
帖子8&精华0&积分18&金币21 &注册时间&最后登录&
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IDC 2012年第一季度全球外部磁盘存储系统工厂收入,(百万美元)
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Gartner 2012年第一季度全球ECB(外部基于控制器的)磁盘存储厂商收入估计 (百万美元)
  注 1: EMC的收入不包括来自戴尔和富士通的OEM收入。
  注 2: 日立/HDS的收入不包括来自惠普的OEM收入。
  注 3: NetApp的收入不包括来自IBM的ONTAP OEM收入和Engenio OEM收入。
  笔者在《纪录中国——企业存储的自主之路》一文中曾经提到:“IBM的DS3000系列低端、DS系列中端阵列都OEM自LSI Engenio部门(被NetApp收购后的E系列),这在业内早已广为人知。戴尔PowerVault MD3000家族也是同样的来源,因此在DS3500系列和MD之间出现了高度的同质化。”
  据我们了解,目前除了IBM、戴尔和SGI之外,同有、众志和达等国内厂商也在销售NetApp E2600这款成熟的入门级SAN存储系统。而浪潮的AS1000G6看技术规格很明显应该就是NetApp的E5400。
  陈文俊:在FAS上我们过去几年的增长是非常快的,但是对全球应该达到的份额还是有一定的距离,所以这个也是代表我们的增长空间还是非常大的。中国市场在FAS这块,过去几年都是翻倍地增长。IBM N系列(OEM自NetApp FAS)在中国占我们的收入比全球要高。FAS的解决方案,包括虚拟化、快速备份、恢复这些方面。但是E系列的解决方案,可以看到是跟服务器在做搭配,卖一个服务器跟着一个存储,是这种方式来做的。所以两者的销售模式是有点差别的。
  E7900渠道不再销售,IBM DS5000系列仍出货
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  如上图,在IBM网站上的磁盘存储产品线中OEM自NetApp E7900(原LSI Engenio 7900)的DS5000系列(包括DS5100和DS5300)仍然存在,另外还有定位低一些的DS5020(对应Enginio 4900)。不过我们看到IBM未来中端存储的重点还是自己的Storwize V7000和V7000 Unified统一存储;而在入门级市场的DS3500 Express,以及由其衍生出来的DCS3700(EU 60盘位3.5英寸高密度阵列方面,仍然会保持与NetApp的合作。
  笔者简单回忆了一下,大约在2009年底~2010年那段时间,国内存储厂商UIT(创新科)曾经转销过Engenio 7900,其产品规格与DS5300如出一辙。
  6月初,NetApp推出了入门级统一存储新品FAS2220,运行在支持集群功能的最新版本Data ONTAP v8.1.1下,并添加了Flash Pool(闪存池)SSD读写缓存功能。
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  由上表,包括FAS2220、FAS2240-2和FAS2240-4在内的三款低端统一存储目前都能支持Flash Pool,FAS2220在其中定位入门级,最多只支持60个驱动器,并且只有千兆iSCSI主机接口。相比之下,其他厂商的入门级产品,包括EMC VNXe和NetApp自己的E2600等都能支持100个左右甚至更多数量的驱动器,可选万兆以太网或者FC主机连接。NetApp是怎么看待这一点的呢?
  Flash Pool:虚拟存储层进一步接近分层?
