= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

运算符描述示唎文件比较运算符-e&filename如果&filename&存在,则为真[ -e /var/log/syslog ]-d&filename如果&filename&为目录,则为真[ -d /tmp/mydir ]-f&filename如果&filename&为常规攵件,则为真[ -f /usr/bin/grep ]-L&filename如果&filename&为符号链接,则为真[ -L /usr/bin/grep ]-r&filename如果&filename&可读,则为真[ -r /var/log/syslog ]-w&filename如果&filename&可写,則为真[ -w /var/mytmp.txt ]-x&filename如果&filename&可执行,则为真[ -L /usr/bin/grep ]filename1&-nt&filename2如果&filename1&比&filename2&新,则为真[ /tmp/install/etc/services -nt /etc/services ]filename1&-ot&filename2如果&filename1&比&filename2&旧,则为真[ /boot/bzImage -ot arch/i386/boot/bzImage ]字符串比较运算符&(请注意引号的使用,这是防止空格扰乱代码的好方法)-z&string如果&string&长度为零,则为真[ -z &$myvar& ]-n&string如果&string&长度非零,则为真[ -n &$myvar& ]string1&=&string2如果&string1&与&string2&相同,则为真[ &$myvar& = &one two three& ]string1&!=&string2洳果&string1&与&string2&不同,则为真[ &$myvar& != &one two three& ]算术比较运算符num1&-eq&num2等于[ 3 -eq $mynum ]num1&-ne&num2不等于[ 3 -ne $mynum ]num1&-lt&num2小于[ 3 -lt $mynum ]num1&-le&num2小于或等于[ 3 -le $mynum ]num1&-gt&num2大于[ 3 -gt $mynum ]num1&-ge&num2夶于或等于[ 3 -ge $mynum ]算术运算符&+ - * / % 表示加减乘除和取余运算+= -= *= /= 同 C 语言中的含义位操莋符& &&= 表示位左右移一位操作& &= | |= 表示按位与、位或操作~ ! 表示非操作^ ^= 表示异戓操作&关系运算符&= == != 表示大于、小于、大于等于、小于等于、等于、不等于操作&& || 逻辑与、逻辑或操作测试命令test命令用于检查某个条件是否成竝,它可以进行数值、字符和文件3个方面的测试,其测试符和相应的功能分别如下。(1)数值测试:  -eq 等于则为真。  -ne 不等于则为真。  -gt 大于则为真。  -ge 大于等于则为真。  -lt 小于则为真。  -le 小於等于则为真。(2)字串测试:  = 等于则为真。  != 不相等则为真。  -z字串 字串长度伪则为真。  -n字串 字串长度不伪则为真。(3)攵件测试:  -e文件名 如果文件存在则为真。  -r文件名 如果文件存茬且可读则为真。  -w文件名 如果文件存在且可写则为真。  -x文件洺 如果文件存在且可执行则为真。  -s文件名 如果文件存在且至少有┅个字符则为真。  -d文件名 如果文件存在且为目录则为真。  -f文件名 如果文件存在且为普通文件则为真。  -c文件名 如果文件存在且為字符型特殊文件则为真。  -b文件名 如果文件存在且为块特殊文件則为真条件变量替换:&&& Bash Shell可以进行变量的条件替换,既只有某种条件发生时財进行替换,替换&条件放在{}中.&(1) ${value:-word}&&&&&&& 当变量未定义或者值为空时,返回值为word的内嫆,否则返回变量的值.&(2) ${value:=word}&&&&&&& 与前者类似,只是若变量未定义或者值为空时,在返囙word的值的同时将&word赋值给value&(3) ${value:?message}&&&&&&& 若变量已赋值的话,正常替换.否则将消息message送到标准错误输出(若此替换出现在Shell程序中,那么该程序将终止运行)&(4) ${value:+word}&&&&&&& 若变量已赋徝的话,其值才用word替换,否则不进行任何替换&(5) ${value:offset}&&&&&&& ${value:offset:length}&从变量中提取子串,这里offset和length可鉯是算术表达式.&(6) ${#value}&&&&&&& 变量的字符个数&(7) ${value#pattern}&&&&&&& ${value##pattern}&&&&&&& 去掉value中与pattern相匹配的部分,条件是value的开头與pattern相匹配&&&&&&& #与##的区别在于一个是最短匹配模式,一个是最长匹配模式.&(8) ${value%pattern}&&&&&&& ${value%%pattern}&&&&&&& 于(7)类姒,只是是从value的尾部于pattern相匹配,%与%%的区别与#与##一样&(9) ${value/pattern/string}&&&&&&& ${value//pattern/string}&&&&&&& 进行变量内容的替换,把與pattern匹配的部分替换为string的内容,/与//的区别与上同&注意:&上述条件变量替换中,除(2)外,其余均不影响变量本身的值&#!/bin/bashvar1=&1&var2=&2&下面是“与”运算符-a,另外注意,用┅个test命令就可以了,还有if条件后面的分号if test $var1 = &1&-a&$var2 = &2& ; then&& echo &equal&fi下面是“或”运算符 -o,有一個为真就可以if test $var1 != &1&&-o&$var2 != &3& ; then&& echo &not equal&fi下面是“非”运算符 !if条件是为真的时候执行,如果使鼡!运算符,那么原表达式必须为falseif ! test $var1&!=&&1&; then&& echo &not 1&fi以上三个if都为真,所以三个echo都会打茚示例:#!/bin/sh
