if you want to be morjapanese beautiesful, you need to be more painful~ beauties need to be painful

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What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&Because we want to hear what you have to say about Darkwood - the good, the bad and the ugly. We still have a lot to do until we're satisfied with the game, and we believe the current version is a good balance between showing you what Darkwood is about, letting you decide if it has potential, and being early enough in development to have room for change based on your feedback.
On a general note, being able to have an impact on something you are excited about sounds really cool for us, and we would give A LOT if we could go back in time and put a piece of ourselves in a game we love. Thanks to Early Access, this is now possible.&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&About a year (counting from July 2014), although that depends on a lot of things which will become clear during Early Access.&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&The final version will have pretty much more of everything, with possible overhauls of some of the current systems, and even major changes based on community feedback.&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&It's very playable, with some of the features and content pretty polished, but also some that are pretty rough or even placeholder. The amount of content is also limited to the first chapter of the game.&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&The price of the game after the final release will be either equal or higher than during Early Access.&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&We read pretty much all of the suggestions posted on , or the , so if you have something valuable to say, don't be afraid to speak out - even if it means bashing the game. We want to make Darkwood the best experience we can&
Buy Darkwood
$14.99 USD
"Despite only being in Early Access, Darkwood is a shining gem in the survival-horror arena."
Read the full review .
Recent updates
Hi! This is a bugfix update. It should (hopefully) not break your saves.
Sorry this took so long, but we've been taking some time off during the holidays, and most of us caught the flu...
Anyways, we're starting work on Alpha 4 now, which will focus on the nights, and also fixing some of the stuff we've done wrong in this version (like the Shadows).
- Shadows are less common and irritating. We will work to change them in the future, so they become awesome and scary instead of annoying.
- Fixed respawning in the place where you died.
- Fixed mushrooms sometimes not spawning during the night.
- Pressing ESC after launching the game (when the AWS logo was presented) would cause some weird stuff to happen later. Why would you want skip it in the first place!?
- The fuel efficiency perk no longer gives you unlimited gasoline.
- Fixed a player respawn point being outside of the world borders, resulting in sometimes spawning in the void after death.
- Fixed occasional random crashes during gameplay and when loading the game. There are still problems with crashing when out of memory though.
- Fixed not receiving mushrooms from the well in the third hideout.
- You can no longer overwrite a saved profile with a new world by accident.
- Clicking &Continue& in the main menu should no longer translate to the game world.
- A chair in the prologue will no longer fly away.
- The wardrobe in the prologue properly obscures other objects now.
- Fixed infection saving.
19 December, 2014
Alpha 3 is out! The major changes are:
Consequences of death
From now on, dying means: dropping your inventory at the place you have been killed, and waking up somewhere in the biome where your current hideout is. This may sound easy, but in the later biomes returning to the place where you have died is sometimes very tricky.
Extracting essence
Mushrooms in the woods are more plentiful, but only certain rare kinds can be cooked for essence. This allows for bigger &trap& areas with a reward for successfully navigating them.
Things that can be cooked will rot after a certain amount of time after they have been picked up. Where do you find essence, you ask? Well...
During the night, you will not only see creatures, but also mutated plants. You will need to be on the lookout for them if you want to harvest their essence!
Light now plays a bigger role, as staying in the shadows for too long will be a bad idea, so better fill up your generator before it gets dark!
You will need to pay much more attention to the sound you generate from now on. This means interacting with doors, moving objects, barricading etc. will bring attention to your location. This will be very important during the night, as you do not want to alert anyone to your presence.
AI changes
Stealth is harder and easier at the same time. If you are reckless, you will easily get spotted. But if you keep a low profile, you will be able to sneak through areas. Enemies will also be more forgiving in letting you know if they are alerted to your presence.
New stuff:
- Added a popup notifying you about entering a biome.
- [Experimental] If you are inside a location, you will be able to see it marked on the map.
- You can pick up dropped items from the ground if you are inside your inventory.
- When quitting the game, you will get notified about the time of the last save.
- Player will no longer receive damage when waking up.
- Changed balance of gasoline for generators.