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  自从NetApp 2009年通过PAM II PCIe闪存卡(第一代PAM卡使用的是易失性DRAM内存)导入控制器缓存Flash Cache技术以来,累计实现了超过14PB的销售订单。另一方面,我们还看到EMC表示“2011年配备了超过24PB容量的闪存驱动器容量”。这里需要注意的是PCIe闪存卡与SSD的区别,通常情况下前者有着更好的IOPS和延迟性能;另外EMC是通过FAST VP子卷级自动分层存储和FAST Cache读写缓存两项技术来促进闪存的销售,而NetApp的Flash Cache只是读缓存。
  如今,NetApp提出了虚拟存储层(Virtual Storage Tier)的概念,并在闪存缓存(Flash Cache)基础上增加了另一项Flash Pool(闪存池)技术。
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  与Flash Cache使用PCIe闪存卡不同的是,Flash Pool使用了通用性更好的SSD驱动器,这样在FAS2220这样2U SBB规范机箱(见下图)中尺寸较小的控制器也能支持。SSD单位成本较低并且使用相对灵活一些,可以根据需要选择不同的容量和数量搭配来实现不同的加速效果。
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NetApp FAS2220前视图和后视图
  由于Flash Pool缓存包括随机读和写在内的数据,因此需要有SSD驱动器之间的RAID保护来避免写缓存中的数据丢失。类似自动分层存储的是,Flash Pool由一个SSD RAID组加上一个包含一个或多个机械硬盘RAID组的聚合(存储池)组成,也就是说Flash Pool只用来加速与之绑定的HDD RAID;而Flash Cache则能够通过控制器缓存加速多个HDD聚合上的热数据。见下图:
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  与前面的Flash Cache的技术不一样的是,SSD是在驱动器这一层,所以它不但对原来读的速度提高了,对写的任务也有提高。所以说读和写都可以存在SSD里面。比如说Flash Cache技术,对文件共享业务会有比较好的支持;像闪存池的技术,它的读写都可以照顾到,这样的话对联机计算(OLTP)跑数据库的业务,也可以有很好的支持。
  另外,闪存池还跟以前的Flash Cache技术是可以共同合作的,在一个系统里两个是可以共存的(NetApp FAS2000系列不支持Flash Cache,而FAS3200和FAS6200系列据说将支持闪存池,笔者注),不是说选了这个,就不可以选那个了。可以有一部分通过SSD和机械硬盘构成闪存池;另外一部分只有机械硬盘,在控制器里面有Flash Cache,就可以通过原来的闪存缓存技术提供这种高性能。那么它们两个有什么区别呢?闪存缓存Flash Cache是在控制器里面插了PCIe的Flash卡,用它来提供高性能,位置是在控制器里面,即插即用的。闪存池的SSD盘是在存储的里面,是有保护的,两个处的物理位置不一样。Flash Cache可以对多个聚合进行性能的提高,主要是随机读的任务会加速。对于Flash Pool是两种不同硬盘的聚合,是一个特殊的聚合,读和写两种操作都可以加速,这是和前面不一样的。而且你的控制器发生故障切换了,这个SSD会跟着切换到现在用的控制器上面,所以它里面储存的加速数据是不会丢失的。”
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Play DCS World
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$449.87 USD
&This is a quality piece of software. Even without the extra modules, this is simply amazing. The SU-25T is one of my favourite jets of all time, and it is brilliantly realised here, with so much content you feel guilty for getting it for free.
This only goes to show the confidence that DCS have in there Digital Combat Simulator, that they would give you so much for free. Stop reading this and go and download it now!.& –
&DCS World is a must-have for simulation enthusiasts who want as real as you can get in their home PC.& –
About This Game
Feel the excitement of flying the Su-25T &Frogfoot& attack jet and the TF-51D &Mustang& in the free-to-play Digital Combat Simulator World!
DCS World is a vehicle combat simulation game created by an inspired development team. DCS World uses a powerful engine that delivers realistic gameplay.
The battlefield includes a spectacular mission area - the location of the Georgian conflict in 2008. Fly the Su-25T in a massive, semi-dynamic campaign to achieve dominance in the skies over Georgia! Experience the amazing flight dynamics and interactive cockpit of the TF-51D and understand why the Mustang is often regarded as the greatest fighter of the Second World War.
The huge variety of aircraft, land units and warships are included from countries such as the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, German Spain and others. Units are controlled by sophisticated Artificial Intelligence (AI) and they have an amazing levels of detail. This all allows for the creation of engaging, real-world combat missions in this flashpoint region. DCS is a true &sandbox& simulation that can and will cover multiple time periods covering many types of combat and civilian units.
Your exhilarating experience will be extended through additional DCS modules available through Steam. Such modules include the A-10C Warthog, Ka-50 Black Shark, the P-51D Mustang, UH-1H Huey, Mi-8MTV2, and ground combat control with Combined Arms.
System Requirements
OS:64-bit: Windows Vista, 7 or 8
Processor:Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz
Memory:6 GB RAM
Graphics:512 MB RAM card
Hard Drive:10 GB HD space
Sound:DirectX 9.0c - compatible
OS:64-bit: Windows Vista, 7 or 8
Processor:Core i5+
Memory:8 GB RAM
Graphics:Shader 3.0 NVIDIA GeForce GTX560 / ATI 6950 DirectX 9.0c or better
Hard Drive:10 GB HD space
Sound:DirectX 9.0c - compatible
Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
The Fighter Collection Ltd, Imperial War Museum, Duxford Airfield, Cambridge, CB2 4QR, England, UK.
