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BBC 双语新闻讲解附字幕:土耳其民众围攻人民民主党总部The UN refugee agency has warned Hungary that it expects tens of thousands of migrants toarri ve there over the next few days. It is urging the country to improve its regisration andreception procedures, and is offering humanitarian assistance. The UNHCR regional coordinatorV annou nced the expected migrant numbers at a press conference in Budapest. The nextcouple of day s, a minimum of 37,000 people coming from Greece, close to those who arecurrently in Serbia a round there for 5,000, so we are in our 42,000 within the next ten days. Hundreds of protestors waving Turkish flags have attacked the headquarters of the main pro-Ku rdish party the HDP. The building in the capital Ankara was set alight. The party said itspremise s in other cities around Turkey had also been targeted. The violence follows increaseclashes be tween Turkish forces and the outlawed Turkish militant movement the PKK, since theceasefire broke down in July. Sebastian reports. The Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoganhas promise d an all-out onslaught. The descend into violence has ruined hopes to end adecades long conf lict that Mr. Erdogan himself has raised when he set in motion a peace andreconciliation proce ss three years ago. With the ceasefire broken, that process is now intatters. But that both Mr. Er dogan and PKK, it may suit their interests for now. The president'sparty lost its majority of the recent general election, due to a mainly Kurdish party the HDP,taking an unprecedented shar e of vote. He is hoping a new election he has called forNovember, will restore his party's stand ing. A Guata Malan judge has ordered the former president Otto Perez Molina to stand trial oncorru ption charges linked to a scandal that has sparked months of protests across thecountry. With more, here is Kitty Watson. It has been a huge fall from grace for Perez Molinawho for months have refused to listened to calls for him to step down. But stripped of hisimmunity, he had littl e chioce but resign last week. And now Guata Mala's judge has grantedprosecutors request, to try Perez Molina on charges of customs fraud, racketeering andbribery. Prosecutors will have t hree months to continue their investigation after that he willstand trial. Perez Molina is accsued of being involved in a scheme of country's customs agency,with all businesses pay bribes worth millions of dollars, in order to pay low import taxes. Butthe former president denies being invol ved. Three people have been arrested in the Kenyan capital Nairobi after a man tried to enter ashopp ing mall with exlosives in his bag. He was overpowered by security guards and the bagblown u p by police bomb disposal unit. Police say the three detainees are all Kenyan nationals,not of S omali origin, and not affiliated to any known group. World news from the BBC. An official in the US state of Kentucky, who was jailed last week for refusing to issue marriageli censes to gay couples because of her Christians beliefs, has been freed. Greeted by crowds ofch eering supporters, some waving white crosses, Kim Davis thanked God for her release. &Thank God, the glory, and his people have rallied, you are strong people. We serve a livingGod who knows exactly where each one of us is at. Just keep on pressing, do not let deil,because h e is here.& Earlier a federal judge said she was satisfied that her colleagues werefulfilling their d uty to issue licenses to same-sex couples. The US city of Baltimore has reached a tentative settlement of more than six million dollars wit hthe family of Freddie Gray, a black man who died in April from injuries suffered in police costud y.His death prompted days of riot in the city. The mayor of Baltimore said the proposedsettleme nt was not an admission of liability. She said it would not affect the criminal trials ofsix police officers who face charges. The city's police union has criticised the payment. Ukraine says fighting in the east of the country is at its lowest level since the conflict withRussi an backed rebels began 18 months ago. Correspondents say a ceasefire broke in last weekappe ars to be holding, but the Ukrainian president warns that there was still a risk of more fullscale fighting. UN figures suggested almost 8,000 people have been killed in violence so far. The Supreme Court in Pakistan has ordered the government to adopt Urdu as the main officialla nguage. A three-member bench said there was hardly any need for the governmen to useEnglis h, as many Pakistanis did not understand it. The government will now conduct businessin Urd u and English. BBC news. 3.humanitarian adj.人道主义的 例句: And on each of those issues we have said that we would consider that and, in fact, haveprovide d some humanitarian support. 对于每一件这样的事情,我们都说过,我们将会对此进行考虑,事实上,我们向他们提供了人道主义援助 5.all-out adj.全力以赴的 例句: Every time I try to get him to do his chores, the scene degenerates into an extendednagging s ession and sometimes an all-out fight. 每次我试着让他做家务时,总会退化成一个极其唠叨的过程甚至有时候还会变成一场全力以赴的战争 affiliated to 使..隶属于 例句: Byregistering, the club or the player is affiliated to the association (and/or totheleague) conc erned. 注册后,俱乐部和球员即附属于有关的协会(和/或联盟) 联合国难民署警告匈牙利称,未来几天或将有数万名难民抵达匈牙利。难民署敦促匈牙利做好登记和接收工作, 难民署正在提供人道主义援助。在布达佩斯召开的新闻发布会上,联合国难民署地区协调员就难民人数做出了回 应。未来几天,来自希腊的难民将至少达到 3 万 7 千人,目前,在塞尔维亚的难民人数为 5000 人,未来十天内 我们这里的难民人数将达到 4 万 2000 人。 数百名抗议者挥舞土耳其国旗,围攻了亲库尔德党人民民主党总部。这座位于首都安卡拉的建筑火光冲天。人民 民主党称土耳其其他城市的办公地点也成为了攻击目标。由于土耳其军方与库尔德激进组织之间的冲突不断升级, 因此造成了这场暴力事件,7 月,双方停战协议瓦解。请听塞巴斯蒂安的报道。土耳其总统雷杰普? 塔伊普? 埃尔 多安承诺将进行全面反击。 双方对峙局面已经长达 10 年之久, 而此次暴力事件让本想结束对抗局势的希望破灭, 3 年前,埃尔多安签署了D和平与和解协议‖,而这也引发了冲突。随着停战协议的瓦解,该协议也毁于一旦。不 管是埃尔多安还是库尔德党,到目前为止均符合双方利益。在最近的一次大选中,由于亲库尔德党人民民主党史 无前例的获得了多数选票,导致总统的正义与发展党失去了选票。而总统宣布将在 11 月再次举行大选,这次他 希望能够重新组阁。 瓜地马拉法官下令羁押前总统奥托? 佩雷斯? 莫利纳,他被指控犯有贪污罪,因此次贪污丑闻,全国举行了数月的 抗议活动。请听基蒂? 沃森的报道。对于佩雷斯? 莫利纳来说,是从天上到地上的改变,数月以来,他一直拒绝辞 职。由于被解除豁免权,上周,佩雷斯? 莫利纳不得不选择辞职。目前,瓜地马拉法官允许了检察官的要求,就 海关诈骗、敲诈勒索以及受贿罪对莫利纳提起公诉。检察官可以对事件进行调查的时间为 3 个月,之后,莫利纳 将接受审判。莫利纳涉嫌参与海关一案,为了使企业降低进口关税而收受数百万美元贿赂。然而,前总统否认与 此案有关。 在肯尼亚首都内罗毕,警方逮捕了三名嫌疑人,之前一名男子曾试图将装有炸弹的袋子带进商店。保安人员将其 制服,拆弹组也将炸弹进行了爆破。警方称三名嫌犯均为本国人,并非来自索马里,并不与任何组织有关。BBC 全球新闻。 在美国肯塔基州,一名因基督教义而拒发同性结婚证的官员已被释放。人们举着白色十字架为她呐喊,因这次出 狱,金? 戴维斯感谢了上帝。D感谢上帝,您的信仰者聚集在了这里,你们是强大的。圣灵了解我们每一个人。不 要让恶人进入,因为上帝就在这里。‖早间,联邦法官称,她的同事继续完成了对同性夫妻颁发结婚证的工作, 她表示非常满意。 美国巴尔的摩与格雷达成和解,赔偿格雷家属 600 多万美金,今年 4 月,该黑人男子在警察拘押期间D非正常‖ 死亡。 他的死也引发了巴尔的摩数天的暴乱活动。 巴尔的摩市长称, 此次和解协议并不等于警方承认了事故责任。 她称该协议将不会影响对 6 名警署的刑事诉讼。巴尔的摩警察协会对这次赔偿进行了批判。 乌克兰方面称,乌克兰东部地区的武装冲突目前处于最为平缓的局面,这是自 18 个月前乌克兰与俄支持的民间 武装展开冲突以来的首次。记者称,上周宣告破裂的停火协议似乎并没有打响,然而,乌克兰总统警告称,仍然 存在全面冲突的危险。联合国数据显示,到目前为止,因暴力冲突而死亡的人数接近 8000 人。 