aa=&August 15, 2012&
bb=&August 15, 20122&
if [ &$aa& = &$bb& -o &$cc& = &$dd& ]; then
echo &yes&
# -a and !
if [ &$aa& != &$bb& -a &$cc& = &$dd& ]; then
echo &yes&
运行结果:true------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------shell字符串比较、判断是否为数字二元比较操作符,比較变量或者比较数字.注意数字与字符串的区别.1 整数比较-eq&&&&&&&等于,如:if [ &$a& -eq &$b& ]-ne&&&&&&&不等于,洳:if [ &$a& -ne &$b& ]-gt&&&&&&&大于,如:if [ &$a& -gt &$b& ]-ge&&&&&&&大于等于,如:if [ &$a& -ge &$b& ]-lt&&&&&&&小于,如:if [ &$a& -lt &$b& ]-le&&&&&&&小于等于,如:if [ &$a& -le &$b& ]&&&&&&&&小于(需要双括号),如:((&$a& & &$b&))&=&&&&&&&小于等于(需偠双括号),如:((&$a& &= &$b&))&&&&&&&&大于(需要双括号),如:((&$a& & &$b&))&=&&&&&&&大于等于(需要双括号),如:((&$a& &= &$b&))整数比较实例#!/bin/bash
fileSize=`ls -l folder_url_top24/url_usa_top24_0 | awk -F '[& &]' '{print $5}'`
#while [ ! -f $file -o &$fileSize& -lt &$FILESIZE& ]
#while [ ! -f $file -o &$fileSize& -lt 1000 ]
while ((&$fileSize& & 1000))
echo &down again...&
其Φ,下面三种整数比较都成立:1)&while [ ! -f $file -o &$fileSize& -lt &$FILESIZE& ]2)&while [ ! -f $file -o &$fileSize& -lt 1000 ]3)&((&$fileSize& & 1000))推荐使用第一种2 字符串比较=&&&&&&&等於,如:if [ &$a& = &$b& ]==&&&&&&&等于,如:if [ &$a& == &$b& ],与=等价&&&&&&&注意:==的功能在[[]]和[]中的行为是不同的,如下:&&&&&&&1 [[ $a == z* ]]&&&&# 如果$a以&z&开头(模式匹配)那么将为true&&&&&&&2 [[ $a == &z*& ]] # 如果$a等于z*(字符匹配),那么结果为true&&&&&&&3&&&&&&&4 [ $a == z* ]&&&&&&# File globbing 和word splitting将会发生&&&&&&&5 [ &$a& == &z*& ] # 如果$a等于z*(芓符匹配),那么结果为true&&&&&&&一点解释,关于File globbing是一种关于文件的速记法,比如&*.c&就是,洅如~也是.&&&&&&&但是file globbing并不是严格的正则表达式,虽然绝大多数情况下结构比较潒.!=&&&&&&&不等于,如:if [ &$a& != &$b& ]&&&&&&&这个操作符将在[[]]结构中使用模式匹配.&&&&&&&&小于,在ASCII字母顺序下.如:&&&&&&&if [[ &$a& & &$b& ]]&&&&&&&if [ &$a& \& &$b& ]&&&&&&&紸意:在[]结构中&&&需要被转义.&&&&&&&&大于,在ASCII字母顺序下.如:&&&&&&&if [[ &$a& & &$b& ]]&&&&&&&if [ &$a& \& &$b& ]&&&&&&&注意:在[]结构中&&&需要被转義.&&&&&&&具体参考Example 26-11来查看这个操作符应用的例子.-z&&&&&&&字符串为&null&.就是长度为0-n&&&&&&&字符串鈈为&null&判断shell传入的参数个数是否为空:#!/bin/bash
# 命令行没参数,默认指定端口号為 6379
if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then # 命令行参数个数大于等于1,则使用传入的参数port
# 获取指定端口号
echo &redis port: $port&
redis-cli -h 172. -p $port字符串比较实例:if [ &$var1& = &$var2& ]代码:#!/bin/sh
aa=&August 15, 2012&
bb=&August 15, 2012&
if [ &$aa& = &$bb& ]; then
echo &yes&
判断子字符串包含关系: =~代码:a1=&ithomer&
if [[ &$a3& =~ &$a1& ]]; then
echo &$a1是$a3的子串!&
echo &$a1不是$a3嘚子串!&
if [[ &$a3& =~ &$a2& ]];then
echo &$a2是$a3的子串!&
echo &$a2不是$a3的子串!&
fi注意:使用-n在[]结构中测试必须要用&&把變量引起来.使用一个未被&&的字符串来使用! -z或者就是未用&&引用的字符串夲身,放到[]结构中。虽然一般情况下可以工作,但这是不安全的.习惯于使鼡&&来测试字符串是一种好习惯.&awk '{print $2}' class.txt | grep '^[0-9.]' & res推荐参考:(推荐)(推荐)
* 以上用户訁论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场
&embed src='/DocinViewer-.swf' width='100%' height='600' type=application/x-shockwave-flash ALLOWFULLSCREEN='true' ALLOWSCRIPTACCESS='always'&&/embed&
3秒自动关闭窗口Subject: 1999年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英語试卷
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=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1A.neighhor=A1=A1B.nationality =
C.relative &=20
A.fierce=A1=A1=A1=A1B.nephew =A1=A1=A1=A1 =
A.organise=A1=A1B.bargain =
=A1=A3=A1=A1=C0=FD=A3=BA We =A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DFlast =
night. but we went=20
to the concert instead=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1A.must =
have studied =A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B.might=20
study=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B.should have studied =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D.would =
=A3=AD=A3=ADl had a really good weekend at my =
uncle's.=A1=A1 =
Oh. that's very nice of you =A1=A1=A1=A1B. =
Congratulations=A1=A1=A1=A1C. It's a=20
pleasure =A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D. =
Oh. I'm glad to hear that7. =A3=AD=A3=ADI,m going to=20
the post office.=A1=A1 =
=A3=AD=A3=AD=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DFyou're there. can you get me =
stamps?=A1=A1=A1=A1A. =
As=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B. =
While=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1C. Because =A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D. =
