
来源:青年人()& 11:58:13 & 【职称英语考试】
  1 These are their motives for doing it
  A reasons
  B excuses
  C answers
  D plans
  2 The river widens considerably as it begins to turn west
  A twists
  B stretches
  C broadens
  D bends
  3 Henry cannot resist the lure of drugs.
  A abuse
  B flavor
  C temptation
  D consumption
  4 These programmes are of immense value to old people.
  A natural
  B fatal
  C tiny
  D enormous
  5 A great deal has been done to remedy the situation
  A maintain
  B improve
  C assess
  D protect
  6 John is collaborating with Mary in writing an article
  A cooperating
  B competing
  C combining
  D arguing
  7 He is determined to consolidate his power
  A strengthen
  B control
  C abandon
  D exercise
  8 Many scientists have been probing psychological problems
  A solving
  C settling
  B exploring
  D handling
  9 Hearing problems may be alleviated by changes in diet and exercise habits
  A removed
  B cured
  C worsened
  D relieved
  10 And the cars are tested for defects before leaving the factory
  A functions
  C motions
  B faults
  D parts
  11 The food is insufficient for three people.
  A instant
  B infinite
  C inexpensive
  D inadequate
  12 Thousands of people perished in the storm.
  A died
  B suffered
  C floated
  D scattered
  13 But in the end he approved of our proposal
  A undoubtedly
  B certainly
  C ultimately
  D necessarily
  14 For young children,getting dressed is a complicated business.
  A strange
  B complex
  C personal
  D funny
  15 In Britain and many other countries appraisal is now a tool of management.
  A evaluation
  B efficiency
  C production
  D publicity
  1 A motive:动机;reason:理由。这两个词意思比较接近。There is no reason to doubt his word.没有理由不相信他的话。excuse:借口。answer:回答;plan:计划。
  2 C widen和broaden都有"拓宽"的意思。twist:弯曲;stretch:延伸。The forests stretch for hundreds of miles.森林绵延数百英里。bend:弯曲。
  3 C lure:吸引。temptation:吸引。这两个词意思相近。abuse:滥用;flavor:滋味:consumption:消费。
  4 D immense和enormous都有"巨大的"意思。It was an enormous disappointment.此事太令人失望了。natural:自然的;tiny:微小的;fatal:致命的。
  5 B remedy:补救;improve:改进。这两个词意思相近。Herbal medicine can be used to improve our health.草药可用于增进我们的健康。maintain:保持;protect:保护;assess:评估。
  6 A collaborate:合作;勾结;cooperate:合作。 She has agreed to cooperate with the police in the investigation.她同意在调查中跟警察合作。compete:竞争。combine:合并;argue:争论。
  7 A consolidate:巩固;strengthen:巩固,加强。To strengthen his position in Parliament.he held talks with leaders of the Peasant Party.为了加强在国会中的地位,他跟农民党的领导人进行了会谈。control:控制。abandon:放弃;exercise:行使。
  8 B probe:探索;explore:探索。这两个词意思很相近。Both parties are exploring ways of settling the dispute.双方都在寻求解决争端的办法。solve:解决;settle:解决;handle:处理。
  9 D alleviate:减轻。relieve:减轻;变小。remove:去掉;切除。cure:治疗。worsen:严重。
  10 B defect:缺陷;faults:缺陷;function:功能:motion:意向。part:部分。
  11 D insufficient:不充分的;inadequate:不充分的。Supplies of food and medicine are inadequate.食物和药品供应不足。instant:迫切的;infinite:无限的。inexpensive:不贵的。
  12 A perish:死亡;die:死亡。The old man will die soon.这个老人很快会死去o suffer:蒙受;float:漂浮;scatter:散乱。
  13 C in the end:最后;ultimately:最后。The food ultimately arrived at the end of last month.食品终于在上月末运到了。undoubtedly:无疑地;certainly:当然;necessarily:必定地。
  B complicated:复杂的;复杂的。The issue is very complex.这个问题太复杂了。strange:奇怪的;personal.个人的。funny)r:有趣的。
  15 A appraisal:评价;evaluation:评价。Evaluation is standard practice for all training评价是各种教育通常的做法。production:生产;efficiency:效率。publicity:出名。
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重要步骤:我汇完钱后卖答案的不会与你主动联系,考前三天,将我踢出群,我问他为什么,他说汇过钱的都提出来,不解,因为钱已汇出,主动权就不在自己手里了,等呀等(学习英语课件中……),等到25日晚6:30分,QQ留言:卷子拿不出来了,把题干与答案传到手机上来,打电话咨询,对方说已经派人进去了,弄好了就发手机上,晚11点,上QQ,碰到卖家,说:早点休息吧,题出来后就发给你,放心(我晕)晚上一夜没动静,也没休息好,早上6:30出发去考场,7:50发短信说“考前失败,等考中……”,我知道我自己上当了,鬼才等考中呢,还好有幺建华、李玉技、张可华、孙老师撑腰。9:00开考,综C尸体很给力,都被押中了,完型填空15分稳拿,阅读理解15分也差不多,词汇查出10个来,其他的都蒙的,在紧张的查字典中瞬间度过了两个小时,收卷走人。出考场,收到迟来的短信“时间:10:30&&综合C 33号考题,答题卡填33号,不要管自己是多少 ”然后跟答案:《骗子发的综合C---33(答案)》& &可气的是这答案压根就是蒙的,根本就及格不了。如果真信他们,我今年真OVER了,感谢人事局提供的手机信号屏蔽系统,感谢巡考一遍一遍的在我身边走过。考完后在打电话,大家都知道了……
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& Comsenz Inc.来源:青年人()& 11:54:58 & 【职称英语考试】
  Madame Curie
  1 On the eve of the International Women’s day on March 8th,1994,French President Mitterrand made the announcement that Madame Curie was soon to be admitted into the Pantheon—the memorial hall of the French national heroes.The decision, though coming 60 years late,is a great inspiration and gratification to the people.