巴基斯坦最高法院命令政府将乌尔都语作为官方语言。由 3 人组成的最高法院法官团称,政府几乎不需要使用英 语,因为许多巴基斯坦人不懂英语。如今,政府需要用英语和乌尔都语来从事商业活动。BBC 新闻。 译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载BBC 双语新闻讲解附字幕:难民挤爆希腊诸岛As the European Union wrangled with how to do with the huge influx of migrants, thousandsmo re are continuing to head towards western and northern Europe. The authorities on theGreek isl and of Lesbos are stepping up efforts to process those arriving there includingchartering extra s hips to the Greek mainland.Johnny Dymond is in Lesbos. In an abandonedfootball sealed in the capital city Mytilene, a sliver of a good news for thousands Syrianrefugees. In a warm night, or derly queues form in front of 12 tables, documents examined,papers handed out. With the pape rs issued by the Greek authorities, the refugees all from Syriacan buy tickets for specially charte d boats to Athens. The operation is led by the Greekgovernment with assistance of the UNHCR. Three ships are going back and forth between theisland and Athens help as many as eight or te n thousand will be moved from Lesbos.Earlier,hundreds of migrants broke through Hungarian po lice line around a holding center nearthe border with Serbia and headed towards Budapest. The British prime minister is coming under pressure from the opposition Labor party torevea l more details about what prompted a drone strike that killed two British fighters withIslamic S tate group in Syria. David Cameron says the strike was carried out in self-defense.Jonathan Bi ll reports. While the US is longed pursuit of policy of targeted killings, the use of aBritish drone to kill a British citizen in a country which the UK has not legally authorizedmilitary action is hig hly controversial. The human rights group has accused of thegovernment of coping what he c alls the failed model of US secret drone strikes.David Cameronthough has insisted the targeting of Reyaad Khan was entirely lawful and an act of self-defense. Mr Cameron said Britain was in volved in a plot to attack high profile event over thesummer. Russia has dismissed reports that it is suspending its military support for the Syriangovernmen t. The foreign ministry confirmed what it called tactical assistance would continue.The BBC M oscow correspondent says the Russia's main goal remains propping of its ally,president Assad although it now can't stand the support for the fight against Islamic Militants. The international health charity Medecins Sans Frontieres has warned that death from snakebit e are likely to rise as stocks of anti-venom run out. 30,000 people died from snake bite insub-Saharan Africa every year. Julia reports. MSF says Fa v-Afrique the only anti-venom thathas been proven safe and effective the use on ten different kinds of snake bite in Sub-SaharanAfrica. But the manufacturers claimed that they've been price d out of the market. Experts warnother cheaper products aren't as good, some antivenoms prod ucts can cost hundreds ofpounds per patient, but as some of the poorest to a most risk. World n ews from the BBC. Thousands of people have attended the funeral of a Palistinian woman Riham Dawabsha whowa s the victim of arson attack in Israel-occupied west bank. Militant jewish settlers aresuspecte d to carry out the attack. Mrs Dawabsha died of her injuries overnight more than amonth after the attack. The also claimed the lives of her husband and baby son. A court in El Savaldor has decided to proceed with the case against a doctor accused by amot her of swapping her baby of birth. The mother Mercedes Casanella says the child handedover aft er the birth has dark skin. U.R reports. Prosecutors alleged that doctor Dr AlejandroGuidos swap ped the baby at the request of child trafficers who presumably wanted a light skinchild. He deni es any wrong doing but DNA test has confirmed that the baby being raised byMercedes Casane lla and her British born husband is not biologically theirs. Ms. Casanellas saysshe's prepared to c ontinue looking after baby Jacob if his mother can not be found, but saysshe won't rest until she gets her baby back. Italy's top criminal court has explained the decision to throw out a long running case of themu rder 8 eight years ago of a British student Meredith Kercher. Mr Kercher's Amercian flatmateAm anda Knox and her Italian former boyfriend were acquitted the killing for the second time inMarc h. The court says the case contains glaring errors. The authorities in Ecuador have arrested a Mexican man who attempted to smuggle 11endanger ed iguanas from Galapagos Islands in his luggage. Ben Ram has more. In a plainwhite bag hid den in a suitcase where nine marine and two land iguanas. The Ecuadoranauthorities say a Mex ican man has been trying to smuggle them out of the Galapagos nationalpark. He is being detai ned but not being named. It's believed he had previously beencommitted a similar crime in N ew Zealand. The rescued iguanas are being assessed andmonitored before being released back t o the wild. BBC news. 1.acquit vt.无罪释放 例句:Mr. Castorina was acquitted of attempted murder. 卡斯托瑞纳先生被宣判谋杀未遂罪不成立 5.swap v/n. 交换 例句:Next week they will swap places and will repeat the switch weekly. 下周他们将互换位置,以后将每周换一次。 就在欧盟就如何解决难民潮问题喋喋不休时,数千名难民继续向欧洲西部和北部转移。在希腊岛屿莱斯博斯岛, 有关部门正在加紧处理登岛难民,包括加派船只。请听约翰尼? 戴蒙德为您从莱斯博斯岛发回的报道。在首府米 蒂利尼的一座荒废的足球场,数千名叙利亚难民等来了好消息。在一个和煦的夜晚,井然有序的长队排列在 12 张桌子前,他们正在等待检查手续。拿着希腊政府颁发的文件,所有来自叙利亚的难民都能够买到前往希腊的船 票。在联合国难民事务高级专员办事处的帮助下,希腊政府展开了此项行动。三艘轮船往返于两岛之间,8 千到 1 万名难民将离开莱斯博斯岛。早间,在匈塞边境的一处收容中心,数百名难民冲破了警方封锁线,徒步走向布 达佩斯。 英国反对党工党要求透漏更多叙利亚无人机空袭事件,首相备受压力,此事件造成两名英裔D伊斯兰国‖极端组织 成员死亡。卡梅伦称此次袭击是一次自卫行动。乔纳森? 比尔报道。美国一直在追求目标性打击,而英国在没有 军事行动授权的情况下, 使用无人机刺杀本国公民却备受争议。 人权组织谴责英国政府复制美国的秘密空袭行动。 尽管如此,卡梅伦坚持称刺杀瑞亚阿德完全合法,这完全是自卫措施。卡梅伦称这个夏天,英国曾参与了一次备 受关注的袭击计划。 俄罗斯就停止对叙利亚提供军事援助的报告给予了否认。 外交部肯定称战术协助还将继续。 BBC 驻莫斯科记者称, 俄罗斯的主要目的还是支持其盟友,叙利亚领导人阿萨德,尽管目前俄罗斯还不能对打击D伊斯兰国‖极端组织提 供帮助。 国际医疗组织D无国界医生‖警告称,由于抗蛇毒血清药物库存不足,因毒蛇咬伤而死亡的人数或将上升。在撒哈 拉以南的非洲,每年因毒蛇而死亡的人数达到了 3 万人。请听茱莉亚的报道。抗蛇毒血清(Fav-Afrique)是目 前唯一安全的抗蛇毒药物,在该地区,它能够用于治疗 10 种蛇毒。然而,生产商表示称,他们的产品已经被价 格低廉的替代品挤出了市场。专家警告称,其他产品劣质廉价,许多抗血清药物的价格为数百英镑,然而,最为 危机的情况却发生在了最贫困的地区。BBC 全球新闻。 数千人参加了巴勒斯坦那女性里汉姆? 达瓦布沙的葬礼,她在以色列占领的约旦河西岸遭到了纵火袭击。有人认 为这起袭击是犹太极端势力所为。 袭击一个多月以后, 达瓦布沙因去世。 这场袭击也夺走了丈夫和小儿子的生命。 在萨尔瓦多,法院决定对该医生提起诉讼,孩子母亲指控医生将孩子掉包。母亲梅塞德斯? 卡萨内拉称,自己的 孩子变成了有色人种。请听 U.R 的报道。检察官指控称,亚历杭德罗? 固尔多斯医生是在人贩的要求下将婴儿掉 包,这名人贩可能是想要一名浅色人种。他矢口否认,然而,DNA 检测表明孩子并非梅塞德斯? 卡萨内拉和英裔 丈夫的亲生骨肉。卡萨内拉女士称在他母亲尚未找到的情况下继续照料雅各布,并称将继续寻找孩子。 意大利最高刑事法院就发生在 8 年前,英国学生梅雷迪思? 克尔彻被杀案进行了解释。今年 3 月,克尔彻的美国 室友阿曼达? 诺克斯和意大利籍前男友被第二次无罪释放。法院称调查存在许多明显错误。 厄瓜多尔官方抓获了一名墨西哥男子,他试图用行李箱从加拉帕戈斯群岛偷运 11 只濒危鬣鳞蜥。请听本? 拉姆的 报道。行李箱的白袋子中装了 9 只海鬣蜥和 2 只加拉帕戈斯陆鬣蜥。厄瓜多尔官方称,一名墨西哥男子试图将它 们偷运出加拉帕戈斯国家公园。他已被扣押,但没有公布姓名。人们认为他曾在新西兰犯下过类似罪行。在重返 大自然之前,工作人员对获救鬣蜥进行了检测。