be on vacation until November 24th, and will return then to begin my daily updates of this website.
In my absence, you can find the current weather forecasts for all of the state, by clicking on the individual islands in the upper left hand corner of this page (then click on the maps)…located just below where it says Glenn’s Daily Weather Narrative.
All of the satellite images, and the radar image below will be the most current available.
I’ll keep an eye out on the weather conditions here in the islands, and will come back online and give reports…if some sort of more extreme conditions develop.
Down this page, below the images, I’ll keep a travelogue, giving you updates on what’s going on during my vacation.
Aloha, Glenn James
Here’s the latest , showing the Hawaiian Islands…and the rest of the North Pacific Ocean.
Here’s a …of the offshore waters around the islands – with a
Hawaii’s Mountains – Here’s a link to the live web cam on the summit of near 13,800 foot
on the Big Island of Hawaii. This web cam is available during the daylight hours here in the islands…and when there’s a big moon shining down during the night at times. Plus, during the nights you will be able to see stars, and the sunrise and sunset too… depending upon weather conditions.
Aloha Paragraphs
~~~ Hawaii Weather Narrative ~~~
October 28 – My departure date for this autumn 2015 vacation has finally arrived. I skipped going to California to see my family and friends this past summer, due to the crazy hurricane season we had here in the central Pacific Ocean. So, I’ll be flying out of Kahului early this afternoon, and arriving at the airport in
this evening. I’ll take the airporter across the Golden Gate Bridge to Marin County, where my friend Linda will pick me up. She always has a homemade bowl of soup, sourdough bread, and a few slices of good cheese waiting. Then there’s that small glass of nice red wine that will be there too…just to take the edge off the long day of being out in public and flying. I’ll be catching up with you here most days, with a little taste of what’s going on in California. I’ll catch up with you soon, the weather sure is nice as I get ready to depart Maui! Aloha, Glenn
October 31st – Happy Halloween! I’m having the best time here in , hanging out with Linda, and my old college friend Bob. The first day I was here Linda and I went to a couple of farmers markets, stocking up on all kinds of organic vegetables, and a large chunk of wild King Salmon…that we cut up into five steaks. To work up our appetites for dinner yesterday, Bob and I took care of several small jobs that Linda needed help with out in the yard, including cleaning the gutters before a cold front brings rain later tomorrow. Last evening we sat out on her deck until it was dark with the stars shining down, drinking a really nice bottle of red wine: St Supery Napa Valley, Cabernet Sauvignon, 2012 Estate bottled. For dinner we had roasted potatoes, squash, and large salad plated with that expertly cooked Salmon. I had done a favor for another lady friend of mine here in Marin, and she brought us a large homemade fig custard tart…that we had for dessert.
/ We got up early this morning, and drove over to the , where we hiked out to the ocean, before having a lovely breakfast together. We’re all kind of working a bit separately now, before we reconvene for whatever’s next in the day.
November 1st – We’ve broken into the 2nd to the last month of the year, and into the holiday season in the process. Last evening Linda, Bob and I had the most delicious dinner, consisting of Linda’s homemade red sauce with cheese raviolis, artichokes, a salad…and a nice bottle of . We finished off this great meal with the second half of that luscious fig custard tart…and a cup of tea. There were many tricker-treaters that came to our door after dark, and Linda had candy to pass out to each of them. The three of us then went out walking around the neighborhood, checking out the scene…which was fun. We got up early this morning, and went out for another walk, which gave us clear views of the lovely
not far away. We had breakfast together before Bob took off to join his girlfriend back in the Sacramento area. Linda and I just hung around home today, doing a bit of work outside, and enjoyed watching the weather…which was mostly centered around a cold front moving down the west coast in our direction. As I write this entry, Linda is out tango dancing, and I just got back from a nice fast walk just before sunset. Tonight’s dinner will be the two left over pieces of wild salmon, sauteed swiss chard with fresh tomatoes and garlic, a few roasted potatoes on the side, and a kale salad. We’re skipping the wine tonight, although will have a slice of berry pie with organic vanilla ice cream for dessert.