  2 Madam Curie,born in Warsaw,Poland in 1867,is a French professor of physics,and was taught the value of learning and raised to a patriot by her parents.Due to her gender,she was not allowed admission into any Polish universities after graduating from high school.Eventually,with the monetary assistance of her elder sister,she moved to Paris and studied chemistry and physics at the Sorbonne,where she became the first woman to teach.Although Marie was not as well prepared as her fellow students through hard work she completed master’s degrees in physics and math in only three years.It was at the Sorbonne that she met Pierre Curie who became her husband later.
  3 Just think of the hardship she and her husband went through in those hundreds of days in a damp shed when they tried to extract pure uranium.Madame Curie had to bear both the endless obsessions of strict working style and serious attitude and the excessive heavy work which even a strong man would find hardly possible to endure.Such was her mental and physical burden that Mr. Curie had sighed and said.“The life we’ve chosen is really too hard.”When the Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded to Pierre and Marie Curie in 1903,the great honor quickly changed their lives.Sorbonne University found funds for a laboratory and Marie Curie was hired as “laboratory chief”.
  4 Unfortunately, in 1906 Mr. Curie was killed in a traffic accident.“It is impossible for me to express the profoundness of the crisis brought into my life by the loss of the one who had been my closest companion,” Madam Curie said sadly.Crushed by the blow,she did not feel able to face the future.She could not forget, however:what her husband used sometimes to say,“Even deprived of me,you ought to continue our work. She was left alone to bring up children and,at the same time,persisted in her giant research project on radium.
  5 She refused alI the honors and titles that she deserved and buried herself in science research.She received a second Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1911.So she became the first scientist in the world to win two Nobel Prizes.
  6 Since man’s civilization began,there have been very few women like Madame Curie who so perfectly combined the role of a scientist,a wife and mother.She joined with all readiness organization protecting the patents and copyrights of her fellow scientists.She says that scientists need protection while in laboratories the way a child needs it,so that they may be free from the worries of material life.This,if we may say S0,is Madame Curie’s transfer of maternal love to young scientists.
  23Paragraph 2
  24Paragraph 3
  25Paragraph 4
  26Paragraph 5
  A.Loss of the beloved companion
  B. Maternal love to the fellow scientists
  C. Days of hard studies
  D. Honors given by academic organizations
  E. Experiments at laboratories
  F. Deep commitment to scientific studies
  27Curie’s parents brought her up and taught her to
  28Curie worked so hard at school to
  29Curie chose a hard life at the laboratory with her husband and she had to
  30Curie suggested that scientists should be protected to
  A.endure the extra heavy work
  B. become a person who showed great loyalty to her own country
  C. enjoy the pure life freely without too much material
  D. refuse the honors and titles
  E. complete studies as a postgraduate
  F. express the significance of the crisis
  解析:27.问题问的是:居里夫人的父母教育她要怎样?第二段的Madam Curie,born in Warsaw,Poland in 1867,is a French professor of physics,and was taught the value of learning and raised to a patriot by her parents.提到居里的父母要把她培养成爱国者,注意patriot和loyalty的同义表达。
  28.问题问的是:居里在学校刻苦学习的目的是什么?根据第二段Although Marie was not as well prepared as her fellow students through hard work she completed master’s degrees in physics and math in only three years.得出居里夫人的基础不是很好,因此她刻苦学习并在三年之内获得了学位。
  29.问题问的是:居里夫人选择了和丈夫在实验室中度过艰难的科研生活,她必须要怎样做?第三段的Madame Curie had to bear both the endless obsessions of strict working style and serious attitude and the excessive heavy work which even a strong man would find hardly possible to endure.提到她要承担男性都无法忍受的过量繁重的工作。注意excessive和extra的同义转换。
  30.问题问的是:为什么居里夫人认为科学家应该受到保护?最后一段的She says that scientists need protection while in laboratories the way a child needs it,so that they may be free from the worries of material life.提到这样做的目的是使他们免受物质生活的干扰
  第一篇: Evidence of Ancient Hunters
  Russian and Norwegian scientists have reported finding stone objects and animal bones in the far north of European Russia. The scientists say the objects provide the first evidence that ancient hunters lived in the area more than 30 thousand years ago. They say this is at least 15 thousand years earlier than experts had thought.