BBC 新闻BBC 双语新闻讲解附字幕:大批难民乘火车抵达德国Germany, Austria and Hungary have discussed the phasing out of an emergency measureswhich allow the free movement of thousands of migrants. The issue was raised during ameeting bet ween the German Chanceller Angela Merkel, her Austrian counterpart WernerFaymann and Hu ngarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Jilly Hill is in Munich. The German chancelloris under press ure. Her own conservatives are furious. That in fact Ms Merkel relaxed EUmigration Law to all ow these thousands of people into the country and in doing so. In the viewof some of her Conse rvatives, she says a pretty dangerous precedent now. That's one reason.The second issue is t he question of Europe. Ms Merkel is just thought to have failed topersuade the EU to come up a ny kind of consensus on these issues. Some of her ministersare really irritated that the EU has n't agreed any kind of coordinated strategy. That's reallybegining to irk them.& This woman who fled the Syrian city of Rakkas spoke the welcome of the refuges received onar rival of Vienna. Look, everybody here are happy. Everybody here happy and don't afraid. Theyar e happy because it's in the Vienna everybody here, men, women, child everybody here. Theygiv e us many things, homes and bags and coffee. They are helping to ask very much. An independent investigation into disappearing of 43 Mexican's students nearly a year ago has dismissed the government's account of the events. In response, Mexico's attorney generalhas ordered an new once again investigation to be carried out. Katy Watson is in Mexicocity.&The ev ents of September 26th last year were of the scale of that shocked people here,even in the cou ntry there's no stranger to violence. Back in January, the government said ithad provided what it called 'the historical truth on what had happened' that the students wererounded up by corru pt policmen and handed over to a criminal gang, then they were burntand their remains incine rated. Now, international experts have published their version of thetruth. The result of the six months' work has concluded that the government's investigationswere deeply flawed. Most dyi ng involved if as the stories that the students were burnt justdoesn't stand up. Voters in Guatamala are casting their ballots in the presidential election days after acorruptio n scandal prompted the resignation of president Otto Perez Molina. One of thefrontrunners, a comic actor, Jimmy Morales, has the slogan &Not Corrupt, Not A Thief&. The Turkish prime minister has been chairing an emergency meeting after several soldiers were killed in an attack by Kurdish PKK militants. Turkish media say landmines blew up two militaryv ehicles in the southeastern province of Hakkari. In a statement, the PKK said 15 soldiers haddi ed. The government has not confirmed the figure. World news from the BBC. A Palestinian woman has died as a result of injuries suffered during an arson attack in Julywhic h killed her husband and young son. Riham Dawabsha suffered burns to 90% of her bodywhen her home in the west bank village of Duma was fire-bombed. The attack is believed tohave been carried out by Israeli settlers. Her 18-month-old son was killed in the attack. The Tunisian authorites have warned of a threat of car-bombing in the capital Tunis andbanned traffic from some central streets. The Interior Ministry said intelligence reportsindicated dange r of the strategic points of the city might be targetted, but gave no furtherdetails. A controversial sculpture by the artist Anish Kapoor displayed in the garden of the Palace ofV ersailles, France has been vandalized for a second time. Anti-Semitic slogans were spray-painte d onto the artwork, a huge metallic funnel called &Dirty Corner&. &The 60-meter-longsculpture and rocks around it was sprayed in white paint with phrases such as 'Christ is king inVersailles' and 'the second rape of a nation by deviant Jewish activism'. The piece which Kapoorhas described as 'very sexual' had already been splattered with paint in Jun e, shortly after beingunveiled. Clearly outraged, he said he would now keep what he called 'the abominable words' onthe artwork. He said they would bear witness to hatred and tolerance.& Government officials in Tadzhikistan say more than 30 people, including some serving defense personnel have been arrested after militants killed nine policemen on Friday. The insurgentswe re allegedly led by a sacked deputy defense minister, General A N. Heavy rains in parts of Sierra Leone have washed away houses and cut off major roads. Anoffici al in the southern district to Boe said at least 70 homes have been destroyed in one area,leavin g hundreds without shelter. BBC news. 3.personnel n/adj.全体人员 例句:Such information is restricted within military personnel. 这类情报资料仅限于在军事人员内部参阅。 4.flawed adj.有缺陷的 例句:Furthermore, some flawed ideas may ignite your curiosity and imagination, both of which have the ability to change the dynamics of everything. 而且,有时一些有瑕疵的想法可能会点燃你的好奇心和想象力,这两者都能够带来彻头彻尾的改变。 5.concensus n.一致 例句:Take a straw poll of your friends and we guarantee that you will find no consensus. 在你的朋友中进行一个民意投票,我们保证你不会得到一致的意见。 德国、奥地利以及匈牙利正在就分阶段实施紧急措施进行商讨,他们将向移民敞开大门。三国首脑德国总理默克 尔,奥地利总理维尔纳? 法伊曼,以及匈牙利总理奥尔班召开了会议,会议中提出了这一问题。请听吉莉? 希尔为 您从慕尼黑发回的报道。德国总理备受压力。她的保守党派大为恼火。事实上,默克尔放宽了欧盟移民法,允许 数千名难民涌入德国。按照许多保守党人的看法,她称目前非常危险。这是原因之一。第二个就是欧洲问题。就 这一问题,默克尔没有能够让欧盟达成共识。德国许多部长因欧盟无法达成任何一致性策略而大为恼火。这让他 们极端不满。 一名逃离叙利亚城市拉卡的妇女在维也纳欢迎难民。 看, 所有人都欢欣鼓舞。 他们都非常高兴, 并不再感到害怕。 我们都来到了维也纳,男人,女人,儿童。他们为我们提供了房屋,袋子和咖啡。他们为我们提供了帮助。 将近一年前,43 名墨西哥学生失踪,如今,独立调查反驳了政府早前的调查结论。与此同时,墨西哥总检察长 命令重新对失踪案进行调查。请听基蒂? 沃尔森为您从墨西哥城发回的报道。墨西哥对暴力并不陌生,但是发生 在去年 9 月 26 日的这起案件却让人们大为震惊。今年 1 月份,政府拿出了他们所谓的D真相‖,学生遭到了贪污 警察的逮捕,并交与犯罪团伙处置,将学生杀死并进行了火化。如今,国际专家公布了他们所调查的真相。通过 6 个月的调查,他们认为政府的调查存在缺陷。并称学生遭到焚烧一事并不可信。 就在总统奥托? 佩雷斯? 莫利纳因贪污丑闻而辞职的几天之后,瓜地马拉开始大选。目前,得票数最高的是喜剧演 员出身的吉米? 莫拉莱斯,他的竞选标语是D没有贪污,没有强盗‖。 多名士兵遭到库尔德工人党武装分子的杀害,为此,土耳其首相召开了紧急会议。土耳其媒体称,在土耳其东南 部哈卡里省,地雷炸毁了两辆军车。在声明中,库尔德工人党称 15 名士兵死亡。政府还没有对这一数字进行确 认。BBC 全球新闻。 因遭受纵火袭击,一名巴勒斯坦女性死亡,这起发生在 7 月份的纵火案杀死了她的丈夫和儿子。当时,约旦河西 岸的杜马村遭到纵火,里汉姆? 达瓦布沙烧伤面积达到 90%。人们认为此次袭击事件是以色列极端势力所为。年 仅 18 个月大的儿子也在此次袭击中丧生。 突尼斯官方警告称,首都突尼斯市受到了汽车爆炸威胁,并对一些主要中心路段进行了交通管制。内政部长称, 根据情报局的报告,突尼斯市的多处重点区域或成为爆炸目标,具体信息尚不得而知。 在法国凡尔赛宫花园展出的争议雕塑再次遭毁,该作品的作者是艺术家安尼施? 卡普尔。作品被喷涂了反犹太主 义标语,该作品是一个巨大的漏斗形金属,名称叫作D肮脏角落‖。这件 60 米长的雕像以及周围的石头曾被喷上 白色油漆,并在上面写道D基督是凡尔赛宫的国王‖,以及D犹太激进主义对国家的第二次迫害。‖卡普尔认为这件 作品富有D性‖色彩,雕塑于 6 月开始展出,展出不久就遭到了喷涂。卡普尔感到非常气愤,他称他将留下这些他 认为D遭恨‖的话语。他认为观众将亲眼见证这些D痛恨‖和D容忍‖。 塔吉克斯坦官方称,包括军方在内的 30 多人遭到逮捕,周五,武装分子杀害了 9 名警察。有人称前国防副部长 阿布杜哈里穆? 纳扎尔佐达指挥了此次反叛行动。 塞拉利昂部分地区出现暴雨天气,大雨冲垮了房屋,切断了多处主要道路。南部地区波尔的一名官方人员称,该 地区至少有 70 间房屋被毁,数百人缺少避难所。BBC 新闻。