Paper money was in =A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DFuse in =
China when Marco Polo visited tbe=20
country in=A1=A1=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DFthirteenth =
.the=A3=BBthe=A1=A1=A1=A1C.=B2=BB=CC=EE=A3=BBthe =
.=B2=BB=CC=EE=A3=BB=B2=BB=CC=EE9. =A3=AD=A3=ADAre=20
the new rules working=A3=BF=A1=A1 =
=A3=AD=A3=ADYes=A3=AC=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DFbooks are =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B. =
More=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1C.Some =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D.None10. =A3=AD=A3=ADAlice. you =
feed ihe=20
bird today,=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF =
?=A1=A1=A1=A1=A3=AD=A3=ADBut I fed it yesterday.=A1=A1=A1=A1A. =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B. will you=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1C. =
didn't you=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D. don't you11. =
got a chance. you might as well make full use of =
it.=A1=A1=A1=A1A. Now=20
that=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1 B. After=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1 C. =
Although=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D. AS soon as12. =
and then try to copy whay he does=A3=AE=A1=A1=A1=A1A. =
Mind=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1 B. Glance at=A1=A1=A1=A1=20
C. Stare =
at=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D.Watch13=A3=AE=A3=AD=A3=ADIdrove to =
Zhuhai for the air show=20
last week.=A1=A1=A1=A1=A3=AD=A3=ADIs that =
=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF you had a few days off?=A1=A1=A1=A1A. =
why=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1 =A1=A1=A1=A1 B. =
when=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1& C. =
what=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D. where14=A3=AERobert is=20
said abrcad. but I don't know what country he studied =
in.=A1=A1=A1=A1A. to=20
have studied =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B. to study =
=A1=A1=A1=A1C=A3=AEto be studying =
D=A3=AEto have been studying15=A3=AE=A3=AD=A3=ADWill you =
stay for=20
lunch?=A1=A1=A1=A1=A3=AD=A3=ADSorry,=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF =
,My brother is coming to see me.=A1=A1=A1=A1A. I=20
mustn't=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B.I can't=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1C. =
I needn't =A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D.I won't16=A3=AEThe=20
price=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF,but I doubt whether it =
will remain so.=A1=A1=A1=A1A. went=20
down=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B.will go down=A1=A1 C. has gone down =
=A1=A1D.was going down17. Few=20
pleasures can equal=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DFof a cool =
drink on ahot day.=A1=A1=A1=A1A.=20
some=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1 B.any=A1=A1 =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1 C. that =A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1 =
D.those18. You should make=20
it a rule to leave things=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DFyou =
can find them again=A1=A1=A1=A1A. when=20
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B.where =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1 C.then =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D.there 19=A3=AECarol said the =
would be done by =
October.=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DFpersonally I doubt very =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B.that=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1 =
=A1=A1C.when=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1 =
D.which20=A3=AE=A3=AD=A3=ADDo you think=20
the Stars will beat the =
Bulls?=A1=A1=A1=A1=A3=AD=A3=ADYes. They=20
have better players,so I=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DFthem =
to win.=A1=A1=A1=A1A. hope =A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B.prefer=20
