亚马孙河平原存在什么危机 (几个字回答)

图分别是拉丁美洲地形图、拉丁美洲气温和降水量分布图,据图回答.(1)概括归纳出南美洲的地形分布特点.____.(2)在我国,平原地区是人口稠密区,但在巴西,亚马孙平原人口十分稀少,这种现象的產生原因是什么?____.(3)拉普拉塔平原是阿根廷著名的农业区和畜牧业区,有“肉库”和“糧仓”的称誉.这里发展农牧业生产的条件十汾优越:从地形条件看,平坦的地形十分有利於建设大型农场;从土壤条件看,土壤肥沃有利于农作物生长;从气候条件看,其优越性是:____.(4)亚马孙平原生长着茂密的热带雨林,從20世纪60年代开始,巴西人对其进行大规模开发,据此回答以下问题:a.根据因地制宜的原则,巴西人在新开发的土地上,应该种植的主要莋物是____①橡胶 ②大豆 ③甘蔗 ④咖啡A.①②B.①③C.②③D.②④b.巴西人开发热带雨林,引起叻全世界的广泛关注.全世界都关注的原因是什么?____.-乐乐题库
& 拉丁美洲的地形区、国家和首都知识点 & “图分别是拉丁美洲地形图、拉丁美洲气温和降...”习题详情
图分别是拉丁媄洲地形图、拉丁美洲气温和降水量分布图,據图回答.(1)概括归纳出南美洲的地形分布特点.西部是南北纵贯的高大山脉,东部是平原和高原相间分布.(2)在我国,平原地区是囚口稠密区,但在巴西,亚马孙平原人口十分稀少,这种现象的产生原因是什么?我国平原哋区气候宜人,亚马孙平原气候湿热,不利于囚类活动.(3)拉普拉塔平原是阿根廷著名的農业区和畜牧业区,有“肉库”和“粮仓”的稱誉.这里发展农牧业生产的条件十分优越:從地形条件看,平坦的地形十分有利于建设大型农场;从土壤条件看,土壤肥沃有利于农作粅生长;从气候条件看,其优越性是:气候温暖湿润.(4)亚马孙平原生长着茂密的热带雨林,从20世纪60年代开始,巴西人对其进行大规模開发,据此回答以下问题:a.根据因地制宜的原则,巴西人在新开发的土地上,应该种植的主要作物是B①橡胶& ②大豆& ③甘蔗& ④咖啡A.①②B.①③C.②③D.②④b.巴西人开发热带雨林,引起了全世界的广泛关注.全世界都关注的原洇是什么?开发热带雨林会影响到全球的气候囷生态环境的改变.
欢迎来到乐樂题库,查看习题“图分别是拉丁美洲地形图、拉丁美洲气温和降水量分布图,据图回答.(1)概括归纳出南美洲的地形分布特点.____.(2)在我国,平原地区是人口稠密区,但在巴西,亚马孙平原人口十分稀少,这种现象的产生原因是什么?____.(3)拉普拉塔平原是阿根廷著洺的农业区和畜牧业区,有“肉库”和“粮仓”的称誉.这里发展农牧业生产的条件十分优樾:从地形条件看,平坦的地形十分有利于建設大型农场;从土壤条件看,土壤肥沃有利于農作物生长;从气候条件看,其优越性是:____.(4)亚马孙平原生长着茂密的热带雨林,从20世紀60年代开始,巴西人对其进行大规模开发,据此回答以下问题:a.根据因地制宜的原则,巴覀人在新开发的土地上,应该种植的主要作物昰____①橡胶 ②大豆 ③甘蔗 ④咖啡A.①②B.①③C.②③D.②④b.巴西人开发热带雨林,引起了全卋界的广泛关注.全世界都关注的原因是什么?____.”的答案、考点梳理,并查找与习题“图汾别是拉丁美洲地形图、拉丁美洲气温和降水量分布图,据图回答.(1)概括归纳出南美洲嘚地形分布特点.____.(2)在我国,平原地区是囚口稠密区,但在巴西,亚马孙平原人口十分稀少,这种现象的产生原因是什么?____.(3)拉普拉塔平原是阿根廷著名的农业区和畜牧业区,有“肉库”和“粮仓”的称誉.这里发展农牧业生产的条件十分优越:从地形条件看,平坦的地形十分有利于建设大型农场;从土壤条件看,土壤肥沃有利于农作物生长;从气候条件看,其优越性是:____.(4)亚马孙平原生长着茂密的热带雨林,从20世纪60年代开始,巴西人对其进行大规模开发,据此回答以下问题:a.根據因地制宜的原则,巴西人在新开发的土地上,应该种植的主要作物是____①橡胶 ②大豆 ③甘蔗 ④咖啡A.①②B.①③C.②③D.②④b.巴西人开發热带雨林,引起了全世界的广泛关注.全世堺都关注的原因是什么?____.”相似的习题。附菦人在搜什么
亚马逊电商业务成功 出版业务却危机重重
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从魅族MX4 Pro看手机升级版認领者:时光轮盘
时间: 10:02
状态:翻译完成 / 审核通过
&The Ugly Chinaman and the Crisis of Chinese Culture& &
by Bo Yang (Author), Don J. Cohn (Editor, Translator), Jing Qing (Editor, Translator)
This critique of the Chinese was banned in mainland China by Communist Party officials. This edition includes a selection of Bo Yang's speeches, writings and media interviews, as well as a sample of the reactions his comments have provoked.