(c) 2013 The Fighter Collection, DCS and DCS: P-51D Mustang are registered trademarks of The Fighter Collection Ltd.
All rights reserved. (c) 2012 Eagle Dynamics. All rights reserved.
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15.6 hrs on record
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24.0 hrs on record
This is not a game, but a flight simulator, and a damn good one at that.Constantly updated, has alright variety, somewhat stable and extremely realistic in it's flight dynamics simulation.I highly recommend this if you're into the military flight simulator genre, it's free and it doesn't hurt to try, plus it's constantly updated and is getting new content rather frequently if you consider simulation time is akin to valve time.
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92.5 hrs on record
It's the best SIM on the market, but you need equipment like HOTAS and TrackIR !Patience and training is needed a lot, to be effective (~3 weeks for Ka50, more than ~1month for A10c)
&--- my opinionBUY DLCs at SALES every 1-2month, usually up to over 70% sale. Also this SIM isn't finished ~every 1/2 year DCS get a new plane (109K is next 1)and sry for my broken english
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83.8 hrs on record
The most accurate combat simulation by far, with a very, very steep learning curve.Just give it a try, or watch some videos first, before disliking DCS World.It's a simulation, no arcade nonsense.*Like I mentioned above, watch tutorials for your specific Plane and/or Heli on Steam or Youtube, it helps a lot!
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9.3 hrs on record
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4.8 hrs on record
This game, or more accurately, simulator, is one of the best games I have played in a VERY long time. No matter what your taste in aircraft or flying may be, there is fun to be had in DCS.You can purchase aircraft from a wide number of time periods, from WWII, The Korean War, and even modern battlefields. There's also some very nice helicopters to purchase, but I can't comment on those, as I don't have any.. ;-;If you like CAS, BVR, Dogfighting or just screwing around with friends in fast aircraft, DCS World is most certainly worth trying. The free aircraft you get, the SU-25T and TF-51 give you a pretty good feel for what you can expect in DCS, but I definitely reccomend picking up a full fidelty module if you like it, great fun learning what all the alarms mean... ._.One quick note though, getting the game directly from the developers is a better choice than Steam, as the version from ED's site gives you earlier access to new modules, updates, and let's you buy modules from sales on ED's site AND Steam, which cannot be done with the SDdr : BUY IT AND YOU CAN CRASH TOO :D
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19.1 hrs on record
Best flight-simulator I have experienced on the PC yet!Flight-dynamics beats all the other sims I've tried on the PC.Visuals (from cockpit to the world environment around you) beats all the other sims I've tried on the PC.Flight-control menus (the setup system) give a brilliant ability to setup your joystick (in my case just a simple Logitech joystick) and fine-tune it so you have the feeling of control over the aircraft/helicopter you want (joystick zones)I can't really find much that could be better with this sim, except (as a simmer mostly interested in civil aviation) full world-coverage and larger/civilian aircraft.DCS (with the aircraft I've tried on it) is an amazing piece of software :)
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48.2 hrs on record
its taken me a very long time to get the hang of the basic things in this but its very rewarding when you learn how to fly the right way and actually know what in the hell your doing...update*i dont have trackir or the real hotas stick but i have a thrustmaster hotas and i can munipulate the games controls enough to be fine without track ir
so my viewing is controled by the stick and i can zoom from the throttle (a10)
the other jets are extremely easy to use compared to the hog...
dont let the &need& for other equipment scare you. you would do good with just a joystick for starters.
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30.5 hrs on record
Incredible deep if you get the single addons (IE not the flaming cliffs 3 ones or says they are part of FC3), every damned button works. While FC3 gets most things realistic.The only issue is missile mechanics, it seems to be tuned for WVR and not BVR. Which means Russian jets with the HMDs have a better advantage since most of them have better WVR capabilities (read agility and the HMD), than BVR. The AIM-120 and the R-27 are both close to useless farther out, and home of jam (HoJ) mode is kind of completely meh to the point I don't seem to every get kills in that mode.Otherwise, very solid sim.
