qs2请有谁知道恋尚1 1换面鞋的网址吗?dsv

楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  DSV 是丹麦非常出名的GLOBE LOGISTICS ,她是在DFDS TRANSPORT 公司的基础上不断的买进一些比较有实力的公司,例如JB。HURT (巴赫曼) FRAS MAAS 的大的公司,。然后有效的整合而成的。  DFDS 在欧洲和美国的实力是非常不错的。 至少我认识的时候他们就已经不错了 。03-04年的时候。 USEC 40F/WEEK USWC 20F/WEEK。因为我的前东家(业内非常出名的美国线台湾货运公司,在中国有20个BRANCH )是他们中国代理 。如果LZ 要了解他们,不妨去 WWW。DSV。COM
OR WWW。DFDSTRANSPORT。COM 去了解。  不知道LZ 在那里的看到他们的招聘信息, 我也想去看下,有机会的话也满适合我的。  
  DSV 官方信息    Strengthening our Global Position  In 2000 the biggest step in the company’s history was taken by the acquisition of DFDS Dan Transport Group, which led to a new era and strategy.     Not only did we strengthen our global network, we also entered new market segments. In addition to road transport services in Scandinavia, UK, the Baltics and Europe, the acquisition secured a comprehensive logistics set-up as well as a key position within airfreight and overseas transports to the USA and Asia Pacific markets.     We are always aiming to strengthen our position in the air and sea transport industry and we have positioned ourselves on all major continents. With the acquisition of J.H Bachmann in 2005, we established ourselves in Germany, Australia and certain countries in Eastern Europe.      Focus   To put focus on our different services and customer segments, DSV divisionalised its operations in 2001. The services are being developed, interpreted and tailor-made to meet our customers’ increasing demands in respect of product solutions, prices and transit times.     Since 2004 we have pursued the plan to strengthen our position in the European market. With the latest acquisition of Frans Maas in 2006, DSV goes from being a Scandinavian player to being a true Pan-European road transport and logistics player.     This is just the beginning of our strategy to become one of the largest and most profitable transport companies in Europe.     DSV is a global transport and logistics company which intends to retain and increase its market position.    
  呵呵,DSV和SDV容易混淆,不知道当初他们用这个名字的时候注意这点没有.  或许,想借SDV的名气?DSV美国的网络是三流吧!
  Strengthening our Global Position    In 2000 the biggest step in the company’s history was taken by the acquisition of DFDS Dan Transport Group, which led to a new era and strategy.         Not only did we strengthen our global network, we also entered new market segments. In addition to road transport services in Scandinavia, UK, the Baltics and Europe, the acquisition secured a comprehensive logistics set-up as well as a key position within airfreight and overseas transports to the USA and Asia Pacific markets.         We are always aiming to strengthen our position in the air and sea transport industry and we have positioned ourselves on all major continents. With the acquisition of J.H Bachmann in 2005, we established ourselves in Germany, Australia and certain countries in Eastern Europe.            Focus     To put focus on our different services and customer segments, DSV divisionalised its operations in 2001. The services are being developed, interpreted and tailor-made to meet our customers’ increasing demands in respect of product solutions, prices and transit times.         Since 2004 we have pursued the plan to strengthen our position in the European market. With the latest acquisition of Frans Maas in 2006, DSV goes from being a Scandinavian player to being a true Pan-European road transport and logistics player.         This is just the beginning of our strategy to become one of the largest and most profitable transport companies in Europe.         DSV is a global transport and logistics company which intends to retain and increase its market position.  去面试会要求翻译上面的公司介绍  
  他们公司是女的多..男的少...  只是FOB货...  没表面那么好...
  楼主是在哪个地区的? any outcome?
  原来天涯还有这种版- -0
  @will12278 5楼
19:34:00  yuningmint
:我在51job网上投的简历,他们在福田国际商会中心里面,办公室还不错,像是刚设不久的分公司,总经理是个外国人,我去面试的是海运,但是我以前做的是空运,他们说得考虑.  -----------------------------  你有去DSV上班吗?
  DSV (硕达)上海国际货运有限公司


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