- The mushrooms you get after drinking from the well depend on what hideout you are currenly in.
- Health / stamina potions have been removed (in favour of skills). This is temporary, as we need to find other ways to upgrade these stats.
- Loot no longer respawns after time in some locations.
- Electronic game is now properly added to journal.
- Inventory icons no longer disappear.
- Fixed having multiple items selected on hotbar after
- Fixed desynchronizing aim indicator.
- It's no longer possible to appear outside of a underground location when travelling to it.
- Fixed bug causing the pathfinding grid to get corrupted after loading.
- Fixed issues with reloading the game after dying in a underground location.
- Fixed several issues with mimics.
- Fixed weird behaviour with Wolf when traveling to Doctor's house again.
- Fixed ambient music sometimes cutting off.
- Fixed map and poison overlays intersecting each other.
- Fixed the fog in a few locations.
- Fixed disappearing enemies in front of the player.
- Added missing sounds to some furniture.
- Fixed not getting reward after dream if your inventory was full.
- Fixed rabbits being blind sometimes.
- Fixed generator not emitting light if it was previously drained from fuel.
- Fixed a gap in the trees at the Doctor's house, enabling the player to leave the location's bounds into the void.
- Fixed being able to drink from the well even though it was day.
- Fixed some issues with loading underground locations.
- Optimized loading meshes.
- Fixed information popup appearing in main menu.
We're very happy with this update, as it fixes some major issues with how leveling / dying worked before, and lays a foundation for really cool nights. It also introduces some new issues in the long run (like gasoline being a limited resource), but nothing that can't be mended with future updates.
This will probably be one of the last updates containing major changes to gameplay mechanics. After we fix a few more big things that we're unhappy with, we can finally move on to adding more content and polishing existing mechanics, yay!
The Acid Wizard
Report bugs and leave feedback for this game on the discussion boards
Current features
Randomly generated, open world.
The first chapter of the game.
Several skills and perks to choose from when leveling your character.
Several types of enemies, each having a different set of behaviours.
Choices and consequences. These will be much more visible in the later chapters.
Crafting, barricades and traps.
Mysteries, secrets, and surprises!
A couple of melee and (rare) ranged weapons.
A few NPCs to talk, trade with, complete tasks for, or kill.
Planned features
More of everything! Characters, enemies, loot, skills, events, locations, you name it!
Finishing and polishing the first chapter, and adding the remaining one(s).
A probable overhaul of the crafting system.
A better, prettier, more efficient lighting system (hopefully).
Lots of other stuff that might come up during Early Access!
About This Game
Darkwood is in Early Access right now. This means the game will have bugs (ranging from minor annoyances to not being able to run the game at all) and will change during development. Your savegames will be wiped on each update, which will happen about once a month. However it may happen that if we are in the middle of implementing a new chapter, or making a transition to a newer version of our game engine, these updates may be slower. If these things bother you and you'd rather just play the finished game, simply wait until the final release.
Darkwood is a unforgiving, story-driven survival horror with a procedurally generated, open world. If you crave for a deep and rewarding experience with dense atmosphere, memorable characters, satisfying exploration, crafting and challenging combat, Darkwood will suck you in for days.
The fear of unknown is powerful. Your senses will be deceived by Darkwood's surreal terrors. No answer will be given to you for free, yet somewhere in the woods lies the truth, an explanation to what has happened in this godforsaken place.
By day, explore the randomly generated woods, scavenge for materials and weapons, discover secrets, solve mysteries and talk, trade with or kill the various inhabitants of Darkwood.
By night, find shelter, barricade, set up traps and hide or defend yourself from the horrors that lurk in the dark.
Gain skills or perks by extracting essence from mutated fauna and flora and injecting it into your bloodstream. This might also have various unexpected consequences...
Each action you take will have impact on Darkwood and its inhabitants. The choices you make will define the story which you will experience.
As days go by, the lines between reality and nightmarish fantasies will begin to blur. You will start to question the protagonist's sanity, but may also stumble upon your own hidden fears...
