
I ______ while reading the English textbook.Luckily,my roommate woke me up in ti...
1 The manager had fallen asleep where he____ ,without undressing.
A was play...
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display: 'inlay-fix'1.D。因为题目说了,已经喝过了一个,所以要喝另一个。2.B。题意是感到做什么什么很激动,准确表述应该是I felt it is +形容词 to do..这里省略了is,则it变成了宾语。3.D。这里的D选项做形容词:100米的。4.C。可根据题意判断,说:恐怕没人会赞成你,一般指某种建议或提议不被人采用,所以用works,意为起作用。5.A。反问句,在有先行词think,tell等的情况下,以后面的部分为主。6.A。这个很明显要选动词,这个句子省略主语。7.B。在从句中,除特殊疑问词,其它成分按陈述句形式排列。8.B。理由同7.而C选项,应该是what wrong is with you?9.A。定语从句,后面的部分修饰house,house在后部分做主语,选用that 或which,故选A。10.D。后面部分是她写字的笔,要加上with,而定语从句中有介词在前一般用which,所以选D。好累啊..希望能帮上吧.. 追问:补充:...看出来了..第四个,第二句话是另一个人说的..选B。第五个,是过去式诶..选B第六个,D吧..可能。第七个绝对没错..第八个A吧..不,A可以那D也可以!不能啊..其它的应该差不多..在这里我为我的粗心表示歉意..真的对不起..我也只是个初三的学生..嘿嘿~楼主再检查下吧..我有时间就会回复的..追问:补充:追问:补充:分析下句子成分呗..一般句子分主语谓语宾语,如果特殊疑问词在句子里做主语成分就是了..主语是一个句子的主题,是一个句子所述说的主体.它的位置一般居句首.可担任主语有单词,短语,从句乃至整句. 例如:1. 名词做主语:A tree has fallen across the road.(一棵树倒下横在路上).2. 代词做主语:He told a joke, but it fell flat(他说了个笑话, 但是没有把人逗笑).3. 数词做主语:Four from severn leaves three(七减四余三)4. 名词化的形容词做主语:Old and young marched side by side.(老少并肩前行)5. 副词做主语:Now is the time.(现在是时候啦)6. 名词化的介词做主语:The ups and downs of life must be taken as they come.(我们必须承受人生之沉浮).7. 不定式做主语:To find your way out is a problem.(你要找到出路很困难)8. 动名词做主语:Smoking is harmful to your health.(吸烟有害健康)9. 名词化的过去分词做主语:The disabled are to receive more money.(残疾人将获得更多的钱).10. 介词短语做主语: To Beijing is not that far.(去北京没有那么远).11. 从句做主语:Whenever you are ready is fine.(你什么时候准备好都可以).12. 句子做主语:"How do you do" is a greeting.("你好"是句问候语).特殊疑问词就可以代替上面的主语部分~追问:补充:“吃”做主语??说清楚点好么?是打错了么?追问:补充:楼主真爱学习~同样作为初三学生真是自叹不如..举个例子吧..This is the place where he works.当然,出题要填空的就是where这个地方..省略掉前面的全部,后面是he works.根据整个句子来说,补充完整成陈述句:he works in the place.主语是he..这里where不会做主语,而我们知道这里填的词不管是where还是which都是指代前面的place.这里只要做个简单的划线部分提问...where does he work?答案就出来了...定语从句向来是where和which考来考去..同样的,换一个句子:this is the place which he works at.因为是小地方,所以用at..同样的方法还原成陈述句:he works at this place.还原的时候就要注意了,这里一看错就满盘皆输了..然后划线place提问,which place does he work at?虽然place是划线了,但是由于有at,很明显提问的是地点,还是用place代替..这两个句子是很经典的..如果楼主还有疑问再来追问吧!我们一起探讨..回答的不好请见谅啊~追问:
随时随地有问必答!有几道英语题大家帮我看看~, 有几道英语题大家帮我看看~ 题
有几道英语题大家帮我看看~ 题号:11
题型:单选题 本题分数:5内容:I’ve had too much food tonight! I’m simply _______ now.选项: a、hungry b、 beautiful c、 stuffed d、 normal
本题分数:5内容:After seeing the stranger, the dog ________.选项: a、growled b、 smiled c、 cried d、 liked题号:13
本题分数:5内容:A lot of species have __________ from the world, due to natural or human causes.选项: a、disappeared b、 gathered c、 felt d、 rushed题号:14
本题分数:5内容:A hobby is something you do just for fun. It could be painting pictures, watching birds, or reading. Some people collect, or save things. These things could be new. But they might be old. Many beautiful thins were made long ago. Where do people get the things that they collect? At the beach many people pick up pretty shells to save. They find them near the sea. Some people pick up things from the street. They find things in the garbage. Others save things they get from their families or friends. Still others buy things to collect. Why do people collect things? First it can be fun. People really like the things they save. Also, you and a friend may collect the same thing. Then it’s something you can do together. But some people like to do it alone. To them, a hobby is something you do by yourself. People also learn from their hobbies. You might have many pictures of kings. If you wanted to know more about them, you could go to the library and get a book. Then you could read about them. You would find out such things as when and where they lived. Saving things gives people something to do. Both children and older people like to have hobbies. Some people no longer work. So they collect things to keep busy. Hobbies fill many people’s days with hours of fun. A hobby can hardly be ___________.选项: a、Creating things b、 collecting things c、 saving things d、 selling tings题号:15
本题分数:5内容:Poor man! He has a __________wife. She’s too concerned about details.选项: a、pleasant b、 good-natured c、 fussy d、 accidental题号:17
本题分数:5内容:It’s not easy to leave the classroom without being _______.选项: a、listened b、 noticed c、 laughed d、 missed题号:18
本题分数:5内容:The murderer was caught and _______ last month. His mother is very sad about his death.选项: a、executed b、 punished c、 fled d、 stopped题号:19
本题分数:5内容:Bob and I often have different opinions. So we ______ a lot.选项: a、assent b、 argue c、 change d、 walk题号:20
本题分数:5内容:The bride and bridegroom made _______promises to each other in their wedding ceremony.选项: a、famous b、 solemn c、 accidental d、 satisfied l_Gothic 有几道英语题大家帮我看看~
c a a d c b b b b
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