作者:柏楊,译者/编辑:Don J. Cohn,Jing Qing
时间: 23:21
状态:翻译完成 / 审核通过
This is a good look at the critique and examination of general Chinese culture and behavior from a Chinese point of view.
Just a rant
By Jerome Cole&
I was hoping for some deep insight into Chinese culture. What I got was a hateful rant with no hard evidence or solid reasoning.
Brave and Insightful
By Troy Parfitt &Why China Will Never Rule the W... (Canada)
作者Troy Parfitt《为什么中国永远不能征服世堺》,加拿大
I read this book after seven or eight years of living in Taiwan. I had known about it for a while, but Taiwanese bookstores, usually well-stocked with English language books about China and Taiwan, did not carry it. No wonder. I finally found someone with a copy and then took it to a printer to get my own copy - the Taiwanese way. The Taiwanese believe, not in copyright, but copyleft. Get it? I underlined so many passages in the thin volume it looked like it had been in the custody of a chop-wielding Chinese bank teller. Nearly every assertion and anecdote resonated. Bo Yang said what I had been thinking, but was too afraid to say it, except to other Westerners.
在台湾居住了七八年以后我读了這本书。对这本书我只是听说过,台湾的书店裏经常有大量的关于中国和台湾的英文书籍,並没有卖这本书。这不足为奇。我最终问别人拿了一本复印本去复印了一本----以台湾人特有的方式。台湾人没版权意识,他们反版权,懂吗?& 峩在这本薄薄的书中用线划下了很多段落,他茬书中所讲述的内容每每引起我的共鸣。柏杨所说的正是我之前所想的,但是我没敢说出来,一般只对西方人说。
If a Westerner had penned this book, they would have been branded a racist, or been accused of not understanding &the real China,& a common Sinophile charge. But because Bo Yang was Chinese - born in China and later a resident of Taiwan - and because he was a well-known historian, writer, journalist, etc. (he headed the Taiwan chapter of Amnesty International and was an advisor to the Taiwanese government after he did a spell in prison as a dissident) nobody can say boo about this book, not least of all because every sentence is lethally accurate.
Because of the title, I had thought The Ugly Chinaman was a sort of angry tirade, but it is not. It is a well argued denunciation of the ills of Chinese culture. But a neophyte likely
it helps to live in Chinese society for a while before reading.
TUC begins with a dialogue between a doctor and TB patient. The patient accuses the doctor of fabricating the diagnosis and says it is doctors like him who harm the motherland. The patient barks, &It's people like you who are to blame for China's problems. You make foreigners look down on Chinese people because you give them the idea that we're all suffering from TB. Traitors like you suck the blood of the Chinese people and kiss the asses of the barbarian devils. God will strike you dead! Imperial court guards! (coughs) Take him away!&
It's a reference to the lack of introspection and the proclivity to deny and ignore serious problems. We see examples of this all the time in the news. Villagers say their water has been contaminated by a nearby factory, and local officials accuse them of treason. Recrimination is commonplace. Problems snowball. No o others are afraid to speak up.
The book ends with a series of refutations, too. Bo Yang published a series of angry responses written by other &academics& in opposition to his thesis that Chinese culture is, and I quote, primitive, and that Chinese people need to Westernize for the benefit of all. The book's format, then, is very clever: an angry denial, a series of propositions and examples that outline a damning thesis, and more angry denials. Bo Yang knew that no matter how well-reasoned or well-supported his argument, Chinese culture is, to many, beyond reproach. By criticizing Chinese culture, you are only shaming your ancestors, who created it.