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS: Windows Vista or later
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8Ghz or equivalent
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Graphics: Geforce 8800GT / ATI Radeon HD 4850
Hard Drive: 2 GB available space
Additional Notes: Requirements may change during development. Minimum resolution:
OS: OSX 10.6 or higher
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8Ghz or equivalent
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Graphics: Geforce 8800GT / ATI Radeon HD 4850
Hard Drive: 2 GB available space
Additional Notes: Requirements may change during development. Minimum resolution:
OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or later
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8Ghz or equivalent
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Graphics: Geforce 8800GT / ATI Radeon HD 4850
Additional Notes: Requirements may change during development. Minimum resolution:
Copyright (C) 2014 Acid Wizard Studio. All your base are belong to us.
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9.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I'm gonna be honest, at first I wasn't so sure about this game. Due to all the positivity from reviews, I went ahead and bought it, started a permadeath file, and jumped straight in. The first thing I noticed once I booted it up was that it looked absolutely astounding for a top down game. It oozes atmosphere from literally every crevice, and darkness looks and feels like a living thing, like it's out to consume you. However, once I got past the equally atmospheric prologue and was thrown out into the world to fend for myself, I started to worry. I went out and got some supplies during the day, and once night came along, I ran back to my hideout and hid. Then I did the same the next night. And the next. And the next. By day 5 I started to get bored from the constant repetition. It seemed like the only thing I had to worry about in the day was wolves, and once you get over the initial fear of being attacked, they're pretty easy. Then I'd just stand in a room in my house for a few minutes and rinse, repeat. It seemed like as long as you hid in your hideout, you were free from harm. However, not long after, the game showed it's true colors.
During the 2nd night of my 2nd playthrough (the 1st playthrough had ended from a moment of panic and a badly misplaced bear trap), I heard something shuffling around in a room next to the one I was in. With the only light source in the whole hideout being a flare on the ground, I decided the best idea would be to go into this completely dark room to look for it. It was so dark in there that I couldn't see anything even inches away from me, which was all the distance the zombie-like creature needed to slash me in the face and take away about a third of my health. I freaked out and ran into the other room, slamming the door in the horrific creature's face. He then proceeded to casually open the door in less than a second. I had no intention of fighting the thing, so I ran away in a panic, not really registering that there was literally nowhere to run except past my flare and straight into even more dark rooms. Once I passed the flare my running devolved into stumbling, and before I could stop shoving my face into the wall and get through the doorway, the monster hacked away at me from behind and and I fell to the ground. Dead on day 2.
All the playthroughs after that, at least one monster got into my hideout by day 4. It's basically inevitable that something will get in, I just had literal beginner's luck, and got to enjoy a few extra days of life before my so very inevitable demise. Once you realize you're not safe in your hideout, the game really succeeds at the classic survival game goal of turning you into a paranoid schizophrenic. Even in daytime, the game basically becomes 360 turn simulator 2015, with you constantly looking around to make sure there's no bear traps or wolves nearby, obscured by trees or your own narrow vision cone. And before long (like &before the first week's even over& long), you'll start to run low on supplies in the first section of the map, and will have to venture out into the more.... unsavory areas. We're talking areas where all those creatures that hack you to pieces at night occupy the WHOLE place during the day. And this isn't a game where you level up and can laugh in the faces of the enemies that used to give you trouble. Oh no, this is one of those games where you're always feeble and weak, and you either find a better weapon so you can stand a better chance against ONE enemy, or hide from them, and outsmart them. Although, the combat's very fair, and has small openings in enemy animations to attack, but it's by no means easy, and you can't just murder everything in sight once you find their patterns.
Last, the game has an amazing sense of discovery, also due in no small part to it's incredible atmosphere. Since the world feels so threatening, but you desperately need supplies, you get a mix of elation and anxiety whenever you find a new point of interest, and will cautiously circle the place and scour the rooms for threats. Whether it wants to kill you or not, you'll always find something interesting at these locations, but you never know what they'll be.
All in all, if you're looking for a horror game where death is actually something to be afraid of, unlike, say Amnesia, where the murderous creatures managing to kill you only lowers your immersion, then this game is a gift from the heavens. And don't let the early access label scare you away, this is the most complete feeling early access game I've ever played. As it is, the game could be released right now and feel complete. It's definitely worth the buy.
