
2011 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛高一年级组试题听力部分录音原文
上传: 杨惠娟 &&&&更新时间: 16:18:40
i. responses
listen to the following five sentences and choose the best response to each one. each sentence will be read only
1. do you want to go skating with me?
2. i am afraid that i will fail the math exam. could you help me?
3. what&s your plan for christmas?
4. i have been offered a ticket to a concert in the great hall of the people.
5. how often do you go visiting your best friends?
ii. dialogues
a) listen to the following five mini-dialogues. each dialogue is followed by a question. choose the best answer or
picture for each question. each dialogue and question will be read twice.
6. w: you did so well in the competition to get the silver. why are you so disappointed?
m: well, i came out here aiming for gold. i got the bronze last time so i&m terribly disappointed.
q: what did the boy get last time?
7. w: i am going to start my new job on monday.
m: there are only two days left. do you feel a little excited or worried about your new job?
q: what day is it today?
8. w: what really annoys me about this city is the weather. it&s too windy.
m: with me, the biggest problem is its traffic. sometimes it can take me two hours from one side of the town to another to get my work done.
q: which of the following pictures suits the man&s situation?
9. w: did you like going to school when you were young?
m: i liked the sport class but i wasn&t any good at english and chinese.
q: which class did the man like when he was young?
10. w: would you mind closing the window? it&s too noisy here.
m: of course not. but the window is broken. the repairman is coming this afternoon.
q: what will the boy do?
b) listen to the following two dialogues and choose the best answer to each question. each dialogue will be read twice.
question 11&15 are based on the following dialogue.
w: hey, do you want to go bike-riding with me?
m: i&d better not. i need to study.
w: where are you going to study?
m: today, i&ll probably go to the library. or maybe i&ll go to a park.
w: you can study in a park? isn&t it noisy?
m: no, it&s usually quiet.
w: i&ve never thought of studying at a park.
m: i like to study in different places. it helps give me new ideas.
w: that&s interesting. i usually study in my room. i&ve always studied there. maybe i should try somewhere else.
m: no need. you&re used to studying at home, so keep doing it. my teacher said you should stay with the best habit. if you always change your habit, you may not do anything well.
w: but you always change the place you study.
m: of course. that&s my habit.
question 16&20 are based on the following dialogue.
m: welcome back. how was your vacation?
w: i am tired after so many hours&flight. but the trip was fantastic. you have got to go to italy some time.
m: i want to. so, tell me about your trip.
w: ok, you know i went with a tour group. i was worried it would be boring, like following a leader. i didn&t
want to be a sheep. but it was actually fun.
m: where did you go?
w: florence, venice, and rome. we went to lots of museums, and we walked around famous squares and shopping centers. everything was like a postcard. i felt like i was dreaming.
m: did you go to the colosseum, the great theater in rome?
w: of course! it&s really big and just like what we see in the movies. it&s not in good shape anymore. you have to imagine how it used to be 2,000 years ago.
m: i wish i could be there, too. the next time you go on vacation, i am going with you!
w: ok. that reminds me. i am reading a book about africa&
iii. passages
a) listen to two people talking about the character of their five friends and match the information in the two columns. the material will be read twice.
m: i have a friend, tony. he leaves his dirty clothes on the floor. when he cooks, he never washes the dishes.
for a while, he had a bicycle on his bed. it is not surprising that he can never find anything.
w: i have a friend, george. when he drinks coffee, he always spills some on his shirt. in the shopping center, he walks into other people all the time. last time he came to our house, he sat on the cat.
m: i have a friend, jamie. when there are other people around, she speaks very little. sometimes she does not speak at all and even runs away. she is quiet at home and at school. you do not even know she is there sometimes.
w: i have a friend, liz. she does not want to share things with other people. when she buys a chocolate bar, she
puts it in a secret place. then she eats it all by herself. she does not care about other people&s feelings. and she never helps anyone.
m: i have a friend, louis. on his seventh birthday, he went on a trip to another city alone. when he was twenty, he drove alone across the united states. and now, he is going mountain climbing in the alps.
b) listen to the following material and fill in each blank with only one word. the material will be read twice.
the first public television broadcast in the united states took place in 1928. the broadcast didn&t reach many
at that time there were only four television sets.
today, 98 percent of american houses have at least one television, and 41 percent have three or more. the average american house has the tv on for 7 hours and 40 minutes every day.
many people are concerned with the effect that so much television has on people-especially children. the average child watches 28 hours of tv a week. the average youths spend 1,023 hours a year watching tv. by the time they finish high school, the average american youths will have seen 16,000 killings on tv.
one group trying to get people to watch less tv is the tv-turnoff network. in 2002, they got 6.5 million
people to stop watching tv for a week.&turn off tv, turn on life,&they say.