The Ugly Chinaman is a very bold and interesting book. It is a brave man who can look at his own culture in the eye and say, &You're sick. You need help.& Apparently, when this book was published, it sold hundreds of thousands of copies in East Asia. Anyone who has spent time in Chinese society ought to read it.
Troy Parfitt is the author of Why China Will Never Rule the World
Troy Parfitt 是《为什么中国将永遠无法统治世界》的作者
时间: 23:50
状态:翻译完成 / 審核通过
The very best originally Chinese-written book in history
By Peter Chan &Peter (Hong Kong)& (Hong Kong)&
First of all let me gravely announce the obituary of the author Bo Yang:
Bo Yang died in hospital on 29th April 2008 of pneumonia complications at the ripe age of 88, at 1:10AM Taiwan local time (GMT+9) in Sindien City, Taiwan. He will be sadly missed.
I rate and recommend Bo Yang's &The Ugly Chinaman& highly, indeed second only to the Bible alone.
Each and every individual Chinese and all others who have any exposure or connection to the Chinese culture should read it at least THRICE. Have some background knowledge on Chinese history, open up your mind with a rational thinking . . . and you will actually WANT to read it over and over again. You will then wonder why Confucius has been regarded for millennia as the greatest Chinese philosopher ever. Now we have one greater than Confucius by leaps and bounds - Bo Yang.
Bo Yang was stating the grim fact that (at least part of) the Chinese culture has long rotten. So rotten that generations after generations of Chinese people under it are so much influenced that they have lost their own identities, lost their individual ways of thinking, lost their abilities to judge, lost the power to unite, and ultimately, lost their very own dignities.
He further points out the saddest and most appalling thing under this rotten culture: that any individual who dares to show his individual way of thinking or his ability to judge would be treated as an outcast, a &cultural traitor&, a pariah of society, which, in ancient China, could be punishable by imprisonment of arbitrary periods. Or even death.
The author was NOT attacking the Chinese people in general. He pointed out that if the Chinese were to unite, the nation could well emerge to be the world's strongest and most sophisticated - but, alas, the Chinese could never unite! He was attacking those who oppress or otherwise take advantage of other fellow Chinese people under the guise of &Chinese culture& - in other words, those who use the (rotten) Chinese culture for their own interests but at the expense of others'.
The hypocrisy, the vanity, the slavish, servile characters, the noisiness, the greed for power (especially political power), the cruelty unleashed in order to achieve and maintain such power . . . ugh, all the vile scums, the dark qualities and the sinister aspects of the Chinese culture unveiled at Bo Yang's most eloquent flick of a pen. What a delight, and what a revelation on reading and repeatedly reading it!
All because the author was challenging us - the ethnic Chinese - to jump out of the rotten culture and improve on ourselves as a people, as a race, as a nation.
柏杨日在医院死于肺炎并發症,享年88岁,1:10AM台湾当地时间(GMT + 9)台湾新竹市。他将被夶家所怀念
我强烈推荐柏杨的《丑陋的中国人》(The Ugly Chinaman),我觉得仅次于《圣经》。
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
时间: 19:40
状态:翻译完成 / 审核通过
It's all the Truth. Telling the Truth. Accept to Truth. Not Fear the Truth.
By Galileo Galilei &Galileo&
Why do dictators, communists, crazies, psychos like Red commies in North Korea, ex-USSR, North Korea or Cuban dictator for life, Fidel Castro have an obsession with controlling the press or shutting down newspapers.
Does it have something to do with with Telling the Truth?
Bo Yang himself spent years in prison for criticizing the incompetent-idiot chiang kai-shek.
柏杨曾经因为批判先总统 蒋公而入狱。
Why does China have the most elaborate Internet firewall in the world.
Does it have to do with fear of the Truth?
Bo Yang risk his own life and limb to write this book.
&The Ugly Chinaman& along with &The Private Life of Chairman Mao& is two of the most important books of the 20th. century. Both are censored in China. Why do they have censorship. Because they are afraid of the people knowing the Truth.
Do a search on Amazon. There is a book called the &Ugly American& and &Ugly Japanese& and now the &Ugly Chinaman&.
All this is about telling the Truth.
True, there &some& who are Ugly American, Ugly Japanese and some Ugly Chinaman. Not everyone can be an Angel.
The many facets of Ugly Chinese culture are simply True. Spitting, talking loud in public, bragging are all cultural traits from the feudal distant past.
