
第一篇:Are Advanced Electronic Products Necessary for College Students ?1、如今不少大学生拥有较高级电子设备,如智能手机、平板电脑等;2、对此人们看法不一;3、我的看法。第二篇:Ideal Friends in My Eyes1、朋友在生活中的重要性;2、朋友的种类;3、我心目中理想的朋友是怎样的。
第一篇:Are Advanced Electronic Products Necessary for College Students?1. 如今,大学生谱表拥有较高级电子设备,如智能手机,电子词典等2. 对此人们看法不一3. 我的看法
On many campuses, it has become a prevalent trend for college students to use various advanced electronic products. Taking a look around, we can find a great many products like this: smart cell phones, E-dictionaries and so on.
A number of individuals favor college students’ using these pieces of equipment. To begin with, as necessary products, they can bring college students more convenience, arouses their awareness of keeping up with IT development. In addition, it is these advanced products that enable students to build up their speed and efficiency. Even so, others hold a different view. First, according to a recent survey on the Internet, a majority of students admit that an iPhone is exceedingly expensive for them. Second, students in mounting numbers have come to realize that advanced products are based on their parents' hard work. As a college student, I am convinced that not all students should purchase these high-tech and expensive products. However, we should advocate and encourage friends and classmates to buy, if they earn money by themselves .第二篇:Ideal Friends in My Eyes1、朋友在生活中的重要性;2、朋友的种类;3、我心目中理想的朋友是怎样的。Ideal Friends in My Eyes
Nowadays,friends play a virtual role in our lives.Friends to us is what wind to a fling.If we have no friends,our lives will like tasteless water,in the mean time,we will not live wonderful lives.
There are many kinds of friends we may come across during our daily lives.Some people with virtue are loyal to the friends the have.But some are not.While a intimate friend is someone who can give you a hand when you are in adversity and fend for each other,instead of that gather with you only when you are affluent or living happily.All of us want to make friends with as many people impossible,but it’s a paradox that people who have a multitude of friends don’t live so happily for the reason that these so called loyal friends are so fickle and unreliable.
On the contrary,those people who have few of friends perhaps lead lives full of happiness.These friends are real friends.The will never leave you in the lurch.
Notwithstanding,faced with the choice of how to make a tradeoff between the aforementioned.Different people from different backgrounds may have different answers.But in my opinion,I would prefer the later rather than the former.As what makes sense is that the qualities of friends does matter rather the quantity of friends.So the ideal friends in my eyes are those who can laugh an cry with you under no circumstances.That’s the point.
出门在外也不愁求大神帮忙写两篇英语作文 题目如下 求原创_百度知道
求大神帮忙写两篇英语作文 题目如下 求原创
以下5个题目中选两篇 每篇200字左右就可以拉 英语渣啊 不想挂科 求大神 不要复制 要原创:1.
Now it has become fashionable for college students to take a part-time job in their spare time.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.2.
Some of you classmates think that more pressure from academic studies is not beneficial to students .You either agree or disagree with them.
To take a part-time job in our spare time is a norm for college students, however, an individual may have to consider his/her own capability and the objectives for doing so.The advantages for taking part-time job is to learn more during the school days and gain more experience prior to his/her graduation. He/she can have more credential and added advantage over those without any working experience such as - to work as IT technician, lab assistant or even sales assistant. Moreover, he/she can make extra money without asking from parents. This can make a student to be more independent. The flipped side of a coin is that one shouldn't over spend his/her time in working and neglect his/her study. By working, regardless, it is part-time or full time, it is stressful and taxing. Hence, time management should be exercised carefully.
英语学习计划 80字好的大大的加分~
初二水平 英语学习计划中要有具体的方法 希望工程中介绍一下希望工程 自己要为希望工程做些什么一定要原创的
English study planEverything needs to be planed carefully before done. And I believe a good plan will help me a lot with my English study.Different people has different plans that suit him only. As for me, I suppose that building up interst always comes the first.Once you love it,you achieve. So some intersting English magazines will be the best choice. Further more, keeping a good habitat is also important. Thus,my plan is not in details, but just list several things that I need to do everyday like listening and reading. With flexible time, I can make my study more easy.The Hope ProjectTHe Hope Project is aimed to help needy people to shake off poverty and illiteracy. Those familes who cannot afford the tuition fees for their little children can send them to the Hope Primary or Junior Schools. People benefit a lot from it and this showed justice in our society. I think this is a matter that concerns to us all. Only we do something to contribute can we create a love world and give the poor people a better life. 你的标题太简单了。我只好照我自己的理解写了。个人能力有限,仅供参考。
谢谢 ~给你加分~
Project Hope
Projet Hope is also the name of a world organisation. Project Hope has worked all around the world since 1989. And it has built schools all over China. People in China and abroad have given 2.2 billion yuan. With this money Project Hope has trained teachers and send students to high schools.