And yes, it is scary.
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6.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Silent Hill + Don't Starve = Darkwood
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16.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I have finished the game and found 2 secrets (I think), so it is time for me to write an alpha review of this game.As many people here said this before me: THE ATMOSPHERE IS AWESOME! The style of this game fits it perfectly and some decisions you must make are really great and add a lot to the atmosphere (I would like more of these :)Also I am Slavic by myself Czech to be exact (This game is made by Poland developers, we are neighbours) so the story and settings that this game has is more familiar with me, interesting and creepier and I enjoy it much more than lets say: Amnesia (don?t eat me alive, just my opinion). The notes and old photos, old things that people left there, that you can find are very interesting and they will drive you more into the situation of the game.Locations are also very interesting (and dangerous) and I always felt good (I am the adventurous type, I explored few deserted locations in real life, I enjoy these things a lot) and also weirded/creeped out when I was exploring some new building or landmark. Just look on the web for pictures preferably (it is for your own good), but be careful this game can be easilly spoilered (or can I just say spoiled? Not a native speaker here, sorry!), so don?t look on gameplays much, if you want to buy it.The camera from the birds point of view is also very nicely done, like for example when you are stranded in the forest, you can see the branches of the trees and fallen trees and the effects like: lights and shadows in buildings are very nice. There is also physics, that adds interesting mechanics like: pushing various objects to barricade yourself from an enemy that is chasing you,or pushing against doors when something tries to walk in. Also you can barricade with planks and nails of course, when you have the time.
Or if you throw something it will slide on the ground, so you can see the physics in action.You can also run into the doors to break them open, when you are running from an enemy.It has of course a good amount of bugs or glitches, like light problem when some parts of the forest will flicker for a second so you can?t see, and also dissapearing enemies, that occured to me quite often with chompers. To explain you the glitch/bug: Sometimes when it was chasing me it would dissapear and stopped attacking until I bumb into it accidentally or look in other direction for it, then it would quickly appear and almost kill you or start chasing you)Also I would change the fighting system a bit (it is really hard to hit something with the axe and or shovel, because it just takes too long to ''charge'' the attack) and breaking of the melee weapons (they break unnecesearly/unrealistically often) and the crafting system is very small and simple, maybe add more variety and complexity, like new barricading structures and weapons. The developers are quite active and responsive also the updates are every month (more or less).So everything will get better and the game will get bigger after some time.The developers will have to do their best as the game is far from completion.Also this game is rather hard and will not hold your hand. There is a prologue, that will teach you few things, but then you are on your own and you will have to act like you would act in that situation, you must adapt to it.If you are searching for some new horror-survival game and if you are a fan of deep atmosphere and story games, that is not only about the blood/gore and jumpscares GO FOR THIS ONE, you won?t regret it!
