
英语高手来翻译! 20
1 新加坡是一个适合旅游的地方
2 在巴黎有许多美景
3 请把这个句子翻译成英语
4 这个城市的交通便利
5 昨晚,我们看了一个有教育意义的电影
6 那时我曾经参观最美的山脉
1 新加坡是一个适合旅游的地方

Singapore is a place for tourism
2 在巴黎有许多美景
There are many beautiful scenery in Paris
3 请把这个句子翻译成英语
Please put this sentence translated into English
4 这个城市的交通便利
The city&s transport
5 昨晚,我们看了一个有教育意义的电影
last night, we watched an educational film
6 那时我曾经参观最美的山脉
At that time I have visited the most beautiful mountains

其他回答 (5)
1 Singapore is a place for tourism 
2 in Paris, there are many beautiful 
3 requested that the sentence translated into English 
4, the city&s transport 
5 last night, we watched an educational film 
6 At that time I have visited the most beautiful mountains
1 新加坡是一个适合旅游的地方
Singapore is a place suitable for travelling.

2 在巴黎有许多美景
Paris has many beautiful sceneries.

3 请把这个句子翻译成英语
Please translate this sentence into English.

4 这个城市的交通便利
The transportation in this city is accessible.

5 昨晚,我们看了一个有教育意义的电影
We saw a movie focused on education yesterday evening.
We saw a film with education meaning yesterday evening.

6 那时(是?)我曾经参观最美的山脉
That was the most beautiful mountain range I have ever visited. 


1.Singapore is a place for tourism.
2.There are many beautiful scenery in Paris.
3.Please put this sentence translated into English.
4.The city&s transport.
5.Last night, we watched an educational film.
6.At that time I have visited the most beautiful mountains.
1.Singapore is a place for tourism.
2.There are many beautiful scenery in Paris.
3.Please put this sentence translated into English.
4.The city&s transport.
5.Last night, we watched an educational film.
6.At that time I have visited the most beautiful mountains
you will find that the things you tryhard to forget are already gone.Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights inone&#39. Then one day.2;s los hand1.One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listeningto strange music, or havingsomething to eat when you are hungry or having someone&#39. It’s about having each tiny wish come true
it's not living withoutdying,seestrange landscapes and listen to strangesongsYou always go on the strange road,and then you will find at unwittingly momnent that somethingwhich you painstakingly want toforget will really have been forgotten.When you want to eat,there is someoenwho reach to love you.To be happy, but fulfilling every smallwish for life, when youwant to be loved,you have something to eat,not scrambling forpower, not banquet
1) A person should step on an unfamiliar road, see different views, and listen to new music. At an unwitting moment, you will see that the memory which you try hard to forget just flows away. 2) Happiness is not immortality, or sumptuous dainties, or supreme power. Happiness is made up from every tiny piece of life wishes. E.g. the ability of eating when you want to eat, or the coming of a person in fortune when looking for love. ------------- 手工翻译,可以参考一下
1. It's hard to do whatever we want in our lifes. As the time goes by, maybe at some point, you can realize that you have gotten over something you seriously wanted to forget.2. Happiness is simple, it is not something we get from the countless money and superpower. It is the time when you make your little dreams come true. Love and freedom can always be with you.如果你真的想把这些话说给一个外国人,那么越简单越好。至于“当你想吃的时候有得吃”这句话,我真的无法翻译。因为没有人会这么说。你也说了,要地道。那么就是追求句中的本意而不是表面的句意对称。
Personal total stranger to the way to go and see an unfamiliar landscape, listening to unfamiliar songs, and then in a careless moment, you will find great pains have been really want to forget things on then forgottenWell-being, not immortal, not big fisa is not right to dump the ruling and opposition parties. Well-being of each and every desire to reach a tiny life. When you want something to eat when, when some people would like to be loved to love you
1、Individual is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange song, and then in a moment, you can discover, originally music.then try hard to forget.2、Happiness is not about hand.it's rights. Happiness is each tiny wish come true. When you want to eat when, want to be love somebody to love you.
1. A man will be on his strange road,whatch the strange landscapes and listen to the strange music,then ,one day,you will find that,all the things ,which you want to forget intensively,have already left behind . 2.Happiness,not means to live immortally or 'eat like King' or own the greatest power,but achieves very little life wish,for instance,when you feel hungry you get some food to eat,when you want to be cared someone takes care of you .
By yourself you would always walk unfamiliar roads, gaze at unfamiliar seen, see unfamiliar song, then at a sudden moment, you would find what you have been trying hard to forget has really been forgotten. 2. To be happy, does not mean to never get old, does not mean to have unlimited food. Happiness builds on every tiny dream in life. When you are hungry you have food to eat, when you are lonely you have someone to love you.
Individual is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange song, and then in a moment, you can discover, originally music.then try hard to forget.
1.Personal total stranger to the way to go and see an unfamiliar landscape, listening to unfamiliar songs, and then in a careless moment, you will find great pains have been really want to forget things on then forgotten.2.Well-being, not immortal, not大鱼大肉is not right to dump the ruling and opposition parties. Well-being of each and every desire to reach a tiny life. When you want something to eat when, when some people would like to be loved to love you.
“读”可以分为两种。一种是“默读”。每天给予一定时间的练习将会对你提高阅读速度有很大的好处,读的内容可以是你的课本,但最好是一些有趣的小读物,因为现在的英语高考越来越重视阅读量和阅读速度。每道题的得分都与你的理解程度有很大关系,所以经过高中三年阅读的训练后,你必定会在高考中胜券在握。 另一种是“朗读”这是学语言必不可少的一种学习途径。 