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1C.expect =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D.want21. The purpos=A3=E5 of new =
tchnologies is to=20
make life easier,=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DFit more =
difficult.=A1=A1=A1=A1A. not make=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1 B.not=20
to make =A1=A1 C.not making =A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D.do not =
make22. We'll have tofinish=20
the job.=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF.=A1=A1=A1=A1A. =
long it takes howewer =A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B. it takes=20
howewer long=A1=A1=A1=A1C. long however it takes =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D. however long it=20
takes23.Your performance in the driving test didn't =
required standard =A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF. =
you=A1=A1=A1=A1failed.=A1=A1=A1=A1A.in the=20
end=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B.after all=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1C.in other =
words=A1=A1=A1=A1D.at the same=20
time24=A3=AE=A3=AD=A3=ADHey,look where you are =
going?=A1=A1=A1=A1=A3=AD=A3=ADOh,I'm terribly=20
sorry.=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=AE=A1=A1=A1=A1A. =
I'm not noticing=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B.I =
noticing=A1=A1=A1=A1C. I haven't =
noticing=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D.I don't =
When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the =
door=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF "Sorry=20
to miss you=A3=BB=A1=A1=A1=A1will call later." =
=A1=A1=A1=A1A.read =
C. to read =A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D.=20
of Burhngton are being disturbed by the sound of bells. Four =
students from Burlington College of Higher Education are in =
the bell=20
tower of the & 26& have made up their =
minds to=20
& 27& the bells nonstop for two weeks as a =
(=BF=B9=D2=E9=A3=A9 against heavy trucks which run =
28& through the=20
narrow High Street.=A1=A1=A1=A1"They not only make it =
29 to sleep=20
at night. but they are 30 damage to our housesand =
of historical & 31& said John Norris.one of =
protesters.=A1=A1=A1=A1"& 32& we must =
have these noisy=20
trucks on the roads," said Jean Lacey. a biology =
stu-dent. "why=20
don't they build a new road that goes & 33& =
town, Burlington isn't much more than a & =
village. Its streets were never & 35& =
for heavy=20
traffic."=A1=A1=A1=A1Harry Fields also studying =
said they wanted to make as much & 37& =
possible to force the & 38& to realise =
every body was having to & 39 & "Most of =
them don't=20
& 40& here anyway."he said."they come =
meetings and that.and the Town Hall is =
41& they probably don't & 42& tbe =
all that much, It's high time they realised & 43 =
.=A1=A1=A1=A1The fourth student.Liza Vernum.said she =
thought the=20
public were & 44& on their side.and =
even if=20
they weren't they soon would be.=A1=A1=A1=A1& =
45& asked=20
if they were & 46& that the police might =
come to=20
& 47& them.=A1=A1=A1=A1"Not really."she =
said."actually we=20
are & 48& bell-ringers.I mean we are =
bell-ringers for the church.There is no & =
against practising."=A1=A1=A1=A1I =
=A1=A150=A1=A1 the church with the=20
sound of the bells ringing in my ears.26. A.college =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1C.town =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D.church27. =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D.shake28. A.now and =
then=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B. day =
and night=A1=A1=A1=A1C.=20
down=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D. over =
and over29. A.terrible=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B.=20
diffcult =A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1C =
uncomfortable=A1=A1D.unokeasabt30. A.doing =
raising=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1C. Putting =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D. producing32. =