BBC 双语新闻讲解附字幕:法国农民开拖拉机抗议 A stand-off has developed in Hungary after riot police ordered a large number of migrants toget off train that left the capital Budapest. The authorities wanted to take the migrants to atransit c amp that is part of a crackdown on the thousands arrived in the country. But manyrefugees are refusing to disembark while others are trying to get back on board. Gavin Hewettwitnessed the scenes. The woman who was carrying a small baby began crying for help. Andthen one of her co mpanions tried to help somehow that became a push and shove with thepolice and she then sto od up on the railway line with riot police trying to put her back.And thisof course inflamed all th e other people on the train and then they break through the line.Some people who come off the train, go back on the train and they will prefer just to stay onthe train rather than to go to this p rocessing centre. Police have now declared each go rail station and operation zone and told journalists to leave.Th e German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French president Francois Hollande said theypresented joint proposals for the fair redistribution of refugees within the European Union.They said Eur ope must act decisively under the obligations to protect those fleeing war andpersecution. Sp eaking later in the Swiss capital Bern, Mrs Merkel said everybody had to takepart in the efforts.& We have the duty to defend the rights of those in need. That GenevaConvention on refugees a re binding, not just on Germany but on all the member states of theEuropean Union.& Earlier sharp disagreements emerged over how best to deal with the crisis in talks betwwenHun garian prime minister Viktor Orban and European Union leaders. From Brussels, ChrisMorris. Mr Orban said the migrant crisis was a German problem not a European one because allthe migran ts wanted to get to Germany. He said Hungary is only doing its duty and migrantsshould be told to stay away. But the president of the European Council Donald Tusk publiclyrebuted Mr Orban. He said a fair distribution of migrants and refugees across the EU wasessential. Europe shoul d help people in need. Czech police said they stopped writing numbers on the hands of migrants after widespreadcriti cism. Pictures of police officers using a felt-tip pen to mark the refugees have been widelycircula ted in the international media leading to comparisons with jews being tattooed as theyarrived in Auschwitz. Turkish police have arrested four suspected people smugglers in connection with the drowningof 12 people in Turkish waters on Wednesday. The victims include the three-year-old Syrian boyA ylan Kurdi. Images of his body have stirred international outcry. Aylan, his five-year-oldbrother and his mother all died as they tried to reach Greece after leaving their home in Kobanein Syria. World news from the BBC. Guatemala's vice president is expected to assume the presidency today after the incumbentOt to Perez Molina resigned later on Wednesday. The move follows a decision by a judge toissue an arrest warrant for President Perez Molina. Here is Daniel Abraham. President OttoPerez Mo lina came to power promising to fight crime. Now the former army general is steppingdown on amid a corruption scandal that's already forced down his former vice president and anumber of ministers. A spokesman had said he will hand himself into police later on Thursday totestify before a judge. He is not being charged and denies the allegations. There are reports in Turkey that two British journalists charged with aiding militant groups have been released, but that their Turkish based assistant remains in custody. They were arrestedlast Thursday while working for the vice news group in the mainly Kurtish southeast of thecountry. The trio has denied the allegations. Hundreds of farmers from across France have driven into Paris to demand more governmenthel p to cope with falling prices for livestock and dairy produce. Nearly 1.5 thousand tractorshave converged on one of the capitals main squares, they are demanding a years ofmoratorium on farmers debt repayment and a 3 billion euro investment package. An anti-corruption drive in South Africa has revealed that millions of dollars have been spenton paying the salaries more than 30,000 ghost employees, Jonson Massac has the details.Premier of the northwest province S made this bizarre revelation after an investigation aimedat cleani ng up corruption in government. Mr. M said that it was clear that some people weremanipulati ng the system, becasue officials could not account for millions of dollars used to paynon exsitent government employees. It also emerged that some of these ghost staff memberswere also pro moted along the way, and their salaries had increased. And that's the latest BBCnews. 在匈牙利,防暴警察命令移民从布达佩斯出发的火车上下来,这引起了双方的对峙局面。有关部门正在就抵达匈 牙利的数千名移民采取镇压措施,他们希望将移民转移到临时难民营。然而,许多难民拒绝下车,还有些人试图 重新登车。请听加文? 休伊特为您从现场发回的报道。一名带着孩子的妇女大声求援。她的一名同伴试图帮助她, 之后变成了移民与警方的推搡, 之后, 她站在轨道上, 防爆警察试图将她拉回去。 这引发了其他列车乘客的公愤, 他们冲破了铁轨。许多下车的乘客又重新上了车,他们宁愿上车也不愿意去入籍审理中心。 目前,警方已经驱散了各个火车站以及运行区,并要求记者离开。德国总理默克尔以及法国总统奥朗德称,他们 将就平等分配移民问题向欧盟提交联合议案。他们认为欧洲有义务保护那些因战争和迫害而逃离的难民,因此他 们需要采取果断措施。在瑞士首都伯尔尼的讲话中,默克尔称每个人都应该为此付出努力。对于那些需要帮助的 人, 我们有义务为他们捍卫权力。 《日内瓦公约》 中就难民问题的规定我们是必须要遵守的, 这不仅仅是对德国, 而且是所有欧盟成员国。 匈牙利总理维克多? 奥班与欧盟领导人就如何妥善解决移民危机问题展开了对话,而双方却出现了严重分歧。请 听克里斯? 毛瑞斯为您从布鲁塞尔发回的报道。总理奥班称,移民危机是德国的问题,而不是欧盟问题,因为所 有移民都希望前往德国。他称匈牙利只是在履行责任,我们应该告诫移民远离这里。然而,欧洲理事会主席唐纳 德? 图斯克公开驳斥了奥班。他认为将移民在全欧平等分配是有必要的。欧洲本应帮助那些需要帮助的人。 由于批判之声四起,捷克警方称将不再移民的手中记录数字。而警方用水笔在移民身上做记录的照片也在 媒体上大肆疯传,人们也将这起事件与当时犹太人在奥斯维辛遭到纹身相比较。 土耳其警方逮捕了 4 名走私贩,周三,在土耳其海域发现了 12 具被淹尸体,他们涉嫌与这起案件有关。遇难者 包括 3 岁的叙利亚男童艾兰? 库尔迪。而他的尸体照片引发了全球的抗议之声。艾兰的 5 岁哥哥和母亲都在逃亡 希腊的路上死亡,他们的家乡在叙利亚的科巴尼镇。BBC 全球新闻。 危地马拉副总统将于今天宣布就职, 现任总统奥托? 佩雷斯已于周三辞职。 就在宣布辞职之前, 法官对总统奥托? 佩 雷斯发布了逮捕令。请听丹尼尔? 阿伯拉罕的报道。总统奥托? 佩雷斯曾在上台时许下了打击犯罪的承诺。如今, 这名前陆军上将由于深陷贪污丑闻而辞职,这起事件已经让前副总统和多位部长下台。一位发言人称,他将会在 周四晚间法官判决之前向警方自首。他尚未遭到指控,并对犯罪事实给予否认。 土耳其报道称,两名被指控D协助恐怖组织‖的记者被释放,但是土耳其助理仍然在押。两人是 vice 新闻的记者, 上周四,就在他们在土耳其东南部,D库尔德人‖聚集城市工作时遭到了逮捕。三人对犯罪事实给予否认。 法国数百名农民驶入巴黎,他们要求政府对不断下降的牲畜和奶制品价格提供帮助。将近 1500 辆拖拉机开进了 巴黎的主要广场,他们要求暂停还贷一年,以及出台 30 亿欧元的投资计划。 在南非的反贪运动中,有数百万美金都用来支付幽灵职工的工资,而这一人数超过了 3 万人。请听琼森? 马赛克 的报道。在政府反贪调查中,东北部省份省长有了一个奇异的发现。他称很显然有人在背后操控这一制度,因为 政府官员解释不清为什么数百万美金都流向了那些幽灵职工。许多幽灵职工还升了职,加了薪。BBC 新闻。 译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载。 