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3.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I gotta say, this game is quite unique, its got potential to be amazing or be bad dending on what the devs do with it.Here is a few pros and cons.Pros: 1: OK who ever worked on the sound for this game is a flipping genius. I'm not kidding everything about the sound for this game is 10/102: Its a 2D game that made me slam me knee into my desk because of a jump scare, dude bonus points. like how does that even happen?3: An early access game that is actully fun and the devs care about so it will get better.4: NPCs and differnt locations5: A interesting level up system (This is also a con) with the ability to choose various perks, both negitive and positive.6: I dig the graphics on this.Cons:1: Remember the negitive perks I mentioned? Well the first negitive one is ruinous to the game, it is down right horrible. If you're in the dark to long &Shadows& start damaging you. In a game where light source is limited this is a horrible idea. The looping sound effect and forcing you to be in the light completely takes away the scare factor. The devs NEED to ditch this idea.2: Poisonous mushrooms. OK this one is right up there with the shadows in the &Devs why on this good green Earth would you do that?!& department. They are EVERYWHERE and touch them and BOOM, you're either gonna move slower or be somewhat blind. On top of that you will be poisoned, do we really need all these exploding mushrooms?3: There is so much blur and bloom in the distance its almost light having poor vision and it kinda hurts your eyes a bit.4: I have played this game for 4 hours at this point, so I dunno I have prolly been through I'd say around 8 nights. Never once has something tried to attack me in my hideout. No busting down doors, no running, no fighting. Although once I heard something murder a dog outside the door (Which was freaking creepy and fantastical by the way.)5: For God sake man, let me at least punch. I mean for real, he has been given a fist for a reason, use it.6: Not being able to harvest items is a really kind of frustrating but I would assume we would be able to in the future.7: Due to number 6 con, the crafting system is a pain.The Con of every horror game ever made: The protagonist being quite out of shape, only being able to run 20 feet without wanting a whopper.Mixed feelings: The well mechanic of the... Each night you must drink from &The well& to keep yourself from decaying each night. While I like that it forces you to go outside each night I hate the fact that I have to get to it in a short time of when &The thirst starts.& As I said I love that you can't be a weiner waiting for dawn inside, but I want to explore at night. Like if there was night only quests that would be awesome.In short, its early access, its already fun. I can almost say for certain the devs will improve this game. (Step one less mushrooms and remove the freaking shadows.)I'd recommend this game and I'd say it a good idea of how EA should work. Unlike those acursed atrocity of a game Starforge and &The tower.&6/10
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13.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Very spookie....very hard....very good &=)
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21.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
got to The Old Forest, found my new home and had all the supplies to move in. fixed up the well, was able to blocked up all the windows and fortify the doors i needed to, moved the furnature into one main room to cover the doors and windows at night (extra protection from the locals, just in case) and got all of my supplies put away and prepared for the great night i would have in my new home.and what a night it was.after about 30 seconds after getting my late night drink from the well, walking back inside and pushing the wardrobe over the door again, the fun began. they started with the windows. i watched in horror as almost all at once, my window barriers started to explode in showers of splinters in the rooms surrounding mine. i could hear the abominations
climbing in, roaming the halls, smashing my doors off their frames, and hunting for my flesh while they screamed out in anger. oh ????. now they were at my doors, both being broken into at the same time. needing to react, i choose a door and held the wardrobe in place with my body the best i can, while i wildly unload my handgun at the first one to break in. a second broke through the window in my room, got past the furnature and came after me. i drove my axe into its horrifying face over and over again until i cut it in two. sadly it was still not dead, as its severed torso crawled after me and i cleaved its head open with an overhead swing. afterwards i realized i forgot to hold the wardrobe in place and another was squeezing through, while another came running in through the first door. luckily, my terrified self accidentily came up with a great idea! i grabbed the wardrobe and used it as a shield as the two pushed against it, pinning me into the corner of the room. at this point
i realized how ????ing stupid i was for getting myself trapped in a corner, but at least they couldnt get at me, right?you bet your sweet ??? they could still get methey were smart, the two of them, they really were. must have went to evil mindless monster college together. one of them had been pushing on the left corner just enough that the right side started to open a crack. by the time i saw this i was already too late, before i could pull that side completly shut, the seconds giant maws started snapping at me, as i held the corner against it. realizing i could no longer hold it off, as the crack was slowly getting larger, and those awful teeth got closer, i had but one option. i let go of my shield and began chopping at it with the axe, with all of my might. and as it fell, the most beautiful thing happened. the sun rose. and the remaining monstrocities left. if life has taught me anything, its that monsters are ????ing ??????? and are afraid of the sun.after that terrifying encounter,
my hands were coated in a layer of sweat, my stomach hurt from the tension, and i may or may not have actually ???? my pants. maybe just a little. ok i didnt, but i feel like i might have. needless to say, the house is a wreck, none of those ???????s dropped loot, and i really needed a better plan for next time. i havent had a game do that to me in a long time. i absolutly love this game, i am completly addicted and if you are looking for a survival horror game you found it11/10 &Its Ok& ~ IGN10/10 &I may or may not have actually ???? my pants. maybe just a little& ~ Me
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29.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
It’s 2:30 AM and I had myself backed into the last small and desolate room of my home base.