But 40 millions of children from poor families still need help. Because of Project Hope, thousands of children have better lives.
I am going to send money to children in Sichuan Province. Because I’m also one of students in China. In class, our teacher told us something about Project Hope. She said some children in the country couldn't go to school because their parents were too poor to send their children to school. She called on us to help out.
After school I returned home. I wasgreatly moved by this. What should I do for Project Hope? I was wondering about this when I saw the money collection box on the table. Then I decided to send my pocket money, which I had saved for nearly one year, to the children who wanted to go to school. I wrote a letter to them and hurried to the post office. Together with the letter, Iposted the money and sent my best wishes to them.
放学后我回到家中。我被这一切深深地打动了。我该为希望工程做点什么呢?我正在思索着,突然看到桌子上的储蓄盒。于是我决定把我积攒的钱邮给那些盼望上学的农村的孩子们,这些钱是我将近一年的储蓄。我给他们写了一封信,然后急忙朝邮局走去。伴随着信中的衷心祝福我把钱邮了出去。 回答者: ygl65121 - 区域总裁 十三级
14:17 project Hope
In class, our teacher told us something about Project Hope. She said some children in the country couldn't go to school because their parents were too poor to send their children to school. She called on us to help out.
After school I returned home. I wasgreatly moved by this. What should I do for Project Hope? I was wondering about this when I saw the money collection box on the table. Then I decided to send my pocket money, which I had saved for nearly one year, to the children who wanted to go to school. I wrote a letter to them and hurried to the post office. Together with the letter, Iposted the money and sent my best wishes to them.希望工程
上课时老师对我们讲了关于希望工程的事情。她说一些农村的孩子由于他们的父母太贫穷了,不能送他们上学。老师号召我们帮助这些贫困孩子。51-51免 费论文网-网-欢迎您
放学后我回到家中。我被这一切深深地打动了。我该为希望工程做点什么呢?我正在思索着,突然看到桌子上的储蓄盒。于是我决定把我积攒的钱邮给那些盼望上学的农村的孩子们,这些钱是我将近一年的储蓄。我给他们写了一封信,然后急忙朝邮局走去。伴随着信中的衷心祝福我把钱邮了出去。51-51免 费论文网-网-
  记者 张莉萍  今年高考,也是新课改后的第一次高考。近日,市教委发布了2013年高考重庆卷考试说明和考试大纲,语数外、文综、理综各科目都有不小的变化,考生和家长们不妨先看看。  语文 探究评价题、个性阅读题首次出现  2013年高考考查的知识点除了6本必修教材,还加上了选修教材五个模块的一些内容:诗歌与散文、语言文字运用、小说与戏剧。  变化1:死记硬背的减少,灵活题增加  字音字形题部分,原来为两道选择题共6分,今年整合为一个题,分值为3分。灵活主要体现在语言的运用、表达能力及语文素养的整合。  变化2:客观题减少,主观题增加  以往客观题(选择题)有10个,现在为9个。在主观题部分,诗歌增加约1分,大阅读题增加1分,且大阅读题由原来的4个小题变为5个小题,小阅读(论述类)变化最大,由原来的3个选择题变为2个选择题加一个简答题,目前全国只有少数省市是这样的题型。  变化3:探究评价题及个性阅读题约12分  探究评价题及个性阅读题首次出现,分值约12分。主要是论述类阅读最后一题和大阅读的文学类或实用类最后一题,包括散文、小说、人物传记等。  建议:育才中学高三语文备课组组长徐铭莲建议,增加主观题训练,特别是论述类阅读这种新题型,要反复训练。对于要考查的名句名篇,要多背诵。  数学 增加了知识点,部分题型有变化  数学考试难度与去年持平,易中难的比例为3:6:1。  变化1:增加了一些知识点  比如程序语言、框图、三视图、几何概型、茎叶图、幂函数、函数与方程、全称命题与特殊命题。理科还增加了条件概率、4.1平面几何、4.4极坐标与参数方程、4.5不等式等等。  