BBC 双语新闻讲解附字幕:匈牙利首都火车站因移民关闭Hungary has defened its decision to close the main international railway station in the capitalB udapest to migrants seeking to travel on to other European countries. Hundreds wereprevented from boarding trains for Austria and Germany. But a spokesman for the Hungariangovernment, defended Hungray's conduct over the crisis and said it was only upholding EUlaw. Almost nob ody is there fulfilling their legal obligations, take a look at the map. OurHungary is not frontier country , at the end of June, at the Europe's summit, heads of stateshave decided that the so called frontier countries, that is Italy and Greece, are going toestablish hot spots which will ena ble a dam on the European Union to be able toput some kindof regulations, some kind of discip line into the flood of migrants, and that is not happening. Itestimated almost 240,000 migrants have arrived in Greece alone, since the start of this year. Global stock markets have fallen sharply again over renewed fears about economic growth inCh ina. London was down just over 3%. In New York, the Dow Jones closed down almost 3%,mimic ing European indices. Samuel Huson reports from New York. August was the worst monthfor Wa ll Street since 2012, and the month of Semtember is off to a fairly rough start.Tuesday's turbul ance on US markets, was driven by worries over more signs of weakness inChina, the world's s econd largest economy, reported of some of the worst manufacturingfigures in three years. And manufacturing data from US did not offer much comfort, as factorygrowth slowed to its lowest l evel since August 2013. Police in El Salvador say that violence involving street gangs left more than 900 people deadlas t month, a live of bloodshed on scene since the civil war of 1980s. The government is alsoplani ng measures to rehabilitate gang members and reintegrate them into society. Pierze hasmore details. The national police chief Mauricio Ramirez said the high number of deaths was veryworr ying. He said they were due to increasing clashes between street gangs and the securityforces and to the gang's fighting each other. Mr Ramirez said more than 60 members of thesecurity fo rces were killed during this period. El Salvador is believed to have more than 70,000gang memb ers and president Salvador Sanchez Ceren has been tackling them head on. But hisgovernment i s also preparing a law on rehabilitating gang members. Pope Francis has declared that he allowed all priests discretion to forgive women who have had an abortion during the Holy Year of Mercy which starts in December. The Vatican has publisheda letter in which the Pope said he admitted many women bearing the scar of the decision toabor t. World News from the BBC. The county clerk in the American state of Kentucky has continued to refuse to issue marriageli censes to sam-sex couples in defiance of a ruling against her by the US Supreme Court. KimDa vis said she was acting under God's authority. She must now face a federal judge whocould i mpose a fine or send her to jail. The latest confrontation happened at the RowanCounty cour t house in the town of Morehead. Would you do the same to straight couple? Aman and a woma n? NO. I just want you all to know that we are not issuing marriage licensetoday. Why?Been de nied. The appeal of the state has been denied. Right. Instead thesentence ordered that you're s upposed to issue marriage licenses. NO, and we are not issuingmarriage licenses today. The Su preme Court denied your say. Why are not issuing marriagelicense today. I would ask you all t o go ahead and... Because I'm not. Why? It's god'sauthority. Demonstrators in Lebonen protesting inside the environment ministry in Beirut, have beenforci bly removed from the building by police. The protest was part of theDYou Stink‖ campaigntrigg ered by an anger over uncollected rabbish in Beirut. Demonstrators said they were draggedand man handled out of the ministry about 9 hours after the demonstrations started. The Nigerian state oil company says it will deploy drones over a territorial waters in an effort to stampede oil theft. It said the drones will monitor the movement of oil tankers and other shipst o make sure they are not involved in illegal activity. The world Meteorological Organization says the current El Nino weather phenomenon couldon e of the strongest since records began in 1950. The event which occurs when the waters ofPacifi c become exceptionally warm can distort weather patterns all over the world. The UNOrganiz ation says this year's El Nino is still gaining strength and its effect could peak before theend of t he year. That's the latest from BBC news. 匈牙利坚持封锁首都布达佩斯国际火车站的决定,移民希望从这里前往欧洲其他国家。数百名移民希望乘坐火车 前往奥地利和德国,却遭到了禁止。然而,匈牙利政府发言人认为政府在面对危机时采取了正确的举措,称这样 做遵循了欧盟法。这里,几乎没有人履行了法律义务。看看这张地图。匈牙利不是边境国家。6 月末,各国首脑 在欧洲峰会上认定了所谓的D边境国家‖。希腊和意大利需要建立一个大熔炉,制定相关法律法规来约束移民潮。 然而这些并没能够发生。据预计从今年年初开始,仅希腊就迎来了 24 万移民。 由于担心中国经济增长,全球股市再次大跌。伦敦跌幅超 3%。纽约道琼斯股票指数收跌近 3%,趋势与欧洲股 市相似。请听塞缪尔? 贺森为您从纽约发回的报道。对于华尔街来说,八月是即 2012 年后最悲惨的月份,而九 月一开始也是艰难前行。由于担心中国经济放缓,有报道称中国的制造业指数迎来了三年内的最低值,而中国也 是全球第二大经济体。然而,美国制造业数据也没有给人们带来欣喜,美国工业增长迎来了即 2013 年 8 月以来 的最低值。 萨尔瓦多警方称上周的黑帮事件造成 900 多人死亡,这是即 20 世纪 80 年代内战之后又一血腥暴力事件。政府 正在计划帮助黑帮进行改造,并帮助他们重归社会。请听皮尔兹的报道。警察局长毛利西奥? 拉米雷斯称死亡人 数之高让人担心。他称造成死亡人数如此之高的原因是黑帮与警察的冲突不断增加,另一个原因是黑帮之间的混 战。 拉米雷斯先生称在这段时间里, 超过 60 名警察牺牲。 人们认为萨尔瓦多的黑帮人数为 7 万, 总统萨尔瓦多? 桑 切斯? 塞伦正在积极处理此事。但是,政府正在准备建立法律法规,帮助黑帮进行改造。 教皇方济各宣布,他将允许所有天主教牧师在 12 月份的D慈悲之年‖宽恕那些曾经堕胎的女性。梵蒂冈发表了一 封信,在信上教皇承认称,选择堕胎对于许多女性来说是痛苦的决定。BBC 全球新闻。 肯塔基州的一家地方法院书记员不顾最高法院的裁决,再次拒绝签发同性结婚证。金? 戴维斯称她是在D上帝的授 权下‖进行的。如今,她要面对的是联邦法官,她也会因此而遭到罚款,或是牢狱之灾。在莫尔黑德镇的罗温县 法庭上,又发生了对峙局面。你也会对异性夫妻这么做吗?男性和女性?不会。我们今天不颁发同性结婚证。为 什么?上诉被驳回。 根据法院条款, 你应该颁发结婚证。 不, 今天不会颁发同性结婚证。 最高法院否认你的声明。 为什么今天不颁发。因为,这是上帝的授权。 黎巴嫩抗议者在贝鲁特的环境部大楼内部进行了抗议,并遭到了警察的驱逐。由于贝鲁特的垃圾无人清理,从而 激起民愤,并引发了一个名为D你很臭‖的反政府游行运动。示威人士称在游行发生大约 9 小时之后,他们被拖出 了环境部大楼。 尼日利亚国家石油公司表示称,为了遏制石油盗窃活动,他们将在领海派遣无人机。公司称无人机将对油轮以及 其他船只进行监控,确保不再发生违法活动。 世界气象组织称此次厄尔尼诺现象或将成为即 1950 年有记录以来的最强值。太平洋水温变暖将扭转全球气候模 式,这极易发生厄尔尼诺现象。联合国组织称今年的厄尔尼诺仍在加强,而这所带来的影响也将会在今年年底之 前达到峰值。这里是 BBC 新闻。 in defiance of 无视 例句:He climbed the ladder in defiance of the warning. 他无视警告爬上了那架梯子。 1.frontier n/adj.边境/边境的 例句:They lined the north-western frontier withsoldiers. 他们沿西北边境线驻扎了士兵。 2.abortion n.堕胎 例句:A number of considerations have led her to have a wilful abortion. 多种考虑使她执意堕胎。 3.exceptionally adv.异常地 例句: I believe we can all agree. This has been an exceptionally intense session of the HealthAssem bly. 我相信我们所有人都会同意,这是一届格外紧凑的卫生大会。 4.worrying adj/n.令人担心的 例句: The key here is to set yourself free from all the worrying and to go back to your heart,to your f eelings. 这里的关键是要让你自己从所有的烦恼中解脱出来并 回到自己的内心,自己的感觉 。 5.upholding v.支持 例句: Upholding the right to science means making scientific benefits, such as medicines,communic ation technologies and renewable energy, accessible to all sectors of society. 坚持科学权意味着让全社会获得诸如医药、通讯技术和可再生能源能等等科学的收益。