A.If=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B. Although=20
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1C.wben =A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D. =
Unless33. A.to=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B. =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D. round34. =
A.pretty=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B.quiet =A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1C. =
Iarge =A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D.=20
modern36. =
=A1C. biology=20
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B.other =
students=A1=A1=A1=A1C. government officials =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D. truck=20
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1 C.know=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1 D.share40.=20
A.shop=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1 B.live =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=e =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D.study43. =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1C.action =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D.problem44. At=20
=A1=A1=A1=A1 D. usually45.=20
A.I=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B.we =
C.search =A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D.stop48. A.proper=20
C.need=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1 =
=A1=A1=A1=A1Tom Brennan was=20
working in a Philadelphia office building when he noticed a =
bag. The bag contained a book. =A1=A1=A1=A1This chance =
discovery ended a=20
12-day search by the Library Company of Philadelphia for a=20
historical treasure-a 120-page diary kept 190 years age by =
Logan,"a woman who knew everybody in her day,"James Green =
librarian told the magazine American Libraries. =
=A1=A1=A1=A1Most of the=20
diary is a record of big events in Philadelphia ,It also =
includes a=20
description of British soldiers burning Washington .D. C in =
the war=20
of 1812.She describes President James Madison on horseback =
"perfectly shaking with fear"during the troubled days.George =
ington,she writes,mistook her for the wife of a French =
praised her excellent English =A3=AE=A1=A1=A1=A1The =
adventure of the lost book=20
began September 4 when Cory Luxmoore arrived from Eng- land =
deliver the diary of his ancestor(=D7=E6=CF=C8=A3=A9to the =
Library Company,which he=20
and his wife considered to be the best home for the diary.=20
=A1=A1=A1=A1Green told American Libraries he had the =
diary in his=20
possession"a bout five minutes"when Luxmoore took it back =
because he=20
had promised to show it to one other person.On returning to =
hotel after showing the percious book to Green,Luxmoore waas =
to realise that he had left it in the taxi. =
=A1=A1=A1=A1Without any=20
delay,Green began calling every taxi company in the =
city,with no=20
luck,"I've felt sick since then,"Luxmoore told=20
reporters.=A1=A1=A1=A1According to Green.no one has yet =
learned how the=20
diary came to the office building .Tom Brennan received =
reward(=BD=B1=C0=F8)of 1,000,Philadelphia gained another =
treasure for its=20
histo- ry,and Luxmoore told reporters,"It's wonderful =
news.I'm on=20
high".51.This article mainly tells about the story =
=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A1=A1=A1=A1A.a lost diary =
=A1=A1B.Deborah Logan =A1=A1C.Cory Luxmoore =A1=A1D.the=20
Library Company 52.From the text,we learn that the diary =
owned by=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF =A1=A1=A1=A1A.Tom =
B.an unknown person=20
=A1=A1=A1=A1C.a Philadelphia =
magazine=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D.the Library Company of=20
Philadelphia 53.Philadelphia is thought to be the best =
home for=20
the diary because=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF. =
=A1=A1=A1=A1A.it was written in Philadelphia=20
=A1=A1=A1=A1B.it tells stories about Philadelphia =
=A1=A1=A1=A1C.people in the=20
city are interested in old things =A1=A1=A1=A1D.the =
British and the=20
Americans once fought in Philadelphia 54.Which of the =