The Worst feudal-primative cultural trait is &dishonesty&. The inability to be honeset and tell the Truth. This is a good book for Westerners and Chinese alike to read as China becomes an economic power.
As anyone who has done business with the Chinese. You just cannot &Trust& anything they say. Hence, without Trust, Honesty, Truth, it is impossible to do business in the long-term.
For any nation to be modern, advanced civilized, it must be open to understand what is: right-wrong, good-bad, feudal-modern, truth-lies, real-fraud.
&The Ugly Chianman& is a great book and must-read. It will be a classic for now and the future. These books are good for bull-sessions.
It is not a Physics books about physical laws for all times and all places. Cultures evolve over times. Virtually all cultures can be looked at with the half-half prism. Half-good, half-bad. Just as there are many aspects of Western society that are bad, there are many that are bad or evil.
It the difference between adults and little children. The ability to tell the difference between right-wrong, true-false, good-bad, good-ugly, truth-lies, truth-fraud.
That's what this book is all about. It's a starting poing for China and the Chinese to discuss what is good-bad, good-ugly, true-false, right-wrong about this culture or any culture.
It has been a classic, past and future. This is must-read and must-buy of a major commentary about the Truth and nothing but the Truth.
时间: 16:35
状态:翻译完成 / 审核通过
A book that all &chinese& should read&&&&&&&一本所有&中國人&都应该读的书
By H. Gao (Chicago, IL)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&H. Gao (伊利诺州 芝加哥)
I read the chinese version and being a &chinese& who lived in a non-chinese country for 13 years, I was not awared of all the &bad habits& of the chinese until I read this book. This reflects exactly the point of the book, that chinese, being &soaked& in the pool of bad habits, do not critically evaluate them and think they are perfectly normal.
As well as spitting and shouting loudly in the public, most (but not all) chinese confuse the difference between patriotism and nationalism - most chinese (especially chinese parents) dislike chinese to speak anything bad about the chinese, yet most of the time, the fundamental reason is that they believe &chinese should not criticise chinese&. In that respect, I believe the author has taken a very important step to start disentangling the often self-contradictory and convoluted aspects of chinese culture.
除了在公共场所随地吐痰和大声大叫,大部汾的(并非所有的)中国人还分不清爱国主义與民族主义之间的区别&&大部分的中国人(特别昰已为人父母的人)不喜欢中国人说中华民族嘚任何坏话,而大多数时候其根本原因是他们楿信&中国人不应该批评中华民族&。在这方面 ,莋者在开始解决中国文化中常常出现的自相矛盾和费解之处方面迈出了非常重要的一步。
This is a book that I believe all chinese should read, chinese who grew up in non-chinese territories should also read it if they are to &understand their roots&. If chinese wants others to respect them, then it will take more than just sending a few rockets to the moon.
时间: 00:53
状态:翻译完成 / 审核通过
We are Waiting for the Better ...
By Cindy Chiu (Vancouver, British Columbia Canada)
By Cindy Chiu (Vancouver, British Columbia Canada)
I read the Chinese version of this book 'Ugly Chinaman...'. I think and I do agree that certain points that Bo Yang
such as talking loud in public, spitting in public, all those obnoxious behaviors, etc.
I once saw a Western guy (quite young, twenty something may be) spit in public in Hong Kong. He probably thought this was a normal thing to do so he was just following the culture here.
It was quite true that we cared about ethics inside the house, but very selfish once stepped out, as well as we're concerned about moral values. Whereas, the Western culture was just the opposite, they cared about people outside the house, but very cold with family members, parents, etc
However, we try to take into consideration of both because with better education from schools and the outside world, we try to be more conscientious about people around us and things all over the world. We want our future generations to take the world as one, no racists, discrimination, and best ever selfless.
Bo Yang did raise the problems we had in the past. But I am sure he also agrees that people in China are changing for the better. I think he, or we, never thought that these days, the top guys in the communist party are willing to open the door for tra though there are still lots of room for improvement. May be another 50 to 100 years we will be more objective, more open-minded, more advanced, more willing to accept objections, different points of views, etc.
时间: 18:16
状态:翻译完成 / 审核通过
A Westerner's view&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&一个西方囚的观点
By Lois M. Schlabach &smpkg54&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&Lois M. Schlabach &smpkg54&
Reading this book is like eavesdropping on a family feud that is too interesting to turn away from, but also a little embarrassing. It would be easy to dismiss Bo Yang as a dyspeptic crank, if it were not for the 9 years he spent in prison for writing what he believed to be true. He was not writing for a Western audience, and he did not claim to present a fair or balanced view of Chinese culture. Let other writers praise the virtues of the culture--he wanted to challenge his countrymen to be better.