VOA 常速(翻译+字幕+讲解):应用程序帮助企业预防假货Thirty-four-year-old Jemima Mwafigu intently logsher inventory into her computer. She is abusi nesswoman who deals in perfumes anddesigner colognes. But in the first year of runningher bu siness, she found it hard to keep customersdue to counterfeit goods. She says things have improved since she began using an smartphone app known as DBarcodeSc anner‖ to authenticate her products. Today she’s taking one of her clients through the authentication process before finalizing a sale. She says the app has made all the difference. DWith this application I’m able to scan the bar codes of each perfume that I may be able tosel l to my customers and instantly I get the manufacture date, the expiry date and I’m able tokn ow the authenticity. It will actually point me to the perfume house that I’m looking for. Thatw ay, I have confidence in selling to my customers,& said Mwafigu. In 2010, Kenya created an Anti-Counterfeit Agency (ACA) to combat the illicit trade. The ACAh as successfully lobbied for stiff penalties to deter would-be counterfeiters. Agnes Karingu, the ACA's acting deputy director for research and awareness, tells VOA thea gency is trying to stay one step ahead of those making the fake goods. DWe are also looking into IT solutions where we can be able to use SMS programs, we can beabl e to use bar codes and information sharing, whereby the end users of the products canactually b e able to get the information authentication between counterfeit and genuine, andthis informa tion comes back to ACA and intellectual property rights holders,& said Karingu. The agency is testing a pilot program known as DAllvirtous‖ -- another app that checks aproduct's authenticity by scanning its barcode. The information is then sent to a databasebefore a positive or negative result is fed back to the app. The International Chamber of Commerce says the value of counterfeit goods produced globally is expected to top $1.7 trillion this year. For entrepreneurs such as Mwafigu, the new apps will help ensure the products she sells are the real thing. 34 岁的 Jemima Mwafigu 专心把库存清单录入电脑。她是一位女商人,出售香水和时尚古龙水。但是在经营 业务的第一年,她发现,由于假货的存在,很难留住客户。 她表示,自从她使用一款叫做D条形码扫描‖的智能手机应用程序来认证产品以来,情况有所改善。 今天,在完成销售之前,她通过该手机程序为其中一位顾客进行了认证。她说,这款应用程序让一切都不同了。 D通过这款应用程序,我可以扫描我出售的每一瓶香水的条形码,就可以立即获得生产日期,有效期,了解其是 否真品。还可以让我立即得知要寻找的香水的库房。这样,我向顾客兜售时更有信心。‖ 2010 年,肯尼亚成立了反假货局,打击非法交易。反假货局成功地规定严厉的罚款,警示有可能出现的假货。 负责调查和警示的反假货局代理副局长 Agnes Karingu 告诉 VOA,该局努力做到比造假者领先一步。 D我们也在寻找 IT 解决方案, 使用库存管理系统, 使用条形码和信息分享, 产品的终端用户可以辨别假货和真货, 信息反馈回反假货局和知识产权所有者。‖ 该局正在测验一个名叫DAllvirtous‖的试点项目――这也是一款应用程序,通过扫描条形码检验产品的真实性。 信息会传送至数据库,然后将正面或负面的消息反馈给该应用程序。 国际商会表示,今年全球假货的价值预期将达到 1.7 兆美元。 对 Mwafigu 这样的企业家来说,新的应用程序将保证她出售的是真货。 feed back to 回馈 Summarize and make report for all solved trouble, feed back to supplier. 收集、总结已解决的问题, 反馈供应商。BBC 双语新闻讲解附字幕:90%海鸟胃里可能有塑料Hello, I'm Marian Marshall with the BBC news. United Nation has released satellite photos takenover Syria which it says shows the Temple of B el inthe ancient city of Palmyra has been destroyed bythe Islamic State militants who control th e site.David Bason reports. At the weekend, Syrian residents near to ancient Palmyra have reported a massive explosioni ndicating that Islamic State militants were setting about the earliest of their task of destroyingt he 2000-year-old Temple of Bel. But Syria's head of antiquities though having no access to thea rea have raised some hopes that militants had failed by saying the structure was still mostlyinta ct. Now the United Nation's satellite pictures indicate there is no doubt. The UN statementsaid they could confirm the destruction of the main building as well as the line of stonecolumns tha t once stood beside it. Thousands of pages of emails from the private server of the former Secretary of State HilaryClin ton have been released by the US state department shortly. Mrs Clinton has said it was amistak e for her to use a private server to send government correspondence. Richard L reports. This is the fourth and largest release of Hilary Clinton's emails as Secretary of State amounting to some 7000 pages. Mrs Clinton is adamant that she never sent or recieved any informationm arked as classified using her home server. But around 150 of the latest batch of emails havenow been marked as classified as a result of the investigation. Her political opponents haveaccused her of putting America's security at risk by using an insecure computer system.While she rem ains the leading Democratic contender in the battle for the White House, supportfor her has now fallen to the point that vice president Joe Biden is seriously consideringchanging her for the no mination. A jury in the United States has convicted a 74-year-old man of shooting three people deadoutsi de two jewish centers in the suburb of Kansas city. During his trial, Frazier Glenn Crosssaid he carried out the killings last year because he believed Jews were too powerful and weredestroyin g the white race. None of his three victims was jewish. Austria has stepped up the inspection of vehicles arriving from Hungary to look for migrantshid den in vans or lorries. Officials said they discovered more than 200 people since Sundayevening and detained several suspected smugglers. Bethany Bell was at the Hungarian-Austrian borde r. I saw one van. I think it was carrying vacuum cleaners. It was stocked on the border for quite a long time. And I saw police escorting a woman carrying a tiny baby and three men who havecl early been in one of the vehicles. The migrants were then taken to a makeshift sealed hospitalth e Red Cross has set up on the border there. As well, we've also seen action on the trainstoday. The stream of people keeping on. World news from the BBC. The White House says president Barack Obama is considering a wide range of options to closet he US military prison at Guantanamo Bay. There are still 116 detainees at the facility. A Russian nuclear official based in the United States has pleaded guilty to arranging 2 milliondo llars worth of corrupt payments. The US justice department said Vadim Mikerin helped toillegall y transfer to offshore counts money that was paid by US companies seeking businesswith Russi an nuclear materials trader. Three journalists have been remanded in custody in southeast Turkey by a court on charges ofh elping militant groups. The two British reporters and their translator were working for the ViceN ews group in the city of Adana. The journalists denied the accusations. Scientists say it is possible that 90 percent of the world's seabirds have plasitc in theirstomache s. The study has also warned that the problem was getting worse and action is takento stop was te getting into oceans. Here is our scientific correspondent Johnson I. To the far reaching seabirds, discarded plastic, cigerette lighter or a shiny bottle caps mightloo k like a fish. And if eaten, the debris may simply stay in the gut. As more plastic waste findsits way into the oceans so the hazards increase. And on current trends by the century, it'slikely no seabirds would be able to avoid it. As the pressing of all the sounds, the problem issolvable, the scientists say. The study indicates that if the stream of plastic waste gettinginto the ocean s can be shut off,then seabirds have the capacity to recover quite quickly. The Guatamalan president Otto Perez Molina says he will not step down of the accusation ofco rruption despite months of protests demanding his resignation. The congressionalcommittee recommended on Saturday that he be stripped of immunity from prosecutionover his allege d involvement in a customs scandal. Mr Perez Molina has denied any wrongdoing. 