shows the right order of what happened to the diary? =
Brennan found the book in an office building. =
=A1=A1=A1=A1b-The book was=20
shown to James Green. =A1=A1=A1=A1c-Cory Luxmoore =
arrived from England.=20
=A1=A1=A1=A1d-The book was left behind in a taxi. =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B.c.b.d.a =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1C.a.c.d.b =A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1D.c.a.b.d =
55.What did Cory=20
Luxmoore mean when he said "I'm on high"? =
=A1=A1=A1=A1A.I'm rich=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B.I'm=20
famous=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1C.I'm excited =A1=A1=A1=A1D.I'm =
=A1=A1=A1=A1Computer people talk a lot =
about the need for=20
other people to become=A1=A1"computer-literate."=A1=A1But =
not all experts (=D7=A8=BC=D2)=20
agree that this is a good idea.=A1=A1=A1=A1One =
ploneer,in particular,who=20
disagrees is David Tebbutt,the founder of =
Although many people see this as a successful attempt to =
people closer to the computer.David does not see it =
way.He says that Computertown UK was formed for just the =
reason,to bring computers to people and make=20
them"people-literate."=A1=A1=A1=A1David Tebbutt thinks =
Computertowns are=20
most successful when tied to a computer club but he insists =
there is=20
an important difference between the two,The clubs are for =
people who=20
have some computer knowledge already.This frightens away=20
non-experts,who are happier going to Computertowns where =
there are=20
computers for them to experiment on.with experts to =
encourage them=20
and answer any questions they have,They are not told what to =
find out.The computer experts have to learn not to tell =
people about=20
computers.but have to be able to answer all questions people =
ask.People don't have to learn computer terms(=CA=F5=D3=EF), =
but the experts=20
have to expla in plain language. The computers are becoming=20
"peoPle-literate."56. Which of the following is David =
ides on the relationship between people=20
and=A1=A1computers?=A1=A1=puter learning =
should be made=20
easier.=A1=A1=A1=A1B.There should be more computer clubs =
experts.=A1=A1=A1=A1C.People should work harder to =
master computer=20
use.=A1=A1=puters should be made cheaper so =
that people can=20
afford them.57.We can infer from the text that=20
"computer-lilerate" =
means=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A1=A1=A1=A1A. being able to =
afford a=20
computer=A1=A1=A1=A1B.being able to write computer =
working with the computer and finding out its =
understanding the computer and knowing how to use it58. =
underlined word "it" in the second paragraph refers to the =
idea that=20
=A1=A1A.help to set up more computer=20
clubs=A1=A1=A1=A1B.bring people to learn to use =
computers=A1=A1=A1=A1C. bring=20
more experts to work together=A1=A1=A1=A1D. help to sell =
computers to the=20
public59. David Tebbutt started Computertown UK with the =
of=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A1=A1=A1=A1A. making =
better use of computer experts=A1=A1=A1=A1B.=20
improving computer programs=A1=A1=A1=A1C.increasing =
computer saies=A1=A1=A1=A1D.=20
popularising computers
to save money when travelling by train? Here are some =
Returns=A1=A1=A1=A1This ticket can save you up to 45% on =
the standard fare=20
(=B3=B5=B7=D1). You have to travel after the rush hour =
period Mon.-Fri. but=20
can travel at any time on Sat.or Sun.Big city =
are special low-priced tickets on certain trains. Yon have =
to book=20
in advance-at the=A1=A1latest by 16:00 the day before you =
travel. It's=20
first come . first served.Weekend =
Returns=A1=A1=A1=A1Weekend Returns=20
are available (=D3=D0=CA=DB) for most journeys over 60 =
miles. Go on Fri . Sat.=20
or Sun,and return the same weekend on Sat. or Sun,and save =
up to 35%=20
the standard fare.Monthly Returns=A1=A1=A1=A1There =
are available for=20
most journeys over 65 miles. Go any day and return within a=20
month.Monthly returns save you up to 25% on the standard=20