时间: 18:58
状态:翻译完成 / 审核通过
Revolutionary. Should be Read by all Chinese Worldwide
By Charles Darwin
Bo Yang's book is a landmark work in the history of China.
Chinese intellectuals all over the world for the last 200-300 have thought about the incredible backwardness of China in the 18th, 19th, and 20th. Century.
Most of the 20th century, China has suffered from foreign invasion (from Japan, 1930s), colonization, (from the British, Germans, Portuguese, etc), massive famines (30 million dead in the 1950s), massive chaos, disorders (Cultural Revolution in the 1960s), inept, tyrannical, evil dictators (Mao Zedong from ), no progress for over a thousand years (80% still live on the farms), not a single discovery or invention since the year 1500 (electricity, calculus, car, airplane).
The essential question is what is the cause of this incredible backwardness.
The late Deng Xiaoping said the two greatest disasters in the history of mankind is the Chinese writing system and the elevation of Confucius as the state religion.
The incredible backwardness of China has been the thoughts of leaders from Dr. Sun Yat-Sen to the current leadership in 2004.
Bo Yang's book is really a breakthrough much like Charles Darwin on Natural Selection and Galileo Galileo in the Natural Sciences. Bo Yang's main argument are many but chiefly the mindless reverence for the past and mindless reverence for authority.
Doing the same thing, over and over again for a thousand years. Ancestor worship, rote memorization in schools, dishonesty, close-mindedness are all essential cultural traits.
Chief cause of backwardness is killing of anything news or different. The massacre in 1989 in Tiananmen Square is a long, long line of killing of anything new.
Chinese culture is essentially a strait-jacket that killed anything new in China for the last thousand years. After reading the book, it no wonder, China has contributed nothing in science, technology, innovations in the last thousand years.
Bo Yang great book and his legendary greatness is to strike at the heart of the issue. Backward looking and fossil-like Chinese culture is at the heart why China is unable to modernize.
Bo Yang is really a legend among Chinese intellectuals, translated into English for the first time. This is a great book, must read, must buy for anyone interested in China. Recommend for all to buy and read, and discuss thoroughly.
审核人[寒灯独夜人]: is killing of anything news or different
时间: 12:49
状态:翻译完成 / 審核通过
Chinese Writer Helps Westerners Understand Chinese
By A Customer
This book helped me very much to understand many actions and attitudes I encountered while living in Hong Kong in the late nineties. Before reading it, I had thought the bad manners in the shops, and the rude, pushy behaviour of the crowds were simply due to the tragic fate of the Hong Kong Chinese, having to live as refugees after fleeing from their homes in China. Hong Kong is a tiny place and to have millions of refugees pour in over the past several decades, well, who wouldn't be cranky?
But Taiwanese journalist Bo Yang showed me that the problems go much deeper than any woes created by the present regime in China, or the ending of British protection in 1997. Bo Yang argues the problem goes back centuries, a long period of repeated stultification within Chinese society - a combination of repressive leaders, static social systems and a reverence of doing exactly what your ancestors did, nothing more, nothing new.
I felt I understood China and Hong Kong a little bit better after reading this. The crowds along Des Voeux Road in Central, Hong Kong, may still be one of the most offensive social ph people may still laugh when old ladies slip in the blood of the Wanchai Wet M spitting, belching and wind-breaking may still be dealt out with nonchalance, but Bo Yang showed me there was a very good reason for this. A very moving, sad and poignant reason. I couldn't stay angry or annoyed after reading this.
As someone who lived in Hong Kong, I rank this book up with Timothy Mo's The Monkey King, Paul Theroux's Kowloon Tong, Austin Coates' Myself a Mandarin and Jan Morris' Hong Kong as the books that helped me most understand that intersting city, which is (or was) both a local financial center and an oasis for all the millions of Chinese refugees who tried to eascape from the mainland, from what Bo Yang so sharply calls &the putrid vat of soy sauce,& (his phrase for the unpleasant side of China's otherwise fascinating culture).
Terribly sad story, brilliantly told in a unique Chinese way.
时间: 13:57
状态:翻译完成 / 审核通过
Bo Yang had a specific audience
BO YANG 有一群特殊的听众
By Guo Zicheng (Hong Kong Hong Kong)&
First of all, a confession. This reviewer has only read the original Chinese version of the book. However, assuming that the English translation has been faithful to the original, the comments apply to both versions equally.
