
求一篇英语作文(有详细要求)老师或父母或朋友did too much for me要求:1.100字左右2.前半部分描述一件事情(60字左右),后半部分写感想(40字左右)3.描述的那件事内容不能是太琐碎的小事_百度作业帮 求一篇英语作文(有详细要求)老师或父母或朋友did too much for me要求:1.100字左右2.前半部分描述一件事情(60字左右),后半部分写感想(40字左右)3.描述的那件事内容不能是太琐碎的小事 求一篇英语作文(有详细要求)老师或父母或朋友did too much for me要求:1.100字左右2.前半部分描述一件事情(60字左右),后半部分写感想(40字左右)3.描述的那件事内容不能是太琐碎的小事(比如我生病了,父母照顾我这种事) Li Hua and i have been best friends since kindergarden. He just live two blocks away from me so we always walk to school together. But it all changed, three months ago. I remembered it was a rainy day, we were on our way home after school. Yang Kang, our classmate suggested to go for a swim in the river at the back of our school. Li Hua protested immediately by stating that it was too dangerous because the river flow would be too rush due to the rain. "Cowardy chicken! You call yourself boy?" teased Yang Kang. Then he went off to the river by himself. I was an excellent swimmer and was angry at Li Hua because he forbided me to take up the dare and made us looked like cowards. He withheld me by grabbing my arm tight, i was so furious that i forcefully push him away. He lost balance and fall onto the middle of road. Everything happened so fast, Li Hua was hit by a car and lay unconscious by the roadside. The driver quickly called for an ambulance and sent him to the hospital. They were able to save his life. Although he doesnt need a wheelchair, he will limp all his life. I was fortunate to have him as my friend because Yang Kang was found drown in the river the next day. I felt very guilty and shameful for my ignorance for i not only owe Li Hua a leg but also owe him my life. He taught me to know when to say no and the real meaning of friendship. I will treasure him for life.大约意思: 李华和我打从幼儿园起就是最要好的朋友.他家就隔我家两栋楼所以我们常一起上下学.但三个月前,这一切都变了. 我还记得当天是个雨天.在回家的路途中,杨康,我们的班同学就约我们去校后的小河游泳.李华马上反对,说太危险了因为雨天河流会很急. “胆小鬼!你们是不是男人啊?”杨康笑道,然后就自己一溜烟得自个跑去小河. 我是个游泳健将所以很生气李华因为住址我接受杨康的挑战,显得我们很懦弱.他紧抓住我的胳膊.我很气的用力把他甩开, 他失去平衡就掉到路中间.一切发生的很快,李华被车撞到昏迷在路上.司机连忙叫救护车把他送去医院. 他们成功抢救他的性命. 虽然不需要坐轮椅,但他一辈子都会跛脚.我很幸运有他这个朋友因为第二天杨康发现被淹死在河里.我的无知使我感的非常羞愧和内疚因为不单欠李华一只腿,还欠他我的性命.他教会我如何说不以及友谊的真正意思.我会一辈子珍惜他这个朋友.华语差,表达很烂.英语语法或许会有些小错.请多多包涵.=)是原创哦. 呵呵.求一篇有关阅读的英语作文 100字有关阅读的好处,自己的感受什么的,_百度作业帮 求一篇有关阅读的英语作文 100字有关阅读的好处,自己的感受什么的, 求一篇有关阅读的英语作文 100字有关阅读的好处,自己的感受什么的, Control their own set of learning methods,such as English to vocabulary,grammar,phrases must be memorized,this is unavoidable.According to people forgetting curve,the knowledge will not forget to regularly review the daily exposure to English,every day half-hour hearing,the 15 choices,twenty-three reading,coupled with complete type.about when you can do sets of test questions,develop their own sense of the examination room.Note induction notes,unit content,grammar,phrases,writing separately,many free review,methods,such as Gestalt,a look at the article do.read look at the problem look at the answer,these methods and achievements of good teachers can ask students to not be afraid of the wrong,do not be shy,do not understand must be asked,read the text of great help in English,you can adjust the tension in English is not what you can improve a little while,is a long process,need to adhere to recommended daily look at "English Salon" or "21st century English," reported that "21 century English,"reported to be difficult for some.May be less easy to read on the beginning,but as long as the stick with it,watch it every day,may be more successful than a month you can look down.Adhere to the six months to a year,you will improve very fast reading level,and vocabulary will increase greatly.In looking,have a sense of speed,and stopped not because individual words,the key is to understand the sentence meaning,the whole meaning.Reading improved,in fact,many problems (such as writing,reading comprehension,cloze) will be solved.In addition,knowledge of grammar and vocabulary is the foundation.The following is a summary of my previous learning English,hoping to help you.The trick to learn English,one way,and second,interest and the third is effort.Many ways,good