My flashlight trained, not on the sounds of wet acidic undergrowth that has taken over what used to be the foyer to my hideout, but the splintering door hanging to its frame on the far side of the room from me.
The only taste for flare in this room is a stool I have jammed against the door as one last final barricade.
This was my last stand and I’m ill equipped to face the horrors that have been tearing their way after me all night.
In Darkwood, the night is a stressful 5 minutes of gameplay where you shore up your defenses and hope that the creatures of darkness don’t tear you to pieces before day breaks and you are once again free to unravel the mystery of the plague afflicting these lands.
Your only clue, a doctor who still lives somewhere nearby with the forlorn mission of curing the local villagers of their blight. The most respectable villagers’ bodies have rotted and their minds have frayed.
Their gruesomely drawn images are ghastly warning s of what happens to those who linger in the Darkwood too long, a thought that scratches at the back of my mind with each passing night spent in your hideout.
To survive you consume odd mushrooms and tainted meat which granting powers to cope with the cruel forest in which even the trees seek to claim you by clawing at your line of sight with crow laden branches.
Your tainted new powers come with a price, nauseating side effects and warped hallucinations that could be clues to what went wrong in these woods or signs that your mind is decaying like those around you.
Darkwood is a cruel game but no more than a true horror game should be, it challenges the player with every encounter but if you really want to get the full effect play on permadeath.Dawn is almost here now, I think that I should be able to make it through the night when the doorknob turns and the door creaks ever so slowly open and rather than raining open in a hail of splinters like the horrors have done to the rest of my house.
Monsters are wiggling their way through the crack and pushing my barricade effortlessly to the side I aim my pellet gun in hopes that I can survive through one more night in the Darkwood.
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17.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
So far Darkwood has been kinda like that long lost dark and quirky and even tho your mother said to stay away you are somehow transfixed by it.
Only a few hours in and it's everything, thus far, I've wanted it to be.
The controls are like butta and in fact maybe too much at times when you over-run something important or &teethy&.First hours were spent exploring the general starting area to get an idea of what and where I was placed which led to quite a few moments of enjoyment as well shock and awe.
Like any good survivor I took my licks and pushed forward.
My last rest stop was with a curious old lady and an inspiring musician.
I fear I may not get back going this far as the night is quickly coming.The game continues and likely evolves and if you have the time and the scratch (money for those younger gamers) it may be something you would like to pick up.
Optimal setup is a darkened room, quality headset and gam not pumped way up in an attempt to defeat it.
Let the darkness in, let it sweep you away..[Will soon update for Alpha 3 gameplay!]
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10.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I bought this game during the Autumn Sale and I am very pleasently surprised. When I first got into the game it was a little weird to be because I've personally never played a game with this perspective before, but once i got the hang of it and found myself venturing into the creepy woods, I saw how immersive this game was. With the creepy noises of stepping on branches and the barks of rabid dogs I found myself scared for my life. This game also has a really nice crafting system where you can find abundant items like clothe and wood and mix it with some more rare items found in chests to make very useful items to use to your advantage or sell to the wolfman for ammo or other items. The lighting sysetm in this game is genius as well, where in a house your flashlight only shows a little of the room but when u turn on a lamp it brightens most of the room where you are looking. And when you explore the woods your light grows dimmer and dimmer the further you go until you need to craft a torch to see anything. some minor bugs were found in the game but you must expect that from a Early Access game. With all this in mind I give this game probably a 9.5/10 in its current state because of how amazingly done this game was. The immersion effect of this game is close to if not better than the Amnesia series and even the Slender games. Thanks and I urge you to pick this game up while its still on sale.