  The Russian and Norwegian team worked at a camp along the Usa River and the Arctic Circle. The scientists say they found several ancient stone tools. They also found 123 bones from animals such as horses, reindeer(驯鹿)and wolves.
  The scientists say their most important discovery was a tusk from an ancient elephant called a mammoth(猛犸). The huge, curved tooth was more than l meter long. The tusk is covered with small cuts. The scientists believe humans made the marks with sharp-edged stone tools.
  The scientists used a process known as radiocarbon(放射性碳)dating to measure the age of the tusk. Radiocarbon dating shows the level of a radioactive form of carbon in a substance. The tests showed the tusk is about 36 thousand years old.
  The scientists say they are not sure what kind of humans left the stone objects and bones along the river. They said the people were either early humans called Neanderthals(穴居人,尼安德特人) or modern humans. Modern humans spread through Europe and Asia 30 thousand years ago. The scientists say the ancient people needed a high level of social development to survive in the extremely cold environment.
  The objects were discovered about 300 kilometers northeast of another area where scientists say humans once lived. That area has objects more closely linked to modern humans. Those objects are believed to be about 28 thousand years old.
  Nature magazine also published a report by John Gowlett of the University of Liverpool in England. He said the discovery shows the ability of early humans to do the unexpected. He also said the discovery should renew debate about the effects of the climate on the movements of early human population.
  31.Before people found stone objects and animal bones in the north of European Russia, some experts thought human beings lived in that area about
  A.30 thousand years ago
  B.20 thousand years ago
  C.28 thousand years ago
  D.15 thousand years ago
  解析:问题问的是:在European Russia北部地区发现石头物品和动物骨头前,一些专家认为人类大概多少年前在此地区生活?根据第一段二三句话,这个发现证明古时的猎人在此地区生活大概是在3万多年前,这比专家认为的至少早1.5万年
  32.The following statements are true concerning the significance of the finding EXCEPT that
  A.it brings forwards the time in which ancient hunters lived in that area
  B.it provides the evidence of a high level of ancient human society
  C.it showed the unexpected ability of the early humans
  D.it indicates the effect of climate on the movement of early human population
  33.Which is the most important discovery among the findings
  A.A long elephant tusk.
  B.Ancient stone tools.
  C.123 bones from animals.
  D.mammoth tusk covered with small cuts
  解析:问题问的是:以下哪个是这些发现中最重要的一个?根据第三段第一句their most important discovery was a tusk from an ancient elephant called a mammoth(猛犸),及第三句The tusk is covered with small cuts.可知选项D正确,即带有小的划痕的猛犸象牙
  34.How old is the tusk? About years old
  A.25 thousand
  B.28 thousand
  C.36 thousand
  D.40 thousand
  35.What did the ancient people need to survive in the extremely cold environment
  A.the ability to do the unexpected
  B.a high level of social development
  C.thick clothes
  D.small animals to feed on
  第二篇:Effects of Space Radiation
  Space is a dangerous place, not only because of meteors but also because of rays from the sun and other stars. The atmosphere again acts as our protective blanket on earth. Light gets through, and this is essential for plants to make the food, which we eat. Heat, too, makes our environment endurable. Various kinds of rays come through the air from outer space, but enormous quantities of radiation from the sun are screened off. As soon as men leave the atmosphere they are exposed to this radiation but their spacesuits or the walls of their spacecraft, if they are inside, do prevent a lot of radiation damage.