概括起来,只有四个字:下苦功夫。我这绝对不是随便说说漂亮话而已。 凭我这几年学习英语的体会,只有日积月累,通过量变,才有可能实现质的飞跃。记得曾经有一段时间,在下了一番苦功夫之后,我仍感到自己的英语水平提高的太慢,于是就故意放松了几天。谁知等到再从新开始学习时,才明显的感觉到自己退步了许多。从那以后,我就给自己制定了这样一条座右铭:“拳不离手,曲不离口”,持之以恒。学好英语,兴趣很重要。正如爱因斯坦所说“兴趣是最好的老师”。学习英语的兴趣大大激发了我的求知欲。有人说,英语水平高是将来找到理想的工作甚至出国的资本。 这固然不错,但除此之外,我更觉得,英语是一扇窗口,他向我们展示的是一片广阔的天地,一派新奇的景象。当我能够用英语同外国朋友交流,了解国外的社会、历史、科学和文化,并取得第一手资料时,我才真正的领悟了掌握一种语言的妙处。 

学好英语,一套科学的学习方法是必不可少的。由于个人实际情况不同,生搬硬套是行不通的。 但我相信:只要仔细体会,逐渐摸索,人人都可以创造出一套有特色并且行之有效的学习方法。在这里,我想同大家谈谈我在学习英语过程中的一些体会,以供参考。 尽管在中学时我的英语基础不错,但刚跨入大学校门的时候,我还是深深地感到了自己的差距。 要具备一定的听、说、读、写能力,首先要掌握五千到八千词汇。而作为一个高中毕业生,我当时的词汇量真是少得可怜。于是,我决定把迅速扩大词汇量作为主要突破口。 有的同学喜欢背大部头的词汇手册,而我觉得这样做,既枯燥,又不利于灵活运用。我于是就把着眼点放到了阅读上,词汇与阅读齐头并进,产生了事半功倍的效果。 为了迅速扩大词汇量我从一开始就选择一些当时对我们来说难度偏大的阅读材料。上千字的文章,通常会有二、三十个生词。这些文章涉及的范围很广,包括了多个领域的词汇。 

我通常采取“两遍阅读法”,即第一遍着重训练阅读能力,第二遍着重扩大词汇量并培养语感。起初进行阅读训练时,我参考了《Active Readers》这本书。 首先从提高阅读速度入手。集中精力阅读一篇长度适中的文章,记下起止时间,并计算单位时间的阅读量。迫使自己进行快速阅读,便成了我的习惯。 在第一遍阅读过程中,我将重点放在训练速度,掌握文章大意及基本结构上,并找出问题,以便进一步阅读时着重解决。 第二遍阅读的重点有两个:一是扩大词汇量。具体做法是:把文章再过一遍,查出生单词,记到小笔记本上,有时间就拿出来背。 背单词,我从不利用整时间。当学习别的内容效率较低的时候,对我来说,背单词最合适。每次背的时间不一定很长,贵在多次反复。 当时我使用的是英汉词典,因为我觉得英文解释不便于记忆。而在扩大词汇量的初期阶段了解词的释意最为重要。就这样,随着阅读量的增加,面的扩宽,我的词汇量也就突飞猛进了。 只是到了后来准备TOEFL、GRE等考试时,我才开始背词汇手册,并使用英文解释,以了解词的确切含义及使用的语言环境。 

第二遍阅读的第二个重点在于培养语感。仔细地体会精彩的语言,留意词的使用以及搭配,对某些段落我常出声朗读,甚至背诵下来。 这样做,有利于加强语感;为写作打基础。通过这种两遍阅读法,所读内容在我头脑中留下的印象一般都很深刻,而且也提高了阅读材料的利用率。 我十分重视阅读材料的选择。不单从兴趣出发,相反,有意识地读一些自己不甚了解、甚至不大感兴趣的科普、历史、哲学等方面的文章。另外,针对不同的训练目的,我还选取了内容难度不同的阅读材料。 例如,进行快速阅读时,可以选择生词量较小、篇幅较短的文章;而重点在扩大词汇量、拓宽视野的阅读训练,就选择英美报刊杂志。此外,我还注重循序渐进,根据不同阶段自己英语水平的变化选择相应的阅读材料。 在听、说、读、写四个方面,我从“读”中受益无穷。通过有意识的大量阅读、一方面扩大了词汇量,另一方面培养了语感。而这两方面我认为是掌握一种语言的两大支柱。 至于听、说、写三个环节,我其实并没有经过什么特殊的训练。读的东西多了,词汇量足够大,语感足够强,只要多加练习,这三方面的能力也就自然而然的提高了。 