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19.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
There you are, alone, in your safe house with nothing but the darkness for company. Then all of a sudden, you hear a scream, and what's that? Your furniture is moving all by itself. It's ok though, you're safe, in your barricaded room and there's only another few minutes of night time left. Oh, wait, they're knocking on your door, you can see the barricade splinter...It's fine, daylight will save you. Argh, but here they come, relentlessly banging on your door and it's one hit away from being broken. Phew, daylight is here, but you have no wood left to barricade yourself in when night time comes again. You have no weapon so you need to go out into the woods to scavenge and prepare yourself, but you know they're lurking out there too.Darkwood does this brilliantly, it builds up so much tension that even when nothing is going on, you're still on edge. Sure, there are a few bugs still in the game, but it's an early Alpha release, and the devs have acknowledged that a few things here and there need to be fixed.Don't let the bugs take away from what is a stunning survival game, and a survival game that builds up the horror through it's atmosphere like no other that I've played recently. Reminiscent of the old Silent Hill games in the way that it builds tension, it builds you up and then knocks you down but it's not frustrating.
You don't mind meeting your maker, even though you lose your precious mushrooms, because you learn a little each time you die.The game looks beautiful, the lighting is glorious and really helps set the tone when you're out to discover new things.
Your cone of vision can either help you out or destroy you if you're not vigilant enough, but it's something you get used to after a while.The crafting system works nicely, and is clear and easy to use, but sometimes the amount that you can carry becomes a little bit of a problem, that said, it doesn't take away too much from the experience.
If anything, the frustration is outweighed by the fear that you won't have enough to survive the night, making the game more tense.The world is randomly generated on each play through so you will never get tired of exploring the same old places again and again.The characters in the game thus far have enough depth to influence how you behave toward them, but enough mystery that you never really know what to expect from them the NPCs are great fun to come up against whether you're ready to fight them or not.Darkwood is something that any survival horror fan should try out and if at first it seems a little slow, I'm sure that it will grow on you and eventually you will approach each night filled with terror and worry that you've missed something and they can get in your safe house while you're completely defenseless because you didn't have time to craft a new weapon before you had to lock yourself in.If you're still unsure whether to get the game or not, then please check out my playthrough and see how I experienced the night terrors (and the day terrors for that matter) and then form your own opinions, and hopefully learn from my mistakes if you do decide to get the game!
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25.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
So.. Get ready to die!!! And you gonna die trillions of times :P But when you manage to avoid &mistakes& you are good to go.
The game is simply amazing and theres tones of things you can do to survive.Just a little TIP: Stay near the cooking machine during the nights. Theres a little light on it so the gosts aint coming, It helps you save your fuel and gets you less a) 10/10
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19.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I wanted this game for a long time and now i finally had the chance to get it. on the first eye i thought it was just another top-down (not scary) but that turned out way different. I didn't even dare to come out on night time because of all the creepy sounds.i really enjoy playing this game even when its a alpha so that means alot more will come in the future. This was totaly worth my time playing and im sure ill be playing it everytime when a update comes out.A few things that come up for me in this game:- There is always something new around the corner.- If you are a horror fan then this is a game for you.- The game isnt to easy so You are gonna die alot on the first time playing.- It's an alpha so alot of new stuff will come for sureI would rate this game 8.5 because it doesnt gets bored for me. its already fun to play so i can't wait for the incoming updates. Keep the good work up!
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146.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
After over 130 hours played on this game since when it came out, I have seen it go through many different versions and I got to say.....it is getting better and better.I played this since release and was so excited for it a few months before release and i was not disapointed.DarkWood is a top-down horror survial game and its one fo the best ones out there if your into horror survival.Yes you do get a few massive bugs, glitches and game crashes but they have improved on them and fixed them over the course of this games release. If you compare this game now to when it was released you can not only see a massive difference in game stability improving but a whole lot more of content and more promised to come by the devs.The crafting system could be improved but is still really good.The nights in the game are really creepy and full of dangers and that adds to the game's atmosphere as a horror game which is a huge plus.The sounds and music are capturing and immersive, making the game so cool when you have high bass headphones on.The story is still in devlopment but still really good as it is now and encourages the player to work with NPC traders and gather supplies and upgrade through leveling.and many more things i cant think of right now.I love this game.The nights are the best part of this game, never knowing what will try to eat you next, barricading youself in a small room with planks, nails and cuboards and clutching on a fireaxe.I cant wait to see what the Acid Wizard's do with this game in the future, knowing they promised to include a lot more stuff in the next following updates.Honestly I give this game a 9.6/10the missing 0.4 is beacuse of the minor bugs and glitches but still really well built and immersive overall.