1.release vt.发布;发行 They're not releasing any more details yet... 他们还未公布更多细节。 2.intact adj.完整无缺的 Most of the house remains intact even after twohundred years. 虽然过了两百年,这房子的大部分还保持完好。 3.correspondence n.通信 Her papers included unpublished articles and correspondence. 她的资料包括未发表的文章和信件。 4.adamant adj.坚定不移的;坚决的 The Americans are adamant that they will not budge on this point. 美国人非常强硬,他们在这一点上是不会妥协的。 5.insecure adj.无安全的;不稳定的 People feel pinched in their pocketbooks and insecure about their futures. 人们感到荷包拮据,对未来缺乏安全感。 6.escort vt.护送,护卫 he vessel was escorted to an undisclosed port. 那艘轮船在护航下前往一个秘密港口。 7.discard vt.丢弃,抛弃 Cut the flesh from the olives and discard the stones. 把橄榄的果肉切下来,然后去除果核。 8.hazard n.危险;冒险的事 Catching colds is unfortunately an occupational hazard in this profession. 不幸的是,容易感冒是这个行业的职业性风险。 9.immunity n.免除,豁免 The embassy official claimed diplomatic immunity and was later released. 那名使馆官员申请外交豁免,随后被释放。 step up 加紧;加快 He urged donors to step up their efforts to send aidto Somalia. 他敦促各捐赠方加快速度将援助物资送往索马里。 strip of 剥夺 We stripped the criminal of his political right. 我们剥夺了这个罪犯的政治权利 大家好,Marian Marshall 为您报道 BBC 新闻。 联合国发布了在叙利亚上空拍摄到的卫星图片,图片显示,帕尔米拉古城内的贝尔神庙被控制着该地区的伊斯兰 国激进分子摧毁。David Bason 报道。 周末,帕尔米拉古城附近的叙利亚居民报告称听到巨大的爆炸声,表明伊斯兰国激进分子摧毁有着 2000 年悠久 历史的贝尔神庙的任务开始进行。但是叙利亚古文物部门负责人难以接近该地区,希望激进分子任务失败,因为 建筑大部分来说还是完好的。现在,联合国卫星图片让人对这一点提出质疑。联合国声明表示,他们可以证实主 要建筑和曾经矗立一旁的石柱已经被毁。 美国国务院发布了前国务卿希拉里? 克林顿在私人服务器上处理的数千页电子邮件。克林顿承认她使用私人服务 器来处理政府通讯信件是错误的。Richard L 报道。 这是国务院发布的第四批,也是数量最多的一批希拉里在个人服务器上处理的电子邮件,总共大约 7000 页。希 拉里坚决地表示自己从未在家里的服务器上接收或发送任何标明D机密‖的信息。但是通过调查发现,最新一批邮 件中有大约 150 封被列为机密。她的政治对手指责她使用不安全的电脑系统将美国的安全置于危险境地。由于 在入主白宫的竞选活动中她仍然是首要的民主党参选者,对她的支持已经下降,副总统拜登正在认真考虑改变对 她的提名。 美国一个陪审团判处一名 74 岁的男子在堪萨斯城外两个犹太中心外枪杀了 3 人。在审判期间, Frazier GlennCross 表示,他去年犯下该罪行,因为他觉得犹太教太强大了,正在破坏白人种族。然而,3 名 受害人都不是犹太人。 奥地利人加强了对来自匈牙利的车辆的检查,查找藏在小货车或卡车内的移民。官员们表示,自周日晚上以来, 他们发现了超过 200 人,拘留了几名走私犯嫌疑人。Bethany Bell 在匈牙利奥地利边境处报道。 我看到一辆小货车,我以为里面装的是吸尘器。这辆车停在边境处已经很长时间了。然后,我看到警察押送着一 名抱小孩的妇女和三名男子过来,他们明显刚才就在其中一辆车里面。移民们被带到红十字会设立的临时封锁的 医院。同样,我们看到今天火车上也采取了行动。人流仍在不断前来。 BBC 世界新闻。 白宫表示,奥巴马总统正在考虑一系列选择,关闭美国在关塔纳摩湾军事监狱。该设施中仍有 116 名囚犯。 俄罗斯驻美国一名核官员承认不当处理价值 200 万美元的赃款罪名成立。美国司法部表示,Vadim Mikerin 非 法向离岸帐户转移企图与俄罗斯核材料贸易商做生意的公司支付的赃款。 三名记者因帮助激进组织被土耳其东南部一座法庭判处监禁。两名英国记者和他们的翻译为亚达那城 ViceNews 工作。这三名记者否认了控罪。 科学家表示,全世界 90%的海鸟胃里可能有塑料。研究还警告称,这个问题越来越严重,必须采取措施防止垃 圾进入海洋。我们的科技通讯员 Johnson I 报道。 对高空中的海鸟来说,废弃的塑料,打火机或闪闪发光的瓶盖可能看上去像鱼一样。吃下这些垃圾之后,碎片可 能留在它们的肠胃内。随着越来越多塑料垃圾进入海洋,危险逐渐增加。按照现在的趋势,本世纪结束时,可能 任何一只海鸟都无法避免。随着各方声讨的声音,科学家称,这个问题是可以解决的。研究表明,如果大量塑料 垃圾进入海洋的通道可以关闭,海鸟将有能力快速恢复。 危地马拉总统奥托? 佩雷斯? 莫利纳(Otto Perez Molina)表示,他不会因为贪腐罪指控而辞职,尽管要求辞职的 抗议活动已经持续了数月。国会委员会于周六建议,由于总统卷入关税丑闻,剥夺他免于公诉的权利。奥托? 佩 雷斯? 莫利纳否认做错了任何事。 BBC 新闻。BBC 双语新闻讲解附字幕:从内心开始改变生活和工作Good morning. September is a month of new starts and changes.While September doesn’t capture the frenzy ofearly January and all the potential of those NewYears’ resolutions, this time of the year, like J anuary,comes after a period of rest. This week many of us will see young families on the way to school as the new academic yearbe gins. For some families it might be a milestone, perhaps it will be the first day of school for afir st-born. Later in the month, like all other universities we will welcome thousands of youngpeopl e through our doors as they begin their university studies. And for many others,September may bring a change of job, career or lifestyle. It is no coincidence that we make changes to what we do, where we work or how we dothings, following a period of rest and relaxation. Such periods can offer a time to reflect andto ask q uestions that don’t often get heard during the year when many other calls distract usand embe d us in our day-to-day routine. But stepping back from the hustle and bustle is anessential pr erequisite for good change. For such change to be worthwhile it has to last.Sadly as we know from those gym memberships we take out in January but which usually waneby March, the desi re for change often doesn’t last beyond the initial weeks or months if we arelucky. So how we go about change in our lives is all the more important if it is to be meaningful. Isther e a better way for us to retain the insights and thoughts that only come to us when wedetach? To make the best of them we need to find ways to integrate them into our regularroutine. Ma ny faiths can provide a means to do just that. Metanoia, a Greek word found in the New Testament, which sadly does not easily translate intoE nglish, tells us quite a bit about what sort of change we should undertake for it to last.Metanoia speaks of a change that is internal, not external. It calls for nothing less than aninner change, which is about changing the mind, purpose and character. The external C thechange of life - fl ows from not the other way around. It requires reflectionand leads to ren ewal. None of this is easy, as we all know. But this September if you’re in a new job, a new school orj ust want to change from the day to day routine, then that call to inner change might justprovid e us with the courage to change, and the strength to persevere. 5.prerequisite n.先决条件,前提,必要条件 A degree is an essential prerequisite for employment at this level. 学位是做这级工作必备的先决条件。 6.worthwhile adj.值得做的;值得花时间的 It might be worthwhile to consider your attitude to an insurance policy. 考虑一下你对投保的看法也许有所助益。 7.retain vt.保持;留在心中 Daily facial exercises help her to retain the skin's elasticity. 每天做面部运动帮助她保持皮肤弹性。 8.integrate vt.使一体化;使整合 He didn't integrate successfully into the Italian way of life... 他没有顺利地融入到意大利的生活方式中。 step back from 后退 He doesn't want to step back from the center ofthings. 他不想退居无足轻重的地位. 本周, 新的学年开始, 许多人会看到年轻的家庭送孩子走在上学的路上。 对一些家庭来说, 这或许是一个里程碑, 或许是第一胎孩子上学的第一天。本月晚些时候,像所有其他大学一样,我们将迎来成千上万的年轻人,开始大 学的学习。对许多其他人来说,九月意味着工作,职业或生活方式的改变。 经过一段时间的休息或放松之后,我们改变所作所为,工作地点或做事方式并不是巧合。