上传: 邹桂芽 &&&&更新时间: 10:39:30
&&&&&邹桂芽, 教育教学成绩突出。教学态度认真,治学严谨,具有很强的教学组织能力,08年9月前任英语教研组长,作为高层次引进人才被市教育局引进到新余一中。科研成绩显著,善于指导教师教学科研创作。5位学生被清华北大录取,其中1位是市状元。在省级以上报刊发表教学论文100多篇,与人合著主编书字典共30多部。2011年度全国教育改革优秀教师/优秀教育园丁。带60多位老师从事课题研究、论文写作等科研活动,任课题组长。宜春市优秀青年科技后备人才;市劳模;新余市教育专家团成员/市第二届专家联谊会会员。国家基础教育实验中心高中英语竞赛二等奖,课件制作省级一等奖。省、市2个英语名师工作室负责人。近3年主持的5个国家/省级课题顺利结题。多篇论文获全国优秀论文评选一等奖。《应用文阅读理解专项指导》获第二届全国科研创新成果奖一等奖等。2013年被评为第二届全国中小学外语教师名师,2013年4月获得全国科研成果二等奖。2012年12月江西省(高中英语)优秀网络名师工作室负责人。
2008年9月作为高层次人才被引进到新余一中(全国百强中学,江西省优秀重点中学/ 高中示范学校/十大人民满意学校)
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听力部分(共三大题,计30 分)
i responses(句子应答)(共5 小题;每小题1分,计5 分)
ii dialogues(对话理解)(共15小题;每小题1分,计15 分)
a) 6&10 baccd
b) 11&15 badba
c) 16&20 eadbc
iii. passages(短文理解)(共10 小题;每小题1分,计10 分)
a) 21&25 bcadd
b) 26. university 27. discipline problems 28. science 29. paid well/ paid enough 30. put up/ increase
笔试部分(共七大题,计120 分)
i multiple-choice(选择填空)(共15 小题;每小题1分,计15 分)
31&35 cabdc 36&40 abccc 41&45 adbad
ii cloze(完形填空)(共10 小题;每小题1分,计10 分)
46. grown 47.representing 48.mixture 49. language 50. limited 51. realize 52. against 53. destroyed
54. surprising 55. change/develop
iii. reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共20 小题;每小题2 分,计40 分)
56. c 57. b 58. b 59. f 60. f
61. between 1.5 and 1.9 million.
62. the school religious values and education quality.
63. according to/based on children蒺s interests and questions.
64. 有趣的是,接受在家教育的孩子在全国联考中的阅读和数学成绩往往高于平均成绩。
65. 但是,大多数父母没有时间和意愿在家教育孩子,因此大多数孩子依然在学校接受教育。
66. printed 67. interesting 68.magical/ fantasy 69. entertaining/ interesting 70. immediate
71&75 eacbd
iv. translation(翻译)(共5小题;每小题2 分,计10 分)
76. there are hundreds of newspapers in the uk, including national, regional and local papers.
77. the human (race) has caused the global environmental problems and we have to work together to solve them.
78. it is often not important what we do, but how we do it that catches people&s/one&s attention.
79. most secondary school students take it for granted that their only choice is to enter a university for further education when they graduate from high school.
80. students who do not respect their parents are not qualified for recommendation/to be recommended to peking university.
v. error correction(短文改错)(共10处错误;每处错误1分,计10 分)
bhutan is a country of about 750,000 people in the eastern himalayas. visitors may be
surprising how much culture, tradition and nature are all flourishing in this very private country.
the bhutanese people believes that all forms of life, human and non-human, are precious and
sacred. because&&&&this attitude, they live in harmony with nature and their environment remains
polluted, with an astonishing various of animals, birds and plants. the people live in harmony
with each other either, with no discrimination of any kind.
in order to safeguarding this rich natural environment and peaceful culture, bhutan has
adopted a cautious and controlled approach to tourism. in 2003, there were less than 6000
tourists and this number is not expected to increase greatly. no independent travelers are
all tourists must not go on a pre-planned, prepaid, guided, package tour.
so, if you make the effort and manage to get a visa and arrange a trip, you will certainly have a
life-changing experience in this magical kingdom.
unpolluted variety
vi iq(智力测试)(共5 小题;每小题1分,计5 分)
91. 50, 40 92. e 93. b 94. 7:21 95. a
vii. writing(写作)(共2题;a题满分10分,b 题满分20 分,计30 分)
the way english has been adopted around the world can be presented in three circles. in inner circle countries, english is spoken as a native language, such as britain, new zealand and so on. in outer circle countries, english plays an important role as one of several official languages, often because of colonial links with britain, take india and jamaica for instance. in expanding circle countries, english is taught as a foreign language, for example in brazil, italy and china.
a lot of people think that they are not good at learning a new language. however, experts say that we can learn from the behavior of good language learners to become better at languages.
good language learners try different ways to make their message understood. for example, if the listener does not know a word in their speech, they may try to explain it in some easy words or phrases to make him or her understand. the point is that good language learners are creative and do not easily give up.
in addition, good language learners are prepared to take risks. they understand that making mistakes is natural and is necessary to learn. for example, if someone corrects their vocabulary or grammar, they try to remember instead of becoming shy about speaking.
becoming fluent in a language takes time, it cannot be done in just a few months. however, trying different ways to communicate, taking risks and being prepared to make mistakes will help you be a proficient and confident language learner in the long run.
本题总分为30 分: a)10分;b)20 分。按四个档次给分。
作文词数少于或多于规定词数20词的,从总分中减去2 分。
第四档(很好):a)9&10 分;b)16&20分
完全完成了试题规定的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,符合英语表达习惯, 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,
第三档(好):a)6&8 分;b)11&15分
完成了试题规定的要求,应用的语法结构和词汇能满足题目的要求,符合英语表达习惯, 基本没有语法
第二档(一般):a)3&5分;b)6&10 分
第一档(差):a)1&2 分;b)1&5 分


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