
特立独行 【拼音】:tè lì dú xíng 【解释】:特:独特;立:立身.形容人的志行高洁,不同流俗.
特立独行 【拼音】:tè lì dú xíng 【解释】:特:独特;立:立身。形容人的志行高洁,不同流俗
解释】:特:独特;立:立身。形容人的志行高洁,不同流俗。【出自】:《礼记·儒行》:“其特立独行,有如此者。”【示例】:士之~,适于义而已。 ◎唐·韩愈《伯夷颂》
特立独行::tè lì dú xíng 解释:特:独特;立:立身。形容人的志行高洁,不同流俗。近义词:独善其身反义词:随波逐流求商业英语解释:before on cash against document basisWe shall be glad if you ship the goods to us as before on cash against document basis.请教before on cash against document basis 特别是before on的意思_百度作业帮
求商业英语解释:before on cash against document basisWe shall be glad if you ship the goods to us as before on cash against document basis.请教before on cash against document basis 特别是before on的意思
求商业英语解释:before on cash against document basisWe shall be glad if you ship the goods to us as before on cash against document basis.请教before on cash against document basis 特别是before on的意思
这句话如果划分意思的话 划分点在before 后面 就是We shall be glad if you ship the goods to us as before//// on cash against document basis.前半句意思是如果你们能像以前一样把货物发给我们,我们会很高兴后半句意思是 一手交钱一手交单整句话意思是 我们很期待你们能像以前一样(付现金交单据)把货物发给我们.希望帮到您
Cash against document 意思是货物出货的有关单据(最常见的有正式发票、装运清单、提货单等)交齐给买方,买方就立刻结清所有货款(可以是即期支票、存入现金、转账到银行户口等)On cash against document basis 以交单付款作为支付的方式楼上也解释过,before与後面的部份没关系,as before一起用,指一如既往。整句意思:...
We shall be glad/ if you ship the goods to us as before/on cash against document basis.断句有点不正确,所以理解会出现偏差,as before是说如以前一样,on cash是指支付方式, 是说明要现金支付,而非汇票支票之类的票据,against document是说明支付条件,我交予你货物单据,即货物归...二阶常系数非齐次线性方程的通解和特解结构怎么理解?
我的意思是如何求特解的形式?很多种,怎么理解呢 ?记都记到糊涂了_百度作业帮
我的意思是如何求特解的形式?很多种,怎么理解呢 ?记都记到糊涂了
我的意思是如何求特解的形式?很多种,怎么理解呢 ?记都记到糊涂了计算机用于帮助有特殊需求的人们_百度百科
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, ICCHP 2006, held in Linz, Austria, in July 2006. The 193 revised contributions presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. The papers evaluate, how various fields in computer science can contribute to helping people with various kinds of disabilities and impairment. Among the technical fields evaluated are information systems, Web, Internet, and their applications, the information society, communication technology, computer-assisted education, human-computer interaction, interface design, virtual reality, haptic computing, mobile computing, ubiquitous computing, pervasive computing, assistive technology, multimedia, display technology, haptic computing, audio interfaces, and societal and administrative issues.
.豆瓣读书[引用日期 16:09:47]}


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