November 4th – Since the last time I wrote, the first cold front of the season moved through northern California. This front brought some decent rain, and cool breezy weather in its wake. I’ve enjoyed the change, and being able to dress more warmly as well. It’s turned clear and cool, the near perfect weather in my way of thinking. I’m at the end of this first part of my vacation, here in Marin County with Linda, and about to take the airporter down to the San Francisco airport. I always enjoy sitting on this big bus looking out the windows at the fancy new cars on Highway 101, crossing the Golden Gate Bridge, and getting a quick peek into the heart of the big city too. I’ll be taking a short flight down to
this afternoon, where my Mom will pick me up at the airport. We’ll go to her house briefly, before we head down to the Whole Foods store in the marina. I’ll stock up on food as I eat organic, and my Mom and Sister don’t. I’ll begin this longest part of my vacation, settling into some good quality time with my family. Unfortunately, my Brother who lives in Texas, won’t be able to join us this time due to his work. I’ll catch up with you again soon, Aloha…Glenn.
November 8th – I’m enjoying being here in Long Beach at my Mom’s house! Speaking of my Mom, and referring to the kind of person she is, she recently got her driver’s license renewed…she’s 93 years old. I’ve driven with her, and she’s an excellent driver. She and I went shopping yesterday, and I bought a new carry on for travel, and a couple of new pairs of pants. We’ll be having my sister Judy and her husband over today for a visit, which is always fun. The weather has been excellent since I arrived, with warm days and cool early mornings prevailing. We have a weak cold front pushing down through the state today, which will arrive here in southern California tomorrow. It isn’t expected to do much for the dry weather conditions, although will bring a brief period of cooler weather our way. Warm weather returns thereafter, and should continue through the rest of the new week ahead. As some of you know, I watch lots of CNN evening news with my Mom while visiting. One of her favorite shows is Doc Martin on Thursday evenings, and before that during the week, Andersen Cooper and Anthony Bourdain…all of which she greatly enjoys.
November 11th – It’s Veterans Day, and I happen to be a veteran, so I thought I’d write a few words about my Army experience. I got drafted back in 1967, and got out of the service two years later. I went to basic training at Ft. Ord, California, and was offered the chance to be an officer in the Officers Candidate School….after taking a battery of tests. They said all I had to do was extend my two year tour by one additional year…which I refused. They then said that they were sending me to non-commissioned officers school (NCO), and that I had no choice in the matter. They sent me to Georgia for this school, although before going, I broke my leg skiing at Mammoth Mountain, California. I ended up working for a Lieutenant Colonel in an administration capacity at Ft. Benning. I ended up having my own secretary, although I was a private first class (PFC)…the lowest rank in the army. They tried to keep me there in this office, although the army instead sent me to Vietnam as an infantry man! I was out in the field fighting for four months, and let me just say this: it was the most intense part of my life, and I am very fortunate to be sitting here at my Mom’s computer now writing these words. I was pulled from the field after four months, and was assigned as the intelligence officer (even though I wasn’t an officer) for the rest of my one year tour. I have deep feelings for all veterans, and wish them the very best…despite my rarely talking about any of this to others.
November 15th –
I finished the southern California part of my vacation a couple of days ago, and am now up in Sonoma County, which is located north of San Francisco, Marin County…and south of . I very much enjoyed being at my Mom’s house in Long Beach, even though there were a few issues to be dealt with…as there are in most families around the world. I flew to San Francisco two days ago, and took the airporter up to Santa Rosa, where my friend Jeff picked me up. He drove me back to he and his wife’s home in west , where they had a fresh salmon dinner, with veggies out of their organic garden waiting for me. We had a rousing conversation that evening sitting in front of their wonderful fireplace. Jeff and Roberta are both PhD therapists, and the subject matter bounced all over the map…as it often does. The next morning we all meditated together, before going out on a long walk, and then back to their place. Jeff and I then headed over to the small town of Graton, where we had a big cup of Chai, and a tasty breakfast at one of my favorite little restaurants in this area, called . It was back to their place then, before I gathered my things, and Jeff drove me over (5 minutes away) to my friend Greg’s place. These two buddies of mine are long time friends, who I met in college back in the ;s. Greg, his son Julian, and his mother Gillian, all sat around the TV and watched the Democratic debate…and of course kept in touch with the latest very bad news coming out of Paris, France! As Bob Dylan wrote many yaears ago, the times they are ah changin’…and it seems not in a good way!