变化2:部分题型发生了变化  主要是理科数学。以前11~15题是5道填空题,今年在填空题的14~16三道题中选做两道。  变化3:突出能力立意,增加了考查数据处理的能力  建议:育才中学高三数学备课组组长郑黎建议,掌握好所有数学基础知识、思想与方法。此外还可以在寒假期间多练计算,提高数学的数与式的计算能力,做到准确快捷。  英语 作文改成两篇,考试时间更紧张了  2013年高考的英语题将出现三大变化。  变化1:完形填空增加到2篇  2013年高考中的完形填空将由一篇增加到两篇,且题材不同。但是,原有的一篇完形填空的分值与现有的两篇完形填空的分值一样。因为原有的一篇完形填空共有20个填空,而2013年高考重庆卷的两篇完形填空各有10个填空,分值仍为每空1.5分,共计30分。建议答题时间为20分钟。  虽然完形填空采用文章增加到两篇,但是总字数保持往年数量,不少于250字。往年一般选择记叙文或说明文,题材增加不排除增加文体的可能性。  变化2:改错题被取消  往年英语卷卷二部分有改错题,一共10个小题,每题一分。而2013年卷二部分的改错题将被取消。  变化3:作文题为大小两题  往年英语卷卷二部分有一个写作题,分值为35分。但2013年将增加一个写作题。  2013年重庆高考考试大纲英语卷样卷上,第一个写作题为开放式作文题,需要考生根据材料发表感想,要求紧扣材料、有明确的观点,词数不小于60,分值为15分。第二个作文题为半开放作文题,考生根据题目要求写一篇规定题材的作文,词数不少于80,分值为20分。一般考生写一篇作文的时间在20到30分钟,两篇作文下来就要50分钟左右。而往年考生一般都只需要40分钟。  建议:育才中学英语备课组组长梁玲建议,提高写作速度,保证卷一客观题的答题时间。建议多做限时训练,把写两篇作文的时间限制在40分钟之内。同时,多背诵经典篇目、好词好句以及高级句型。  物理 增加选做题,总分从120分调整为110分  2013年高考理综中物理部分变化较大,总分也从120分调整为110分。  变化1:增加选做题  2013年高考物理卷将把热学、光学设置为选学模块,在考试中体现为两个选做题。考生可以任选其一来做,或是光学,或是热学。选做题都是一个模块两个小题,其中一个为选择题,另一个为计算题。总分为12分。根据考试大纲物理样卷,选做题难度不大,涉及知识点也比较基础。  变化2:选择题由8个减少到5个  选择题由原来6分一个,一共8个;减少到6分一个,一共5个。选择题总分值由原来的48分减少到30分。按总分110分来算,选择题占去30分,选做题占去12分,因此原本分值为72分的非选择题部分,分值变为68分。  变化3:总分减少10分,部分知识点考查层次微调  物理总分由以往的120分减少到了110分,总体来说知识点和数量变化并不大。但是某些知识点也在考查难易程度上有些微调,比如说环绕速度从以往的第一层次调到了第二层次。  建议:育才中学物理备课组组长陈学瑜建议,首先,应注重主干知识的巩固。  选做题的难度不大,习惯从易到难梯度作答的考生可放在选择题之后作答。计算题和实验题可根据平时答题习惯来作答。寒假期间,考生可多感受生活中的物理现象。  生物 总分从72分增加到90分  理综生物卷总分从72分增加到90分,在试卷结构上,选择题由原来的5个增加到6个,简答题由原来的2个增加到3个。  新教材增加了部分内容,甚至还有近几年生物生命科学研究的内容,比如胚胎工程、生态工程等。与教材配套,2013年高考的知识点也相应发生了改变。  建议:育才中学高三生物教研组长段启辉建议,进行第一轮复习时,一定要吃透考试说明。最好全面掌握各个知识点及要求,同时了解各个知识点之间的关联性。除了基本背诵外,更关键的是学会迁移重要知识点,以及学习将知识与现实生产生活联系起来。  化学 总分从108分降为100分  2013年高考化学卷的总分将从108分降为100分,选择题由8道减为7道。需要考生了解的知识点有所增加,但必须掌握的知识点数量减少了。  建议:育才中学化学研究员严湘冬建议,备考时一定要参照考纲并通读教材,把重要的知识点勾画出来,保证必考知识点的理解和记忆。寒假期间可以适当练题。  政治 灵活性增大,主观题数量较少  2013年政治卷仍然是选择题与主观题两大类。主观题总分不变,但数量由过去的5道减少为4道,也就是说,每一小题的分值增加。但2013年高考将强调知识点的灵活化,命题可能从学生的实际生活切入,也会结合去年和今年的社会热点出题。  知识点的覆盖也将变广。教材《经济生活》和《经济学常识》的知识点大概占到30%,《政治生活》约占24%,《文化生活》约占16%,《生活与哲学》约占30%。  建议:育才中学高三年级政治组备课组组长付有能建议,首先要了解时政消息,积累一定的时政语言。考生不妨尝试自主命题,在自己出题的过程中,了解如何设置问题、切入问题,从出题反推答题。寒假期间,最好将复习过的内容重新梳理一遍。  历史 没有选做题,6本教材都要复习完  历史卷试题难度也将求稳,在沿袭重庆过去出题风格的基础上,再结合新教材命题。不过,今年考查的知识点有所增加。  虽然必修教材考查的知识点比选修教材多,但试卷将把选修内容与必修内容融合在一起,而且重庆没有选做题。这就意味着,考生必须把6本必修与选修教材全部复习完。  根据样卷,今年高考试题命题将强调新材料。命题将更加灵活,教科书上没有的材料也可能出现在考卷中。  建议:育才中学高三历史备课组组长杨国环建议,复习准则是找准线索,考生不妨首先确立一个主题,然后在3本教材中找出该主题的相关知识点,做到知识的融会贯通。寒假期间,考生不要只背零散的知识,要根据自身学习情况进行一个知识的建构管理。  地理 死记硬背的更少了,图形分析要求更高  地理卷在题型、题量、难度上都没有大变化。从样卷分析,2013年重庆高考地理卷将减少死记硬背的知识点,转为灵活考查。图形分析的要求也有适当增加。  建议:育才中学地理备课组组长陈瑜德建议,考生应尽量避免死记硬背。因为图形分析题较多,考生可在寒假期间把之前训练过的图形分析题拿出来再分析,并有意识地提高自己分析图表的能力。
