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Search 乐透乐彩票论坛【茗彩娱乐总代Q:30938】 on Torrentz乐透乐彩票论坛 【茗彩娱乐总代Q:30938】
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The Q-bomb was a Superbomb that turned out to be a dud. It's from the film, The Mouse That Roared (1959) starring Peter Sellers. The film is about a poor country that goes to &war against the U.S. hoping to loose and collect money to rebuild. Unfortunately by a fluke, they win. or, A next generation atomic weapon, suggested in some scientific journals as possible.
Essentially it is a weapon which somehow splits open protons to release their quarks, the subatomic particles which make up protons, in theory releasing masses of energy. (possibly about 1200 times more energy than an atomic bomb of similar size).
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NO!! the vowels are A,I,O,E,U and sometimes Y is used as a vowel too.
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 all of us answerers iq's put together are enough to answer anything
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Same as Alt F4, it quits the application and closes the window.
On the Mac (apple OS), Command Q will also quit an application.
In the Linux operating system and some other& primitive terminal applications, ctrl-q resumes data scrolling to a screen, earlier stopped by ctrl-s.
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Since the person who posed the question categorized the question under "Movies," it is reasonable to assume that he/she is speaking of the movie "John Q." Q stands for Quincy &as in John Quincy Archibald.
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 Q band is a group of microwave frequencies (part of the electromagnetic or em spectrum) between 33 and 50 GHz. Frequencies in this band are used in radio astronom&y, and also by law enforcement in speed monitoring. There are also some radar applications using those frequencies that are used for terrestrial investigation. 
 Wikipedia has a post, but it's a stub and has yet to see full development. A link is provided. 
 The Band Q 
 If you're talking about the San Francisco musicians, the "baddest band in the Bay area" as some call them, they're just that. Like blues, boogie and R&B, hmm? Those are some of the roots of this indie rock band. Check them out and give them a listen. A link is provided to their website. Some free downloads are currently being offered. Yes, that's right - free! You don't even have to surf Limewire or any other file sharing sites to pull some down.
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"Q=Quenched & Tempered" steel used in decking materials that requires a higher load strength. I believe the term has been degraded to refer to the Robertson System of "Q"- Dec&king, but I could be wrong. Larry Williams Project Analyst Dynamic Industries, Inc. New Iberia, La.
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If it's in a texting context, it probably means "What?" or "what"  or "that" or "which," all of which is what the word  'que' means. 
 Also, the letter 'q' is pronou&nced 'coo.'
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 Q is a being from the Q Continuum, which is where a race of god-like omnipotent (at least as far as we know) beings live. 
 He has appeared on several different Star &Trek series, and although he plays tricks and meddles, in the end he usually assists in saving the human race. 
 Please see the wikipedia page for more information:
Q, played by John de Lancie, is a character in the Star Trek mythology who appears in Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager. The na&me "Q" is also shared by other members of the Q Continuum. Gene Roddenberry chose the letter "Q" for the character and species in honor of his friend, Janet Quarton.
Beginning with the pilot episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Q became a popular recurring character, in large part because of the comedic and dramatic chemistry between de Lancie and Patrick Stewart as Captain Jean-Luc Picard.他还没有公开分享文件
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