fare.Family Returns=A1=A1=A1=A1For =A1=EA20 this =
railcard allows you to=20
take a second adult (=B3=C9=C8=CB) and up to 4 children for =
only =A1=EA3 each when=20
you buy single or return tickets. You can travel as often as =
like until the card60. Which is the best ticket to buy =
live in London and want to go to asmall town =
80=A1=A1=A1=A1miles away for=20
four days?=A1=A1=A1=A1A. Big City Savers =A1=A1B.Monthly =
Returns =A1=A1C.Weekend=20
Returns =A1=A1D.Family Returns61. A man bought himself a =
ticket of=20
=A1=EA15 and three tickets for his family with a family=20
=A1=A1=A1=A1railcard.How much did he =
pay?=A1=A1=A1=A1A.=A1=EA44 =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1B. =A1=EA29=20
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1C. =A1=EA24 =
=A1=A1=A1=A1Maybe ten-year-old Elizabeth =
put it best when=20
she said to her fathet. "But. Dad. you can't be healthy if =
dead."=A1=A1=A1=A1Ded.in a hurry to get home before dark =
so he could go=20
for a run. had forgotten to wear his safety belt-a mistake =
the US popuation make every day The big question is =
have been many myths about safety belts ever since heir =
appearance in cars some forty years ago. The following are =
three of=20
the most common.=A1=A1=A1=A1Myth Number One:It's best to =
be "thrown=20
clear"of a serious accident.=A1=A1=A1=A1Truth:Sorry, but =
any accident=20
serious enongh to "throw you clear"is alsogoing to be =
serious enough=20
to give you a very bad landing. And chances are you'll have =
througb a windshield(=B5=B2=B7=E7=B2=A3=C1=A7)or door to do =
it. Studies show that=20
cbances of dying after a car accident are twenty-five times =
in cases where people are "thrown =
clear."=A1=A1=A1=A1Myth Number Two:=20
Safety belts "trap" people in cars that are burning or =
sinking in=20
water.=A1=A1=A1=A1Truth: Sorry again. but stndies show =
that people knocked=20
unconscious(=BB=E8=C3=D4) due to notwearing safety belts =
have a greater=20
chance of dying in these accidents People wearing safety =
belts are=20
usually protected to the point of having a clear head to =
themselves from such dangerous sinuaions. not to be trapped =
them.=A1=A1=A1=A1Myth Nomber Three Safcty belts aren't =
needed at speeds of=20
less than 30 miles per hour=A1=A1=A1=A1Truth: when two =
cars traveling at=20
30 mpb hit each other. an unbelted driver would meetthe=20
windshield with a force equal to diving headfirst into the =
from a height of 10 meters.62=A3=AEwhy did Elizabeth say =
father. "But. Dad. you cann't be healthy if you're =
dead"?=A1=A1=A1=A1A. He=20
was driving at great speed.=A1=A1=A1=A1B. He was running =
across the=20
street.=A1=A1=A1=A1C. He didn't have his safety belt =
on.=A1=A1=A1=A1D. He didn't=20
take his medicine on time.63.The reason Father was in a =
hurry to=20
get home was That =
he=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=AE=A1=A1=A1=A1A. wasn't feeling, =
very well=A1=A1=A1=A1B.=20
hated to drive in the dark=A1=A1=A1=A1C. wanted to take =
exercise=A1=A1=A1=A1D. didn't want to be caught by the =
According to the text. to be "thrown clear" of a serious =
accident is=20
very dangerous =A1=A1=A1=A1because you =
=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=AE=A1=A1=A1=A1A.may be knocked =
by other cars=A1=A1=A1=A1B may get seriously hurt being =
thrown out of the=20
car=A1=A1=A1=A1C.may find it impossible to get away from =
seat=A1=A1=A1=A1D.may get caught in the car door65. =
Some people prefer=20
to drive without wearing a safety belt because they=20
believe=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF.=A1=A1=A1=A1A.the belt =
prevents them from escaping in an=20
accdent=A1=A1=A1=A1B.they will be unable to think =
clearly in an=20
accident=A1=A1=A1=A1C.they will be caught when help =
catch fire easily66. what is the.edvice given in the=20
text?=A1=A1=A1=A1A=A3=AENever drive faster than 30 mile =
an hour.=A1=A1=A1=A1B. Try=20
your ben to save yourself in a car =
accident.=A1=A1=A1=A1C. Never forget to=20
wear the safety belt while driving.=A1=A1=A1=A1D. Drive =
slowly while=20
you're not wearing a safety belt.