求英文好的各位同学帮忙写两篇作文,要速度和质量啊,急求!!!1. 现在的科技日新月异,各种发明以及高科技产品成为了我们生活中不可缺少的东西,入电脑、笔记本电脑(laptop)、手机(mobile
phone)、MP5、数码相机(digitai camera数码摄影机(DV)等。请以“my favorite invention& 为题描述你最喜欢的一种发明,并说明理由(理由至少有三个方面)。字数八十词左右。2.由于中学生学习时间长,压力大,专家建议学生每天课后应采取适当的方式放松自己。某英文报《学习习作》专栏正在就“学生适当的放松方式”这一话题进行征文。假如你是二十二中初三3班的班长,最近你对班上同学课后放松方式进行了调查。请根据以下调查信息写一篇短文向该报投稿,字数不少于90词。调查对象:二十二中初三3班,人数60人(男31人,女29人),常用放松方式:1.看电视(30人)2..玩电脑游戏(12)人3.听音乐(8人)4.进行体育锻炼(5人)5.没有时间放松(5人) 你的观点:哪一种(些)放松方式是适当的?为什么?
第一篇:How time flies! We're in the 21st century. With the development of science and technology, our life has improved a lot. Many new inventions make our daily life easier and more convenient. Computers,laptops, mobile phones, mp4 and other interesting things have become necessary parts of our life. Among all these things, I like mobile phones best.
The most important advantage of mobile phones is that they can help you communication with your friends and family wherever you go. Because the mobile phone is smart, you can easily take it with you. When you are traveling, you can take some pictures. When you are tired and want to relax yourself, you can enjoy music or play games. All these are not be a dream any more if you have a mobile phone.
How time flies! We're in the 21st century. With the development of science and technology, our life has improved a lot. Many new inventions make our daily life easier and more convenient. Computers,laptops, mobile phones, mp4 and other interesting things have become necessary parts of our life. Among all these things, I like mobile phones best.
The most important advantage of mobile phones is that they can help you communication with your friends and family wherever you go. Because the mobile phone is smart, you can easily take it with you. When you are traveling, you can take some pictures. When you are tired and want to relax yourself, you can enjoy music or play games. All these are not be a dream any more if you have a mobile phone
have asked 60 guys ,31 boys and 29 girls included.The most part of getting relaxed is to watch television , which took up the half of the students.One fifth of the students would like to play computer games or chat with the classmates online. The quantity of guys doing sports are five,which is the same as the student have no time to relax .What's more , the rest of the students would choose to listen to music. In my opinion,listening to music or doing sports is the proper way to get relaxed because after doing about that,you'll be truly relaxed or sweat hard .These are the healthy ways to get relaxed


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