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129.1 hrs on record
One of the best combat flight sims out there!DCS World is itself is framework for different modules (on Steam it will be classified as DLC, but it's not really DLC as in the traditional sense). This part is free to use and you get the Su-25T with it, a Russian ground attack aircraft thats really fun to fly.The additional modules/aircraft you add can be classified as &Medium Fidelity& and &High Fidelity&. For a quick example, the Su-25T is a mid fidelity aircraft, to start the aircraft on the parking lot you press Shift + L to turn on the avionics, Ctrl + L to turn on the navigation lights, Alt + Home and Ctrl + Home to start left and right engines and then you are ready to taxi adn take off. Hi fidelity like the Ka-50 and A-10C on the other hand you start the aircraft up by following the actual, real-life procedures with clickable switches and buttons in the cockpit. This will require a lot of study and practise.The Flaming Cliffs 3 module includes the aircraft from Lock On Modern Air Combat, updated to work with DCS World. These are of the &mid fidelity& type aircraft and contain some awesome fighter jets.Another module is Combined Arms. The main feature of this module is that you take control of almost any ground unit (tanks and stuff!), and coordinate in strike missions with other players in aircraft, BUT, you can also drive around and shoot your cannon, surfice to air missiles, artillery, rockets and it is awesome fun in single player too (albeit not simulated very realistically). There are also rumors that you may also be able to control sea units sometime in the future.If you like aircraft, like to study how machines work and like fire laser guided missiles and drop GPS guided bombs this is the game for you!
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1.0 hrs on record
Stalled after flying for 2 minutes becuase I was carying too much payload.It has been worth the weight!
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0.4 hrs on record
Best modern air COMBAT simulator you are going to find.
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2.3 hrs on record
The most Realistic simulator. I'm sure that you will don't regret but take the time to understand commands
and tame the beast.It's fantastic that we can switch with different aircraft or tanks.Many hours for understand all commands.Flight is very realism and more hard that FSX or X-Plane 10.All effects are very realism, this include the G effect and the pressure on the aircraft when you turn, you hear the song of the wind with the wings and the pressure effect.If you have less than i5 don't expect to maxed outI have i7 ghz with gigabyte gtx 970 G1 gaming in
and 8go ram 1866 mhz maxed out.
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26.3 hrs on record
It's too bad this isn't an MMO. Love this game. It's like IL-2 with modern aircraft, just not quite as many that you can actually fly... yet...Learning the controls is a real nusiance. It needs a better ingame guide. I think this actually frustrates some people out of playing. Once you overcome this it's quite fun.Im waiting for this type of game to merge with Insurgency & RO2.
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8.5 hrs on record
The best flight simulator out there to date! All though you need quite a beefy computer to play this with good FPS, it tops every single flight simulator. Its better then X-Plane (All Versions), Flight Simulator X, Flight Gear, etc. With the limited planes able to fly in the game, it still makes it the best.~A-10C Warthog Addon:The best addon out there, and it will stay that way. It is realistic in every way possible, and will never turn you down. It's detail level is an amazing 10 out of 10. I'm suprised the military doesnt use this game to teach recruits how to fly. It's that realistic...~With my limited hours on record, I would do anything to play it more. Since my current computer can't &handle& the graphics on this amzing game. I'm spending good money for a new computer, and a track IR. This game is really worth it. If you have a chance to buy this game, and play it. DO IT!
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0.6 hrs on record
Very realistic combat flight simulator I've ever play!
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15.3 hrs on record
Great game! I shot down a russian mig and the wing flew off and the plane went into a spin. Many great DLC's for this game. The A-10C has a very steep learning curve and
the F-15C is easy to fly and just plain fun to fly. If you are looking for a realistic game with a learning curve and love military aviation, this is a game for you!
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5.8 hrs on record
I loved the 10 minutes I was allowed to play. It sucks though because every time I want to load up the training simulation called, &Learning how to start up, taxi, and take off.& (Yes the first level.) The game just shuts itself off and goes to my steam page. Afterward it'll wait a few seconds and the game will start and go to the main menu, without me touching anything other than hitting the 'start' button. I literally don't know what to do, I've tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it but it never works. Can someone help??(PS only have 4 hours because I left it on the main menu by accident once, I only have the ten minutes of me crashing into the run way.)
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0.4 hrs on record
I bought the MI-8, A-10, and F-15 DLCs for this game because they were on sale and have not been able to play them because the activation keys Steam provides me give me errors.
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5.8 hrs on record
The game will not start using steam. I have tried a few things to get it running and it just will not cooperate.
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Title: DCS World
Release Date: 18 Mar, 2013
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