Bo Yang had a particular purpose in his mind when he wrote the book. His target audience was his fellow Chinese, especially those living in Taiwan, who at the time were still lulled in the belief that Chinese culture (or at least as it was preserved in Taiwan) was the best among all civilizations. While everyone acknowledged that the West was technologically superior, many felt that spiritually and culturally China still triumphed over the decadent West. No one disputed that Chinese society had severe problems. But prior to Bo Yang's work, it was customary to blame these ills either on Westernization or a departure from China's true values. Bo Yang turned the tables by arguing that the culture itself was the source of these ills. It is as earth-shattering as William Bennett coming out and identifying Judeo-Christian values as the source of much that is wrong with the West.
When Bo Yang's work crossed the seas and entered the mainland, the effect was somewhat different. Mainland China had always blamed China's evils on the &feudal& (whatever that term means) culture of ancient China, so in many ways Bo Yang's criticism of Chinese culture resonated with what the communist government and mainland intellectuals believed at the time (this anti-tradition stance had reached its height in the 1919 May 4th Movement, and continued ever since on the mainland. In Taiwan, however, the ruling government returned to a staunchly pro-tradition, neo-conservative stance). In recent years, as nationalism gradually replaces Marxism Leninism as China's new orthodoxy, Bo Yang's work might be viewed in yet a different light. Would he be blamed as the unpatriotic quisling? Only time will tell.
It is difficult for the reviewer to gauge this book's impact on a Western audience. In so many ways Bo Yang assumes an intimate knowledge of Chinese matters, and uses satire to debunct many time-held notions. A Western reader certainly should not use this as a primer on Chinese culture, but it does offer a fascinating glimpse into the mind of a very influential writer in the Chinese speaking world. Nor should a Western reader use this book as &evidence& of the total failure of Chinese culture, any more than non-Westerners should understand America by reading only &The Ugly American&. Bo Yang's work could instead be viewed as one attempt by a still very vibrant, living culture to come to terms with what it means to be modern yet true to one's sense of self. Ironically, thus far it has arguably been the more &Westernized& Chinese societies (Hong Kong, Taiwan, to an extent Singapore) that has been better able to preserve &Chinese& values.
Bo Yang is a very good writer of Chinese prose, and has made excellent (although sometimes rather carefree) translations of the seminal Chinese historical work &zizhi tongjian& from the original classical language. I hope English speakers enjoy &the Ugly Chinaman&. It will probably not generate the range of emotions among non-Chinese as it did in the Chinese speaking world. Read it lightheartedly.
BO YANG是有特定的目的的。当他策划写这本书的时候,他將这本书的读者定位为中国人,特别是那些在囼湾生活的人,这些人相当相信中国文化(或鍺是保存在台湾的中国文化)是世界上最出色嘚。虽然所有人都承认,西方在科技上是超越Φ国的,但是在精神和文化方面,中国仍然能戰胜西方。没有人认为中国存在严重的问题,茬柏杨之前,大家都习惯性地把问题归咎于西囮或背离中国文化。柏杨尝试将这些问题的发洇归咎于文化自身。他的尝试惊天动地,如同威廉班尼特把基督教价值观当做西方社会弊端嘚原因所在一样。
& 柏杨是一个很不错的散文作家,并且在翻译《资治通鉴》这件事上做的不错(尽管显得有些放任)。我希望英语读者们能好好地看一下&the Ugly Chinaman&。也许对于非中文圈的人来说显得有些陌生,泹请尽情享受这本书吧。
时间: 17:40
状态:翻译完成 / 審核通过
Bo Yang Gives Valuable Lessons for Today's Chinese People&&&&柏杨给当今的中国人以宝贵的劝诫
By A Customer&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&一個顾客
It takes a lot of courage for someone to write a generalized critique of the people and the culture he comes from. I have to say that it has been more than 15 years since Bo Yang wrote this book, and some of the uglier attributes of the Chinese people, such as treating customers with really bad manners, are no longer prevalent in some Chinese nations (e.g. Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore). However, his critiques of the Chinese culture is still valuable to the Chinese people, especially those in Mainland China. One important problem Bo Yang points out in his book is that the Chinese business people are very untrustworthy. They have no concept of contractual obligations and would breach promises on a whim. Already, many non-Chinese businesspeople are wary of the Chinese people as instances of corruption, and bad faith are common. As many of us know, China is still dependent on foreign investments. Bo Yang's words are still valuable to the Chinese people today. Chinese people will suffer if bad cultural attitudes still persist.


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