怎么在ip4和ip4s的区别里面关闭in app purchasing

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最后登录注册时间阅读权限100积分8766精华158帖子金币160242 枚91币0 枚
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人气: 1862 次
金币: 160242 个
软件大小:934.69 MB 软件价格:¥45.00
兼容平台:iPhone,iPod Touch,iPad, iOS 3.2 以上
软件语言:简体中文 软件等级:★★★★★
《无尽之剑 II》使用Epic顶级的虚幻引擎3技术制作,在这个美轮美奂的3D世界中拥有令人惊叹的视觉效果、全新的战斗方式以及高级角色定制功能,这些更是将手持移动平台的游戏质量提升至一个新的高度。
现在您可以从多个武器、盔甲和法术类中进行选择,其中每个都具有专门的功能,例如,双持武器, 双手武器 以及标准的武器&盾牌类。通过无尽之剑II直观的“瞬间上手”的玩法,你可以体验多种不同风格的战斗套路。虽然上手很容易,但要成为高手可需要磨练哦!
App广泛性 - 只要支付很少的费用就可以在iPhone 3GS、iPhone 4、iPhone 4S、iPad、iPad 2、iPod Touch 3(16 GB及以上)或iPod Touch 4上玩《无尽之剑》。
针对iPhone 4S和iPad 2进行了优化 – 包括采用了iPhone 4S和iPad 2的增强型视觉效果功能的高分辨率图形和光照。
- 推荐:游戏之前请将设备更新至最新的iOS版本。
- 家长控制:您可在iOS设置中关闭In-App Purchasing(程序内购买)功能。
版本 1.0.1 中的新功能
Balance tweaks, optimizations, and bug fixes.
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又出新的~那就要試試看我的ITOUCH 能不能玩了~謝了~
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We're SocialApple has just announced that it will now support in-app purchasing for free applications on the App Store. This is absolutely huge news for developers, and will likely lead to a fundamental shift in the way applications are marketed and priced. It’s hard to overstate just how much this will change the App Store.
Up until now developers of premium applications have faced a major problem: they had no way to offer a feature-restricted version of an application for free that users could pay to unlock if they liked what they saw — a model that’s quite common on desktop software. This led to the creation of the so-called ‘Lite’ versions of applications, which generally offer a reduced featureset, but require users to download an entirely new application to access more features, which obviously isn’t ideal. Now, they won’t face this hurdle. They’ll be able to ditch the Lite version entirely, switch their currently premium app over to free (which will lead to more impulse downloads), and give users the chance to upgrade their featureset down the road.
This will also have a massive impact on free games that thrive on the sales of virtual goods, like Tapulous and Zynga. Up until now Tapulous has been unable to sell new songs through its flagship applications Tap Tap Revenge 1 and 2, because these are both free. In order to take advantage of the in-app purchase feature that Apple launched earlier this summer, Tapulous was forced to launch TTR3 as a 99 cent application. The app has still done extremely well, leading the Top Grossing charts for days, but it would have almost certainly gotten even more downloads had it been free.
Likewise, games like Zynga’s Mafia Wars and SGN’s Mafia: Respect and Retaliation have had to offer Lite version of their games, not necessarily because they wanted to restrict features to users, but because they had to charge something so that users could purchase virtual goods down the line. It looks like Zynga and others won’t be able to use virtual currency, which Apple has basically forbidden.
However, don’t be surprised if they offer “packs” of upgrades that you can buy.
There have been various rumors as to why Apple restricted in-app purchases in free games to begin with.
Some have speculated that Apple is concerned this will lead to many free apps that tempt users to download them and then do essentially nothing until you pay to unlock them, which is still a valid concern.
Others believe it has to do Apple’s payment system, which may lack credit card information for users who only download free applications.
Here are some guidelines Apple is giving to developers for their integration of in-app purchases into free games:
1.1 You may use the In App Purchase API only to enable end users to purchase content, functionality, or services that You make available for use within Your Application (e.g. digital books, additional game levels, access to a turn-by-turn map service). You may not use the In App Purchase API to offer goods or services to be used outside of Your Application.
On Currency: 2.1 You may not use the In App Purchase API to enable an end user to set up a pre-paid account to be used for subsequent purchases of content, functionality, or services, or otherwise create balances or credits that end users can redeem or use to make purchases at a later time.
-No virtual currency
2.3 Content and services may be offered through the In App Purchase API on a subscription basis (e.g., subscriptions to a magazine, comic series, or financial reporting service); however, rentals of content, services or functionality through the In App Purchase API are not allowed (e.g., use of a particular game item or digital book for a pre-determined, limited period of time).
Note: This means that content owners won’t be able to let their content expire.
This probably won’t be welcome news to many of them.
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Popular PostsWeb App Resources Overview
Introducing Web Apps
Amazon Mobile App Distribution program now enables you to distribute your web apps on Kindle Fire and select Android devices in nearly 200 countries across the globe (including the US, Canada, UK, Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Brazil and Japan). By submitting your web app or mobile-optimized website to the program, you can:
Grow your Business: You can grow your business by promoting your web apps to millions of Amazon customers worldwide.
Make Money with In-App Purchasing: You can earn revenue from your web apps by selling digital content and subscriptions such as in-game currency, expansion packs, upgrades, magazine issues and more, from within your web apps using Amazon's In-App Purchasing API for JavaScript. Your apps automatically take advantage of Amazon Coins, enabling customers to use them for purchases of your app and in-app items.
Build for the web and get top performance on Kindle Fire: You can build apps for the Kindle platform using open web technologies such as HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS, leveraging Amazon's GPU-accelerated web app runtime for seamless performance.
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