way to let you in the shortest possible time to achieve the best results,so the time to sum up in the learning method,while a good way to learn others.Interest is more active,more sustained one of the important elements of learning,if English is not interested,we must strive to cultivate an interest,it becomes something you like,so you always want to learn,always wanted to learn it .With a good approach and a strong interest,and if do not work hard,still can not learn English,to a certain extent,learning English is proportional with the time,so every day,and with perseverance.Finally learn English.The following is a summary of some of English learning method (a summary of their own learning,but also a good way to others.) First,read every day should adhere to the reading.1,read:Read the article generally 2 to 3 times to read with understanding,not just to read and read.2,recite:good article should memorize in order to remember the good word good sentences,and develop their own sense of language.3,Speed Reading:The article finished with the fastest speed first pass to improve the reading speed and comprehension,and do not translate directly to gradually develop the ability to understand English.4,intensive reading:article a second time should be intensive in order to achieve an accurate understanding of the article,and familiar with the grammatical structure and deepen the word memory.Also choose to speed reading some articles,good articles for the Intensive.5,extensive reading:about 1 hour each day,the English newspaper,on the basis of interest in reading ability will be greatly improved.Encounter will not understand the words in the article does not affect the case you can skip past,and thus improve their reading speed.If you want to remember words,can the dictionary,multiple access memory can remember the words.(Adhere to a month or two will have a demonstrable effect) Second,to listen to 1,starting from the most junior of the hearing,understand every word,every sentence,every word and every article.Gradually increase the difficulty.At least half an hour a day.2,follows to read in English,on the one hand to strengthen listening,speaking on the one hand training,while training sense of language.Note that the accuracy of pronunciation.Third,write 1,every two days to write a diary or writing in English.2,in English letters or E-mail.3,note that the application of grammar and vocabulary in memory.Fourth,the syntax 1,from basic to advanced,to master each grammar point,and detailed notes.Written notes are his own will,until all details are master grammar.2,are not familiar with the grammar points should review the use of repeated,until the master up.Five words a day,100 to 150 new words in memory,and review the old words the day before.The old word for the unfamiliar,can be recorded to arrange an appropriate time memory.2 After all the memory again immediately after the word and then write again,not three or four times as much.Repetition is the best way to memorize,but also a lot of memories of the fundamental methods.3,combined with listen memory words,the best results.Should focus on the word memory,VI,Exercise 1,a large number of exercises to consolidate the knowledge acquired.2,through the practice can improve reading comprehension,increase vocabulary,enhance the mastery of grammar.求帮我写一篇英语名著(除简爱外)的读后感(用英文),100字左右,表达出这个文章讲的什么就可以了_百度作业帮 求帮我写一篇英语名著(除简爱外)的读后感(用英文),100字左右,表达出这个文章讲的什么就可以了 求帮我写一篇英语名著(除简爱外)的读后感(用英文),100字左右,表达出这个文章讲的什么就可以了 这是关于Charles Dickens的《雾都孤儿》读后感,你可以自行删改,希望能帮到你:               Learn to love and care Here I am sitting on a couch alone, thinking about what I have just finished reading with tears of sadness ... 如果可以求采纳 如果不行可以追问我 Wuthering Heights book review《呼啸山庄读后感》After reading the masterpiece, Wuthering Heights, gave me a kind of depression and made me unable to understand what is love on ear... ‘Yes, Jane .You are a free woman,’ he said .‘so choose freely now .I offer you my heart ,my hand, and all my life.’


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