在听、说方面,英文广播以及原版电影都是极好的传播媒介。另外,利用一切可能的机会同外国朋友交谈,并着力模仿,都颇有成效。至于写作,在阅读量还不足的初始阶段,我并不急于自己动笔写,而是学习、模仿一些经典篇章。 《新概念英语》第三册,还有精读课本中的一些精彩篇章,我都背过,并常利用早晨的时间大声朗读,或者收听广播。这样一来,耳朵里听到、眼睛里看到了地道的英语,久而久之,自己也就学会说、学会写了。 有人问我:怎样才能在各种英语测试中取得高分。实际上,我并没有什么专门的应试对策。在听、说,读、写能力逐步提高的基础上,只要稍微做一些模拟试题,了解各种测试特点,成绩就自然不会坏。 我认为,与其到考试前夕,搞题海战术,倒还不如踏踏实实、一点一滴的积累。 在我看来,学好英语的“诀窍”无非是苦干加巧干。因为我深信:功到自然成。
be&& addicted& to&& (痴迷于)
break&& down& (损坏了)
catch& up& with& (赶上)
come& across&& (遇见)
compare&....& to&.....&& (把....比作...)
compare ....with.....& (把....与......相比较 )
depend&& on&& (依靠,依赖)
far&&&& away&&& (遥远的)&
from&& now&& on&& (从今以后)
from&& time& to& time&& (时不时的)
First, setting a background. 12 people act different roles. one is& host, one as reportor, A family has 8 members& two as key actor and actress&(one boy , one girl); two
two as key roles best friends.
Make up a story depends on these 12 roles and the ten phrases.
peter and sara are addicted& to chatting online& (痴迷于)
their computer break&& down& (损坏了)
they come& across their best online friend Jone& (遇见)
Their friend compare them to the bees of online chatting& (把....比作...)
compare their grandparents with onlien chatting which is important& (把....与......相比较 )
They depend&& on it chatting with online friends who come from diffrent countries&& (依靠,依赖)
Their grandparents come to see them from far& away&&& (遥远的)
Finally ,they catch& up& with the final bus to back home. (赶上)&
from&& now&& on,they didn't chat online any more&&& (从今以后)
They often remebers the last time that they meet their grandparents from&& time& to& time&& (时不时的)
Host: Today, we will appreciate a drama , It’s about peter and sara, Their friend compare them to the bees of online chatting
Reporter: peter and sara are addicted to chatting online. One day, their computer broke down. They depend on it chatting with online friends who come from diffrent countries
旁白:peter 和sara 沉迷于网聊,但有一天他们的电脑坏了,他们依靠电脑和他们的来自不同国家的网友聊天
Peter and sara : mom and dad, we are going to get together with June. Call us, if have anything
Peter 和sara说: 妈 爸 我们要去找June玩了,如果有什么事情,打电话。
Mom : have fine , take care.
妈妈说: 玩的开心,照顾好你们自己。
Dad: Your grandparents will come this afternoon, compare your grandparents with online chatting which is important……
Reporter: They have already gone before Dad voice end.
June : hi , guys haven’t seen you for ages, I just come across you best friends Jone online. You’re so lucky.
June 说: 你们好啊,很长时间没有见了,我刚好在网上遇到你们的好友Jone, 你们真是太幸运了.
Sara: Really? The girl who come from far away country in Africa. The bee of chatting online?
Sara说:真的吗? 那个来自遥远的非洲的女孩子,勤劳的聊天蜜蜂。
Peter: True , I checked it , the girl who never ends her chatting firstly.
Twinkling, Jone: hi ,peter , how’s going ?.....
电脑屏幕闪动,Jone说:hi, peter, 最近怎么样?
Reporter: Their grandparents have already in peter home. They didn’t see their grandson. They call their son from time to time.
旁白:他们的祖父母已经到peter 家了,他们没有见到自己的孙子,只能是不是的打电话给他们。
Grandma said to her son: From now on, You must’s repair the computer again. My grandson and his girlfriend never end his chatting firstly.
祖母说:从现在开始, 你不能再把电脑修好了,我孙子和他女朋友从来不会先结束他们的聊天。
Grandpa: I totally agree with you , they didn’t pick up phone. They may not catch up with the last bus to back home. They are really busy bees of chatting online.
祖父说:我完全同意,他们不接电话。 可能会赶不上最后一班回家的公车。他们真是忙碌的网聊蜜蜂啊。
Reporter: Who knows when they finish their chatting, unless one of bees first finish his chatting.
Sara ? peter ? Jone? Who knows
旁白:谁知道他们什么时候结束聊天,除非其中一只先结束聊天。Sara ? peter ? Jone? 谁知道谁先结束呢。
好累啊,本来写好了,没有保存,然后有重新写的, 说明一下: 旁白可以由3个人来解说。这样你们12个人就都参与了,如果旁白一个人的话, 只能有10个人参与。
提问者 的感言:哈哈、```谢谢啦```英语好厉害啊``忽忽``


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