这些事件可以给我们反 思的时间,问自己一些问题。在那些忙碌的岁月,总有许多人许多事耗费我们的心思,让我们周而复始重复着同 样的生活。但是从熙熙攘攘的工作和生活中走出来是做出良好的改变必要的先决条件。要让改变有价值就必须坚 持。悲哀的是,根据我们的了解,一月份报名健身馆会员的人到了三月份通常就偃旗息鼓了,做出改变的渴望通 常只能持续最初的一周或一个月。 所以,如果想要做出有意义的改变的话,我们如何对待生活中的改变则更为重要。有没有什么办法让我们坚持超 脱现实时的想法和观点?为了取得最佳效果,我们需要寻找方法将这些想法融入日常习惯。许多信仰为我们提供 了这样做的途径。 Metanoia 是在&&新约圣经&&中发现的一个希腊词汇,遗憾的是,很难翻译成英语。这个词告诉我 们如何让改变能够持续。Metanoia 说的是来自内心,而不是外部的改变。它要求做出内在的改变,改变思想, 目的和性格。而外部的改变――生活的改变会跟随内心的改变而来,而不是反过来。这需要反思,带来新生。 据我们所知,这非常不容易。但是这个九月,如果你得到了新的工作,来到新的学校,或者只是想改变日复一日 的生活习惯,内心做出改变的要求会给我们改变的勇气和坚持下去的力量。BBC 双语新闻讲解附字幕:奥地利警方发现数十具移民尸体Hello, I’m Mary Marshall with the BBC news. The Austrian authority has found bodies of dozens of migrants in an abandoned lorry near theH ungarian border. Police said there appeared to be between 20 and 50 bodies in the vehicle.Co nditions in the lorry were such that it was not immediately possible to verify the number ofbodi es. Bettery Ben reports from Vienna. Police told the BBC they initially thought the vehicle had been involved in an accident. Theyth en noticed blood seeping out at the back of the lorry. When they opened it up, they thendiscove red dozens of dead bodies in an advance state of decomposition. Police in whiteforensic suits s pent several hours combing the area for evidence. A police hunt is on for thedriver both in Aust ria and Hungary. The bodies were discovered as the leaders of Germany, Austria and six states in the westernBal kans which lie on the migration mood were meeting in Vienna. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel said all had been shocked by the news. She described ita s a warning to all of Europe and added that Europe had to share responsibility to help thosemost in need. &Drawing from our own historic experiences, it's important to give shelter topeople whose lives are in danger wherever they may come from, in areas of war and crisis.Everybody knows for the situation in Syria is life. And everybody knows about the burdensSyria's neighboring countries a re shouldering. So it's up to Europe as a rich continent to step inand help.& Two Iraqi army generals have been killed in a suicide car bombing at the command militaryhe adquarters, north of the city of Ramadi. The Islamic State group said it carried out the attack.O ur Middle East editor Jondonson reports. The suicide car bomb is a favored weapon of the IS militants and on rushing vehicle packed toe xplosives is hard to defend against. These latest attacks killed two very senior armycommande rs. They died near the strategically important city of Ramadi which IS captured inMay. At the ti me, the government said it would quickly retake the city, perhaps, even withindays. But in fact, three months on the army's counter offense has made very little progress. A two-day ceasefire, agreed between the Syrian government and rebel forces, has reportedlybe gun in two places. One is the rebel-held town of Zabadani, near the Lebanese border. Theothe r location included in the truce is a pair of government-held villages in Northern Syria. Thetruc e will enable the delivery of aid. A Chinese human rights lawyer told the BBC he's been placed under house arrest afterdiscussin g the issue of religious freedom in China with US government official. Zhuang Daohesaid he me t the US ambassador at large for religious freedom in Shanghai three days ago. Mr.Zhuang, who is a Christian, is known for his advocacy work on behalf of Christian groups inChina. World news from the BBC. The UN's nuclear watchdog the IAEA says Iran appears to build a small extension to part of its military site. This is where Iran is suspected of carrying out tests relating to the manufacture of nuclear weapons. IAEA inquiry into the building is regarded as symbolically important,followi ng Iran's recent international agreement on curbing of its nuclear program. NATO has opened a military training and evaluation center in Georgia which is not a membero f the alliance. The move has prompted a swift rebuke by Moscow. Speaking of the new centero utside the capital Tbilisi, Georgia's Prime Minister said it would help increase regional stabilitya nd was not directed at any neighboring country. But a Russian foreign ministry official saidMosc ow viewed the move as both provocative and destabilizing. Georgia fought a brief warwith Rus sia in 2008. The Jamaican sprinter Usaine Bolt has won the 200 meters at the world athleticschampionships in Beijing. Bolt beat his American rival Justin Gatlin to win in 19.56 seconds. Itis his tenth worl d championship of gold. Our sports correspondent Alex was there to watch. &It's Bolt powering hope for his second gold medal at the championship ahead of his greatriv al Justin Gatlin. He was not to be denied in this, his favorite, his strongest, event and thedifficul t thing which is powerful race. We see he has shown what a fantastic competitor he is.He celeb rates in front of enduring crowd.& The German Justice Minister has called for a meeting with Facebook executives after accusingth e social media giant of not doing enough to prevent and remove racist and resentfulcommen ts posted on its site. Heiko Maas told Facebook it was obliged to remove inflammatoryposts tha t broken German laws. Facebook said it didn't tolerate racism. 奥地利警方在匈牙利边境附近一辆遗弃的卡车内发现了数十名移民的尸体。警方表示,车辆内尸体数量大概为 20 至 50 之间。卡车的情况相当糟糕,不能立即证实尸体的数量。Bettery Ben 在维也纳报道。 警方告诉 BBC,他们最初以为这辆车发生事故。但是他们注意到卡车后面渗出血液。打开车门之后,他们发现了 数十具即将腐烂的尸体。身穿白色法医服装的警察花费了几个小时在附近寻找证据。警方正在奥地利和匈牙利两 国搜捕司机。 这些移民尸体被发现之时,德国,奥地利和涉及移民问题的西巴尔干半岛六个国家领导人正在维也纳召开会议。 德国总理默克尔表示,所有人听到这个消息都非常震惊。她称这是对所有欧洲国家的警告,并补充说,欧洲所有 国家必须共同承担责任帮助有需要的人。D根据我自己的历史经验,为居住在危险地区的人提供庇护非常重要, 无论他们来自哪里,无论是由于战争还是危机。每个人都知道叙利亚的形势是危及生命的。每个人都知道叙利亚 的邻国所承担的负重。所以,欧洲作为一个富饶的大洲必须挺身而出,提供帮助。‖ 两名伊拉克陆军将军在拉马迪北部司令部的自杀式汽车爆炸袭击中遇难。伊斯兰国激进组织宣称袭击是由他们发 动的。我们的中东地区编辑 Jondonson 报道。自杀式汽车炸弹是伊斯兰国激进分子最喜欢的武器,装满炸药快 速行驶的汽车非常难以防御。最新的袭击事件导致两名非常高级的陆军指挥官遇难。他们在具有非常重要的战略 意义的城市拉马迪遇难的,伊斯兰国激进组织五月份占据了这座城市。当时,政府表示他们最快会在几日内重新 夺取这座城市的控制权。但是实际上,自军队发动反攻以来已有三个月的时间,却没有取得任何进展。 叙利亚政府和叛军武装之间达成为期两天的停火协议, 据报道将在两个地方开始。 其中一个就是叛军控制的城镇, 黎巴嫩附近的扎巴达尼。另外一个休战的地方就是政府控制的叙利亚北部两个小村庄。休战将允许救助物资的运 送。 (自行阅读) BBC 世界新闻。 联合国核监察机构国际原子能机构 IAEA 表示,伊朗似乎在小规模扩建部分军事设施。有人怀疑伊朗在这里实施 与制造核武器有关的测试。IAEA 对该建筑的调查被认为尤为重要。此前,伊朗刚刚与国际社会达成抑制核项目 的协议。 北约在格鲁吉亚开设了军事训练和评估中心,格鲁吉亚并非北约成员国。此举迅速引起莫斯科的指责。在首都第 比利斯新中心外发表讲话时,格鲁吉亚总理表示,该中心将帮助增强该地区的稳定性,并不针对任何邻国。但是 俄罗斯外交部一名官员表示,莫斯科认为此举是挑衅性的,会引起地区动荡。2008 年,格鲁吉亚和俄罗斯之间 曾发生了一场短暂的战争。 牙买加短跑运动员尤塞恩? 博尔特在北京举行的世界田径锦标赛上赢得了 200 米短跑冠军。尤塞恩? 博尔特以 19.56 秒的成绩击败了来自美国的贾斯汀? 加特林。这是他获得的第十枚世界金牌。我们的体育通讯员 Alex 为我 们带来详细报道。 D这是博尔特与劲敌加特林同台竞技时赢得的第二枚金牌。不可否认,这是他最喜欢的强项,也是竞争非常激烈 的比赛。我们共同目睹了他是一位多么优秀的运动员。他和观众们一起庆祝胜利。‖ 德国司法部长呼吁与社交网站脸书网高管进行会晤。此前,}


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