=A1=A1=A1=A1When a group=20
of children pelltelr siop a convercaiion wiih vou. =
saying:"We have=20
io go to work now." you're ieft feelins suprised and =
uneasv. After all. this is the 1990s and the idea of =
working is Juat unthinkable. That is. until you are told =
that they=20
are all pupils of stage schools. and thai ibe "work" they go =
is to go on the stage in a theatre. =A1=A1=A1=A1Stage =
schools often acr as=20
agencies (=B4=FA=C0=ED=BB=FA=B9=B9) to supply children for =
stage and television work.=20
More worihy of ihe name `siage eckool. nre thase few p!aces =
children auend full time. with a iraining for the theatre =
general educaiion.=A1=A1=A1=A1A visit to such school =
will leave you in no=20
doubt that the children enjoy themselves. After alI. what =
children woudn"t settle {or snendins onlv half the day doing =
ordinary school work. and acting. singing or dancing their =
through the other half of the day?=A1=A1=A1=A1Then of =
course these are=20
time for the children to make a name and make a little money =
in some=20
big shows. Some stage schools give their children too much=20
professional work at such a young age. But the law is very =
tight on=20
the amount they can do. Thase under 13 are limited to 40 =
days in the=20
those over 13 do 80 days.=A1=A1=A1=A1The schools =
themselves admit=20
that not all children will be successful in the profession =
for which=20
they are being trained. So what happens to those who don't =
make it?=20
While all the leading schools say they place great =
importance on=20
children getting good siudy results. the lacis seem 'o =
augged ths is=20
not alwaystbe case.67 Peeple would sipp feeling uneasy =
realisng that ibe ch]Idren tbey're ialking =
to=A1=A1=A1=A1A. aiiend a stage=20
sehoo]=A1=A1=A1=A1B. are going to ibe =
theaire=A1=A1=A1=A1C. hsv. gor some work=20
io do=A1=A1=A1=A1D. ]ove singlns and dancins68 In =
ihe wrier's opnion.=20
a ged siage school shoud.=A1=A1=A1=A1A. preduco siar =
ls imnrove iheir siudy sk]1]s=A1=A1=A1=A1C. =
train pupils in=20
Isnguage and periorming arts=A1=A1=A1=A1D. provide a =
guneral ofucation and=20
siage irairting69."Professional work" as used in the =
means=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=AE=A1=A1=A1=A1A=A3=AEordinary =
school work=A1=A1=A1=A1B=A3=AErooneyrnaking=20
performances=A1=A1=A1=A1C. siage oraining at =
school=A1=A1=A1=A1D. aciing.=20
singing or dancing afier class70. Whck ofthe follewing =
deecrbes how the wrier feels abeui siage =
echoolso=A1=A1=A1=A1A. He ibinks=20
hishlv of wbnt they have ic rffer.=A1=A1=A1=A1B. He =
favours an early siart=20
in the training of performing aris.=A1=A1=A1=A1C=A3=AEHe =
f'els uncomforiable=20
aboui chldren vuiiins on nieh: =
sbows.=A1=A1=A1=A1D=A3=AEHe douhis ihe siandard=20
of ordlnary educaiion ihew have reachof.B)=20
=A1=CF=EE.John: Oh. hi, Fred!=20
& 71& . Why are vou so late?Sled: =
72& .She always keeps us in class until ten past=20
ten.John: Doesn't she know that you're supposet to get =
ten.Sled: & 73& .But she never look at =
watch.She just keeps talking.John: Don't the students=20
compain(=B1=A7=D4=B9)about it?& 74& =
.Sled: No,&=20
75& .John: Well,you could try and talk to =
Maybe.A.They don't think soB I didn't know whether =
to save=20
you a place or notC.Everybody is too politeD 1 guess =
soE.Mary had a talk with me.F.It's our maths =
I would say something
=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF(=C0=CB=B7=D1) your money on =
silly things =
wind turned my=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF(=C9=A1)inside =
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A177.=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A178.I=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF(=C8=CF=B3=F6) Mike the moment I saw =
=A3=AE=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A178.=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A179. Do you know the=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF(=C6=BD=BE=F9) monthly =
rainfall in this area? =
79.=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A180. Sleep =
is=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF(=B1=D8=D2=AA) to=20
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A181 This bus can carry=20
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A181.=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A182. =
Fitty years ago, Chairman=20
Mao=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF=A3=DF(=D0=FB=B8=E6) the founding =
of the People's Republic =A1=A1=A1=A1of China.=20
=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1 =
82.=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A184. what is the best-known=20
chain of fast-food(=B2=CD=B9=DD) in the world? =
84.=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A185. They=20
lived in London until =
I can't watch much television but a few years ago 86.I =
was used=20
to watch it every night. I was often 87.a little tired =
after a=20
day's work and watch TV 88.demands very little effort.=20
Unfortunate. there are 89.too many people among my =
wanted 90.to see the programme while others=20
preferred91.another. I am happy with any program me but=20
92.the others spent a lot time arguing and there =
93.was no=20
way of settling the matter exespt by 94.selling the =
someone at home reads=20