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4.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Darkwood has real potential to revive its genre.I am a huge fan of older survival horror titles including the original Resident Evil and Silent Hill games and have watched the genre die with every new release. Modern day 'survival horrors' have this awful habit of spoon feeding players with abundant resources and frequent saving opportunities. This isn't the case with D you have to scavenge for what little you can and you will struggle. The devs have done a brilliant job of balancing this game and ensuring that, all the while, you are absorbing the creepy atmosphere.The style and overall feel of the game is a real tribute to old-school survival horrors. The visual effects the music and sound effects are eerie and build the perfect amount of tension. Hearing an enemy breaking your barricades in the silence of the night is truly terrifying. The controls are a refreshing change and combat is challenging, but engaging and actually quite fun.Although at the stage of posting my review we're only able to play the first chapter of the storyline, I can confidently say that you are immediately drawn in to the true spirit of the survival horror genre. Yes this game is challenging and yes you'll probably die a few times on your first try, but it's a welcome change.I'll be keeping a close eye on updates to Darkwood. The devs are actively improving this game and I can't wait to see what else they have in store for us. Even from playing just the first chapter I am intrigued to know more about what happened in Darkwood.
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3.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Spooky, challenging. Still learning it bit by bit as I make a nightly effort to learn my way around the world, and each time it seems like the overall plot thickens and I'm left with more questions as to answers. Great atmosphere and challenging albeit fair gameplay, this is worth looking at if you're interested. It's almost like NeoScavenger if it were to be top down and real time.
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36.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This game is what makes life worth living. It is the essence of the soul. I pray to the Wizards of Acid every night before I go to sleep to thank them for blessing me with this beautiful work of art. It's mysterious, scary, has great art style and an excellent yet difficult combat system. You need this game. Darkwood is love... Darkwood is life.
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0.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I'm sorry is this still in Alpha? &&amazed&& One of the beauties of Steam is that you are able to actually support a new game. When you find a Gem like Darkwood or the Long Dark it gives you a great, almost smug like, feeling inside.Thanks guys!
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34.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I got darkwood a few weeks ago and have sunken a good 8 hours into it so far. I'll start the basics.GAMEPLAY:Good, but a bit choppy (probably due to my computer) and a few glitches here and there. But considering it's still in Alpha, that's looking pretty optimistic. Combat is tough to get the hang of, but satisfying when you finally land a powerful blow right on that annoying mutant wolf's snout. I can't seem to figure out whether the game wants to punish you for or encourage you to explore and experiment.
GRAPHICS:Excellent 2D graphics that add even more to the game's already gripping atomsphere, but due to my terrible computer I have to run it at the lowest resolution.ATMOSPHERE:Superb. The eerie sounds of the forest blend with the crunching of leaves and snapping of twigs beneath your feet to form a permating feeling of spookiness. The enemies are a perfect mix of weird and downright freaky, and I found myself fighting the nearly irresistable urge to turn around and flee while exploring some areas. I jumped at nearly every out-of-place sound, especially at night.STORY:While I have encountered very little plot to speak of so far, the game is very early in development, and I assume much more will be added in the near future. I also think there's quite a bit that I haven't yet discovered on my map.Overall, I give the game a solid 9/10. I would happily get mauled by a crazy dude living in the woods again.
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30.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
A dark, story-driven survival game with a gripping atmosphere, splendid 2D-art direction and sound design, and—for an Alpha 2—very refined game mechanics that reward both exploration as well as experimentation.
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4.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Darkwood brings horror game to a totally different level, or at least one that has not been around in quite some time. Darkwood makes me panic, and stress, all in one sitting. The felling of knowing that something is lurking just outside your door and out of your sight, or something creeping past a boarded up window, and just barely being able to see it, leaves me nervous and covered in goosebumps. I think that Acid Wizard Studios really did something special here by bringing people into the light of top down horror games, through such a dark, and scary environment. The game is just crawling with atmosphere, and other things! I totally suggest this to anyone into horror games! Great game overall! - 9/10
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Title: Darkwood
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Release Date: 24 Jul, 2014
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