  Radiation is the greatest known danger to explorers in space. The unit of radiation is called “rem”. Scientists have reason to think that a man can put up with far more radiation than 0.1 rem w the figure of 60 rems has been agreed on. The trouble is that it is extremely difficult to be sure about radiation damage—a person may feel perfectly well, but the cells of his or her sex organs may be damaged, and this will not be discovered until the birth of deformed children or even grandchildren. Missions of the Apollo flights have had to cross belts of high radiation and, during the outward and return journeys, the Apollo crew accumulated a large amount of rems. So far, no dangerous amounts of radiation have been reported, but the Apollo missions have been quite short. We simply do not know yet how men are going to get on when they spend weeks and months outside the protection of the atmosphere, working in a space laboratory. Drugs might help to decrease the damage done by radiation, but no really effective ones have been found so far.
  36.Why is the atmosphere essential to human beings
  A.Because it protects us against the harmful rays from space.
  B.Because it provides sufficient light for plant growth.
  C.Because it supplies the heat necessary for human survival.
  D.Because it screens off the falling meteors
  37.Which of the following statements is true
  A.Exposure to even tiny amounts of radiation is fatal.
  B.The effect of exposure to radiation is slow in coming.
  C.Radiation is avoidable in space exploration.
  D.Astronauts in spacesuits needn’t worry about radiation damage
  38.The harm that radiation has done to the Apollo crew members
  A.is insignificant.
  B.seems overestimated.
  C.is enormous.
  D.remains unknown.
  39.It can be inferred from the passage that
  A.the Apollo mission is very successful.
  B.protection from space radiation is no easy job.
  C.astronauts will have deformed children or grandchildren.
  D.radiation is not a threat to well-protected space explorers
  40.What does the word “deformed” (Para.2) mean
  第三篇:A New Fluoride Optical Fiber
  American Scientists have developed a new kind of wire that can carry telephone messages for long distances. The new fluoride(氧化物)glass wire, or optical fiber, is a major improvement over the optical fibers now used in many modern communication systems.
  Present optical fibers are made from silica glass(石英玻璃). They are not costly to produce, but the signals carried by these silica optical fibers weaken very quickly. A repeater device(转换器) must be built every 50 kilometers to increase or amplify the signals' strength. Such repeater devices are costly and they need electrical power. This creates special problems for optical fiber systems that cross oceans. Long copper wires are needed to carry electricity from shore to repeater devices under the ocean. Repairing the underwater repeaters is costly and takes much time.
  The new fluoride optical fiber is only a little bigger around than a human hair, yet each could carry 10,000 telephone messages at one time for thousands of kilometers. Traditional copper telephone wires can carry only 4 messages. And most importantly, unlike present silica optical fibers, the new fluoride glass wires could carry messages for thousands of kilometers with very few, if any, repeater devices.
  The navy scientists developed the new optical fibers for systems that cross oceans, but they said there also would be many other uses for the fluoride glass wires. The new optical wires could be used for long-distance temperature sensing devices. They could be used in some medical operations.
  Scientists caution that the new fluoride optical fiber still is only experiment. Researchers have not yet been able to make long tiny wires from fluoride glass.
  41.Which of the following statements is NOT true
  A.Silica optical fibers are not expensive to produce.
  B.Signals carried by silica optical fibers are rather weak.
  C.Additional devices are needed for present optical fiber systems.
  D.Repeaters bring about special problems for transoceanic communications.
  解析:问题问的是:下列哪个陈述是不正确的?文章第二段第二句话说the signals carried by these silica optical fibers weaken very quickly.硅光纤承载的信号变弱比较快,而不是B所说的很弱
  42.What is the major advantage of fluoride optical fibers over silica wires
  A.Fluoride glass needs much fewer, if any, repeaters.
  B.Fluoride glass carries more telephone messages.
  C.Fluoride glass is less costly to produce.
  D.Fluoride glass is tinier
  解析:问题问的是:氧化玻璃纤维优于石英玻璃的主要特点是什么?第二段主要说现在使用的石英玻璃做的光纤需要一个转换器,这个转换器很贵而且需要电力,第三段对比新旧产品不同,最后强调新的光纤不需要或是需要很少的转换器,且前面有个词most importantly,表明这一点应该是新产品最大的优势
  43.The new glass wire was designed for
  A.communication systems that cross oceans.
  B.long-distance temperature sensing devices.
  C.some medical operations.
  D.replacing silica optical fibers.
  44.The new fluoride optical fiber is experimental because the newly made glass wire
  A.is quite expensive.
  B.can not yet carry enormous messages.
  C.still needs repeaters.
  D.is not long enough
  45.The writer's main idea is that
  A.present optical fibers are made from silica glass.
  B.silica optical fibers need repeaters to amplify the signals carried.
  C.American scientists have developed a new glass wire to carry long-distance telephone messages.
  D.the new optical fiber has many uses
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