November 19th – I’ve been greatly enjoying my time here in western Sonoma County…as perfect weather conditions continue. I’ve been sharing my time between my long term friend Greg, and another old friend Jeff and his wife. Jeff and I saw two films over the last couple of days, including , and another called …both of which were very good to excellent. Greg and I have spent lots of quality time with his son, mostly playing catch, and having great meals together. Speaking of Greg, he and I went to a poetry reading in Marin County, featuring
and …both of which were excellent in my opinion. I will shift gears tomorrow, as yet another long time friend drives over from the Sacramento area. We’ve rented a beach house on a cliff edge up in Mendocino County for three nights, called the Moonstar House. It has a
out on the deck, that overlooks a very large expanse of the ocean, where we’ve seen whales in years past. This house is totally private, sitting on 10 acres of wooded land, and rather rustic too…which appeals to both of us. One of the places we like to have dinner is called , and is a special dining place on the coast. Looking at the latest weather forecast, it appears that this delightful weather will prevail until just after I leave…when winter will arrive in no uncertain terms.
November 21st – I’m up in Mendocino County now, Bob and I got here yesterday afternoon. We arrived at our fabulous rental, made a nice cup of espresso, and began to settle into our three night stay. It didn’t take long before we switched to a nice bottle of wine, a McMinn Zinfandel, single vineyard, Giorgio’s Block…Sonoma County. We both agreed it was a great bottle for the price. It was starting to edge towards sunset by then, and we headed out to the outdoor hot tub…where we continued our wonderful conversations well into the early evening. Dinner was next up, in which we roasted a whole organic chicken with potatoes, and steamed asparagus. We sat around digesting our meal, before we headed into the night for a walk through the nearby woods, perching for a while at a spot we see both the nearby ocean and the half moon. It was a lovely day, and we separated into our own rooms on either side of this cliff edge house…I slept warm and deep to the sound of ocean waves breaking against the rocks just below.
Hawaii Weather – Just a heads up folks, it appears that a significant rainfall event will occur in the Hawaiian Islands over the next few days. I would suggest keeping a close eye on this evolving heavy weather situation. The islands will experience flooding, so please be careful as this precipitation moves over your area…while out on the wet roads.
Snowfall shift threatens water supply – Climate change-induced changes in snowfall patterns could imperil two billion people who rely on melting snow for their water supply — and developing countries must work to protect citizens from these variations, researchers say.
Out of 421 drainage basins studied in the northern hemisphere, a study published recently identified 32, serving nearly 1.45 billion people, which are most sensitive to these changes because of their high reliance on snowmelt. In these regions, precipitation falling as rain instead of snow due to climate change is likely to decrease the volume of snowpacks, which are natural reservoirs of freshwater.
These snow-sensitive basins include for example the Indus river basin, which is shared between Afghanistan, China, India and Pakistan, says the paper published in Environmental Research Letters.
“Both increases and decreases [in snowfall] are entirely consistent with global warming,” says lead author Justin Mankin, a climatologist at Columbia University in the United States. “We have to be prepared for both.”
The study has identified areas where there is a high demand for water and a large role for snowmelt in the hydrological cycle, says Walter Immerzeel, a geoscientist at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, who has worked in developing countries.
Rural populations are likely to suffer most, particularly those living near mountains, according to Immerzeel. “The closer you are to the source, the more dependent you are on the snowmelt,” he says.
Protecting those vulnerable to changing snowfall patterns requires locally adapted responses, says Mankin. “Some areas will need changes in the legal institutions, others in infrastructure or technological access,” he adds.
For ease of modelling, the study assumed that water demand per person would remain the same over the next century, but growing populations and changing consumption patterns will put increasing pressure on water resources. “Humans are the largest source of uncertainty and that means we have a tremendous amount of agency in the outcome,” says Mankin. He adds that consumption patterns and conservation efforts will determine how vulnerable each nation is to the change.
But Mark Maslin, a climatologist at University College London in the United Kingdom, says current pressures could prevent conservation efforts. “Even if [governments] are aware of future, bigger problems, it’s difficult for them to plan for it when they are just trying to look after their people now” to cope with immediate conflict and natural disasters, he says.
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